1. Most tornadoes are ? than 2000 feet across. A.less B.more
2. Teleconnections are important in A.creating hurricanes B.creating tornadoes C.single-station
forecasting D.drawing upper air maps E.long-range forecasting
3. Thunderstorms in Florida are primarily due to A.orographic effects B.air convergence at the
surface C.frontal activity D.intense solar heating E.thunderstorms in Florida are due to all of
4. Nor'easters are developed along the ? margin. A.Atlantic B.Pacific C.Nor'easters develop equally
well along the Atlantic or Pacific
5. Sea Breezes typically develop during the A.daytime B.nighttime
6. ? are named in the western Pacific Ocean. A.Hurricanes B.Cyclones C.Typhoons
7. Sferics refers to affects of A.thunder B.tornadoes C.hurricanes D.Katabatic Winds E.lightning
8. For North America, Synoptic Weather Charts are drawn A.every hour B.every 3 hours C.every 6
hours D.every 12 hours E.once a day
9. In Lake Effect Snows A.the air is warm due to adiabatic compression B.the lake water is cold
C.all of the above are true D.none of the above is true
10. The amount of Fetch is especially important in the development of A.extratropical cyclones
B.tornadoes C.Urban Heat Islands D.Lake-Effect Snows E.Fetch is important in developing all of
the these
11. Tornadoes typically form when the air temperature is ? near the ground and ? above. A.warm,
warm B.warm, cold C.cold, cold D.cold, warm
12. Mesocyclones are important precursors to the development of A.tornadoes B.hurricanes
C.mesocyclones are important in the development of both tornadoes and hurricanes
13. Lightning rods ? against lightning damage. A.typically protect not protect
14. ? are formed by downdrafts from desert thunderstorms. A.Katabatic Winds B.Santa Ana Winds
C.Chinook Winds D.Haboobs E.Nor'easters
15. As Katabatic Winds move through valleys, their wind speed typically A.decreases B.increases
C.topography does not affect the characterisitics of Katabatic Winds
16. ? tend to have higher velocity than ?. A.Valley Breezes, Mountain Breezes B.Mountain Breezes,
Valley Breezes Valley Breezes and Mountain Breezes are formed in the same way, they
have the same wind velocities
17. RHI mode on radar is primarily used for A.determining the position of storms B.determining
cloud "tops" C.both of these are important in RHI mode analyses
18. The Saffir-Simpson category is based on A.wind speed B.central pressure of the storm C.storm
surge damage E.the Saffir-Simpson scale assesses all of these in determining the
"category" of a hurricane
19. Continental interiors in tropical regions have ? thunderstorms than seen in temperate regions.
A.fewer B.more C.there isn't much difference in the number of thunderstorms in continental
20. ? are dangerous weather phenomena that occur in southern California. A.Katabatic Winds
B.Santa Ana Winds C.Chinook Winds D.Haboobs E.Nor'easters
21. AWIPS is most often utilized to ? weather data. A.gather B.interpret
22. ? have a distinct "eye". A.tropical depressions B.hurricanes C.tropical disturbances D.tropical
storms E.both hurricanes and tropical storms have distinct "eyes"
23. Which of the following is not true concerning "wind shear"? A.the winds aloft are weaker than
those near the surface often leads to a "tilting" of the updraft C.severe storms have strong
vertical wind shear D.may lead to the development of mesocyclones E.may lead to the
development of tornadoes
24. Dry Line Thunderstorms are typically classified as ? Supercell types. A.HP B.LP depends
upon the type of Dry Line Thunderstorm
25. Boras and Mistrals are most similar to A.Katabatic Winds B.Santa Ana Winds C.Chinook Winds
D.Haboobs E.Nor'easters
26. Most tornadoes have winds speeds ? than 125 knots. A.less B.more
27. The satellite images that we typically see in "weather reports" are from ? satellites. A.PolarOrbiting B.Geosynchronous C.both of these are equally utilized in "weather reports"
28. ? often have warm, moist Maritime Tropical air to the east and warm, dry continental tropical air to
the west, with a cold dry Continental Polar air mass situated to the northwest. A.Dry Line
Thunderstorms B.Mesoscale Convective Complexes C.Air Mass Thunderstorms D.this is a
typical "setup" for all of these thunderstorm types
29. Derecho is most similar to ? in formation. A.tornadoes B.hurricanes C.straight-line winds
D.derecho is similar to all of these
30. Entrainment leads to a ? in air temperature. A.decrease B.increase depends upon if it is at
the "wet" or "dry" adiabatic rate
31. For determining jet stream activity, upper-air maps would probably be most likely contoured at the
? millibar level. A.50 B.250 C.350 D.450 E.550
32. You hear the thunder 15 seconds after you see the lightning flash. The lightning storm is
approximately ? miles away. A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 E.5
33. ? clouds tend to be "cauliflower-like". A.cumulus B.cumulonimbus C.nimbostratus D.altostratus
E.cumulus congestus
34. ? are of wider extent than ?. A.microbursts, macrobursts B.macrobursts, microbursts C.these
refer to the same phenomenon
35. "Overshooting" occurs during the ? stage of storm development. A.Cumulus B.Mature
36. When cold air advection occurs troughs are typically ? and ridges are typically ?. A.strengthened,
strengthened B.strengthened, weakened C.weakened, weakened D.weakened, strengthened
