Today’s Agenda: UPDATES : - New Role in PS: Communications Director - New eProcurement suppliers & Catalog Improvements - Strategic Sourcing: Upcoming Projects & Projected Savings for 2011 - Improvement Projects Underway: •Furniture, Copiers, Supplier Registration Form SPOTLIGHT PRESENTATIONS: - UW Sustainability Office - Business Diversity Program NEWS: - New Federal Tax Requirements:1099 - New PAS Programming - Electronic Reimbursement Project - Procard Update DEMONSTRATION: ABI & INVITROGEN - “How to order custom oligos in eProcurement” 1 New: Communications Director Continuous Improvement (it’s our culture) • Realigning to better serve our customers Communications A conduit for a continuous information feedback loop Need to fulfill university communication needs • Effective external & internal communications • What are these? We need your ideas Communication requires listening • Is Procurement Services serving the needs of our customers? Campus Outreach Campaign • A collaborative effort: • using a targeted approach based on data analysis • sharing new tools and providing guidance • with departments reaching out for best practice assistance • with departments sharing their best practices (we learn from each other) 2 eProcurement Update eProcurement catalog improvements: eProcurement - ABI: eInvoicing, custom quotes, standing orders, oligos - Invitrogen: eInvoicing, custom quotes, oligos - Fisher Scientific: eInvoicing, custom quotes, oligos and alcohol approvals - Praxair: eInvoicing, standing orders and toxic gas approvals - Sigma: eInvoicing, custom quotes, oligos - Bank & Office Interiors: eInvoicing, custom quotes - CDW-G: eInvoicing, custom quotes New Catalogs in eProcurement! - Complete Office (federal small business) - Keeneys Office Products (State certified WBE) 3 Strategic Sourcing: Upcoming projects for FY 2011 Strategic Sourcing Servers (IT) Equipment maintenance / service Furniture Facilities/MRO categories (TBD) Life Sciences 4 2011 Savings $700 Millions $ Potential Savings of $13M from University wide contracts $600 $225M Future Opportunities Strategic Sourcing $500 $71M 2011 Commodities shown by % Facilities 6% $400 $71M 2011 Contracts Established $300 $65M 2010 Contracts Established $249M Existing Contracts $200 $100 -Patient care -Patient -IT caregoods & services -IT goods & services -Life Sciences -Life Sciences -Office supplies -Office supplies -Food -Janitorial supplies -Janitorial supplies -Furniture -Furniture -Industrial Gases -Industrial Gases -Consultingservices services -Consulting Consultant pools 6% Cabling 1% Catering 7% Master Life Sciences 23% Other Life Sciences 7% Freight 8% UWMC 21% Services 10% Servers 11% -Food $- 5 Furniture Procurement Project Improvement Projects Focus: to make furniture buying easier! “Typicals” major items (chairs) likely to purchase Suppliers top suppliers / flexibility Web Design easier identification and navigation 6 Copier Project Improvement Projects 1600 copiers on Campus! Goal – provide new purchasing approaches / options Inclusive Process customer involvement “Scoping” phase help create direction Sourcing Event 7 Improvement Project: Supplier Registration Process Improvement Projects What is it? LEAN project to review and improve the Supplier Registration Process HOW CAN YOU HELP? Refer suppliers to the “Information for Suppliers” web page. The most current version of the form will always be here. Goals: Reduce the complexity of the process Reduce the time it takes to register a supplier /fm/ps/info-for-suppliers Provide a single place to submit the supplier information …one place …one way! 8 Sustainability UW Sustainability Office Claudia Frere, Manager Office of Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability 9 Paper Conservation & Copier Initiative Need to reduce usage by 30% Need to use 100% recycled paper Review: ◦ double-sided printing ◦ printing instead of filing ◦ generic toner ◦ multi-purpose devices (MPD) ◦ upgrade to energy efficient machines ◦ “rightsizing” copiers/printers ◦ the need for individual printers UW Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Office Substitute House Bill 2287 Three components: Sustainability Transition to 100% post-consumer recycled paper for copiers and printers by December 31, 2009 Develop and implement a paper conservation program with the objective of reducing consumption of white cutsheet paper by 30% by July 1, 2010 Develop and implement