HUA290 Prof. Michael Rodriguez 04.02.2007 Shin woo Kim (Jackie) The museum of modern Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon (1907) Pable Ruiz Picasso (1881-1973) Oil on canvas,8' x 7' 8"(243.9 x 233.7 cm) The Museum of Modern Art, New York - Drew on sources as diverse as Liberian sculpture, African Tribal masks, and El Greco’s painting to make this starting composition. ♥ In early 1907, Picasso began painting, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, which would become arguably the most important of the century. The painting began as a narrative brothel scene This painting is one of the most important paintings in the early development of ‘Cubism’. Within the narrative of early modern art, it is widely held as a seminal work. The woman pulling the curtain on the far right has heavy paint application throughout. Her head is the most cubist of all five, featuring sharp geometric shapes. The cubist head of the crouching figure underwent at least two revisions from an Iberian figure to its current state. The masked figure was derived from African tribal masks with green stripes and sharp edges. The two Iberian figures in the center were influenced by Iberian sculptures, and are characterized as such because of their prominent ears and wide, staring eyes; they are painted with similar features. * Resemblance - Cezanne : Les Grandes Baigneuses - El Greco : Opening of the fifth Seal Les Grandes Baigneuses (1894-1905) ♥ Opening of the fifth Seal (1608–1614) I could see Duchamp’s works of art right in front of them in MoMa and I could touch them. There were some works of art that I read and reserched the meaning of them like ready mades and also many works of art that I have not seen and known the meaning of them. When I saw Duchamp’s works that I knew the meaning I could totally understand them and I could even feel Duchamp’s passion toward art. Especially, when I saw the ready mades, I was even very impressed on that I was watching his work of art through my eyes. The reason I could be impressed on seeing ready mades is because I’ve known already the meaning and the process how he made them. Duchamp’ works are very hard to understand than other artists’ works. Duchamp gave special meaning to his works fo art. If we see his works wihout knowing meaning, it can be very hard to recognize the meanigs and understand his mind and regard toward art. On the other hand, even if I don’t know the meaning of van gogh’s paintings, we can get some important points for understanding by viewing van gogh’s paintings as how he had painted, how different painting skill he had than other artists. That’s why I can say that reading about meaning of Ducmap’s work is more important than viewing a painting by Van Gogh. ♥ It was a little hard to find a difference between Duchamp and Picass’s work. Pablo Picasso and Marcel Duchamp are the most influential artists of the 20th century. Study these two revolutionary artists to gain an understanding of central themes of modern art including sex, politics, questions of style and skill, and the idea of what an artist is. Picasso and Duchamp laid the groundwork for an analysis of often opposing technical and social values, as well as the relationship between modern and contemporary art practice. Their works seem to be simular, but they were also differnent. I’m not sure yet exactly. While I was confusing in this wuestion, some class mates helped me to find the answer. as after I saw many works of art by two artistsm I could feel I began to figure out the differences between two artists little by little. ▶ Influenced by Duchamp - Kurt schwitters - Revilving 1919 - Aleksander Rodchemko - Jean pougny – suprematist relief : sculpture 1920s - Joan Miro – Rope and people 1935 ▶ Influenced by Picasso - Erast cudwig kirchner – street berlin 1913 - Fernand Legar – Three women 1921 (simular with Three musician 1921 ) - Gino Severini 1912 - Umberto Boccioni – Dynamism of a soccer player 1913 ♥ Truly, I don’t like going to the museum much. It sometimes makes me bored and even tired. Of cource I know I have to have many experiences of seeing other artists work of art so that I can have wide eyes to have many creat ideas. From this chance to visit the museum with class, I could think about my attitute of visiting the museum. I was very interested and impressed from this class. One thing I realized is I was enjoying that I was in the museum because I had some knowledge about some artists and even purpose of why I’m visiting the museum. I realized that gathering some information about artists, exhibition and having a purpose of visiting the museum are important for me. This chance not only awoke my heart to have strong passion of art and but also made me have a regarding ming toward Art,