MCS signaling for IEEE802.16m IEEE 802.16 Presentation Submission Template (Rev. 9) Document Number: IEEE C802.16m-09/0997 Date Submitted: 2009-04-27 Source: Chiwoo Lim , Seunghoon Choi, Sung-Eun Park, Songnam Hong, Jaeweon Cho, Jaehee Cho, Heewon Kang, Hokyu Choi E-mail: {chiwoo.lim, seunghoon.choi, se.park, sn7955.hong, jaeweon.cho, jaehee1.cho, hkang, choihk} Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. 416 Maetan-3, Suwon, 443-770, Korea Venue: Category: AWD comments / Area: Chapter 15.3.12 (Channel coding HARQ-PHY) “Comments on AWD 15.3.12 Channel coding HARQ-PHY” Base Contribution: None Purpose: To be discussed and adopted by TGm for 802.16m amendment Notice: This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. 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MCS signaling for IEEE802.16m Chiwoo Lim, Seunghoon Choi, Sung-Eun Park, Songnam Hong, Jaeweon Cho, Jaehee Cho, Heewon Kang, Hokyu Choi Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2 About This Contribution • Goal and scope of this contribution – Show the performance comparison with 4-bit and 5-bit MCS. – Show the weak relationship between padding overhead and MCS resolution, especially when 4 bits and 5 bits of MCS resolution are compared. – Propose schemes for reducing A-MAP overhead for 802.16m 3 Performance comparison with 4-bit and 5-bit MCS MCS levels • 4bits (16 levels) vs. 5bits (32 levels) • Mathematical calculation shows the 5.7% gain in 5bits. • But, we can’t consider the scheduling effect and CQI mismatch (due to delay). • So, we require the SLS. • Simulation conditions based on the current 16m EMD. • Some specific conditions are as following : – – – – 5 Cell user : 10 , Scheduling user : 3 Scheduling : Proportional Fair Cell radius : 1.5km Variable factors : MCS levels, CQI report period, velocity (channel) LLS results • • • • 6 In AWGN Target FER : 10e-1 SNR range : -10dB ~ 21dB (Equi-distance SNR) 32 levels case. (16 levels case use a half.) SLS results • System Throughput (in Ped_B 3km/h) CQI report period (frame) 32 levels (Mbps) 16 levels (Mbps) Gains (in 32 levels) 1 8.18 (97.8%)* 7.93 (98.4%) +3.2% 4 6.77 (79.1%) 6.75 (83.5%) +0.3% 8 6.44 (78.4%) 6.49 (82.6%) -0.8% * means the success probability in first transmission 7 SLS results • System Throughput (CQI report period : 1 frame) Channel 32 levels (Mbps) 16 levels (Mbps) Gains (in 32 levels) Ped_B (3km/h) 8.18 (97.8%)* 7.93 (98.4%) +3.2% Ped_B (30km/h) 5.93 (80.1%) 5.92 (84.4%) +0.2% Veh_A (120km/h) 5.51 (64.8%) 5.50 (70.1%) +0.2% * means the success probability in first transmission Mixed Channel : Ped_B 3 (60%), Ped_B 30 (30%), Veh_A 120 (10%) Gains(in 5bits) : 2% 8 SLS results • System Throughput (CQI report period : 4 frame) Channel 32 levels (Mbps) 16 levels (Mbps) Gains (in 32 levels) Ped_B (3km/h) 6.77 (79.1%) 6.75 (83.5%) +0.3% Ped_B (30km/h) 5.45 (71.4%) 5.46 (76.9%) -0.2% Veh_A (120km/h) 5.44 (67.8%) 5.41 (72.9%) +0.6% * means the success probability in first transmission Mixed Channel : Ped_B 3 (60%), Ped_B 30 (30%), Veh_A 120 (10%) Gains(in 5bits) : 0.18% 9 SLS results • System Throughput (CQI report period : 4 frame) Channel Equi dist. 16e ext. Gains Ped_B (3km/h) 6.75 (83.5%) 6.72(83.0%) 0.4% Ped_B (30km/h) 5.46 (76.9%) 5.34(76.2%) 2.6% Veh_A (120km/h) 5.41 (72.9%) 5.32(72.2%) 1.7% * means the success probability in first transmission Mixed Channel : Ped_B 3 (60%), Ped_B 30 (30%), Veh_A 120 (10%) Gains : 1.2% 10 Reasoning for result • • • • 32 levels cause more HARQ retransmission. The probability of increasing retransmission is 1/32 So, there are more(3.1%) retransmissions in 32 levels. In real simulation, used SNR range : -5dB ~ 21dB, so the value is 1/26 (= 3.8%) Increasing retransmission region 11 Padding overhead analysis for MCS resolution 12 Padding Overhead • Padding Overhead can be determined by the following 3 Factors – Number of MCS Levels (MCS Resolution) – Size of Resource Unit (Resource Resolution) – Number of Nep (Nep Resolution) • The point