77th Session of meetings of the IEEE 802.15 Working Group for

March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
77th Session of meetings of the
IEEE 802.15 Working Group for
Wireless Personal Area Networks
March 11-16, 2012
Hilton Waikoloa Villiage, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Closing Report
Slide 1
Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
802.15 Organization Chart
802.15WG Chair
Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
802.15 Vice Chairs
Rick Alfvin, VeriLAN
Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting
Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting
Assistant Secretary
Mike McInnis, Boeing
To add your name
to the WG/TG/SG/IG reflectors
please go to www.ieee802.org/15
New Projects (WNG),
Interpretations, Rules
Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting
Working Group Technical Editor
James Gilb
Study Groups/Interest Groups
Study Groups:
Personal Space Communications (PSC)
Chair, Myung Lee, CUNY
Task Groups
TG4e 15.4 MAC Enhancements
Seong-Soon Joo, ETRI
TG4j MBAN 15.4 PHY
Ray Krasinski, Philips
TG4f Active RFID
Mike McInnis, Boeing
TG4k Low Energy Critical Infrastructure
Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting
TG4g Smart Utility Networks
Phil Beecher, Consultant
TG6 Body Area Networking
Art Astrin, Astrin Radio
Spectrum Resource Use (SRU)
Chair: Shoichi Kitazawa,
ATR Wave Engineering Laboratories
TG9 Key Management Protocol
Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
TerraHertz (THZ)
Chair: Thomas Kürner,
Technische Universität Braunschweig
15.4 Positive Train Control (PTC)
Chair: Jon Adams, unafiliated
15.4 China Medical Band PHY
Chair: Clint Powell, unafiliated
Interest Groups
TGm 15.4 TV White Space PHY
Sangsung Choi, ETRI
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Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Waikoloa Session Objectives
March 11-16, 2012
TASK GROUP4e --MAC Enhancements
1. Work complete
1. Work complete
TASK GROUP-4g Smart Utility Networks
1. On RevCom agenda for March 28
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Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Waikoloa Session Objectives
March 11-16, 2012
TASK GROUP-4j MBAN Phy Amendment
1. Review/Edit Draft Contributions
2. Update Project Plan/Timeline
TASK GROUP-4k Low Energy Critical
Infrastructure Monitoring
1. Review/Edit Draft Contributions
2. Update Project Plan/Timeline
TASK GROUP-4m : TVWS PHY for 15.4 (4TV)
1. Work on Technical Guidance Doc
2. Update Project Plan/Timeline
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Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Waikoloa Session Objectives
March 11-16, 2012
TASK GROUP 6 –Body Area Networking:
1. Work Complete
Study Group: Peer Aware Communications (PAC)
(fna: Personal Space Communication (PSC))
1. Secure PAR approval
Study Group: Positive Train Control-15.4 PHY
1. Secure PAR approval
Study Group: China Medical Band-15.4 PHY
1. Secure PAR approval
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Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Waikoloa Session Objectives
March 11-16, 2012
Spectrum Resource Use (SRU) Interest Group:
1. Hear Contributions
2. Discuss future of the Committee
THz Interest Group:
1. Hear Contributions
2. Discuss future of the Committee
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Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Waikoloa Session Objectives
March 11-16, 2012
1. Report on WNG progress
2. Hear new presentations
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Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
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Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
802.15 Session Results
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Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area
Networks (WPANs)
Submission Title: TG4g-SUN Closing Report for Waikoloa, March 2012
Date Submitted: March 2012
Source: Phil Beecher, Beecher Communications Consultants Ltd
Contact: Phil Beecher, Beecher Communications Consultants Ltd
Voice: +44 7765 400948, E-Mail: phil@beecher.co.uk
TG4g Closing Report for March 2012 Session
Abstract: Closing Report for the SUN Session in Waikoloa
Purpose: Smart Utility Networks
Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered
as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing
individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to
change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s)
reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes
the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
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doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
This Standard defines an amendment to IEEE 802.15.4. It addresses principally outdoor Low Data Rate
Wireless Smart Metering Utility Network requirements. It defines an alternate PHY and only those
MAC modifications needed to support its implementation.
Specifically, the amendment supports all of the following:
• Operation in any of the regionally available license exempt frequency bands, such as 700MHz to
1GHz, and the 2.4 GHz band.
• Data rate of at least 40 kbits per second but not more than 1000 kbits per second
• Achieve the optimal energy efficient link margin given the environmental conditions encountered in
Smart Metering deployments.
• Principally outdoor communications
• PHY frame sizes up to a minimum of 1500 octets
Simultaneous operation for at least 3 co-located orthogonal networks
• Connectivity to at least one thousand direct neighbors characteristic of dense urban deployment
• Provides mechanisms that enable coexistence with other systems in the same band(s) including
IEEE 802.11, 802.15 and 802.16 systems
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doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
To provide a global standard that facilitates very large scale process control applications such as
the utility smart-grid network. This amendment supports large, geographically diverse
networks with minimal infrastructure. Smart Metering Utility Networks can potentially
contain millions of fixed endpoints. The communication range, robustness, and coexistence
characteristics required for this class of application have not been met with existing 802
standards (See explanatory notes in Section 8.1 Doc#15-08-705).
