1. Plant photosynthesis can probably best explain the presence of ? in the atmosphere. A.nitrogen B.methane
C.water vapor D.oxygen E.all of the above
2. Oceans have suspension feeders; terrestrial environments do not. This is most likely because of A.salinity
B.temperature C.dissolved gases D.light E.viscosity
3. Sedimentologists have determined that traces of organisms can be used to determine ancient water depth,
termed paleobathymetry. The Skolithos assemblage (burrows) is found in intertidal environments; the
Cruziana and Nereites assemblages (invertebrate trails) are found further offshore. These assemblages
represent A.molds B.carbonized films C.ichnofossils D.steinkerns E.coprolites
4. New species arise from preexisting ones as a result of ? acting on ?. A.natural selection, inherited variations
B.natural selection, the struggle for existence C.inherited variations, natural selection D.inherited variations,
struggle for existence
5. Divergent boundaries would produce which of the following rock types? A.rhyolite B.eclogite C.basalt
D.andesite E.peridotite
6. Adaptive Radiation pertains to the ? of species. A.origin B.extinction
7. Plesiosaurs are Triassic- to Cretaceous-age aquatic reptiles (these are what the Loch Ness monster is
supposed to be). From studies of bone shape and position of muscle attachments, it has been determined that
they moved their flippers in the same manner that birds move their wings during flight. The discovery that
plesiosaurs swam by means of subaqueous flight was determined primarily by studies of A.embryology
B.paleoecology C.morphology D.evolution E.paleozoogeography
8. Temperate biomes typically have ? species diversity than tropical biomes. A.less B.more C.there is no
difference in species diversity between temperate and tropical biomes
9. Within the Upper Jurassic of Germany, fish and ichthyosaur (dolphin-like reptile) fossils are preserved by
which the outline of the body may be discerned as a dark film. This type of fossil preservation is termed
A.replacement B.carbonization C.permineralization D.recrystallization E.molds and casts
10. Oceanic Plates A.are termed sialic B.are made of basaltic material C.are produced along subduction zones
D.have a low specific gravity E.all of the above are true concerning oceanic plates
11. The aphotic zone is ? the photic zone. A.above B.below C.it depends upon the depth of water
12. Turritella is a common fossil snail found in the Lower Cretaceous of central Texas. The most common
fossil preservation found in these fossils consists of an impression of the inner cavity of the snail. These
fossils represent A.molds B.carbonized films C.ichnofossils D.steinkerns E.coprolites
13. In Petrified Forest National Park, we have determined that different Triassic-age fossil vertebrates are found
in fluvial versus lacustrine environments. This analysis involves primarily studies of A.palynology
B.paleobotany C.morphology D.invertebrate paleontology E.paleoecology
14. Individuals of a ? can interbreed and produce viable offspring. A.kingdom B.class C.genus D.species
15. Obduction occurs where an oceanic plate ? a continental or another oceanic plate. A.overrides B.dives
16. According to the theory of Thomas Malthus, populations exhibit ? growth. A.linear B.exponential C.all of
the above D.none of the above
17. Autotrophs are at a ? trophic level. A.low B.high C.trophic levels have nothing to do with autotrophs
18. In the Edwards Formation of central Texas, rudist bivalves formed large reef-like structures during the
Lower Cretaceous. Through the action of groundwater, small micrite crystals alter to large crystals of sparry
calcite of the same composition. This type of fossilization is termed A.replacement B.carbonization
C.permineralization D.recrystallization E.molds and casts
19. Which of the following is true concerning extinction? A.most likely to occur in species with large
populations B.extinction is relatively rare in the fossil record C.there have been about six episodes of mass
extinction during the Phanerozoic D.extinction is more likely to occur in species that live in broad
geographic areas E.causes of extinction are typically easily determined in the fossil record
20. Genes are A.concentrated in chromosomes B.are found in the cell nucleus C.are segments of DNA D.all
of the above are true E.none of the above is true
21. ? was the ship's naturalist on the H.M.S. Beagle. He wrote The Origin of Species by Means of Natural
Selection in 1859. A.Malthus B.Wallace C.Darwin D.Huxley E.Owen
22. ? are chemical changes in genetic features. A.gametes B.zygotes C.populations D.gene pools E.mutations
23. The lebensborn movement attempted to A.exterminate all "non-aryan" peoples in Germany B.inforce
Social Darwinism on the German peoples C.create a "master race" of aryans D.all of the above E.none of
the above
24. The egg and sperm are A.gametes B.zygotes C.populations D.gene pools E.mutations
25. The best way in which speciation occurs is probably by ? A.isolating a population B.causing populations
of animals to increase tremendously in geographic extent
26. ? was an English economist who wrote the Essay on Population. A.Malthus B.Wallace C.Darwin
D.Huxley E.Owen
27. The number of individuals within a species typically A.decreases B.increases C.remains approximately the