of our analysis is only to compare 5bits MCS with 4bits MCS in terms of padding overhead. The followings are assumed. – MCS Levels should be determined by following the Equi-Dist SNR – The Size of Resource Unit is fixed by 96 – Nep has one byte resolution (Let’s ignore the restriction of multiple of 7 for convenient) 13 Padding Overhead Analysis • [Example 1] Computing Padding Overhead – For the given CQI and PDU, MCS Index and RU Size is determined by considering the following two conditions [CQI = MCS Index 4, PDU = 15 bytes] • The MCS Index should be chosen such that MCS Index ≤ 4 • The RU should be chosen such that Nep ≥ PDU – The MCS Index and RU Size is determined such that padding overhead is minimized. • In this example, MCS Index 3 and RU = 2, • The padding overhead is (19-15)/19 * 100 = 21% 14 RU / MCS 0 1 2 3 4 1 - - 6 10 13 2 6 9 13 19 26 3 9 13 20 29 38 Padding Overhead Analysis • [Example 2] Comparison of Padding Overhead, 4bits Vs. 5 bits (Case 1) CQI = MCS Index 4 (in 4 bit MCS case), PDU = 20 bytes • 4Bits MCS : MCS Index 4 and RU = 2, Padding Overhead = (26-20)/26*100=23.1% • 5bits MCS : MCS Index 7 and RU = 2, Padding Overhead = (22-20)/22*100=9.1% Big difference but special case (Case 2) CQI = MCS Index 4 (in 4 bit MCS case), PDU = 80 bytes • 4Bits MCS : MCS Index 4 and RU = 7, Padding Overhead = (89-80)/89*100=10.1% • 5bits MCS : MCS Index 8 and RU = 7, Padding Overhead = (89-80)/89*100=10.1% No difference and almost case RU 4bit MCS index 5bit MCS index 3 4 6 7 8 1 10 11 13 2 19 22 26 3 29 33 38 4 38 44 51 5 48 54 64 6 57 65 76 7 67 76 89 8 76 87 102 9 86 98 114 10 95 108 127 Padding Overhead Analysis • Case 1 (blue circle) – (a) value is larger than (b) – There is a gain of padding overhead reduction – Only a few amount of RU case • Case 2 (red circle) – (c) value is smaller than or equal to (d) – There is no gain of padding overhead reduction – Almost case 16 RU 4bit MCS index 5bit MCS index 3 4 6 7 8 1 10 11 13 2 19 22 26 3 29 33 38(b) 4 38 44(a) 51 5 48 54 64 6 57 65 76 7 67 76 89(d) 8 76 87(c) 102 9 86 98 114 10 95 108 127 Analysis by Calculation • For the given MCS Tables in Appendix, we derived the padding overhead with the same method in Example 1 – 4bits MCS : padding overhead 2.9% – 5bits MCS : padding overhead 2.7% * This is because Case 1 is special and few event and Case 2 is almost event. • The padding overhead reduction gain in 5 bits MCS is 0.2%. – The padding overhead reduction gain doesn’t directly have an effect to throughput but coding gain. (Show the Appendix 3) • Our analysis shows that 5bits MCS can transmit 0.2% more parity bits than 4bits MCS, which can be negligible gain. • We do not have to consider padding overhead when determining the number of bits for MCS (4bits or 5bits) Appendix 1 4 bits MCS Table in IEEE802.16m-09-0510r2 MCS index Modulation Code rate ‘0000’ QPSK 31/256 ‘0001’ QPSK 48/256 ‘0010’ QPSK 71/256 ‘0011’ QPSK 101/256 ‘0100’ QPSK 135/256 ‘0101’ QPSK 171/256 ‘0110’ 16QAM 102/256 ‘0111’ 16QAM 128/256 ‘1000’ 16QAM 155/256 ‘1001’ 16QAM 184/256 ‘1010’ 64QAM 135/256 ‘1011’ 64QAM 157/256 ‘1100’ 64QAM 181/256 ‘1101’ 64QAM 205/256 ‘1110’ 64QAM 225/256 ‘1111’ 64QAM 237/256 Appendix 2 5 bits MCS Table 19 MCS Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Modulation QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM Code Rate 31/256 38/256 48/256 58/256 71/256 84/256 101/256 115/256 135/256 150/256 171/256 92/256 102/256 111/256 128/256 138/256 155/256 167/256 184/256 192/256 135/256 148/256 157/256 168/256 181/256 195/256 205/256 217/256 225/256 232/256 237/256 242/256 Appendix 3 The Impact of Padding Overhead reduction (in 5bit MCS) - The 5bits MCS can transmit the PDU with lower code rate than 4bits MCS as given in the following figure (Case 1) 4 bits MCS 5 bits MCS 20 A-MAP information related HARQ in 802.16m • A-MAP information can include the followings: – – – – – – – Resource allocation information MCS index AI-SN SPID (SubPacket ID) CoRe version ACID (HARQ channel ID) Etc. • In conventional MAP transmission, the above information are transmitted at every transmission. 