Frito-Lay’s Speedy Data Network

Frito-Lay’s Speedy Data Network
Managing Data
 Mrs. Johnson is one of 32 divisional managers of the
Frito-lay company.
 She received a new computer with software that will
allow her to swiftly determine what happened to the
snack giant product lines in every type of store in her
region for the previous week.
 It is the latest addition in what experts call model
electronic information.
 This information can appropriately be used from sales
reps to the chief executive.
Sales Decision Support Systems
The sales support
program is ready to
pull all kinds of
details that before had
taken weeks.
Mrs. Johnson can
peer into the
performance of the
six Michigan regions.
She can compare sales
for different products
in one category of
She will also be able
to see quickly how
competitors are
doing, and how they
are pricing goods so
that Frito- lay’s can
improve sales.
DSS Cont.
 Frito-lay plans to add data about sales and advertising
expenses to sales support systems. Store owners will also be
able to increase profits.
 The program will help account executives working for
managers like Mrs. Johnson.
 She will spot situations where store owners can increase
profits by displaying more frito-Lays’s products.