37. Lower level winds that may lead to tornado formation are ?; the upper -level winds are typically ?.
A.easterly, northerly B.northerly, easterly C.southerly, westerly D.westerly, southerly
E.southerly, northerly
38. Vertical Wind Shear is especially important in the development of A.tornadoes B.hurricanes
C.vertical wind shear is important in the development of both tornadoes and hurricanes
39. The most important factor in the development of hurricanes is A.easterly waves in the Doldrums
B.strong ENSO events C.warm water D.a steep lapse rate E.all of the above are equally
important in the development of hurricanes
40. Cumulonimbus clouds are characteristic of the ? stage of storm development. A.Cumulus
B.Mature C.Dissipating
41. Hail is associated with ? clouds. A.cumulus congestus B.nimbostratus C.cumulonimbus D.hail
may be associated with any of these cloud types
42. Upper Air Observations are conducted A.every hour B.every 3 hours C.every 6 hours D.every
12 hours E.once a day
43. Lightning Direction Finders are based on the fact that lightning affects A.barometric pressure
B.wind speed C.wind direction D.temperature waves
44. The peak month of hurricane destruction in the Gulf of Mexico is typically A.June B.July
C.August D.September E.October
45. "Monsoon Active" and "Monsoon Dormant Phases" typically last about A.1 week B.2 to 3 weeks
C.4 to 6 weeks D.3 months E.6 months
46. In the mid-latitudes, thunderstorms are ? common in Summer than in Winter. A.less B.more
C.there is little difference in the number of thunderstorms in the mid-latitudes in Summer versus
47. LLWSAS is used to analyze A.barometric pressure changes B.upper air observations C.wind
shear D.Doppler Radar E.tornadoes
48. Observations at the Automated Surface Observing System stations are conducted A.every hour
B.every 3 hours C.every 6 hours D.every 12 hours E.once a day
49. Most North American tornadoes are associated with A.Mesoscale Convective Complexes B.MidLatitude Cycones C.most North American tornadoes are associated with Mesoscale Convective
Complexes formed within Mid-Latitude Cyclones
50. Air Mass Thunderstorms A.often produce severe weather B.typically do not produce severe
51. Prog Charts show A.current weather B.possible future weather depends upon the type of
Prog Chart
52. Antarctica is especially affected by A.Katabatic Winds B.Santa Ana Winds C.Chinook Winds
D.Haboobs E.Nor'easters
53. Most tornadoes are classified as ? on the Fujita Scale. A.weak B.strong C.violent D.the number
of tornadoes is divided evenly among these three categories
54. The Organizing Stage of tornado formation occurs ? the Dust-Whirl Stage. A.before B.after
C.these are the same stage
55. Valley Breezes are created during the A.daytime B.nightime C.Valley Breezes are created in the
daytime by warm air, nightime by cool air
56. ? often develop in the western half of Texas and Oklahoma, especially during the Spring and
Early Summer. A.Dry Line Thunderstorms B.Mesoscale Convective Complexes C.Air Mass
Thunderstorms D.all of these often develop in the western half of Texas and Oklahoma during the
Spring and Early Summer
57. Tropical cyclones are first given names when they become A.tropical depressions B.hurricanes
C.tropical disturbances D.tropical storms
58. The opaque layers within a hailstone are termed A.glaze B.rime C.the opaque layers may be
glaze or rime
59. Hurricanes ? form at the equator. A.cannot B.may C.typically
60. The upper part of a thundercloud typically has a ? charge. A.negative B.positive could be
negative or positive
61. During the Dissipating Stage of storm development, the ? overcomes the ?. A.downdraft, updraft
B.updraft, downdraft C.during the dissipating stage, downdrafts and updrafts are "in balance"
62. Subsidiary vortices are often associated with A.Severe Thunderstorms B.Supercell
Thunderstorms C.Mesoscale Convective Complexes D.Air Mass Thunderstorms E.Tornadoes
63. ? have a distinct coriolis rotation and winds from 39 to 74 miles per hour. A.tropical depressions
B.hurricanes C.tropical disturbances D.tropical storms
64. During the Shrinking Stage of tornado formation, the tornado not dangerous B.can still be
65. Ball lighting is A.rare B.common
66. Most tornadoes in "Tornado Alley" move from A.northeast to southwest B.southwest to northeast depends upon the type of tornado
67. The Enhanced Fujita Scale was introduced because it is believed that wind speeds in the original
F Scale were ?-estimated. A.under B.over
68. Snowbelts typically develop ? from large lakes. A.upwind B.downwind C.snowbelts can form
anywhere around the large lake
69. ? often are Multicell Storms. These storms typically develop during the warmest part of the day.
