City University of New York LaGuardia Community College Practical Nursing Program

City University of New York
LaGuardia Community College
Natural & Applied Science Department
Practical Nursing Program
SCL 102 – Science & Art of Nursing I: Introduction to Practical Nursing
FALL 1 2006
Communication: The Facilitator of Nursing
These questions reflect your assigned readings done on communication.
Identify six important reasons why communication skills are important.
To gather assessment data.______________________________________
To teach and persuade a client.___________________________________
To express caring and comfort.___________________________________
To enhance relationships with colleagues and supervisors._____________
To help in the development of the nurse as a person.__________________
To help clients go through the healing process.______________________
Describes the process of communication.
Communication is the process of giving, receiving, and interpretation of information
directed to any of the five senses by 2 or more interacting persons. It has 5 components
namely: sender, message, channel, receiver, and feedback.___________________
Differentiate between verbal and nonverbal communication, give examples of each
Verbal communication is the sharing of information by written or spoken words.
_______Examples: interviewing clients, writing change-of-shift reports.________
Nonverbal communication is the sharing of information without use of written or spoken
words or language. Examples: facial expressions, manner of dress, body movements.
intonation of voice, use of touch, and physical appearance including adornment. ____
Low stake written assignment #2
Professor Iona Thomas-Connor
Page 1 of 5
City University of New York
LaGuardia Community College
Natural & Applied Science Department
Practical Nursing Program
SCL 102 – Science & Art of Nursing I: Introduction to Practical Nursing
Communication: The Facilitator of Nursing
Describe the difference between affective and cognitive communication
Affective communication is communicating with someone with or about emotions.
Example: A crying child & a parent comforting that child are both engaged in affective comm.
Cognitive communication has something to do with understanding, comprehending analyzing
and expressing information gained through our senses by using our mental faculties. A robot
can do cognitive communication but can not do affective communication. _______________
Describe and give examples of eight communication techniques used in the health care arena.
1. Use of silence, providing general leads, being specific and tentative.__________________
2. Using open-ended questions, restating or paraphrasing._____________________________
3. Seeking clarification, perception checking, offering self.____________________________
4. Reflecting and summarizing, focusing and planning._______________________________
5. Giving information, clarifying time or sequence, presenting reality.___________________
6. Use of unfinished statements._________________________________________________
7. Use of non-verbal techniques._________________________________________________
8. Use of touch. ______________________________________________________________
List and discuss six barriers to effective communication include on they can impact on the effective
delivery of client care.
Empty reassurances. Giving a truthful and factual response is more effective. ____
Cliches – “chicken noodles cures everything”. Doesn’t involve the client in decision making
Imposing your values – It doesn’t help the client explore his/her own values. _____
Giving advice according to your values – better to give alternatives and let them choose.
Low stake written assignment #2
FALL 1 2006
Professor Iona Thomas-Connor
Page 2 of 5
City University of New York
LaGuardia Community College
Natural & Applied Science Department
Practical Nursing Program
SCL 102 – Science & Art of Nursing I: Introduction to Practical Nursing
Communication: The Facilitator of Nursing
Changing the subject – It doesn’t help the client express their own feelings. _____
Disapproving or judging the client – I doesn’t consider that each client is unique.
Differentiate between therapeutic and non-therapeutic communication.
Therapeutic communication is healing & helping, goal directed, and is supportive of wellness.
Non-therapeutic communication is detrimental, not healing, & not helpful for one or both
Describe skills that nurses can use to promote effective communication as they interaction
clients, their family, peers and other member of the health care team.
Put clients at ease. Active listening.___________________________________________
Don’t use medical terminology. Don’t talk down to clients._________________________
Make eye contact. Think before you speak. Be open minded. Clarify if in doubt._________
Provide privacy. Respect client’s rights. If someone is offended, apologize.______________
Respect the client’s personal space.______________________________________________
Keep information confidential. __________________________________________________
Identify the three phases of an interview and describe the nurse’s role in each phase.
1. Introductory Phase – The nurse makes the client at ease, gives her name and describes to
client what she is about to do. __________________________________________________
2. Working Phase – This is the bulk of the interview where the nurse obtains subjective and
objective data._______________________________________________________________
3. Termination or Closure Phase – Summarizes and asks client if he/she has anything else to
add, thanks the client and, shakes hands, smiles and ends the interview. ________________
Low stake written assignment #2
FALL 1 2006
Professor Iona Thomas-Connor
Page 3 of 5
City University of New York
LaGuardia Community College
Natural & Applied Science Department
Practical Nursing Program
SCL 102 – Science & Art of Nursing I: Introduction to Practical Nursing
Communication: The Facilitator of Nursing
Discuss what factors are to be considered when communicating with the following type
An elderly person -_Age, sex, family, culture and subculture, history of illness, social
factors, religion, reactions to healthcare, physical or mental deficiencies, educational
background, ability to hear, language barriers. _____________________________
A child – Age, developmental stage, regression, capacity to role-play, language,
physical and mental handicaps, level of attention. __________________________
Factors that influence illness reaction and impact on communication
State five measures that should be employed when the patient/client is blind or has
impaired vision.
Let him know that you are going to touch him – a blind person can not see you coming.
Do not talk loudly – a blind person can hear, often their hearing is more acute. ____
Make sure client is place-oriented – blind persons are usually confused and disoriented.
Avoid sudden movements – blind persons can not anticipate movements. ________
If one eye is patched – client has no depth perception and peripheral vision. ______
Discuss three methods that can be used to promote effective communication if the
deaf or hard of hearing /client reads lips.
Speak slowly and clearly to make it easier for him to read your lips. ____________
Avoid slang, keep statements simple. Repeat entire sentences, not single words. ___
Face client on the same level and put yourself under good lighting conditions. ____
Low stake written assignment #2
FALL 1 2006
Professor Iona Thomas-Connor
Page 4 of 5
City University of New York
LaGuardia Community College
Natural & Applied Science Department
Practical Nursing Program
SCL 102 – Science & Art of Nursing I: Introduction to Practical Nursing
Communication: The Facilitator of Nursing
Communication with members of Health Team
Identify the purpose of a physician’s orders ________________________________
It tells the nurse what to do. ____________________________________________
Identify & discuss three types of physician’s orders and the legal aspects of each
Verbal orders – these orders are legal, but must be signed by the physician as soon as possible.
Handwritten orders – these are legal documents. Includes orders via computer. _________
Telephone orders – is a form of verbal order. Like verbal orders, they are legal and can not be
taken by nursing students, assistants, and or secretaries. ______________________
Describe the precautions the nurse must take when transcribing physician’s orders
Nurse must interpret orders correctly, Charge nurse must read orders before the physician
leaves. Make sure the medications are ordered from the pharmacy. _____________
Always do “stat” orders first. Note when stat meds are given and chart them immediately.
Note on the order sheet that the order has been transcribed and checked. _________
Describe the proper way of answering the telephone as a nurse working on a patient
care unit.
Give the name of the department along with your name and position. ___________
Answer the phone promptly. Write down messages carefully. _________________
Write date, time, and your name on all messages. ___________________________
Low stake written assignment #2
FALL 1 2006
Professor Iona Thomas-Connor
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