Governors in the Clean States: POWERFUL Mary Palmer Powerful Governors in the Clean States (2007) 5 4 3 2 1 0 National Minnesota Overall Personal Power Michigan Wisconsin Overall Institutional Power Iow a Formal Powers- Minnesota 5 4 3 2 1 Minnesota Gubernatorial Party Control Veto Power Budgetary Power Appointment Power Tenure Potential Seperately Elected 0 National Informal Power- Minnesota 5 4 3 Governor Tim Pawlenty 2003-current Republican 2 1 0 Electoral Mandate Minnesota Ambition National Personal Future Performance Rating Formal Powers- Iowa 5 4 3 2 1 National Veto Power Budgetary Power Gubernatorial Party Control Iowa Appointment Power Seperately Elected Tenure Potential 0 Informal Power- Iowa 5 4 3 Governor Chet Culver 2006-present Democrat 2 1 0 Electoral Mandate Iowa National Ambition Personal Future Performance Rating 5 Formal Powers- Michigan 4 3 2 1 Veto Power Budgetary Power Appointment Power National Gubernatorial Party Control Michigan Tenure Potential Seperately Elected 0 Informal Power- Michigan 5 4 3 Governor Jennifer Granholm 2003-current 2 1 0 Electoral Mandate Michigan Ambition National Personal Future Performance Rating Consistently Strong Formal Powers in Wisconsin 5 4 3 2 1 0 2001 2004 Gubernatorial Party Control Veto Power Budgetary Power Appointment Power Tenure Potential Seperately Elected 2007 Priorities: Education Health Care Economy Formal Powers- Wisconsin 5 4 3 2 1 National Veto Power Budgetary Power Gubernatorial Party Control Wisconsin Appointment Power Seperately Elected Tenure Potential 0 Informal Power- Wisconsin 5 Governor James (Jim) Doyle 2002-current Democrat 4 3 2 1 0 Electoral Mandate Wisconsin Ambition Personal Future Performance Rating National (featured here at the Democratic National Convention, 2008) The impact of the “Frankenstein Veto”, Veto power increased by increased Democratic Control "There was sort of a sense in the Republican leadership that it was better not to get anything done, where they could blame the other side," Doyle said. "I think people in Wisconsin, and people across the country, are saying we'd rather get something done." Doyle’s Political Mandate Increased: Wisconsin Gubernatorial Election 2002 Party Candidate Votes % Democratic Jim Doyle 800,971 45.1 Republican Scott McCallum (Incumbent) 732,796 41.4 Libertarian Ed Thompson 185,085 10.5 Wisconsin Gubernatorial Candidate 2006 Party Candidate Votes Democrati c Jim Doyle (Incumbent) 1,139,1 15 52.8 Republican Mark Green 979,42 7 45.3 % ±% +7.7 ± %