A.Severe Thunderstorms B.Supercell Thunderstorms C.Mesoscale Convective Complexes D.Air
Mass Thunderstorms
70. Dust Domes and Dust Plumes typically develop because of A.Katabatic Winds B.Santa Ana
Winds C.Chinook Winds D.Haboobs E.the Urban Heat Island Effect
71. In the Stephenville area, most uplift of air parcels is due to A.orographic effects B.air
convergence at the surface C.frontal activity D.intense solar heating E.all of these are equally
important in the Stephenville area
72. Lake Effect Snows typically occur during A.Autumn B.Late Winter C.they occur equally during
Autumn and Late Winter
73. Thunder is due to ? by lightning. A.heating B.ionization C.thunder is due both to heating and
ionization by lightning
74. During the Cumulus Stage ? are dominant. A.updrafts B.downdrafts C.during the Cumulus
Stage, updrafts and downdrafts are present, creating convection cells
75. ? often develop wind shear that is dangerous to aircraft. A.microbursts B.macrobursts
76. The Convective Condensation Level is at the ? of the cloud. A.base C.the entire cloud is
within the Convective Condensation Level
77. Which of the following represent cyclonic circulation? A.hurricane B.tornado C.severe
thunderstorm D.dust devil E.all of these represent cyclonic circulation
78. Ordinary Thunderstorms are also termed ? A.Severe Thunderstorms B.Supercell Thunderstorms
C.Mesoscale Convective Complexes D.Air Mass Thunderstorms E.Ordinary Thunderstorms may
include any of these
79. Lightning is initiated as a series of A.stepped leader strokes B.streamer strokes C.the initial
stages of lightning formation may involve either stepped leader or streamer strokes
80. During the Summer Monsoons, a ?-pressure center forms over Afghanistan. A.low B.high
depends upon whether it is a "Monsoon Active"- or "Monsoon Dormant Phase"
81. ? heats more rapidly than ?. A.water, land, water C.water and land heat at about the
same rate
82. ? often form a nearly circular cluster of many interacting thunderstorms covering many thousands
of square kilometers. A.Dry Line Thunderstorms B.Mesoscale Convective Complexes C.Air
Mass Thunderstorms
83. In Supercell Thunderstorms the ? exceeds the ?. A.updraft, downdraft B.downdraft, updraft
Supercell Thunderstorms the updraft and downdraft is nearly in balance
84. ? is a bright electric discharge that is typically projected from pointed objects in a strong electric
field. A.sheet lightning B.heat lightning C.ribbon lightning D.forked lightning E.St. Elmo's Fire
85. Heavy precipitation and hail often falls along the middle and ? portion of a Supercell
Thunderstorm. A.eastern B.western C.heavy precipitation and hail may fall along all portions of
a Supercell Thunderstorm
86. ? lightning is specifically due to the presence of strong winds. A.sheet B.heat C.ribbon D.forked
87. Gust fronts often develop during the ? stage of storm development. A.Cumulus B.Mature
88. ? are low, elongate, wedge-shaped clouds with a flat base that form when stable air rises up and
over cooler air at the surface. A.Gust fronts B.Roll Clouds C.Arcus Clouds D.Mesocyclones
E.Funnel Clouds
89. The Urban Heat Island Effect typically develops when synoptic-scale winds are A.weak B.strong
C.wind development has nothing to do with the development of the Urban Heat Island Effect
90. Possible tornado formation may be indicated by all of the following except A.wall clouds
B.mammatus clouds C.hook-shaped radar echoes D.funnel clouds E.easterly waves
91. Multicell thunderstorms are often caused by uplift along A.Gust fronts B.Roll Clouds C.Arcus
Clouds D.Mesocyclones E.Funnel Clouds
92. ? often develop on the east side of the Rocky Mountains. They often lead to episodes of rapid
temperature increase. A.Katabatic Winds B.Santa Ana Winds C.Chinook Winds D.Haboobs
93. Dust Devils are due to A.intense surface heating B.development of cyclonic systems due to
upper level steering winds C.all of the above are important in the formation of dust devils
94. ? are usually warm-season, nocturnal and typically form within the eastern United States.
