Mid Term Examination CEP121.3921

Mid Term
Zhiying zhao
MidTerm Examination: As I am a bit late in posting this, I will extend the time to 9 p.m.
on Monday evening. You can drop it off in my office prior to 5 p.m. tomorrow—please
leave it with our secretaries at the front desk in C459 or email it to me later in the evening.
You should complete this as a Word document and select an earlier version than ’07 so
that I can open it on campus.
Grab a cup of coffee or tea or hot chocolate and here you go:
The Boss: A Flair for the Unconventional – Handout or NY Times site
Please read this article as a counselor to deconstruct the career development and life
patterns of Sue Bhatia. Please remember all of the important elements--early
recollections, life lessons, turning points, role models, mentors, mottos and themes. Can
you see some patterns beginning in Ms. Bhatia’s early life to the present? How might
they relate to her career choice? Thinking about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, at which
level do you think Ms. Bhatia would be placed at this time?
Emotional Intelligence – On Course Documents, Blackboard
Okay, first, what is emotional intelligence? Please provide a definition. Then, after
having read the chapter, please provide five points that you found most important and
intriguing or that provided you with new knowledge—something that you had not known at
all. Tell me one way that you will apply the principles of emotional intelligence to your life
beginning today. Take the quiz on emotional intelligence on the Blackboard site. Be
honest. Then, analyze your results and your findings—what have you learned about
NY Times Readings and Assignments – Handouts, On Course Documents
Choose your favorite from among all of the NY Times articles that we have read thus far.
Explain in five sentences why you have made this choice. Be sure to indicate the new
learning and how this article might have inspired you to learn more about a topic or how it
may have deepened your knowledge or interest in a particular subject. If you thought the
article was well written or humorous or insightful, add that as well.
Holland Orientations
So, your Holland code is SIA or ASI. Please tell me what you code is and explain its
significance. What does it mean? Please put this in your own words and thoughts and
tell us whether you think it’s a bull’s eye or whether it’s off the mark. What values did you
indicate were strongest for you? What areas did you indicate as areas of strength—just
one or two--and what areas do you need to work on, again—one or two points. At this
time, what are your top two career choices? What strategy might you use to come closer
to a decision for an internship assignment?
And, finally, please add your About Me to this Word document—
It has a title
It has a strong introductory sentence. Please use The Boss columns as
examples. It does not begin with “Hi. My name is Marie. I am a student a
LaGuardia Community College.
 Intro sentences might be:
“As a child,” “When I was a teenager,” “One vivid memory,” “I will always remember.”
“Growing up,” “My parents were,” “I’ve been a serious student of Robert Frost.” You
can add your “My First Job” writing to your About Me if you wish. You can tell a story that
you have always wanted to share—a life lesson of your own. You can talk about your
values, your major, your favorite courses, your thoughts on senior college transfer and
your ideas for careers. It should be about a minimum of a page—single spaced. You
need a text box with five interesting and creative favorites. You ought to feel good about
sharing this writing with your prospective employer.
Have a great Sunday.
The Boss: A Flair for the Unconventional
Early recollections:
Sue who was a teenager read “The Fountainhead” by Ayn Rand, she decided to be an
When sue was one of six women, she admitted by colleges.
After she graduated from college, she entered a beauty contest for fun, however, she
came in two and was offered a modeling contract.
She had worked in architecture for a year in India.
Turning points:
Sue move to the U.S., and got a master’s in management information systems. She
worked in information technology for Edward Jones, when she was told the hourly
rate, she decide to begin her own business.
Finally she did very well on her own business.
Life lessons:
Her mother used to teach night school and wasn’t there when she got home from
school, due to that she learned how to fend for herself. When she was 12, she visited
the U.S. for several months, leaving the household responsibilities to her. She had to
learn how to use time and energy wisely. In addition, she also learned survival and
that as a leader. The lessons she learned early in her life helped her immensely in
making a company grow.
Model; Employee (in architecture in India, in information technology for Edward
Jones in the U.S.); Mother
The mottos that I learned from sue is facing problems, never give up.
When I read Sue’s early life, I though Sue would be successful in her life. She had
goals and knew what she should do. First, when her parents wanted her to become a
doctor, she made her decision to be an architect by herself. Second, she entered the
beauty contest when her family encourage their daughters not to attract attention.
Third, she began her own business without her husband’s support. Finally, facing
business’ problems, she didn’t give up. She is a smart woman, in her life.
In my opinion, I think Sue reach self-actualization on Maslow’s hierarchy.
Self-Actualization is the process of becoming everything that you are capable of and
experiencing a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction with your choices in life.
Emotional Intelligence
Describes the ability, capacity, skill or, in the case of the case of the trait
Emotional Intelligence model, a self-perceived ability, to identify, assess, and manage
the emotions of one’s self, of others, and of group. It is based on the notion that the
ability of managers to understand their own emotions, and those of the people they
work with, is the key to better business performance.
