Late Bloomer in Education


Late Bloomer in Education

My name is Nathalie Escobar and I’m a student of LaGuardia Community College. My nationality consists of half Filipino and Taiwanese. I was blessed with life on December 7, 1988 in New York

Presbyterian Hospital and currently reside in Woodside. As of now, I’m majoring in Business

Administration and plan on continuing my education at a four-year college for my bachelor’s degree.

After graduating from St. Vincent Ferrer High School, I debated if I should take a year off school or continue my education. What gave me the motivation to continue my education were my parents.

They are my inspirational role models. I live in a family of four with an older brother, my mother and father. From what I’ve observed, I’ve inherited artistic values from my father and values of determination from my mother. However, what motivated me in choosing business as my major was my brother. Both of my parents work in the medical field. Supposedly, my brother was the “rebellious” one because he wanted to follow his own path and didn’t have the passion as my parents did in medicine. I also wanted to follow a similar path to his but combine my passion of art and fashion. Ever since I was a child, I admired my mother’s sewing of clothing and the stories of how she’d make beautiful dresses from scratch. In addition, I also loved my father’s artistic skills because he would help me with my art projects when I was in grade school. Then it struck me like a lightning bolt, why not major in Marketing and minor in Fine Arts? Therefore my dream career would be marketing in fashion.

I attended LaGuardia Community College because I was rejected by lottery to Hunter and

Baruch College. At that time, I didn’t know where to start but LaGuardia gave me opportunities for my future. I’ve realized that this was a turning point in my life, and as my high school counselor Mr. James

Kennedy referred to me as a “late bloomer” when it came to education. I blooming during the first year of LaGuardia; it was difficult because I was majoring in Nursing. I wanted to experience the medical field in the beginning just for my mother. Except, there was so much competition not only with foreign students but for grades as well. There are high standards getting into the program when becoming an

RN (or also known as a Registered Nurse), the recommended GPA was higher than a 3.7 and I had only reached a 3.3 GPA. I felt as if I wasn’t fully interested in nursing which is why I switched my major to business. I know that every career will have a certain level of stress and commitment, but I want to pursue one that I will have the passion for rather than chasing it for the money. I strongly believe that people who have a career just for the money, will barely last in the real world compared to those who have the passion for it.

This is currently my third year in LaGuardia Community College. During my time at LaGuardia, I enjoyed taking Fine Arts and Japanese the most. I love to draw and watch Japanese animation. I’ve also learned much about the social science and mathematics courses. Those classes were not only difficult but they open your mind about people and society. What surprised me the most about LaGuardia was how diverse this college is and that there was no segregation of friends. It showed how much people can be accepted into this world no matter what color or nationality you may be, you’re part of a family in this community.

At LaGuardia Community College, I’ve experienced an abundance of new ideas and expanded my knowledge greatly throughout these last couple of years. However, I soon hope to graduate from

LaGuardia to get my Associate’s Degree and to bid an adieu, so I can pursue my dream career. I will keep my memories of LaGuardia Community College at heart and always look back to a place that opened the doors not only to my future but others to come.

Welcome Statement

Welcome to my ePortfolio! My name is Nathalie Escobar and I currently reside in Woodside,

Queens. I’m a student in LaGuardia Community College majoring in Business Administration. I love the diversity of LaGuardia and the friendly atmosphere. My hobbies are drawing, painting, video games, reading non-fiction and much more. What I have most interest in is Japanese culture, language and cartoon animation.

The purpose of having an ePortfolio is to display the various activities I've been attending at

LaGuardia Community College. My ePortfolio provides information of myself, the classes and projects

I've accomplished through the semesters, my educational goals, a resume, links for other colleges that I like to attend in the future and my personal contact. I want my viewers to explore my ePortfolio and be inspired to create one of their own. I've learned new and exciting experiences while my journey through

LaGuardia Community College. Establishing an ePortfolio is like a stepping stone towards my future career. This personal website provides information down memory lane of my education through


I hope you’ll enjoy browsing through my ePortfolio and my educational memoirs through

LaGuardia Community College. Also, I hope that this will give inspiration to others in continuing their education in LaGuardia Community College. This college can be a key to success, as it was for myself.

As Johann Wolfgang von Goethe would say, "If you would create something, you must be something."