a plan to increase recycling of all paper products and achieve 100% recycling of all copy and print paper by July 1, 2010 11 UW Paper Conservation Committee Sustainability Paper Conservation Committee was formed in January 2010 and is sponsored by UW Finance and Facilities, and the UW Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability office Committee members include representation from the following: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ UWMC Materials Management & HMC Purchasing UW Procurement Services UW Recycling & Solid Waste UW Creative Communications UW & UW Medicine IT Services UW Bothell - Facility Services & Physical Plant UW Tacoma - Finance & Administration UW Faculty UW Educational Outreach 12 Implementation Plan : 30% reduction in paper Sustainability 5% Reduction - achieved by quarter-end Q1 2011 • Launch Paper Conservation website • Duplex print all UW Copiers and Printers, where appropriate • Survey campus paper consumption use to develop a paper consumption profile 15% Reduction - target by quarter-end Q2 2011 • Communications campaign targeted to college administrators • Communications campaign targeted to departmental administrators • Communications campaign targeted to any UW staff responsible for paper purchasing 13 Implementation Plan : 30% reduction in paper 22.5% Reduction - target by quarter-end Q3 2011 Sustainability • Target paper consumption areas that are not reducing purchasing volume 30% Reduction - target by quarter-end Q4 2011 • Alignment with managed print program to reduce the amount of individual desktop printers and promote use of network and shared printing or digital filing systems 14 Sustainability Recycled Paper Measurement UW Recycling & Solid Waste Office & UW Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability Office Who will monitor the paper recycling rates? HMC will need to develop a similar program. 15 Questions or comments? Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Office Email: Website: Business Diversity Business Diversity Program Update for the Procurement Services Fall Forum September 2010 Chesca Ward, Business Diversity Manager UW Business Diversity Program Diversity Opportunity Transparency 17 Business Diversity Business Diversity Program Goals Improve reporting Educate and encourage internal customers about BDP Develop resources to connect M/WBEs with “buyer/decision makers” Improve capacity of M/WBEs doing work with UW 18 UW Spend with M/WBEs FY 2008: MBE: 0.67% WBE: 1.25% 1.8% Business Diversity 1.6% FY 2009: MBE: 1.56% WBE: 1.08% 1.4% 1.2% 1.0% MBE WBE 0.8% FY 2010: MBE: 1.04% WBE: 0.70% 0.6% 0.4% 0.2% 0.0% FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 19 Connecting with Suppliers Small Business Plans Business Diversity ◦ Federal Contracts over $550K ◦ Federal & State certified suppliers for plans eProcurement ◦ Keeney’s Office Products – NEW State WBE ◦ Excel Gloves – State MWBE ◦ Bioline, Fermentas (Federal) Diverse Vendor Search ◦ Available on BDP website ProCard Purchases Business Diversity Supplier Fair (December 9) 20 Business Diversity Contact BDP Chesca Ward, Business Diversity Manager (206) 616-3741 21 PAS Repor ts PAS Reports Project Goal: Provide visibility into the PAS data by use of a Web Based Business Intelligence Reporting Tool Example: ‘Invoice Status by Department’ report 22 New Federal Law: 1099 Reporting New Federal law requires 1099 reporting for all goods and services purchased starting in 2012 What does this mean to the UW? 1099 Repor ting • Need correct name and tax id combination for all suppliers How will we accomplish this? • Require Supplier Registration Form (SRF) for all new vendors in PAS • TIN matching with IRS • Contact suppliers for missing information • Place on hold suppliers who have not provided us with the required information Why do this? What’s the risk? • Audit risk • Penalties 23 New PAS Programming: Starting September 22nd, you will have the ability to update the "department contact" on PAS POs PAS Programming Who can make the change? • Based on user's PAS access and the PO’s primary budget org code. • User's with "req inquiry only" access will not have the ability to update the department contact. Is there an Audit Trail? • Yes! It will show who requested the change • It will also show when the change was made • The previous department contact information will only be visible for the most recent change. Step-by-Step