Information required to support request for conditional approval to

Information required to support
request for conditional approval to
forward a draft standard
IEEE 802 LMSC Operations Manual
Clause 12
Version 2.1
Request for conditional approval
Page 1
Ballot close date and results
1. Date the ballot closed:
Please replace with project, draft number, date and time of close
2. Vote tally including Approve, Disapprove and Abstain votes
Comments received: __
< 30
Disapprove with comment
Disapprove without comment
≥ 75
Ballots returned
≥ 75/>50
Delete as required
Version 2.1
Request for conditional approval
Page 2
Unresolved negative comments
3. Comments that support the remaining disapprove votes and Working Group
Where a voter has accepted some comment resolutions and rejected others,
only the comments of which the voter has not accepted resolution should be
Instruction: Delete this help text and replace with unresolved negative
comments in the slide and supplemental slides, of if prefer in a
separate comment report.
Version 2.1
Request for conditional approval
Page 3
Unresolved negative comments (Con’t)
If required make as many copies as required …
Version 2.1
Request for conditional approval
Page 4
Future schedule
4. Schedule for recirculation ballot and resolution meeting.
Instruction: Delete this help text and replace with schedule.
For each cycle (maximum of two) include:
Estimated recirculation ballot open date
Estimated recirculation ballot close date
Proposed interim meeting date
Estimated recirculation ballot open date
Estimated recirculation ballot close date
Proposed interim meeting date
[1] A maximum of two recirculations permitted under conditional approval. ‘If a new valid disapprove
comment/vote is received as a result of the 'initial conditional recirculation ballot', the Working Group Chair
may issue one 'subsequent conditional recirculation ballot' in an attempt to meet the conditional approval
conditions. If the conditions are not met by the 'subsequent recirculation ballot', the 'conditional approval'
terminates.’ (See ‘802 Chair's interpretation of 'substantially complete' as used in conditional approval
procedure 14’,
[2] One of the conditions, should conditional approve be granted, is that the recirculation ballot and
resolution should occur in accordance with the schedule presented at the time of conditional approval.
Hence if two recirculations are expected include them, as needing only one is fine.
Version 2.1
Request for conditional approval
Page 5