My embarrassing journey

My embarrassing journey
I came to the United States three years ago. When I first came to this country I faced so
many problems communicating with other people. My first language is Bengali and here I have
to speak English, so my journey is began Bengali to English.
Because of my Bengali to English journey, one day I faced a big problem. My aunt got
sudden heart attack in Texas, so I had to go there. My husband had some important work, so I
had to go there alone. When I was sitting on the plane I felt myself I made a very big mistake to
come here alone. That time I feel severe pain in my head, and I didn’t know how to take help
from others. I was feeling so helpless. I try to express myself that I need medicine, but they didn’t
understand my word. They just understood word “Medicine”, so they gave me too many
medicines. However, I don’t find the Tylenol. At last, I had to make acting about my pain then
they understood. After that they gave me Tylenol. I felt so embarrassed that time.
If that time I can speak English well my journey would be a good journey. However, my
journey between Bengali and English was very depressed me.