

1. The most common atmospheric instability type is typically ? instability. A.absolute B.conditional

C.these are equally common

2. The rain in Seattle, Washington is primarily due to A.intense solar heating B.heating of air masses as they traverse warm surfaces C.orographic lifting D.frontal wedging E.convergence

3. Crepuscular rays are due to ? in the atmosphere. particles B.dust and tiny water droplets

C.both may produce crepuscular rays

4. The classic "desert mirage" is a ? mirage. A.inferior B.superior may be inferior or superior

5. Low-level convergence is typically associated with ? atmospheric pressures. A.lower B.higher

C.there is no correlation between low-level convergence and pressure

6. Air subsidence often leads to the ? of clouds. A.formation B.dissipation

7. For precipitation to reach the Earth's surface, the updraft is ? than the terminal velocity. A.less


8. ? clouds form "thunderheads". A.stratus B.cumulus C.cumulonimbus D.nimbostratus


9. ? are caused by an optical reflection; they may form above or below the Sun. A.haloes B.sun dogs C.sun pillars D.optical coronas E.glories

10. Evaporation rates ? with latitude. A.vary not vary

11. Low-level temperature inversions are often due to A.radiational cooling B.subsidence C.both of these processes are equally important

12. ? are high-latitude clouds; they often form in winter, high within the stratosphere. A.fractus

B.cumulus congestus C.mammatus D.lenticular altocumulus E.nacreous

13. ? are produced by refraction of light, which appears on either side of the Sun. A.haloes B.sun dogs C.sun pillars D.optical coronas E.glories

14. ? humidity is the mass of water vapor per unit volume of air. A.specific B.relative C.absolute

D.all of these represent the mass of water vapor per unit volume of air

15. Electrical hygrometers are used to measure A.temperature B.atmospheric humidity C.electrical hygrometers measure both temperature and atmospheric humidity

16. ? is associated with temperature inversions; it often produces glaze when it freezes on a cold surface. A.sleet B.snow C.hail D.graupel E.freezing rain

17. Altostratus clouds are ? clouds. A.low B.middle C.high

18. Snow is "officially" measured as A.undrifted "solid" snow depth B.meltwater equivalents depends upon what you want to measure; it can be measured in either way

19. Altimeters calculate altitude based upon differences in air A.pressure B.temperature

20. Adiabatic heating will occur if air parcels A.expand B.are compressed C.either one of these processes will lead to adiabatic heating

21. Looming is associated with ? mirages. A.inferior B.superior

22. ? Fog is due to orographic lifting. A.Steam B.Frontal C.Upslope D.Advection E.Radiation

23. ? consists of "snow pellets". A.sleet B.snow C.hail D.graupel E.freezing rain

24. ? may be observed as faint white rings surrounding your head on a dew-covered lawn early in the morning. A.haloes B.sun dogs C.heiligenschein D.optical coronas E.glories

25. Air that is cooler than the surrounding air would A.rise B.sink

26. ? are colored rings around the Moon or Sun due to diffraction around spherical cloud droplets.

A.haloes B.sun dogs C.sun pillars D.optical coronas E.glories

27. The purpose of cloud seeding is to A.add moisture to the atmosphere B.provide hygroscopic nuclei C.both of these may result from cloud seeding

28. Air ? is force per unit area confining a fluid. A.density B.pressure C.this defines both density and pressure

29. ? clouds may be formed from meteoric dust particles within the mesosphere. A.fractus

B.cumulus congestus C.mammatus D.noctilucent E.nacreous

30. The Standard Atmosphere at sea level is A.69 degrees Fahrenheit B.1013.25 millibars C.the

Standard Atmosphere is 69 degrees Fahrenheit and 1013.25 millibars

31. Most of the rain in Stephenville, Texas is due to A.intense solar heating B.heating of air masses as they traverse warm surfaces C.orographic lifting D.frontal wedging E.convergence

32. The most common type of ? is a 22° ?; there is also a 46° ?. A.halo B.sun dog C.sun pillar

D.glory E.optical corona

33. Primary Rainbows are ? than Secondary Rainbows. A.brighter B.dimmer C.there is no difference in "brightness" of primary versus secondary rainbows

34. The production of concentric milky rings and clear rings in hailstones can be explained by

A.differences in the amount of moisture in the cloud B.falling ice crystals C.strong updrafts moving the hailstones into the "anvil" D.differences in temperatures in the cloud E.electrostatic discharges in the cloud

35. A greater depression of "wet bulb" temperature indicates a ? relative humidity. A.lower B.higher

36. A ? is a complex image where castle-like figures appear and dissapear. A.halo B.sun dog C.sun pillar D.optical corona E.Fata Morgana