28. ? boundaries are the site of most major earthquakes. A.divergent B.convergent C.transform
29. The concept that evolutionary change occurs in fits and spurts followed by long periods with little change is
A.punctuated equilibrium B.phyletic gradualism C.all of the above D.none of the above
30. ? is the continuous genetic adaptation of organisms or species to the environment. A.evolution B.extinction
C.all of the above D.none of the above
31. ? founded the science of genetics. A.Darwin B.Huxley C.Owen D.Wallace E.Mendel
32. Particulate inheritance states that genes ? their identity while being passed from parent to offspring. A.retain
B.do not retain
33. Charles Darwin raised pigeons in an attempt to understand the mechanisms of evolution. The evidence for
evolution which he utilitized in this instance primarily involved the concept of A.geographic distribution of
organisms B.embryology C.homology D.vestigial organs E.artificial selection
34. Sexual recombination involves the union of egg and sperm to form A.gametes B.zygotes C.populations
D.gene pools E.mutations
35. We know that at least some dinosaurs had reptile-like skin due to the fact that upon death some made
impressions within the mud surrounding their corpses. These impressions are A.molds B.carbonized
films C.ichnofossils D.steinkerns E.casts
36. Fossils of Glossopteris, an ancient plant, have been found on the Gondwana continents. Studies on the
distribution of Glossopteris on these continents primarily involves analysis of A.embryology
B.paleoecology C.morphology D.evolution E.paleozoogeography
37. Unaltered soft parts may be preserved in A.oil seeps B.amber C.dry caves D.frozen sediments E.all of the
38. ? provide most variability on which natural selection operates. A.gametes B.zygotes C.populations D.gene
pools E.mutations
39. The "failed arm" of a triple rift system is termed a A.proto-oceanic gulf B.melange C.mantle plume
D.aulacogen E.ophiolite suite
40. In order for fossilization to take place, the potential fossil must typically A.be buried quickly B.have hard
parts C.must escape geochemical or physical destruction D.all of the above E.none of the above
41. In boid snakes and whales, remnants of the pelvis are preserved. This evidence for evolution primarily
involves the concept of A.geographic distribution of organisms B.embryology C.homology D.vestigial
organs E.artificial selection
42. Which of the following implemented the Lebensborn Movement within Nazi Germany? A.Heinrich
Himmler B.Ernst Haeckel C.Herbert Spencer D.Adolf Seilacher E.Adolf Hitler
43. Glossopteris is a type of ancient A.plant B.rock C.animal D.plate boundary E.volcano
44. Which of the following is true concerning genetic paleontology? A.the DNA is copied by means of
polyvinyl chain reactions B.most studies utilize DNA obtained from the cell nucleus C.DNA obtained
from tissues is compared to other DNA sequences D.all of the above are true
45. Eugenics stated that A."inferior" races should be exterminated B.human breeding should be controlled
C.Marxian philosophy should be adopted D.all of the above are true E.none of the above is true
46. According to stochastic theories, extinction events are A.predictable B.random
47. ? are specialized features of organisms that provide useful functions. A.homologies B.analogies
C.ontogenies D.phylogenies E.adaptations
48. Where an oceanic and continental plate converge, the most common result will be A.obduction
B.subduction C.suturing D.obduction, subduction, and suturing would occur in equal amounts
49. Benioff zones result from A.obduction B.subduction C.suturing D.all of the above E.none of the above
50. We use formic acid to dissolve fossil dung of land vertebrates. We often find teeth and bones that have been
partially dissolved due to the stomach and intestinal juices of the predators. The type of fossils we are
dissolving to obtain these bones are A.molds B.carbonized films C.casts D.steinkerns E.coprolites
51. ? , who was Darwin's cousin, introduced the concept of eugenics. A.Thomas Huxley B.Herbert Spencer
C.Francis Galton D.Samuel Wilberforce E.William Smith
52. A ? is the tectonically passive part of a continent. A.melange B.triple rift C.rift valley D.craton
53. Adaptive radiation often occurs due to A.mass extinctions B.adaptive breakthroughs C.all of the above
D.none of the above
54. Paleozoology studies ancient A.plants B.animals C.all of the above D.none of the above
55. In the basal Cretaceous units (the Twin Mountains and Antlers Formations) of north-central Texas, fossil
tree trunks were preserved when groundwater deposited silica in the pore spaces of the ancient wood. These
tree trunks were fossilized by means of A.replacement B.carbonization C.permineralization
D.recrystallization E.molds and casts
56. In the Australian outback there are elapid snakes, bizarre geckos, marsupial mice, rat kangaroos, and rabbiteared bandicoots. In the southwestern United States, a similar environment supports rattlesnakes, night
lizards, mule deer, and antelope jackrabbits. These occurrences are best explained by which evidence for
evolution? A.geographic distribution of organisms B.embryology C.homology D.vestigial organs
E.artificial selection
