From Bad to Good By: Janine Charles

From Bad to Good
By: Janine Charles
Michael- a young man seeking the right direction
Latoya- Michael’s homie /Tiffany’s friend
Tiffany- Michael’s girlfriend
Information Lady- The lady at the hospital information booth
Grandma Anderson- Michael’s grandma
Doctor- Michael’s surgery doctor
Latoya was at church for praise dance rehearsal when see receive several calls from Tiffany that
Latoya- Hello
Tiffany- (crying) Michael just has been shot.
Latoya- Do you know what happen?
Tiffany- Chris was arguing with Devon. Chris left and went upstairs to get a gun and put it in his
pocket. Chris comes back downstairs and the started arguing again. When Michael approaches the
arguing to tell them to chill, Devon must have felt threat that Chris and Michael were going to
jump him or shot him. That when Devon started shooting. Chris started shooting back while he
and Michael were running. Michael didn’t know he got shot until he started running. When he got
a couple of blocks away he laid out because he couldn’t run any more. He got help from the
person that live in the house he was laid out in front of. The ambulance come and got him.
Tiffany-It’s my entire fault!
Tiffany- Me and Michael was arguing. During the argument I said I was going to call the cops on
him. He kicks me out his crib. He left and went to meet Chris. If only I hadn’t threat him by
saying I was going to call the cops on him he would have been with me. If he was with me, he
would not have been shot.
Latoya- It’s not your fault.
Tiffany- Yes it was. We were arguing over stupid ness. All due to a lot of boys was calling my
phone and I try to hide then lie about it. The only reason why I told him I was going to call the
cops because I thought I was going to stay in the house with me and be scared not runs to the
Latoya- That doesn’t mean anything. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen because
God know everything that is going to happen way before the it happen.
Tiffany- I also give him bad luck. The outfit he had on was the one I bought. I bought it just so he
can match with me even though I knew he didn’t like the color and it bought him bad luck.
Latoya- There is no such thing as I bad luck. I told you already whatever is going to happen it
will happen because God already got it plan out. I know what going to happen before it happen.
Stop blaming yourself! It’s not your fault.
Tiffany- Okay
Latoya-What hospital is he at?
Tiffany- Elmhurst hospital
Latoya- Where you at?
Tiffany- Home
Latoya- Well I’m out of rehearsal, do you want to go to the hospital?
Tiffany- Yeah
Latoya -I’ll be there in a few minutes to pick you up.
Tiffany- Okay
Latoya picks up Tiffany from her house. As the drove to the hospital Tiffany cried her eyes out.
Tiffany- (crying heavily) what I’m I going to do with out him?
Latoya- He not going to died thing positive.
Tiffany- The said the situation was really bad.
Latoya- But he's strong he is going to make it Trust me. I know he will.
Tiffany- (crying softly) Latoya I might be pregnant. How am I going to raise this baby with out
Latoya-I told you he going to be alright but if he doesn’t make it you will be alright. You raise
your first baby without a baby father. Remember you got family and close friends that will have
your back.
God was on Latoya’s side that night because she was lucky to find parking right in front of
hospital. Latoya and Tiffany enter the hospital though the emergency room. As they enter hospital
Tiffany started crying again. The more she enter the loudly she would cry. Tiffany was to sad to
ask where Michael was being located at so Latoya asked the lady at the information desk.
Latoya- Excuse Miss, do you know where we can find the patient by the name of Michael at?
Information Lady- What was he being admitted in for?
Latoya- He was shot.
Information Lady-He still in surgery at this moment. There is a family room you can sit in until
the doctor come back with the results.
Latoya- Can you please tell me where we can locate the family room?
Information Lady- The family room is located in room 315. You are going to straight; when you
get to the first corner you will make a left and get on the elevator. Go to the 3rd floor. When you
get off the elevator go to the left side. You will make another left at the end of the hall, and then
you will go straight. It‘s 2 to 3 doors down on your right side.
Latoya- Thank you.
Tiffany and Latoya followed the direction the information lady gives them. As the approach the
room Tiffany begins to get scared. Tiffany had stop crying when the had left the elevator. When
they got in the room they had seen face they thought shouldn’t been present but the did not hate on
them. The room was full with Michael’s family along with friends that Tiffany and Latoya didn’t
get along with. The same girls that were suppose to jump them or get them jump but never got the
job done. It was Michael’s ex-girlfriend and her friends. His family was closer to Tiffany and
Latoya then the other girls that were there. They were greeted by all his family. If they didn’t know
them they were introduce.
Tiffany & Latoya- Hello
Grandma Anderson- There’s my girls. Hi babies. How are you two?
Tiffany- Trying to hold up.
Grandma Anderson- He will be okay. He strong he will make it though.
Latoya - I keep telling her the Grandma
Grandma Anderson- This is my brother Jamal, Michael’s uncle. This is Tiffany Michael’s
girlfriend and Latoya Michael’s friend which he calls his sister. (Greeting amongst everybody)
Tiffany-How is he doing?
Grandma Anderson- We still don’t know all we know is still in surgery. The doctor didn’t talk to
us yet.
Tiffany & Latoya- Okay
Grandma Anderson- He had been in there for 4 hours now.
Everyone was engaging in conversation.
Tiffany- Why those hoes are here?
