PAR Review - Agenda and Meeting slides - March 2016 Date: Authors:

March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
PAR Review - Agenda and Meeting slides March 2016
Date: 2016-02-12
Jon Rosdahl
Technologies Inc.
10871 N 5750 W
Highland, UT 84003
Slide 1
Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
Mar 13-18, 2016, Macao, China
• 802.1Qcr - Amendment: Asynchronous Traffic Shaping, PAR and CSD
• 802.3bs - Amendment: 200 Gb/s Ethernet and 400 Gb/s Ethernet, PAR
Modification and CSD Modification
• 802.3bt - Amendment: DTE Power via MDI over 4-Pair, PAR
Modification and CSD
• 802.3cc - Amendment: 25 Gb/s over Single-Mode Fiber: PAR and CSD
• 802.3cd - Amendment: 50 Gb/s Ethernet, 100 Gb/s Ethernet and 200 Gb/s
Ethernet Physical Layers; PAR and CSD
• 802.15.12 - Amendment: Upper Layer Interface (ULI), PAR and CSD
• 802.15.4v - Amendment: Usage of Regional Sub-GHz bands, PAR and
• 802.16s - Amendment: Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access
Systems , PAR and CSD.
• Meeting times: Monday PM2, Tuesday AM2, Thursday AM2
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Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
PAR Review SC – March 2016
Chair: Jon Rosdahl
Draft Agenda:
Monday Agenda:
Determine order of review
Review PARs/CSD posted for review this week.
Tuesday Agenda:
Complete review of PARs/CSD and post comments to 802 WGs
Thursday Agenda:
Review Response to Comments
Prepare Report for 802.11 WG closing plenary
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Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
PAR Review Comments
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Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
802.1Qcr - Amendment: Asynchronous
Traffic Shaping, PAR and CSD
8.1 requires “(Item Number and Explanation)”
Either add the PAR “Item Number” that is missing
or delete the sentence” The core operation of the intended
mechanism on the data plane is described in /1/files/public/docs2015/new-tsnspecht-ubs-queues-0521-v0.pdf.”
2.1 Title does not seem correct for an Amendment.
Expected to see “Amendment:” after the base standard
title followed by the amendment title.
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Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
802.1Qcr - Amendment: Asynchronous
Traffic Shaping, PAR and CSD
CSD 1.2 5c: Need to expand TSN for first use.
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Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
802.3bs - Amendment: 200 Gb/s Ethernet and 400
Gb/s Ethernet, PAR Modification and CSD
PAR – No comment/concern
CSD – No comments or concerns.
Slide 7
Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
802.3bt - Amendment: DTE Power via MDI over
4-Pair, PAR Modification and CSD
PAR – No Comment/Concern
CSD – New CSD Format approved by 802, would prefer
update to this nominal slide deck to readily validate the
correct set of CSD criteria. Note that the order of the
CSD does not match this format.
Economic Feasibility: Who’s Experience” the experience”
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Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
802.3cc - Amendment: 25 Gb/s over SingleMode Fiber: PAR and CSD
PAR: in section 8.1, it is missing the standards cited in 5.2
Note From NesCom Conventions #5. “…For references to other
standards within the Scope and Purpose fields, the number, title,
date (if appropriate), and source of the referenced standards shall
be listed in the Additional Explanatory Notes field. “
Add full titles for “IEEE Std 802.3-2015 as amended by the IEEE
CSD: The Technical Feasibility mentions a standard for
25 Gbps and yet the Distinct Identity mentions there is
no other standard. Please clarify.
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Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
802.3cd - Amendment: 50 Gb/s Ethernet, 100
Gb/s Ethernet and 200 Gb/s Ethernet Physical
Layers; PAR and CSD
PAR – No Comment or Concern
CSD – No comments or concern
Slide 10
Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
802.15.12 - Amendment: Upper Layer
Interface (ULI), PAR and CSD
5.2 Scope:
• A consistent reference to “IEEE 802.15.4 MAC” should be made. The
third instance of IEEE 802.15.4 should be IEEE 802.15.4 MAC.
• Expand 6TiSCH in first use.
5.4 Purpose:
• The purpose is not clear -it seams to refer to changes required for itself
• Suggested replacement:
“This standard defines an upper layer interface to support and
harmonize the IEEE 802.15.4 ancillary functionality, e.g.
fragmentation, protocol differentiation and configuration.”
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Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
802.15.12 - Amendment: Upper Layer
Interface (ULI), PAR and CSD
5.4 Need:
The need statement is overstated. Suggest replace with
“As IEEE 802.15.4 devices have become widely deployed,
deficiencies in IEEE Std 802.15.4 became apparent as an expanding
set of applications were addressed. To address these deficiencies
numerous L2+ protocols were independently developed to interface
to the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC sublayer. These L2+ protocols, such as
KMP, L2R, 6TOP, and network layer abstraction, often replicate
ancillary functionality, e.g. fragmentation and protocol
differentiation, in an inconsistent and often incompatible manner.”
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Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
802.15.12 - Amendment: Upper Layer
Interface (ULI), PAR and CSD
8.1 This section is for explanatory text, not expanded text from the
PAR sections. Suggest that 8.1 be deleted, and that the titles of the
cited standards be listed: i.e. “IEEE 802.15.4”
Note: From NesCom Conventions #5. “…For references to other
standards within the Scope and Purpose fields, the number, title,
date (if appropriate), and source of the referenced standards shall
be listed in the Additional Explanatory Notes field. “
Add full titles for IEEE 802.15.4
5.2 Scope: “KMP” should be “KMPs”
CSD: No comments or concerns.
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Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
802.15.4v - Amendment: Usage of Regional SubGHz bands, PAR and CSD
2.1 Title: delete “Approved Draft”
Suggested title replacement: “Standard for Low-Rate
Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Amendment:
Enabling/updating the use of Regional Sub-GHz bands”
5.2.b Scope of the project: delete “PHY clauses”
CSD – No comments or concerns
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Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
802.16s - Amendment: Air Interface for
Broadband Wireless Access Systems , PAR and CSD.
2.1 Title: Replace “ for” with “:”
Suggested Title: “Standard for Air Interface for
Broadband Wireless Access Systems – Amendment:
Fixed and Mobile Wireless Access in Channel
Bandwidth up to 1.25 MHz”
4.2/4.3: The Date for 4.2 seems aggressive, and the
minimum time between these two dates should be at
least 6 months.
3.3 indicates Joint Sponsorship – 7.2 says that no joint
development will be done. Then why the Joint
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Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
802.16s - Amendment: Air Interface for
Broadband Wireless Access Systems , PAR and CSD.
5.3 – 802.16-2016 does not exist. Is this trying to suggest a
new revision project?
CSD – No comment
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Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
Responses From 802 WGs
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Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)
March 2016
doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r1
IEEE 802 PARs Under consideration Webpage:
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Jon Rosdahl, (Qualcomm)