37. In order to observe a rainbow, the Sun has to be your back front of you doesn't matter where the Sun is positioned

38. The ? process is probably most responsible for rain in the tropics. A.collision-coalescence

B.Bergeron C.both of these processes are equally important in the tropics

39. ? are also termed parhelia. A.haloes B.sun dogs C.sun pillars D.optical coronas E.glories

40. The processes that produce frost are very similar to those that produce. A.dew B.freezing rain

C.sleet D.the processes that produce frost are very similar to all of these

41. Hail is associated with ? clouds. A.cumulus B.cumulonimbus C.stratus D.nimbostratus

E.lenticular altocumulus

42. In order to observe ?, you would need to be looking "down" upon the top of the clouds. A.haloes

B.sun dogs C.sun pillars D.optical coronas E.glories

43. ? clouds are rare, silvery-blue clouds observed at high latitudes during summer around midnight.

A.noctilucent B.cumulus congestus C.mammatus D.lenticular altocumulus E.nacreous

44. Nocturnal thunderstorms are often specifically caused by A.intense solar heating B.heating of air masses as they traverse warm surfaces C.radiation cooling of cloud tops D.frontal wedging


45. ? Fog is common over lakes on Fall mornings. A.Steam B.Frontal C.Upslope D.Advection


46. The desert region of the Great Basin in Nevada is situated on the ? side of mountains.

A.windward B.leeward

47. In a Superior Mirage, the air near the ground is ? than that above. A.warmer B.cooler C.mirages are due to atmospheric humidity, not temperature

48. ? are typically used in radiosondes. A.psychrometers B.infrared hygrometers C.dew cells

D.electrical hygrometers E.all of the above are often used in radiosondes

49. ? are produced by refraction and internal reflection of sunlight by raindrops. A.haloes B.sun dogs

C.sun pillars D.optical coronas E.rainbows

50. ? are often termed "mares' tails"; they are very "feathery". A.altostratus B.stratus C.cirrostratus

D.cirrocumulus E.cirrus

51. ? often forms just north of a center of low pressure; it is created where the temperature is below freezing from the cloud to the ground. A.sleet B.snow C.hail D.graupel E.freezing rain

52. "Fair" weather is often associated with ? atmospheric pressure. A.low B.high

53. Which of the following is a low level saturation process? A.dew B.frost C.fog D.all of these are low level saturation processes

54. If the environmental lapse rate is less than the wet adiabatic rate, there is ? of the air parcel.

A.absolute stability B.absolute instability C.conditional instability

55. ? clouds create a formless layer of grayish clouds that cover a large portion of the sky; the Sun is visible through the clouds as a bright spot. A.altostratus B.stratus C.cirrostratus D.cirrocumulus


56. ? measure the amount of water vapor in the air by measuring the air's actual vapor pressure.

A.psychrometers B.infrared hygrometers C.dew cells D.electrical hygrometers E.all of the above measure the vapor pressure of the air

57. The terminal velocities of individual water droplets in a cloud ? the same. A.are always B.are not

58. "Sunbeams" are A.haloes B.sun dogs C.sun pillars D.rainbows E.crepuscular rays

59. Which of these is not a "continuously recording" type of rain gauge? A.standard rain gauge

B.tipping bucket rain gauge C.weighing bucket rain gauge

60. ? clouds have "vertical development". A.stratiform B.cumuliform C.both stratiform and cumuliform have "vertical development"

61. Hygroscopic nuclei ? present for condensation to take place. A.have to be B.don't have to be

62. Warm, humid areas are often associated with ? of air parcels. A.absolute stability B.absolute instability C.conditional instability D.warm, humid areas are typically characterized by neutral air layers

63. ? is also termed "precipitation fog"; it is created where raindrops fall through (and evaporate in) a cold air mass. A.Steam B.Frontal C.Upslope D.Advection E.Radiation

64. In Upper Level Inversions the "upper level" air is compressed ? than the air near the Earth's surface. A.less B.more

65. ? are "mother-of-pearl" clouds. A.fractus B.cumulus congestus C.mammatus D.lenticular altocumulus E.nacreous

66. Colder air holds ? moisture than warmer air. A.less B.more

67. ? often occurs over marshy areas or wet soils; it is created where humid air lies over a chilled surface. A.Steam B.Frontal C.Upslope D.Advection E.Radiation

