Lesson 2: Newton’s Mechanics I. Particle A particle is an object with constant mass and no physical dimensions (i.e. It is a point). No physical objects actually fit the definition of a particle although lepton’s have physical dimensions of no more than 10-18 m. The concept of a particle is a mathematical model which simplifies the description of real physical systems. It is useful for problems in which the physical dimensions of an object are small compared to other physical dimensions in a problem and where one neglects any rotational motion. II. A. Newton’s First Law (For a Particle) Words A particle will continue in a straight line at constant speed unless acted upon by a net external force. B. Mathematically If Fext 0 then v constant . C. What Does Newton’s First Law Tell Us? 1. 2. 3. It tells us that the cause of acceleration is a net external force. It states that the natural motion of a particle is constant velocity. We can use these facts to determine when a net external force is present!! Newton’s Fist Law isn’t used to compute anything, but its importance philosophically is immense!! III. A. Newton’s 2nd Law (For a Particle) Words The acceleration of a particle is in the direction of the net external force on the particle and the magnitude of its acceleration is proportional to the magnitude of the net external force. B. Mathematically C. Fext m a Inertia & Mass The tendency of a body to continue at constant velocity is called inertia. Mass is the measure of a body’s inertia and is the proportionality constant in Newton’s 2nd Law. You should also remember that mass appears as the source of the gravitational force in Newton’s Universal Law of Gravity. The fact that a body’s gravitational mass was the same as a body’s inertial mass (a seemingly different concept) was an amazing discovery. The explanation of this observation remained a mystery until Einstein’s solution in the early 20th century. IV. A. Newton’s 3rd Law (For a Particle – Weak Form) Words If particle A applies a force of some type upon particle B then particle B must apply the same type of force upon particle A that is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. B. Mathematically FAB FBA C. What Should You Get From The Third Law? 1. Particle don’t just act they interact!! There must be two objects and two forces (force pair) for every interaction. 2. The total net force acting upon a system composed of all of the particles must equal zero!! 3. Essential for connecting forces in different free body diagrams. Example: What is the force of the string on the horizontal beam shown in the diagram below? 10 kg Solution: Many students will answer 98 N downward without thinking. This is an easy problem even for an introductory physics course and using the full strength of Newtonian Mechanics may seem like over kill. However, our goals are conceptual understanding and procedures for handling more challenging problems so I urge you to slow down and really think through the problem. Fact #1: The weight of the block is the gravitational force applied by the earth upon the block and is not one of the forces acting upon the beam!! Fact #2: I can think of instances in which the string will apply a force less than 98 N downward upon the beam and instances in which the force is greater than 98 N. Let us analyze the system in a methodical manner by drawing free body diagrams of the block and beam. T1 P1 1 y + W1 W2 L/2 L/2 T1 x Even this rather trivial problem where I have assumed a string that can’t stretch and has no mass, we have multiple free body diagrams with several forces and an applied torque by the wall. You should note that many of the forces and the applied torque do not have their partner forces and torques (according to the Newton’s third law) in the diagrams. This is because I have only drawn free body diagrams for the beam and the block. For example, the partner force for the weight of the block is the upward gravitational force applied by the block upon the Earth. This force would appear on the free body diagram of the Earth. You should also note that I have used Newton’s 3rd Law in dealing with the interaction between the block and the beam. The force on both diagrams has the same magnitude T1, are the same type of force (tension forces) and the directions of the arrows have been chosen to fulfill the requirement in the third law that the forces are in opposite directions. You should also note that the forces must be in two different free body diagrams since the 3rd Law talks about two bodies interacting (one force per each object’s free body diagram). Finally, you should note that one can not find the tension in the rope without knowing the acceleration of the block. Applying Newton’s 2nd Law, we have for the block F M a y 1 y T1 M1 g M1 a y T1 M1 ( a y g ) Thus, the tension is zero if the block and beam are accelerating downward in free fall (i.e. ay = -g) while the tension is 196 N downward if the whole system is in an elevator accelerating upward at 9.8 m/s2 (i.e. ay = g). The student who immediately writes down 98 N downward is only correct if they know that the system is not accelerating!! (Note: The system can be moving and still have no acceleration.) V. Inertial Reference Frames Since all motion is described by the position vector and its derivatives, the mathematical description of the motion of any particle depends upon your reference frame (coordinate system). Newton was aware that the results of his Laws depended on the reference frame of the observer. Consider a boy and a girl doing an experiment with a box on a merrygo- round. They place the box at the outer edge of the merry-goround. The girl sits down in the center of the merry-go-round and stretches out her arm pointing it toward the box. The boy stands on the ground beside the merry-go-round and pushes the merry-go-round until it reaches a good speed. The boy and girl then attempt to use the motion of the box to and Newton’s Laws to determine the forces acting upon the box. According to the girl, at every instant in timer the box is located at the same distance from her position along the x’ axis (direction that her arm points). Thus, the box is stationary and therefore it is also not accelerating. In her frame of reference, there is no net external force applied to the block according to Newton’s 1 st Law. However, the situation is very different to the boy who sees the block travel in a curved path. He believes that the block is accelerating and that there is a net external force being applied. x’ x x x’ Time #1 Time #2 The reason that the boy and girl disagree on the forces acting on the box is that they are accelerating with respect to each other. If the two observers are not accelerating with respect to each other then they will agree on the acceleration of the box. Galileo realized that fact and it is called Galilean Relativity: All frames in uniform motion are equivalent. This would seem to imply that the trick to applying Newton’s Laws using only real forces lies in finding the correct reference frame (i.e. a non-accelerated reference frame). This is the idea behind the concept of an inertial reference frame. By definition, an inertial reference frame is a frame of reference in which Newton’s 1st Law is valid. However, we are quickly left in a predicament unless we can correctly identify a point in space that is not accelerating. After all, the boy is on a planet that spins about its axis (big merry-go-round) so he is accelerating. The planet is also orbiting the sun which is rotating in the Milky Way galaxy, etc. To a physicist prior to the 1900’s the solution was to attach a reference frame to the luminiferous eather (the invisible, stationary fluid that filled all of space). However, the Michelson-Morley experiment showed that the eather does not exist. Thus, Newton’s mechanics are fundamentally flawed in their need for special reference frames. Einstein removed this flaw in his theory of relativity. VI. A. Linear Momentum Definition: The linear momentum of an object is defined as the product of the object’s mass and its velocity. PMV This is an example of multiplication of a vector by a scalar. The velocity and linear momentum vectors must always point in the same direction!! B. Linear momentum of an object depends on the reference frame since the object’s velocity depends on the reference frame. In analyzing collisions, Einstein realized that mass must also depend on the reference frame in order to conserve momentum. VII. Newton’s Laws Revisited (Mass can vary) A. Newton’s 1st Law If B. Fext 0 then P constant Newton’s 2nd Law dP Fext dt This gives us the following d(Mv) dM dv Fext vM dt dt dt dM Fext vMa dt For a particle (constant mass), the first term on the right hand side is zero and we have our previous result. The first term is often called the rocket term since it explains how rockets can accelerate in outer space even without an external force. However, the term has important consequences in many mechanical systems on Earth where material is added or removed from conveyor belts or other transportation systems.