1) Finalize research plan
2) Review entire proposal
3) Jenni to upload final documents, make necessary copies, prepare to send
4) Electronic submissions to be sent via ORA*
Proposal Preparation Timeline
1) Meet with
Diane Wilson to create budget
(ex. 5993)
2) Talk to Jenni
Frank* (ex. 4711)
3) Make sure subcontract budget is being completed and necessary pages are being signed!
Final budget pages, proposal forms, biosketches, resources and other related pages to be completed, as well as draft research plan and PI
Exception Letter if necessary*
Weeks Before
Two Weeks Before Deadline 10 Days Before Deadline
One Week Before
Two Days Before
Meet with Jenni to review guidelines, assess proposal progress, fill out
AA Form*, sign necessary pages
Jenni to submit proposal and signature forms to
ORA for review
Relax… everything’s been taken care of!
1) You need to provide a copy of the proposal guidelines and any other pertinent information. We will review the proposal process, deadline, etc. and set up a timeline for proposal completion as well as solidify who will bear responsibility for which parts.
A) Many pieces of your proposals are standard and can be provided by Jenni
B) If there is a subcontract involved, please also provide contact information
2) The AA Form is required for every single proposal – grant, contract, SBIR, fellowship, etc. It is the form that will circulate within the university to the Office of Research
Administration (ORA). Our grant officer in ORA MUST approve of your submission before it is sent.
3) If you are serving as the PI (Principal Investigator) on your proposal, please verify your eligibility by checking university policy at http://www.rgs.uci.edu/ora/sp/pieligibility.htm
4) Aside from the research plan, all other proposal pages must be in final format in order to go to ORA.
A) Please note, if your proposal includes a subcontract, their final budget pages and signed letter of agreement must accompany our submission to ORA. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for them to be a few days ahead of us in their grant preparation process!
B) If we are receiving a subcontract, please provide me with the budget, justification and scope of work as quickly as possible so we can get the necessary signatures to the contractor.
C) If yours is an on-line submission, information needs to be uploaded to the electronic file in order to go to ORA.
Things That Jenni Frank Can Help You With
1) Funding searches
2) All proposal submissions
3) Contacting program officers and other external officials
4) Communicating with the Dean’s Office and Office of Research Administration
5) Working the system (almost any system)
6) Finding answers
Jenni Frank
Contract and Grant Analyst
949.824.4711 jenfrank@uci.edu
Sose Thomassian will be taking care of submissions and other grant-related activity.
Please meet with Sose regarding ALL proposal submissions just as you would have if Jenni were here!
Sose can help find all sorts of answers in Jenni’s absence…she will be in contact with all ORA officers and is familiar with the submission process.
Sose’s contact information is:
Jenni will be back in the office at the end of September.
Government Grants http://www.grants.gov/
Proposal Central https://proposalcentral.altum.com
Useful Websites
Government Electronic Submission Information (SF 424) http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/424/index.htm
NIH Form PHS 398 http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/phs398.html
UCI Office of Research Administration (Research and Graduate Studies) http://www.rgs.uci.edu/ora/
Center for Scientific Review – NIH http://cms.csr.nih.gov/
Fogarty International Center – NIH www.nih.gov/fic/
Grant Proposal Guide for the National Science Foundation www.nsf.gov/pubs/2002/nsf022/nsf0202_2.html
National Cancer Institute – NIH www.nci.nih.gov
National Center for Research Resources – NIH www.ncrr.nih.gov
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering – NIH www.nibib1.nih.gov
National Institutes of Health www.nih.gov
National Science Foundation http://www.nsf.gov/
FastLane – NSF Online Proposals https://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/fastlane.jsp
Foundation Center http://fdncenter.org