Instructions are online: 24 Electronic Reimbursement Electronic Reimbursement Project Streamline Reimbursements • Also reduces rework, processing costs and speeds up payment Team consists of central office staff and several customers to come up with a recommendation for using an eForm for reimbursements. Provide visibility • Status of reimbursement requests and ability to track payment in an electronic system (ARIBA) Provide clear guidance • Provide clear guidance and instructions • Help reduce the number of methods for reimbursement 25 Direct Buy Limit Update P ro C a rd U p d a t e Direct Buy Limit now at $3,500 • Begins Oct 18th • Procard Single transaction limits will be updated to $3500 • UWMC & HMC will not be updated automatically. • Want to Opt Out of the automatic increase? Contact the ProCard office ( or 543-5252) 26 ProCard Update ProCard recent changes P ro C a rd U p d a t e • Renewal procedure • Reviewers who are also cardholders cannot check ‘Rev’ box • Cell Phone procedures: Payment & Acquisition ProCard Needs Assessment • Reviewer access • ProCard limits • # of department ProCards Review internal procedures • Sales/Use Tax training is available • 27 Life Technologies Invitrogen Applied Biosystems 2 Different eProcurement sites – Let the fun begin! 28 | Life Technologies Proprietary & Confidential | 7/26/2016 Contents Introduction What is an Invitrogen Oligo and where can I find Oligos on Eprocurement; Ariba Ordering custom Invitrogen DNA tubes and Plates Ordering custom Invitrogen RNA tubes Invitrogen Oligo Support Team Applied Biosystem custom Assays Supply Center Inventory Stocked at SLU 29 | Life Technologies Proprietary & Confidential | 7/26/2016 Life Technologies Invitrogen: Monika Kovacs Senior Account Manager University of Washington Phone: 206.724.6470 Applied Biosystems: Paula Sodora Molecular & Cellular Biology Instruments M 206-963-6680 Supply Center: Michelle Hebner, M.Sc. Seattle Supply Center Specialist Invitrogen, part of Life Technologies 509-432-4084 30 | Life Technologies Proprietary & Confidential | 7/26/2016 What is an Invitrogen Oligo and How can I find them on eProcurement? • Invitrogen Oligonucleotides, or oligos, are made-to-order single-stranded segments of synthetic DNA/RNA made up of nucleotides or bases. − The length of the oligo is usually denoted by “mer.” Ex.: Oligo of 25 bases would be called a 25-mer. • Differing terms researchers may use when referring to oligos − Primers are generally short oligos <50 bases in length/Probes are generally long oligos >=50 bases in length • eProcurement | eCommerce • Under Products and Services Applications Nucleic Acid Amplification & Expression Profiling • Oligonucleotides Pricing vs. UW Quote E5893 PRIMER 25 NMOL TUBE 25NMOL 16c base pair 31 | Life Technologies Proprietary & Confidential | 7/26/2016 Order Custom Invitrogen Oligo DNA Tubes and 96/384 Well Plates lyophilized (special order resuspended) • Basic Entry: Enter one primer sequence at a time. • Upload Entry: Multiple custom DNA oligo sequences can be uploaded at one time by downloading and using the Excel Sequence Template. Enter your sequence information, save it as .xls, .csv or .txt and then upload. Simply download either the 96-well Excel template or 384-well Excel template and enter your sequence and plate location information, save it as a .xls, .csv or .txt, and then upload. 32 | Life Technologies Proprietary & Confidential | 7/26/2016 Order Custom Invitrogen Oligo RNA tubes lyophilized Basic Entry: Enter one primer sequence at a time. Upload Entry: Upload multiple sequences at once Download tube template here Oligo Customer Service Team 7 Customer Service representatives focus on oligos Call (800) 955.6288 ext 46636. 33 | Life Technologies Proprietary & Confidential | 7/26/2016 Applied Biosystems eProcurement Channel Custom Assays • Ordering Custom primers, probes (fluorescently labeled oligos), assays and siRNAs − New Custom Orders > Custom Designs the assay − − > AB designs the assay − − − − − Submit sequence of primer/probe/assay and the appropriate flourescent reported and quencher. Complete Order Go to Custom Assays/Probes/Primers/siRNAs on eP site Upload the sequence and provide a name for the primer/probe/assay Or upload a Primer Express file Complete order. Our Oligos design team will review the information and make sure that a primer/probe/ or assay can in fact be designed adequately ReOrders of Custom Assays > > Submit the appropriate part number and Assay ID number Complete order 34 | Life Technologies Proprietary & Confidential | 7/26/2016 My Recommendation for Custom Assays Primers and Probes on Abs eP site • Let the Scientist do it Do you really want to be the go between? 