Five points that I though are important:
 First: the rules for work are changing. A new yardstick what is judged by
employer occurs. It relates to personal qualities, not only how smart we are, or
how many experiences we have, but also how well we handle ourselves and
each other. This yardstick affects person who will be hired and who will not,
who passed over and who promoted.
 Second: a different way to be smart. Every one wants to be smart. Nothing is
wrong about the desire to be No.1, and there is no doubt that being smart is
enjoyable. There are many ways to be smart. Every one has their own way,
however, the process of being smart have taken a long time.
 Third: emotional intelligence does not mean merely “being nice”. We must
have a serious and professional attitude when we work. We shouldn’t spend
joking with the co-workers in working times.
 Fourth: people need the motivation to keep learning and improving in their job
and life. Technology is a tool for humanity, Technology is expanding at
ever-increasing rate, the only way to keep ahead is keeping learning and
improving in our lives.
 Fifth: people need open communication in work or life. Though everyone could
talk via computer to everyone else, I think nothing beats speaking to another
person face-to-face. There are many advantages of communicating with
someone face to face. For example, you can read their body language. Body
language which includes facial expressions, is a key indicator of how a person
is reacting to the conversation.
Taking all mentioned above into account, I think emotional intelligence is important
in modern times. My current emotional intelligence skill level maybe low, however,I
am glad that emotional intelligence seems to be largely learned, so I will develop my
emotional intelligence though my rest life.
NY Times Readings and Assignments
My favorite article: Play politics
“The deeper you go into one thing, the more it connects you with other things.”,
“Learn to write well.”, “read, read, read.”, “If you young people cannot express your
conscience now, when will you? Later you will have duties, jobs, families that make
that harder. You will never be freer than now.” These sentences from Play Politics are
meaningful to me.
First, as the world becomes smaller and smaller due to the process of
globalization, it becomes more and more important that everyone learns how to read
and write. If one is to keep up with the fast pace of the world, the skills of reading and
writing are the most importance, no matter where you live in the world. Being able to
read and write gives us the opportunity to think for ourselves. The world population
will continue to grow, and the only way to keep ahead is to learn to read and write. Now
I am taking the ESL courses to improve my skills of reading and writing. I will insist
on reading one article everyday and writing journal.
Second, if I cannot express my conscience now, when will I? Yes, I am young.
If I don’t express my conscience now, I will never express my conscience in the
future. Let my consciences be my guide!
Holland Orientations
My Holland code is: CSI(Conventional, Social, Investigative)
I think it’s a bull’s eye. First, magazines and newspapers always tell stories about
people who have come to success quickly by taking risk, however, I like working with
a plan. I think careful planning is a requisite part of work, especially when one’s
decisions can impact one’s life and the lives of others in a significant way. Second, I
prefer to work with other or in group. I think work with group is much more
important than that to work independently. In most fields, a team can achieve much
more extensive scope than an individual can, because one has less strength than many
have. Teamwork is often highly valued. Third, the Holland code shows that I am a
person who enjoys using computers. It is truth. Computers have become an integral
part of everyday life. Computers are here to stay, because they facilitate many of our
everyday processes and we have already grown dependent on them.
I think computers & Technology and Math were strongest for me, commitment and
writing are the areas that I need to strength, and creativity and leadership are the areas
that I need to work on again. The research indicates that my top career choices are
account collectors and accounting clerks. Does it mean I need change my major to
accounting? My strategy is improving my emotional intelligence and academic study,
trying to live as well as I can every day, and pursuing every opportunity what is
available to me.
About me:
An ordinary girl
I was born in a small town named Lianjiang, located in the south-east of China.
Lianjiang is a very traditional small town. The most serious problems in my
hometown are the backward ideas about a woman’s place in the family, school,
workplace and society. Discrimination against women in my hometown begins before
we are even born and continues as we go to school and work. The prevalent
stereotype is that women are not as smart as men and they shouldn’t waste time and
money educating ourselves.
Having been grown up in a small town, I wished I would move to a big city. I
thought that living in a big city was incomparably better than living in a small town,
such as workplaces and educations are of excellent quality in a big city. In 2008, I
moved to New York. I have discovered that big cities aren't what I imagined. I stayed
at a friend's home and didn't go to anywhere in the first month in New York. I became
upset and disappointed and lost my self-confidence. However, LaGuardia Community
College gave me the opportunity to start my new life in New York. I made new
friends, started communicating with others and improved my English skill in
LaGuardia Community College.
Technology is expanding at an ever-increasing rate. Computers and Internet have
become an integral part of everyday life. They are always creating miracles in this
world. Today, we can use computers and Internet to communicate with any friends
and our family anywhere we want and learn the latest news. Taking along my
curiosity about computers and internet, I made a decision to take computer science as
my major.
Actually, I am not sure about my career now. When I lived in the U.S, I confused
about my career because of my poor English. However, a book told me that choosing
a career was an exciting process of self-discovery, drew me out into the world to
explore careers and set my path with decisions that would result in insight, growth
and reward. So during the process of self-discovery, I will pursue every opportunity
what is available to me.