Latoya- I don’t know but don’t worry about them. Just worry and know why you’re here.
Tiffany- I know I’m not worrying those hoes are fake anyways. They have nothing on me
Another hour went by that’s when the doctor enter with the news.
Doctor- Are you Michael’s family?
Grandma Anderson- Yes
Doctor- We has good news for you. He made it! He was a fighter though the surgery. He will be
okay. He lost a lot of blood. He now safe for you to go in and see him.
Grandma Anderson-Thank you
Grandma Anderson went to the area where they were a room where Michael lied with tube and
needles all over him. His face was swelling. Latoya got to see a little of what he looks like from a
distance. When Grandma came out she announces she didn’t want anyone to see him because she
didn’t like the way he looks. The next day Tiffany went to see him. Latoya had gone to pennsylvia
because she had to praise dance at another church to ministry. All the days Michael was in the
hospital he had several visit. Grandma Anderson and Tiffany went almost everyday to visit. Latoya
went every time she got a chance. Her work schedule would interfere with her visiting. Latoya
spoke to him everyday and all night like if he was home. After a couple of weeks in the hospital
Michael finally recovers. Michael finally comes home. Well at home he was recovering himself to
his old self. This was never to fear anything and always be a gangster until the day he died. As a
good friend Latoya was she would try to convince him of changing his life because God gave him
another chance. He stays in the house for weeks then he turn to the streets again. Two months later
he got locked up. On the 8th month of Michael jail time he called Latoya to tell her a secret.
Michael-What up
Latoya-I’m chilling. How are you holding up?
Michael- I’m doing the time not letting the time do me. What you been up to?
Latoya- Same thing I was doing before you go lock up. The usually school and church, everything
to keep my life in the right direction.
Michael- That’s good. Did you pray for me?
Latoya- I always do.
Michael- Yo I have a secret to tell you?
Latoya- What is it?
Latoya- Just tells me.
Michael- Well
Latoya- What tell me already?
Michael- Well remembers when you were living at your old house.
Latoya- Yeah, what about it
Michael- I had a crush on you. Remember when I told somebody to tell you that I like you back
Latoya- Yeah
Michael- I was serious. It was not a joke. Then there was a time I told you on the phone and you
thought I was joking then to but I was serious once again.
Latoya- I don’t know what to say. I recently kind of figure you did like me but I wasn’t sure. I still
don’t know what to say or feel. So why you never really told me on some serious talking. Every
time you told me it was like in a joking way that’s why I never took you serious.
Michael- The only reason why I started dealing with other females is because I had needs and I
was young. Sitting in this cell has giving me the time to reflect on how I really feel about you.
Which is why I could honestly say what I felt back then wasn’t just a faze I was going through. It
was real I wanted you then like I want you now. You always been that female who ain't never let
me down, that always kept it official with me. Any secret that I share with you I know remain with
you and that’s just one of the things of loyalty that I want the female in my life to have.
Latoya stay silent while Michael continue on
Michael- I’ve made a lot of wrong decision in my life and one of them was allowing someone else
(Tiffany) to play the position that I always wanted you to play. I know your thinking I’m losing my
mind but on some real shit I just want to let you know how I feel and you might feel the same way.
I promise I will change if only you be my girlfriend.
Latoya- You should change for me but for yourself. I still don’t know what to think or feel. This is
something I have to seriously think about. I don’t want to hurt anybody feeling especially what
goes around comes around and slap you in the face twice as hard. I think about it when I decide
what the decision I finally made I let you know. All I can say if God wants us to be together it will
Michael- Well the phone is about to hang up. Please think about speak to you later. Bye.
Latoya and Michael spoke to each other once a week and wrote each other letters to keep in touch
with each other. Latoya would go and see Michael every time she got a time to herself when he
had a free visit day. 2 ½ years into Michael’s jail time him and Tiffany had broken up due to
several reason. Tiffany moved away and in a new relationship. Five years finally went by and
Michael had finished his time. The first person he went to see after he seen his intimidate family
was the person he hold close to his heart that was his close friend and the one he was in love with
from the first day he lied eyes on Latoya. Latoya was now a criminal lawyer but still active in her
church. The first Sunday that had hit when he got home he went to church with Latoya and kept
going to church on the regular. He was serious this time about changing his life because he felt
three strikes your out. God give him an opportunity to a third chance and he felt he might as well
wake up and use this opportunity. Since Michael had got a college education in jail he open his
own business following his died parents path. Latoya and Michael started dating six months after
he got home. Three months after when the pastor open the days of the church to get baptized in the
name of Jesus the spirit lead him to do so. Three years later at Latoya’s surprise birthday party.
Michael- Everybody can I get your attention. Latoya I just want to say you have been there for me
though thick and thin. You are my best friend and my lover. You’re my everything. You are the
reason why I wake up in the morning. You believe on my when no one else would. You help me
change my life around from bad to good. You were there when no one else was there. You’re the
one I want to start my family with. I want to be with you to death do us part. Will you marry me?
Latoya-(crying happy tears) Yes! Yes I will marry you Michael.
A year later Michael and Latoya got a marry. The move into a big house together. 3month before
their 2nd Anniversary they had their 1st baby. It was a baby boy and name after Michael. Later that
year Michael announces that he want to become a preacher and peach the word of God because
he was a living testimony. Everybody live happily ever after.