802.22 Comments on pending 802 PARs Date: Authors: Name

July 2011
doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0084r0
802.22 Comments on pending 802 PARs
Date: 2011-07-19
Affiliations Address
Gerald Chouinard CRC
3701 Carling Ave.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Slide 1
Jon Rosdahl, CSR
July 2011
doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0084r0
• 802.1AXbq amendment for distributed resilient network
interconnect, PAR and 5C
• 802.1ASbt amendment for timing and synchronization for timesensitive applications, PAR and 5C
• 802.1 AS corrigendum, PAR, no 5C required as this is a
maintenance item.
• 802.1BR new standard for bridge port extension, PAR and 5C
• 802.3bj amendment for 100 Gb/s operation over backplanes and
copper cables, PAR and 5C
• 802.15.4m amendment to 802.15.4 for TV white space PHY, PAR
and 5C
• 802.22 amendment for management and control plane interfaces
and procedures and management information base enhancements,
PAR and 5C
Slide 2
Jon Rosdahl, CSR
July 2011
doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0084r0
802.1 PARS
• 802.1ASbt amendment for timing and synchronization
for time-sensitive applications, PAR and 5C
• 802.1 AS corrigendum, PAR, no 5C required as this is a
maintenance item.
• 802.1BR new standard for bridge port extension, PAR
and 5C
– No comments were made.
Slide 3
Jon Rosdahl, CSR
July 2011
doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0084r0
802.3 PARs
• 802.1AXbq amendment for distributed resilient
network interconnect, PAR and 5C
• 802.3bj amendment for 100 Gb/s operation over
backplanes and copper cables, PAR and 5C
– No comments were made..
Slide 4
Jon Rosdahl, CSR
July 2011
doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0084r0
802.15.4m amendment to 802.15.4 for TV
white space PHY, PAR
• 5.2 Scope:
– The scope should indicate the extent of the range expected for
these devices (e.g., from 802.11ah PAR Scope: “ … support for
transmission range up to 1 km.”.
– The TV White Space regulatory requirements are not limited to the
PHY layer aspects. The new PHY layer and the necessary MAC
layer changes needed to support this PHY layer might not be
sufficient to meet these requirements. For example, the scope
should include indications as to how the project will address the
way these devices are to access the incumbent database.
• 5.4 Purpose:
– The sentence should indicate the network topology envisaged to
realize the stated “large scale … applications”.
Slide 5
Jon Rosdahl, CSR
July 2011
doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0084r0
802.15.4m amendment to 802.15.4 for TV
white space PHY, 5C
• 1. Broad Market Potential:
– c) balanced costs
• It is premature to refer to “known implementations of other TV White
Space devices” since there are no devices that have been certified by
regulators and no operational deployment in existence.
• Incumbent database access and geolocation requirements to operate in
the TV White Space should be taken into account in the cost of the
• 2. Compatibility
– Please, refer to comment related to 4a) on next slide.
• 3. Distinct Identify
– a) The existing 802.22-2011 can accommodate the same application space in
terms of data rate although this standard has not been designed for short
range WPAN applications. However the stated applications specific to
command and control and low cost and very low power devices are distinct.
Slide 6
Jon Rosdahl, CSR
July 2011
doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0084r0
802.15.4m amendment to 802.15.4 for TV
white space PHY, 5C
• 4. Technical Feasibility
– a) Please refer to the comment under section 1c) on the previous
slide. Also, the fact that 802.15 devices use a 64-bit MAC address
will increase the complexity for accessing the incumbent database
over the Internet which typically uses 48-bit MAC addresses.
There is no known 802.1 routing mechanism to translate between
64-bit and 48-bit address realms.
– b) Should refer to: “The 802.15 technology”
– c) Note that the reliability will be affected by the use of the
spectrum by the incumbents. This may result in different system
reliability than previously experienced by 802.15.4 in other bands.
• 5. Economic feasibility
– b) TV White Space devices will have to accommodate database
access and geolocation requirements which will likely imply cost
not experienced by the existing 802.15 devices.
Slide 7
Jon Rosdahl, CSR
July 2011
doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0084r0
802.22 PARs
• 802.22 amendment for management and control plane
interfaces and procedures and management
information base enhancements, PAR and 5C
– No comments were made.
Slide 8
Jon Rosdahl, CSR
July 2011
doc.: IEEE 802.22-11/0084r0
Slide 9
Jon Rosdahl, CSR