Farhana Khondokar AMM 101, 7020 Prof: L, leff Mid Term Project People say that “real success is finding your life work that you love to do” and I truly agree on it. Because I think that, I should choose my career that I believe is best for me, which is satisfied me by not only money but also gives me freedom in where I could show my creativity, my new ideas and able to express myself as a successful woman in my career. In that case business is only way to prove my self because in today’s world it is useless to be a creative original thinker unless you can also publish what you create. Market can not be accepted to recognize a good idea unless it is presented to them by good representative. I am from a business background family. I had grown up seeing my father’s business activities. I have seen his enthusiasm, hard work, honesty, success and sometime failure either. He has a garments factory and this is our family business, where is produced jeans and T-Shirts and he exports them to the foreign markets. Through my childhood to teenage I used to go to our factory with my father and saw where the fabrics came from and how they turn in to jeans. I saw that the employees were cutting cloths in certain ways, stitching them and made jeans pants and T-shirts. I saw their hard work whole day long and also realized my father’s motivations as an owner. All these coordinations, negotiations, enthusiasms and motivations create a spirit in my mind and encourage me to think myself as a business woman in future. As a creative thinker I have an idea that I know I could turn into a business. I have an interest in fashion designing and I believed that I could establish a small boutique shop where I would sell my own design clothes and party costumes which will come from my own garments factory. In my country Bangladesh I saw a gap in fashion industry and I am confident that I can fill it up. I know my country has a good reputation in garments business in export markets but we don’t have that much creative designer in my country. So most of the time our fashion and garments industries are imported the designs from other country’s designer in high rate or sometime they steel the new trend and copy them. So there is no creativity and originality in my country and also loosing reputation and high amount of money to import the design from other country. In this situation if somebody gets the fashion design degree and establishes his own business, he doesn’t have to expend his money to import the design and at the same time he can show his creativity and originality in his career. He could set a new trend in his own. I think I should define my future steps in business clearly so that others can see them as I do. Now I am trying my best to finish my associate degree as a business major. After that I will join fashion institute to get the degree as a professional fashion designer. I already have my diploma in fashion designing from Bangladesh which will help me in future to finish my bachelor degree in fashion designing. I have a plan to work for some one else at least four or five years so that I could have practical experience about business world and understand the trams and conditions in more details. At first would like to start my business as a small tie-dying boutique corner where I would represent my design clothes and sell them to other well known fashion company First to see the market responses, how they accept me and my ideas than letter on, I have a plan to start my store and established own brand’s clothes which I would export in international markets. I believed that profession will give me the freedom to work individually and I could make my own identity in my career. Finally I would like to shear one of my father’s comments that “If you greatly desire something and work hard on your desire, God will also help you to reach that dream.” This comment is really motivating me, encourage me to follow his path and established my self as a business woman and continue my family business in future.