Daiva Kuncaite CEP121 Prof. Larry Trager 05/ 28/ 09

Daiva Kuncaite
Prof. Larry Trager
05/ 28/ 09
How Successful Pass the Job Interview?
After you submit carefully prepared resume, which catches the attention of your potential
employer, you might be called for the interview. You are one more step closer in achieving your
goal. However, you need to acquire special strategies and skills in order to amuse your potential
employer with your personality, knowledge, achievements in eye to eye based interview. The all
interview process I would like to divide in 3 groups, before, during and after, which each of them
required some amount of homework done. Whit the proper preparation you will always be ahead
of the game.
Before the interview it is crucial to prepare yourself well for upcoming event. First, and
most important, you should research the company and the position, the competitors if possible,
history, marketing tools they use, revenue, products they sell or buy, mission statement by using
internet sites. Most of the big companies have their websites, which provides a good source of
primary information. Newspapers and magazines are the other useful source of information. You
also can ask questions about the company to people who are related with it and whom you can
trust. Think and write down some questions you want to ask your employer, which you can use
later during the interview. For example, if I will be looking for the job at Elmhurst hospital as
register nurse I would ask: According to your website, your hospital serves to the most diverse
community in the city, what techniques do you use to accommodate multilingual and
multicultural people in order to provide excellent healthcare? The research not only shows to
your potential employer that you interested in the job, but also it will provide information to help
you to decide whether you are interested in that company or not. You also should review your
work experience and be prepared to talk about your accomplishments and strengths with the
Daiva Kuncaite
Prof. Larry Trager
05/ 28/ 09
specific examples from your former job. After you did your homework it is good to do dress
rehearsal by asking your friend or family member to interview you. That helps you to make your
presentation more clear.
During the interview it is crucial to arrive on time. Dress appropriately and always smile.
Make a happy face, which makes impression of your positive attitude. Put out your hand to shake
first even you are the female. In this way you show the respect to the potential employer.
Maintain the eye contact with your interviewer during all time of the interview. Think and be
prepared to talk why someone should hire you. Be confident and focus on your major strengths
and achievements related to the position you are seeking. Have memorized few specific success
stories and tell them at the right time. For example, in the interview for nursing position I would
mention that I am hardworking person, that can withstand up to 12 hours physical work, and that
would be very useful as a healthcare provider since the hospital staff is always on their toes
throughout the day. Listen carefully what the interviewer asking you and give direct, detailed but
concise answer. Be prepared to talk about your education, previous jobs, yourself, even your
weakness and limitations. A good approach to handle the weakness question is to answer
honestly. Come up with the problem that you could not to solve due to some weakness and how
you learned from it. For example, I would say that when I came to America I had difficulty
speaking fluently in English, I put time and effort and improved my speaking and writing skills,
that opened the door to the college. Ask questions to your potential employer from the
homework you did as well as other questions related to the position. For example, what would by
my duties and responsibilities? What does the future look like for this hospital? The question
about the salary it is better to keep for the next interview, or when the position is being offered to
Daiva Kuncaite
Prof. Larry Trager
05/ 28/ 09
you. During the interview it is useful to take notes, because it shows that you interested in the
new information you just received. You also can use your notes for writing follow up thank you
letter. At the end of the interview always ask if they need any additional information and what
would be your next step. Let them know once again that you are interested in the position. Don’t
forget to get their business card in order to keep in touch.
After the interview, regardless of how the interview went, it is important to send a follow
up thank you letter. It will help to develop a respect among perspective employers. You can also
restate again your skills and stress what you can do for the company.
In conclusion, the key for the successful interview is being prepared. If you done a great
job in researching the company, formulated questions of your interest, thought about the specific
examples of your achievements that supports your strengths you have a chance to succeed in the
interview. The knowledge you have and the rehearsal of the interview with the friend gives you
confidence. During the interview the most important is be on time, smile, be confident, listen and
ask questions. Despite the outcome of the interview it is essential to send thank you note,
reminding them about your strengths and what you can do for the company.