21 Considerations on A-MAP information • There are three types of information in A-MAP. – Information necessary for every transmission • Resource allocation information (except persistent allocation) • AI-SN • ACID – Information only necessary for initial transmission • The information for calculation of burst size (Nep) • For example, modulation and code rate – Information only necessary for retransmission • The information can be fixed in initial transmission without any penalty. • SPID (SPID = 0 in initial transmission) • CoRe version (CoRe version = 0 in initial transmission) 22 Problem of current MCS table • Firstly, we should consider supporting adaptive HARQ. – Assumptions : • Adaptive HARQ is adapted. • Same MCS table is adapted in initial and retransmission. – Problem : • MCS index in retransmission only give the modulation order information. • In this case, we use the 4 bits for indicating only modulation order. 23 Problem of current MCS table • Secondly, we should consider initial A-MAP loss problem. – If we assumes the adaptive HARQ, we may change the modulation order and resources in retransmission. • In one HARQ transmission, there is no change of the Nep. • So, if AMS don’s receive the initial A-MAP, AMS can’t succeed the decoding because A-MAP information in retransmission can’t give the Nep information. • If AMS don’t receive the initial A-MAP, AMS don’t send the ACK/NACK and it induces the residual error with probability of initial MAP loss. 24 New schemes for 802.16m • Proposed scheme multiplexes different types of information for A-MAP overhead reduction. – Multiplexing information are MCS index and SPID and CoRe version. – MCS index (Modulation and Code rate) • The information for calculation of burst size is very important, but burst size should not be changed during one HARQ transmission. So, this information is only necessary for initial transmission. • Modulation can be changed under adaptive HARQ. • Code rate is used for calculating burst size in initial transmission, but doesn’t have any information in retransmission. – SPID and CoRe version • SPID and CoRe version are the information that can be fixed in initial transmission without any penalty. • CoRe may not operate in case that modulation is changed in retransmission. 25 New schemes for 802.16m • In proposed scheme, MCS index in MCS table have different information for initial and retransmission. – Initial transmission : MCS index indicates modulation and code rate. – Retransmission : MCS index indicates modulation, SPID and CoRe version. • Proposed scheme assumes the 4-bit MCS index, 2-bit SPID and 1 bit CoRe version. – Additional bits for SPID and CoRe version are possible if the gain is guaranteed. – Even if additional bits are used, the bit in current table indicates a part of whole bits and other bits can be included in other A-MAP field. 26 New schemes for 802.16m • In proposed scheme, the bits for signaling SPID and CoRe version can be removed or reduced. • There is no drawback for conventional operation. – Only one restriction is that there is no CoRe operation in case that modulation is changed in retransmission. But, this restriction is reasonable. • In MCS table for retransmission – “+” and “-” are utilized when modulation at retransmission is not same to that at initial transmission as follows. • When modulation is QPSK at initial transmission, “-” and “+” represent 64QAM and 16QAM at retransmission, respectively. • When modulation is 16QAM at initial transmission, “-” and “+” represent QPSK and 64QAM at retransmission, respectively. • When modulation is 64QAM at initial transmission, “-” and “+” represent 16QAM and QPSK at retransmission, respectively. 