Information Resources Council IT Capital Budget Review Meeting 12/14/06

Information Resources Council
IT Capital Budget Review Meeting
Attendees: Beth Du Pont, Phylise Banner Klein, Bob Jones, Mark Bauer, Jeff Clark, Bill
Duffy, Paul Dwyer, Joanne Devine, Margo Mensing, Susan Zappen, Sarah Goodwin,
Cameron Dunn, Dave DeConno, Kathleen Guay, Justin Sipher, Ann Henderson, Joe
Stankovich, and Kibuchi Banfield
Meeting minutes from 11/30/05 were approved with changes.
Still working on a time for IRC meetings next semester. Thursdays from 4-5:00pm are
the currently possibility.
Potential agenda items for next semester:
 Image databases and Art History,
 Computer Classrooms (How can we create an additional PC lab? And what are
our future needs?)
 Online Learning (proposed by Phylise Banner Klein
 Technology support in the arts (Ex: 3D, MIDI, sensory/hap tic). This coud be an
open meeting to talk about who is doing what on campus, and how can we better
support and share resources? The boundaries in the arts and other academic areas
are blurring. Discuss: Collaboration beyond college boundaries, the use of
filmmaking across the curriculum, and how Treuhaft candidates are blending
subject areas with technology.
IT Capital Budget Discussion:
Justin began the conversation by stating that there are no significant changes in the dollar
amount of capital expenses requested this year (with the exception of some potential
facilities items). The department is realigning some costs, by moving them to operating
lines, where they more reasonably reside.
He announced that IT has requested one new position this year, which is a server support
position. The need is driven by the increased growth in academic applications. He
commented that academic computing used to be more desktop oriented, and is now
becoming more server based. This would bring the number of servers support individuals
to 4. One attendee asked for specifics on what this individual would do. A number of IT
attendees provided examples: Discussion forum support, Content Management System
support, WebCT (or other course management system) support, Web logs, Wiki’s, and
provide backup support for administrative server support staff. With the adoption of these
resources steadily increasing, the academic and administrative demands continue to grow
as well. The current IT staff can’t meet this demand. The addition of this individual
would assist IT with increasing the scalability of these academic offerings.
Justin provided an outline of items requested in the IT capital budget for fiscal year ’06’07. In the past IRC has been provided with a spreadsheet listing projects and budgeted
amounts. This new format organized IT projects into 5 general categories listed below. It
was noted that these items are proposed only, and not cut in stone.
Network & Server Upgrades/Maintenance
- Replace core-network data switch
- Expand wireless network
- Network cabling upgrades
- Server upgrades/replacement
- Oracle ERP & SIS systems enhancement and integration
Telecommunications Projects
- Yearly PBX upgrade/maintenance
- Replace 4 Blue-Light emergency phones
- Digital telephone handset upgrades
- Voice-mail replacement (major)
- Additional “Blue Light” emergency telephones
- Telecommunications cabling upgrades
Desktop Computing
- Annual Computer Deployment (Cohort B this year)
- Technology Enhanced Classrooms (Maintenance)
- New technology-enhanced classrooms
- Annual software licensing (Microsoft, Apple, etc...)
- Upgrade to SPSS Enterprise license
- Additional “hands-on” Windows computer classroom
- Media Services equipment cyclical renewal
- Academic Technologies equipment cyclical renewal
- Inventory Control and Checkout Software for Media Services
- MBS Bookstore system upgrade
- One-card system for entrance control
- Distributed Asset Storage and Delivery
- IT Network Security enhancements
Facilities initiatives impacting IT and IT services
- Technical Services HVAC Upgrade
- Technical Services Generator and UPS Upgrade
- Media Services HVAC Upgrades
Some questions and conversation in response to the proposed items:
A student attendee asked, “How flexible is the deployment about adding departments to
their list? For example, SGA.” IT staff replied that SGA pays for their own equipment,
and have recently asked for support from IT in helping them procure, replace and
maintain their equipment. IT staff are currently working with Barb Schallen on this issue.
The question was asked, “Is the one card project a one-year project and then it’s
complete?” IT staff responded by saying that it is not a one-year project. Right now there
are 3 major areas being considered for the first year, along with the dorms. Campus
safety and manpower issues are a significant consideration.
One attendee asked, if sharing the IT budget with IRC was just a courtesy, or does IRC
have to act on it in some way. Sarah responded saying that it is an informational session,
which helps to further explain where the college is in the budget process. IRC is not
expected to take any action. It is more of a public airing of the IT capital budget proposal.
Justin added that if we are requested to cut back our budget requests, this might be vetted
with IRC to assist in making strategic decisions.
Bob Jones asked if there were any blue light phones designated for the Northwoods. The
answer provided was that 7 phones have been budgeted for in the Northwoods project,
however facilities and campus safety determines the locations.
A student attendee asked if there were plans to upgrade datastor, in light of recent space
issues. The student was informed that IT plans to implement quotas as well as increase
server space. The same student also asked if there is any way to assist SGA w/cleaning
up unused club data from the server. It was explained that IT does not look at data
directories to see if they contain contents, and if these are just folders, removing them
won’t make much difference space wise. It was also mentioned that IT is looking at
moving the students to the SAN, where the space can be more easily tweaked as
One attendee asked for further explanation of the Oracle budget line. Justin addressed this
by saying that the big Oracle expenses are in the past now, the Oracle budget line helps
with continuing the integration of other applications with Oracle. This also includes
consulting fees, which should be on a gradual decline. One significant migration still to
be tackled is the migration of the college’s old historical data into Oracle.
A student attendee also asked if students work in the IT department. He was told that IT
has a large number of students working at the Help Desk, Media Services, Consulting
Services, Technical Services, and Academic Technologies.