68. Lower atmospheric temperatures typically produce ? atmospheric pressures. A.lower B.higher

C.there is no correlation between atmospheric temperature and pressure

69. A neutral air layer would have a temperature that is ? than the surrounding air. A.colder

B.warmer C.the temperature of a neutral air layer would be the same as the surrounding air temperature

70. Contrails are A.low-level condensation processes streets C.fractus clouds D.produced by aircraft E.mammatus clouds

71. 29.55 inches of mercury would be ? than average barometric pressure. A.lower B.higher

72. In the ? process, water droplets evaporate and water vapor is deposited on ice crystals.

A.collision-coalescence B.Bergeron C.this describes both of these processes of raindrop formation

73. Drizzle is often associated with ? clouds. A.cumulus B.cumulonimbus C.stratus D.nimbostratus


74. In an Upper Level Inversion the "upper level" air is ? than the air near the Earth's surface.

A.warmer B.colder C.the air temperature is the same

75. ? clouds form "mackerel skies". A.altostratus B.stratus C.cirrostratus D.cirrocumulus E.cirrus

76. Air parcels in temperate regions would have a ? adiabatic lapse rate than air parcels in tropical regions. A.lower B.higher C.the lapse rate is always the same, no matter what latitude

77. The employment of air-mixing techniques to prevent frost is primarily to A.dissipate the frost due to evaporation B."break up" the temperature inversion C.air-mixing technques involve both of these to prevent frost

78. The "official" measurement of rainfall is in ? of an inch. A.tenths B.hundredths C.thousandths

79. A shaft of falling precipitation that evaporates before reaching the ground is termed A.graupel

B.virga C.mist D.glaze E.drizzle

80. A ? rain gauge can measure the amount of all forms of precipitation. A.standard B.tipping bucket

C.weighing D.all of these are used to measure the amount of all forms of precipitation

81. ? clouds are low, thick, fog-like clouds. A.stratus B.cumulus C.cumulonimbus D.nimbostratus


82. Condensation takes place if temperature A.falls below the dew point B.exceeds the dew point

83. ? are created due to the presence of tiny ice crystals. A.haloes B.sun dogs C.sun pillars

D.parhelia E.all of these are due to the presence of tiny ice crystals

84. Dew is primarily formed by A.radiational cooling B.subsidence with temperature inversion C.dew is primarily formed by both radiational cooling and subsidence with temperature inversion

85. Which of the following is not true concerning evaporation rates? A.increased with higher water temperature B.increase if there is a lot of water vapor in the air C.increase if there is higher wind speed D.all of these are true concerning evaporation rates

86. The fog in San Francisco Bay is primarily ? Fog. A.Steam B.Frontal C.Upslope D.Advection


87. Psychrometers measure A.barometric pressure B.humidity C.psychrometers measure both barometric pressure and humidity

88. ? clouds are often associated with severe atmospheric instability; they may be "indicators" of potential tornadic activity. A.fractus B.cumulus congestus C.mammatus D.lenticular altocumulus E.nacreous

89. In cloud formation, the dew point temperature is reached at the A.Frost Point B.Convective

Condensation Level C.the Frost Point is the Convective Condensation Level

90. ? are "flying saucer-looking" clouds developed on the leeward side of mountains. A.fractus

B.cumulus congestus C.mammatus D.lenticular altocumulus E.nacreous

91. ? Fog is also termed "ground fog" or "valley fog". A.Steam B.Frontal C.Upslope D.Advection


92. ? often form a halo around the Sun or Moon. A.altostratus B.stratus C.cirrostratus

D.cirrocumulus E.cirrus

93. Descending air parcels on the leeward sides of mountains would change temperature according to the ? Adiabatic Rate. A.Dry B.Wet could be either the Dry or Wet Adiabatic Rate

94. ? clouds are "crowded into heaps". A.fractus B.cumulus congestus C.mammatus D.lenticular altocumulus E.nacreous

95. Condensation takes place when the temperature of the Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate ? the temperature of the Dew Point Lapse Rate. A.exceeds less than C.equals

96. The Wet Adiabatic Lapse Rate is ? than the Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate. A.less B.greater C.the

Wet and Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rates are the same

97. Cirrostratus clouds are ? clouds. A.low B.middle C.high depends upon the type of cirrostratus cloud

98. ? clouds are thick, dark clouds that often produce steady precipitation. A.stratus B.cumulus

C.cumulonimbus D.nimbostratus E.stratocumulus

99. The lower the humidity the ? the air pressure. A.lower B.higher C.there is no correlation between atmospheric humidty and pressure

100. ? clouds are low clouds that are thick, but form wave-like "globules". A.stratus B.cumulus

C.cumulonimbus D.nimbostratus E.stratocumulus