57. Haeckel's Law states that "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny". That is, life history mimics the evolutionary
history of a group. This evidence for evolution primarily involves A.geographic distribution of organisms
B.embryology C.homology D.vestigial organs E.artificial selection
58. The "founder" of Social Darwinism in England was A.William Huxley B.Samuel Wilberforce C.William
Smith D.Ernst Haeckel E.Herbert Spencer
59. ? is the study of pollen and spores. A.vertebrate paleontology B.invertebrate paleontology C.paleozoology
D.palynology E.paleoecology
60. Two bones of the lower jaw of reptiles (articular and quadrate) serve as two of the three bones of the inner
ear of mammals (malleus, incus and stapes). This evidence for evolution primarily involves the concept of
A.geographic distribution of organisms B.embryology C.homology D.vestigial organs E.artificial
61. A "triple junction" would form during the ? stages of rifting. A.early B.late
62. Some individuals fail to survive; others live to reproduce and pass on their variations. This is termed
A.natural selection B.struggle for existence C.all of the above D.none of the above
63. Which of the following would most likely collide with a continental plate to form a suture belt? A.oceanic
plate B.continental plate C.collision of continental or oceanic plates would likely form a suture belt
64. Groups of interbreeding individuals are termed A.gametes B.zygotes C.populations D.gene pools
65. Paleobotany is the study of ancient A.plants B.animals C.all of the above D.none of the above
66. Continental Plates are made primarily of A.basalt B.andesite C.migmatite D.peridotite E.granite
67. Since more young are produced than can survive, there must be a competition for survival. This is termed
A.natural selection B.struggle for existence C.all of the above D.none of the above
68. Islands often have ? animals with ? form and habits. A.similar, diverse B.diverse, similar
69. In Pennsylvanian-age rocks of the Arbuckle region of Oklahoma, the calcium carbonate shells of snails have
been altered to opaline silica. This type of preservation has primarily involved A.replacement
B.carbonization C.permineralization D.recrystallization E.molds and casts
70. Protocardia, a heart-shaped clam from the Lower Cretaceous, was typically fossilized where sediments
filled cavities formed by the dissolved remains of the clam shell. The type of fossil formed by this method
is a A.permineralization B.ichnofossil C.coprolite D.mold E.cast
71. Which of the following was especially influential in development of the Monist Philosophy? A.Himmler
B.Haeckel C.Spencer D.Darwin E.Galton
72. Polar Wandering Curves are primarily due to A.wobbling of Earth on its axis B.movement of the Earth's
magnetism around the poles C.shift in position of the Earth's core D.convective movement of liquid within
the Earth's core E.movement of the continents
73. The total genetic components of populations are termed the A.gametes B.zygotes C.morphology D.gene
pools E.mutations
74. Oxygen content in seawater is measured in parts per A.thousand B.million C.billion
75. Wegener's evidence for his theory included A.the distribution of tillites on Gondwana B.the distribution of
salt and gypsum deposits C.the distribution of ancient reefs D.the distribution of fossil plants and animals
E.all of the above
76. The plants of an ecosystem are termed the A.fauna B.flora C.plants include both flora and fauna
77. Which of the following rocks would least likely be found within a rift valley? A.quartz arenite B.arkose
78. Autotrophs are ? than heterotrophs. A.rarer B.more common C.there are about as many autotrophs as
79. Taxonomy concerns the ? of organisms. A.ecology B.reproduction C.distribution D.classification
80. Below the CCD the least likely sediment would be A.carbonate B.clay C.chert D.all of the above would
be important sediment types below the CCD E.none of the above would be found below the CCD
81. The ? is the fundamental classification unit. A.kingdom B.class C.genus D.species E.domain
82. Magmatic arcs, creating features such as the Andes Mountains, form due to A.subduction B.obduction
C.suturing D.all of the above E.none of the above
83. Which of the following forms a part of the "binomen"? A.kingdom B.class C.genus D.family E.domain
84. Which of the following would be the "most inclusive" classification category of organisms? A.kingdom
B.class C.genus D.species E.domain
85. ? are "animals". A.photoautotrophs B.heterotrophs C.chemoautotrophs D.all of the above are "animals"
86. Which of the following provides evidence for plate tectonics? A.fit of continents B.measurements from
space C.paleomagnetism D.paleontology E.all of the above provide evidence for plate tectonics
87. The lithosphere A.is the brittle material forming the large plates B.consists of the Earth's mantle and core
C.is found immediately below the asthenosphere D.all of the above are true E.none of the above is true
88. Konservat-Lagerstätten are fossil localities with ? fossil preservation. A.poor B.good
89. With increased marine volcanism, ? are developed. A.Calcite Seas B.Aragonite Seas
90. The "Red Queen Hypothesis" says that species ? adaptations in stable environments. A.improve their
B.don't have to change their