27 New schemes for 802.16m • For solving the initial A-MAP loss problem, we introduce the Null detection and the 1-bit MTI (MCS Table Indicator). • Through the Null detection, ABS can know the initial A-MAP loss, and ABS can resend the initial A-MAP using MTI. • MTI can indicate the initial A-MAP to AMS when initial AMAP is lost. • Null detection can be implemented by applying a few powers to ACK/NACK channel for initial transmission. • In our analysis, about 1.8dB power increasing in ACK/NACK channel for initial transmission can solve the initial A-MAP loss problem. 28 New schemes for 802.16m MCS for initial transmission (MTI = 0) MCS for retransmission (MTI =1) SPID CoRe version 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 2 1 6 3 0 128/256 7 3 1 16QAM 155/256 8 - 0 0 ‘1001’ 16QAM 184/256 9 - 1 0 ‘1010’ 64QAM 135/256 10 - 2 0 ‘1011’ 64QAM 157/256 11 - 3 0 ‘1100’ 64QAM 181/256 12 + 0 0 ‘1101’ 64QAM 205/256 13 + 1 0 ‘1110’ 64QAM 225/256 14 + 2 0 ‘1111’ 64QAM 237/256 15 + 3 0 MCS index Modulation Code rate ‘0000’ QPSK 31/256 ‘0001’ QPSK 48/256 ‘0010’ QPSK 71/256 ‘0011’ QPSK 101/256 ‘0100’ QPSK 135/256 ‘0101’ QPSK 171/256 ‘0110’ 16QAM 102/256 ‘0111’ 16QAM ‘1000’ MCS index 2 3 4 5 Modulation Modulation is same as initial transmission . Modulation at initial transmission. - + QPSK 64QAM 16QAM 16QAM QPSK 64QAM 64QAM 16QAM QPSK • MCS for initial transmission is just an example, so modulation and coderate details are not the scope of this proposal Example • In initial transmission, – MCS index ‘7’ is indicated : Modulation is 16QAM, SPID is 0 and CoRe version is 0. • In retransmission, – MCS index ‘2’ is indicated : Modulation is same as initial transmission (16QAM), SPID is 1 and CoRe version is 0. – MCS index ‘3’ is indicated : Modulation is same as initial transmission (16QAM), SPID is 1 and CoRe version is 1. – MCS index ‘9’ is indicated : Modulation is changed by QPSK, SPID is 1 and CoRe version is 0. – MCS index ’13’ is indicated : Modulation is changed by 64QAM, SPID is 1 and CoRe version is 0. Text Proposal to 802.16m amendment Replace the Table 700 by the following text at the section Burst partition -------------------------------------- Start of Proposed Text -------------------------------------- Channel Coding Burst partition To determine the modulation and code rate for current transmission, the AMS shall read the 4-bit ’MCS index’ field in A-MAP. In downlink, the MCS index represents a different information according to MTI. For MTI=0 (initial transmission), it denotes the modulation and code rate as shown in Table xxx, and for MTI=1 (retransmission), it denotes the modulation, CoRe version, and SPID as shown in Table yyy. In uplink, the MCS index represents the modulation and code rate as shown in Table xxx. In Table yyy, “+” and “-” are utilized when modulation at retransmission is not same to that at initial transmission as follows. - When modulation is QPSK at initial transmission, “-” and “+” represent 64QAM and 16QAM at retransmission, respectively. - When modulation is 16QAM at initial transmission, “-” and “+” represent QPSK and 64QAM at retransmission, respectively. - When modulation is 64QAM at initial transmission, “-” and “+” represent 16QAM and QPSK at retransmission, respectively. 31 Text Proposal to 802.16m amendment Table xxx ― MCS table for downlink (MTI=0) and uplink data channel 32 MCS index Modulation Code rate ‘0000’ QPSK 31/256 ‘0001’ QPSK 48/256 ‘0010’ QPSK 71/256 ‘0011’ QPSK 101/256 ‘0100’ QPSK 135/256 ‘0101’ QPSK 171/256 ‘0110’ 16QAM 102/256 ‘0111’ 16QAM 128/256 ‘1000’ 16QAM 155/256 ‘1001’ 16QAM 184/256 ‘1010’ 64QAM 135/256 ‘1011’ 64QAM 157/256 ‘1100’ 64QAM 181/256 ‘1101’ 64QAM 205/256 ‘1110’ 64QAM 225/256 ‘1111’ 64QAM 237/256 Text Proposal to 802.16m amendment Table yyy ― MCS table for downlink (MTI=1) data channel MCS index SPID CoRe version 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 2 1 6 3 0 7 3 1 2 3 4 5 Modulation Modulation is the same as that of initial transmission . 8 - 0 0 9 - 1 0 10 - 2 0 11 - 3 0 12 + 0 0 13 + 1 0 14 + 2 0 15 + 3 0 -------------------------------------- End of Proposed Text --------------------------------------33