IEEE C802.16m-09/2246 Project Title

IEEE C802.16m-09/2246
IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group <>
Femto ABS Fractional Resource Assignment related text proposal in response to LB30a
Markus Muck
Infineon Technologies
IEEE 802.16m/D2, reply on LB30a comments.
This contribution provides text proposals with the objective to resolve LB30a comments
To be discussed and adopted in IEEE 802.16 TGm
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Femto ABS related text proposal
Markus Muck
Infineon Technologies
Concerning D2 [1], comments have been submitted for LB30a. This document proposes text changes in
order to address an issue that lead to the disapproval of the current draft.
Motivation: In a very dense Femto ABS deployment, resources are expected to become scarce. It is thus
proposed that a (central controlling) Macro ABS is distributing fractions of resources to Femto ABS as
illustrated below:
IEEE C802.16m-09/2246
Operator assigns carrier frequencies and subsets of Resource Blocks to various Femto BS
Used Resources in
transmitted signal #1
Used Resources in
transmitted signal #1
Used Resources in
transmitted signal #2
Used Resources in
transmitted signal #2
Used Resources in
transmitted signal #2
Each Femto BS performs
allocation of the Resources
within „its“ sub-set of
Resource Blocks
Used Resources in
Used Resources in
Used Resources in
transmitted signal #1 transmitted signal #1 transmitted signal #1
[1] IEEE P802.16m/D2,” DRAFT Amendment to IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks”.
October 2009
Proposed text
[Insert the following text in P80216m /D2 page 545 line 62] Femto ABS attachment to the Macro ABS and Core Network
The Femto ABS shall perform Femto ABS initialization procedures to register itself to the network. For a Femto ABS that uses air
interface connection with the overlapped Macro ABS for exchanging control messages, the Femto ABS shall perform Femto ABS
initialization procedures to register itself to the network and overlaid Macro ABS and obtain direct wireless link configuration
The Femto ABS initialization procedure can be divided into the following phases:
a) Scan for DL channel and establish synchronization with the Macro ABS
Perform the overlaid Macro ABS selection (May be omitted if the overlaid Macro ABS was pre-configured)
b) Obtain UL parameters
c) Perform ranging
d) Negotiate basic capabilities
e) Authorize Femto ABS and perform key exchange
f) Perform registration
g) Set up connections with Macro ABS (Basic and management service flows only)
IEEE C802.16m-09/2246
h) Obtain initial neighbor list
i) Perform neighbor measurement and report
j) Obtain and configure Femto ABS air interfaces operation parameters
The Macro ABS may assign fractions of the available resource blocks to selected Femto ABS which are then further assigned to ABS
by each Femto ABS, leading to a hierarchical Radio Resource Management approach.