A.Severe Thunderstorms B.Supercell Thunderstorms C.Mesoscale Convective Complexes D.Air
Mass Thunderstorms E.Dry Line Thunderstorms
95. Foehns are most similar to A.Katabatic Winds B.Santa Ana Winds C.Chinook Winds
D.Haboobs E.Nor'easters
96. Most thunderstorms are due to the destabilization of ? air. A.cP B.cA C.cT D.mP E.mT
97. ? are due to adiabatic heating. A.Katabatic Winds B.Santa Ana Winds C.Chinook Winds
D.Haboobs E.Nor'easters
98. Nor'easters are typically accompanied by ? weather. A.mild B.stormy depends upon the
direction of the Nor'easter
99. Topography ? the development of Lake Effect Snows. A.affects B.does not affect
100. During condensation energy is A.stored B.released depends upon the lapse rate
101. The Indian Subcontinent receives most of its rain during the ? Monsoons. A.Summer B.Winter
102. ? often develop at random in maritime tropical air. They are usually short-lived summer
thunderstorms. A.Severe Thunderstorms B.Supercell Thunderstorms C.Mesoscale Convective
Complexes D.Air Mass Thunderstorms
103. The formation of several streamer and leader strokes in lightning is A.rare B.common
104. Santa Ana Winds develop in regions of ? atmospheric pressure. A.lower B.higher C.pressure
does not affect Santa Ana Winds
105. Raindrops and ice crystals first begin to fall during the ? stage of storm development.
A.Cumulus B.Mature C.Dissipating
106. The height of a cloud top ? be correlated with the severity of a thunderstorm. A.can B.cannot
107. Thunderstorms represent ? weather. A.synoptic scale B.mesoscale C.microscale depends
upon the type of thunderstorm
108. As the electrical potential is reduced, the amount of lightning A.decreases B.increases
109. In ? lightning, you will see the lightning flash but will not hear thunder. A.sheet B.heat C.ribbon
D.forked E.ball
110. Doppler Radar is used to analyze A.microbursts B.tornadoes C.hurricanes D.severe
thunderstorms E.Doppler Radar is useful because it can detect movement of air associated
with severe weather, including all of the above
111. If lightning hits an automobile, the passengers A.may be in danger B.are probably safe
112. Most tornadoes occur during the ? part of the day. A.coolest B.warmest C.there is no
correlation between diurnal temperature and tornado formation
113. Waterspouts are formed A.from tornadoes B.over warm coastal waters C.waterspouts may be
formed either way; it depends upon the type of waterspout
114. Relative humidity typically goes ? during a Sea Breeze. A.down B.up C.Sea Breezes do not
affect relative humidity
115. The present weather is A.snow B.snow shower C.thunderstorms D.freezing rain E.fog
116. The dew point temperature is ? degrees. A.05.9 B.5.9 C.59 D.5.5 E.55
117. The current air temperature is ? degrees. A.05.9 B.5.9 C.59 D.5.5 E.55
118. The wind direction is A.north B.south
119. The wind speed is ? knots. A.1-2 B.3-7 C.8-12 D.18-22 E.48-52
120. The barometric pressure is ? millibars. A.590 B.905.9 C.959 D.1000.59 E.1005.9
121. The cloud cover is clouds B.1/8 C.scattered D.4/8 E.5/8
122. The wind direction is A.northwest B.northeast C.southeast D.southwest
123. The barometric pressure is A.1007.2 B.1005.6 C.913.8 D.1013.8 E.1000.138
124. This is a ? front. A.cold B.warm C.occluded D.stationary
125. This is a ? front. A.cold B.warm C.occluded D.stationary
126. This is a ? front. A.cold B.warm C.occluded D.stationary
127. This weather pattern represents an A.anticyclone B.ENSO event C.mesocyclone
D.midlatitude cyclone E.ridge