35 | Life Technologies Proprietary & Confidential | 7/26/2016 Applied Biosystems eProcurement A quick tour of the site 36 | Life Technologies Proprietary & Confidential | 7/26/2016 DESCRIPTION B27 DEOXYRIBONUCLEASE DMEM DMEM DMEM DMEM DMEM F12 DISTILLED WATER DPBS GLUTAMAX HBSS HBSS HYBRIDOMA SFM IMDM KNOCKOUT DMEM KNOCKOUT SR L-GLUTAMINE LIPOFECTAMINE 2000 LIPOFECTAMINE RNAIMAX LIPOFECTAMINE RNAIMAX LSGS McCOY'S MEDIUM 131 MEDIUM 200 MVGS N2 SUPPLEMENT NP LDS SAMPLE BUFFER NP MES SDS RUN BUFFER NP MOPS SDS RUN BUFFER PENICILLIN STREPTOMYCIN PROLONG GOLD ANTIFADE REAGENT PROLONG GOLD ANTIFADE REAGENT RPMI RPMI SS II 2-STEP QRTPCR SSIII 1 STEP W/PLAT TAQ SSIII REVERSE TRANSCRIPT SYBR SAFE TRIZOL TRYPSIN 0.05% EDTA TRYPSIN 0.05% EDTA TRYPSIN 0.25% EDTA TRYPSIN 0.25% EDTA TRYPSIN 0.5% EDTA, 10X VERSENE 37 | Life Technologies Proprietary & Confidential | 7/26/2016 CAT # 17504044 18047019 11965092 11965118 11995065 11995073 11320033 15230162 14040133 35050061 14025092 14175-095 12045084 21056023 10829-018 10828028 25030081 11668019 13778075 13778150 S00310 16600-082 M131500 M200500 S00525 17502048 NP0007 NP0002 NP0001 15140122 P36930 P36935 11875093 22400089 11734050 12574026 18080044 s33102 15596018 25300054 25300062 25200056 25200072 15400054 15040066 SIZE PRICE 10mL $69.00 10,000 units $317.00 500mL $9.70 10 x 500mL (case) $64.72 500mL $9.94 10 x 500mL (case) $74.91 500mL $12.01 500mL $11.35 500mL $9.56 100mL $25.12 500mL $9.07 500mL $9.53 500mL $33.00 500mL $31.66 500mL $22.45 500mL $231.30 100mL $13.21 1.5mL $411.30 0.75mL $315.00 1.5mL $522.00 10ML $58.25 500mL $12.07 500mL+100mL factor$63.50 500mL $53.25 25mL $71.75 5mL $61.50 10mL $11.96 500mL $62.23 500mL $62.23 100mL $11.55 10mL $123.00 5 x 2mL $145.00 500mL $8.29 500mL $17.89 100 rxns $429.00 100 rxns $499.00 10,000 units $232.05 400uL $48.90 200mL $212.48 100mL $6.44 500mL $25.19 100mL $8.86 500mL $25.37 100mL $18.79 100mL $7.70 Invitrogen Products in the SLU Supply Center Applied Biosystems Products in the SLU Supply Center PCR Enzymes N8080241 AmpliTaq Gold® DNA Polymerase with Buffer II and MgCl2 N8080160 AmpliTaq® DNA Polymerase with Buffer I PCR Buffers and dNTPs N8080095 GeneAmp® dNTPs with dUTP N8080260 GeneAmp® dNTP Blend (10 mM) Real Time PCR Reagent Kits 4324018 TaqMan® Universal PCR Master Mix, No AmpErase® UNG 4304437 TaqMan® Universal PCR Master Mix TaqMan® Fast Universal Master Mix, No UNG 4352042 4371355 TaqMan® Genotyping Master Mix, 1-Pack (1 x 10 mL) 4369016 TaqMan® Gene Expression Master Mix, 1-Pack (1 x 5 mL) SYBR Green PCR Kits 4367659 1-Pack, Power SYBR® Green PCR Master Mix, 5 mL 4385612 1-5ml, Fast SYBR Green Master Mix Real-Time Reverse Transcription PCR Kits 4368814 High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit - Archive Kit 4387406 High Capacity RNA to cDNA - RT for Gene Expression 4390777 High Capacity RNA to cDNA Master Mix 4403313 TaqMan® Sample to SNP 4403311 TaqMan® GTXpress Master Mix - use w/Sample to SNP kit Ambion Products AM1907 TURBO DNA-free (animal free) AM1912 RNAqueous® Kit AM7020 RNAlater® 4402953 Power SYBR Green Cells to Ct ™ 40 lysis 4399002 TaqMan® Gene Expression Cells to Ct™ 40 lysis AM7030 RNAlater®-ICE AM9890 DNAZap™ AM2694 SUPERase-In Rnase Inhibitor 38 | Life Technologies Proprietary & Confidential | 7/26/2016 List Price UW Price 250 Units 250 Units $201.00 $169.00 $156.78 $131.82 1 Set 1 mL $81.50 $54.25 $81.50 $54.25 200 rxns 200 rxns 250 rxns 400 rxns 200 rxns $382.00 $422.00 $217.00 $660.00 $ 377.00 $240.66 $265.86 $188.79 $574.20 $271.44 200 rxns 500 rxns $361.00 $404.00 $227.43 $254.52 200 rxns 50 rxns 50 rxns 100-400rxn 400rxn $163.00 $159.00 $239.00 $201.00 $82.50 $136.92 $133.56 $200.76 $194.97 $80.03 50 rxns 50 rxns 100 mL 200 PCRs 200 PCRs 25 mL 250ml 2,500 U $86.50 $227.00 $90.50 $445.00 $550.00 $64.00 $70.25 $98.50 $83.91 $206.57 $85.98 $427.20 $550.00 $59.52 $65.33 $92.59 How may we help you? 39 | Life Technologies Proprietary & Confidential | 7/26/2016 We will be available for questions for the next half hour Please sign the registration list. This will be used to forward the presentation materials. If you do not receive the presentation materials – email 40