Modeling the Impact of CAFOs on Nitrate Contamination of Water Wells

Modeling the Impact of CAFOs on
Nitrate Contamination of Water Wells
Jesse Crawford1, Keith Emmert1, and Kartik Venkataraman2
of Mathematics
2Department of Engineering and Computer Science
Tarleton State University
April 1, 2016
Concentrated Animal Feed Operations
• Spatially concentrated livestock production
• Manure loading rates can exceed absorptive capacity of land
• Nitrogen based fertilizers
• Irrigation
• Possible Result: Nitrate contamination of nearby groundwater
Nitrate Contamination of Groundwater
• Private wells on farms/ranches are used for drinking water
• Health impacts of nitrate contamination
• Blue-baby disease in infants (methemoglobinemia)
• Miscarriages
• Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
• Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL): 10 mg/L
• Indicative of human inputs: 3 mg/L
CAFO longitude/latitude
c j  (c j1 , c j 2 ), for j  1, ,86
Well longitude/latitude
wi  ( wi1 , wi 2 ), for i  1, ,344
Aj  Waste application rate
1, if nitrate  3 mg/L
Ni  
0, if nitrate  3 mg/L
Hydraulic Gradient with GIS
Geographic Information System
348 x 466 Grid
CAFO Flow Path
CAFO Migration Score (CMS)
dij  distance from ith well to
nearest point on jth flowpath
Lij  arc length from jth CAFO to
nearest point
Aj  Waste application rate at jth CAFO
K  Epanechnikov kernel function
CMSi  
j 1
Aj K (dij )
1  Lij 
CAFO Migration Score (CMS)
 3   d 2 
 1     , for d  b
K (d )   4   b  
0, otherwise.
dij  distance from ith well to
nearest point on jth flowpath
Lij  arc length from jth CAFO to
nearest point
Aj  Waste application rate at jth CAFO
K  Epanechnikov kernel function
CMSi  
j 1
Aj K (dij )
1  Lij 
Logistic Regression Model
1, if nitrate  3 mg/L
Ni  
0, if nitrate  3 mg/L
gi   0  1CMSi
Pr[ N i  1] 
1  e  gi
Logistic Regression Model
gi   0  1CMSi
1, if nitrate  3 mg/L
Ni  
0, if nitrate  3 mg/L
Pr[ N i  1] 
Std. Error
z value
1  e  gi
Logistic Regression Model
1, if nitrate  3 mg/L
Ni  
0, if nitrate  3 mg/L
gi   0  1CMSi
Pr[Yi  1] 
1  e  gi
Goodness-of-fit Test
p-value = 0.43
Probability Thresholds
Probability of Nitrate
If pˆ  p0 , then classification  contaminated
If pˆ  p0 , then classification  not contaminated
ROC Curve
Area under curve = 0.769
Future Research
• Include more variables
• Depth to Water Table
• pH
• Total Dissolved Solids
• Percent Clay
• Percent Organic Matter
• Annual Rainfall
• Model Improvements
• Cross validation
• Tune model parameters (kernel function, gamma)
• Use other classification methods
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Thank You!