Alternative Investments and Risk Measurement Alternative Investments and Risk Measurement Paul de Beus 26 juli 2016 AFIR2003 colloquium, Sep. 18th. 2003 1 Contents introduction the model application conclusions 2 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 2 Alternative Investments The benefits: lower risk higher return The disadvantages: risks that are not captured by standard deviation (outliers, event risk etc) 3 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 3 Non-normality skewness kurtosis 0.67 Jarque-Bera statistic 8.19 reject normality* yes equity -0.62 bonds 0.41 0.67 4.61 no hedge funds -0.55 2.81 37.54 yes commodities 0.38 0.44 3.15 no high yield -0.76 3.35 55.88 yes convertibles 0.05 0.05 0.05 no real estate -0.50 0.70 6.11 yes em. markets -2.04 9.27 422.85 yes Monthly data, period: January 1994 - March 2002 * 95% confidence 4 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 4 Implications of non-normality portfolio optimization tools based on normally distributed asset returns (Markowitz) no longer give valid outcomes risk measurement tools may underestimate the true risk-characteristics of a portfolio 5 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 5 The model Two portfolios: 1. traditional portfolio, consisting of equity and bonds 2. alternative portfolio, consisting of alternative investments Given the proportions of the traditional and alternative portfolios in the resulting ‘master portfolio’, our model must be able to compute the financial risks of this master portfolio. 6 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 6 Assumptions for our model the returns on the traditional portfolio are normally distributed the distribution of the returns on the alternative portfolio are skewed and fat tailed The returns on the two portfolios are dependent 7 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 7 Modeling the alternative returns We model the distribution of the returns on the alternative portfolio with a Normal Inverse Gaussian (NIG) distribution Benefits: adjustable mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis Random numbers can easily be generated 8 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 8 The NIG distribution skewness: -1.6 kurtosis: 6.9 Example of a Normal Inverse Gaussian distribution and a Normal distribution with equal mean and standard deviation 9 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 9 Modeling the dependence structure We model the dependence structure between the two portfolios using a Student copulas, which has been derived form the multivariate Student distribution Benefits of the Student copula: the dependence structure can be modeled independent from the modeling of the asset returns many different dependence structures are possible (from normal to extreme dependence by adjusting the degrees of freedom) well suited for simulation 10 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 10 Risk measures To measure the risks associated with including alternatives in portfolio, our model will compute: Value at Risk(x%): with x% confidence, the return on the portfolio will fall above the Value at Risk Expected Shortfall(x%): the average of the returns below the Value at Risk (x%) Together they give insight into the risk of large negative returns 11 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 11 Monte Carlo Simulation 1. 2. 3. generate an alternative portfolio return from the NIG distribution using the bivariate Student distribution and a correlation estimate, generate a traditional portfolio return repeat the steps 10.000 times and compute the Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall 12 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 12 Application traditional portfolio: 50% equity, 50% bonds alternative portfolio: 100% hedge funds portfolio mean volatility skewnes kurtosis traditional 0.51% 2.52% -0.10 -0.11 alternative 0.57% 2.10% -0.71 2.90 correlation 0.54 Period: January 1990 - March 2002 13 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 13 Computation Computation of Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall: Method 1, our model Method 2, bivariate normal distribution Objective: minimize the risks 14 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 14 Optimal variance Expected return and volatility 3,0% 2,5% 2,0% expected return 1,5% volatility 1,0% 0,5% 10 0% 90 % 80 % 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% 0,0% percentage alternatives 15 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 15 Optimal Value at Risk Value at Risk 0,0% VaR 5% model 1 -1,0% -2,0% VaR 5% model 2 -3,0% -4,0% VaR 0.5% model 1 -5,0% -6,0% VaR 0.5% model 2 -7,0% 16 26 juli 2016 90 % 10 0% percentage alternatives 80 % 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% -8,0% Ernst & Young Actuaries 16 Optimal Expected Shortfall Expected Shortfall 0,0% -2,0% ES 5% model 1 -4,0% ES 5% model 2 -6,0% ES 0.5% model 1 -8,0% ES 0.5% model 2 10 0% 90 % 80 % 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% -10,0% percentage alternatives 17 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 17 Conclusions returns on many alternative investments are skewed and have fat tails using traditional risk measuring tools based on the normal distribution, risk will be underestimated based on mean-variance optimization, an extremely large allocation to alternatives such as hedge funds is optimal using Value at Risk or Expected Shortfall, taking skewness and kurtosis into account, the optimal allocation to hedge funds is much lower but still substantial 18 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 18 Contacts Paul de Beus Marc Bressers Tony de Graaf Ernst & Young Actuaries Asset Risk Management Utrecht The Netherlands 19 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 19 Questions? 20 26 juli 2016 Ernst & Young Actuaries 20