Software Perspectives on Transactional Memory Ben Liblit CS 838-3


Software Perspectives on

Transactional Memory

Ben Liblit

CS 838-3

Architects Keep PL People Busy

• You gave us instruction sets

– We made high level languages

• You gave us RISC instead

– We made optimizing compilers

• You gave us context switching

– We made a big ugly mess: threads + locks

• You may soon give us transactions

– Ooh! New toy! What can we make with it?


Are Locks Really That Bad?

• Yes, locks are really that bad

– Entire careers built on making them less awful

• But not a problem for most programmers (!)

– Most aren’t crazy enough to use threads

– Used only in restricted contexts, or by specialized “mad genius” programmers

Need something better

– Maybe transactions are that something


Transactions and Language Design

• Look at two key design questions

– Control structures

– Non-transactional operations (“magic”)

– Assorted issues & tricky bits

• Running themes

– Compositionality

– What happens in hardware/software?


Control Structure: Atomic Blocks

atomic {


atomic {





• Obvious stuff

– Start trans on entry

– Commit trans on exit

• Nesting?

– We will nest, whether hardware likes it or not

– Compositionality!

– Locks are deeply broken here


Conditional Critical Regions

atomic ( g ) { work() ;


• Wait until g is true

– Useful where condition variables might be used

• What can guard be?

– Just a memory word?

– Negated?

– Arbitrary expression?

– …with side effects?


CCRs Using Low-Level Ops

atomic ( g ) { work() ;

} done = false; while (!done) { begin() ; if ( g ) { work() ; done = commit() ;

} else wait() ;



Implementing wait()

• Abort transaction

• Back to begin()

• Spin wait, or…

• Hardware assist!

– Track locations read

– Wait for write to any of them

– Can you do this?

done = false; while (!done) { begin() ; if ( g ) { work() ; done = commit() ;

} else wait() ;



Managing Exceptions

atomic {


throw foo;



• Abort or commit?

• If abort, what happens to exception object?

• Consensus: commit

– Just one more way to exit a block of code

– Nothing special from programmer ’s standpoint, but…


Managing Exceptions

atomic {


throw foo;



Can hardware still help?

done = false; while (!done) { begin() ; try { work() ; done = commit() ;

} catch (t) { done = commit() ; if (done) throw t;




Can I please have abort() too?

void move(Map src, Map dest, int key) { atomic { try {



} catch (MapFullException e) { src.insert(key, val);


Object val = src.remove(key); dest.insert(key, val);

Am I getting too greedy?

Does this exceed the transactional mandate?


Speculation and Validation

atomic { if (x != y) while (1) {}

} atomic {




• If right commits between left reads … stuck!

• Either don’t speculate or add periodic validation

– Is your favorite transactional hardware vulnerable?

– Can hardware help here, or is this compiler’s job?


Speculation and Validation

atomic { if (x != y) launchMissiles() ;

} atomic {




• If right commits between left reads … stuck!

• Either don’t speculate or add periodic validation

– Is your favorite transactional hardware vulnerable?

– Can hardware help here, or is this compiler’s job?


Control Structures: API Recap

void begin(); bool commit();

// basics

// basics void wait(); void abort();

// CCRs

// greedy?

bool validate(); // speculate


Non-Transactional Operations

• All software has “magic” on the edges

– Magical operations outside system definition

– Walk off the edge? No coming back!

– Operations which cannot be rolled back

• Operating system: physical world

• User code: system calls

• Bytecode: native methods / system calls (?)


Not All Magic Is Alike!

• Standard examples

– Input/output

– Memory allocation

– Query current time

– Thread creation

• Can/should these be rolled back?

– Can user code help hardware “fake it”?


Some Unattractive Options

• Forbid magic inside atomic blocks

– Non-compositional

– Limits transactional memory to tiny tasks

– Detect violations at compile time / run time?

• Ban speculation for blocks with magic

– Compositionality survives

– Sacrifice performance

– What about our beloved abort() call?


Compensation Code

• Magic + compensation == transactional

– (Well, we pretend it is)

• Software, not hardware

– Example: buffering

– Delicate interaction with hardware roll-back

• Language/library designers must

– Decide on abstract machine model

– Build compensations consistent with model


Ben’s Free Prognostication

• Will see a mix of strategies

• Virtual compensation in virtual machines

• Initially, dynamic enforcement

– Or no enforcement at all!

• Eventual development of static program analyses to prevent dynamic violations


Atomic With Respect To…

• Other threads in same process?

• Other atomic blocks in same process?

– But not threads which are outside atomic blocks

• Other processes on same machine?

– Consider shared memory-mapped pages

– Consider shared file system

– Connections to security, journaling file systems


Granularity of Conflict Detection

• Difference between address and “thing”

• Which of these can cause roll-backs?

– int x, y;

– struct { int x, y; } point;

– long long int xy;

• Shame to expose machine-level details

– But precedents exist in C and even Java


Garbage Collectors

• Read large amounts of memory

– Likely to clash with everything else

– Cause transaction thrashing?

• Concurrent garbage collection

– We know how to do this now, but it wasn’t easy!

– How will we do it with transactions?

• Future employment opportunity for “mad genius” programmers who used to do fine-grained lock coding!



• Locks are a nightmare; time to wake up

• Atomicity may be the right abstraction

– Study: 80% of Java methods are atomic

• Push years of PL research into the archives

– But we’ll thank you for it

– Atomicity is nicer for program analysis too!

• Compositionality is critical

