Mayumi Oda CEP121. 2270 Professor Wright 18 November, 2008 Guided Questions Chp. 13 1. Who is a potential career network member? Potential network members provide information, instruction, and vital information. They are there when people need emotional support and honest feedback. They open doors to career opportunities. 2. What are seven different types of network members? A Brain to Pick is an expert, someone who provides problem-solving help information. A Hand to Guide You is a teacher, someone who helps you learn new skills or new job tasks. Certain people in organizations have An Ear to the Ground. They seem to be in the know. They know what projects will be canceled or funded and why, who will be promoted, and what might happen next that could affect your working life. They may share vital information that is crucial to your success if you can be discreet and if you reciprocate with factual information when you can. A Shoulder to Cry On is someone who provides support to help you get through a hard time. These people are often drawn from your circle of family and friends. A Kick in the Pants is someone who helps you when you need to be challenged to get into action, manage your time better, or structure a task. A Nose for the Truth is someone who acts as an appraiser and helps you to honestly answer the question “How am I doing?” An appraiser helps you to gauge your strengths, showing you where and how you need to improve. A Foot in the Door is someone who provides you with access to career opportunities. A foot in the door is a special person who looks out for your well-being. This person speaks up for you, takes your side, and sees that you get challenging job assignments. 3. What kind of self-defeating attitudes and beliefs inhibit networking activity? “I’m not the Insincere Type!”: It is an attitude that people build relationship as sleazy and political, especially if the relationship is with someone higher up in the organization. This attitude presumes that people can get their job done in isolation and that they will never need others to help themselves. “It Is Not Part of My Job to Network”: this attitude assumes that a job consists of a narrow set of well-defined and isolated tasks. “I Hate to Ask for Favors!”: The attitude that dislikes ask for favors is one of self-defeating attitude to inhibit networking activity. “I’m Not the Power-Hungry Type!”: Thinking own self that people are not power-hungry type is also a self-defeating attitude. They think there is no need to network. 4. What are some ways to add new members to your career network and to maintain strong linkages with current ones? People can add new members to their career network if they are confident that he/she would be willing and able to provide at least one of the kinds of help just outlined. For the most part, they should provide that person with at least one kind of help in return. Moreover, it is a way not to overlook anyone who might provide assistance in becoming more effective on the job or in reaching their career goals in order to maintain strong linkages with a current network. There is no one correct number of network members, but the greater the number, the more likely you are to get the help they need. 5. What benefits does membership in professional clubs provide? Professional clubs provide opportunities doe their members to get to know one another through conventions and meetings. In addition, some clubs provide special sources of support and knowledge. These group may be especially helpful if family and community cannot help the members with their career.