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doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Meeting Goals, achievements etc.
Approved agenda – 15-12-0098-00-004g
Approved January minutes - 15-12-0032-00-004g
Presented opening report – 15-12-0123-01-004g
Status Report
• RevCom package submitted
• TG4g is on agenda of RevCom meeting: March 28 2012
• Expected publication date April 29 2012 (thanks to IEEE
 Adjourned : time elapsed – 8 minutes
 WG Motion:
To affirm decisions made by TG4g during Monday AM1
Moved: Phil Beecher (BCC)
Second: Clint Powell (PWC)
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Mar 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
IEEE 802.15.4j Task Group
Closing Report
8th Meeting of the MBAN Task Group
Waikoloa, HI
Mar 11-16, 2012
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Raymond Krasinski, Philips
Mar 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Scope of MBAN Task Group
• Draft an amendment of 802.15.4 for MBAN
– This amendment defines a physical layer for IEEE
802.15.4 in the 2360 to 2400 MHz band which
complies with Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) MBAN rules. This amendment
defines modifications to the MAC needed to
support this new physical layer.
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Raymond Krasinski, Philips
Mar 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
MBAN Background
• GE Healthcare petitioned the US Federal Communications
Commission to use the 2.36 to 2.4 GHz band for Medical BAN
– Band to be used only for medical applications*
– This band is primarily allocated in various parts to aeronautical mobile
telemetry and telecommand (AMT), radio astronomy and amateur
• MBAN will use band on a secondary basis and must defer to primary users
• FCC NPRM on MBAN released in June 2009
• This closed to responses from interested parties in October 2009
* Proposed eligibility & permissible communications: Licenses by rule operations by authorized health care
professionals and by any other person, if such use is prescribed by a health care professional. Limited
to transmission of data (no voice) used for monitoring, diagnosing or treating patients
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Raymond Krasinski, Philips
Mar 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
AFTRCC, Philips and GE Proposal for
Secondary Use of Spectrum by MBANS
• Representatives of AFTRCC, Philips and GE on
January 13, 2011 presented a joint proposal for
MBANS service rules.
– Philips, GE and AFTRCC filed an ex-parte on Sept 13
answering all outstanding questions in an update
• Details can be found on FCC filed comment server
– Docket #08-59
• The process
– Next Step: FCC to publish final rules
– Expected Q1, 2012
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Raymond Krasinski, Philips
Mar 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Accomplishments for Mar Meeting
• Agreement on final MAC feature text
– Merge agreed-upon text into draft amendment
• Review complete draft amendment
• Assigned sub-editor
• Motion in TG to request WG approve
move to Letter Ballot
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Raymond Krasinski, Philips
Mar 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
TG4J motion
Move that TG4j requests that the 802.15 WG approve the
start of a WG Letter Ballot requesting approval to forward
document d1P802-15-4j_Draft_Standard.pdf, [based on
DCN: 15-11-0836-06-004j] to Sponsor Ballot pending the
completion and inclusion of the edits in the draft.
Moved: Suhwook Kim
Second: Anuj Batra
Vote: Y: 9
N: 0
A: 0
Motion Passes
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Raymond Krasinski, Philips
Mar 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
WG motion
Move that 802.15 WG start a WG Letter Ballot requesting
approval to forward document d1P802-154j_Draft_Standard.pdf, pending the completion and inclusion
of edits in accordance with document 15-11-0836-06-004j, to
Sponsor Ballot.
Moved: Ray Krasinski
Second: Liang Li
Vote: Y:
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Raymond Krasinski, Philips
Mar 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
TG4J Schedule
• Proposal Effort
Call for Proposals
Preliminary Proposals
Final Proposals
Begin Draft Amendment
Mar 2011
May 2011
July 2011
Nov 2011
• Drafting
– Preliminary draft Amendment
– Final draft (ready for WG Letter Ballot)
Jan 2012
Mar 2012
• Balloting
– Letter ballot
– Recirculation I
– Sponsor Ballot
Mar 2012
Jul 2012
Sep 2012
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Raymond Krasinski, Philips
Mar 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Plan for May Meeting
• Resolve comments received in response
to Letter Ballot
• Coexistence
– Create document
– Resolve issues
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Raymond Krasinski, Philips
Mar 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
IEEE 802.15.4k Task Group
Closing Report
Pat Kinney, Chair
Waikoloa, HI
Mar 11-16, 2012
Slide 23
Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting
<March 2012>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
TG4k PAR Scope of Proposed Standard
This standard is an amendment to IEEE 802.15.4. It addresses principally
those applications such as critical infrastructure monitoring. It defines an
alternate PHY and only those MAC modifications needed to support its
implementation. The amendment supports:
Operation in any of the regionally available licensed, license exempt, and special
purpose frequency bands.
Simultaneous operation for at least 8 co-located orthogonal networks
Application data rate of less than 40 kbits per second
Propagation path loss of at least 120 dB
> 1000 endpoints per mains powered infrastructure
Asymmetric application data flow
Extreme difference in capabilities and performance between endpoint devices and
coordinating devices (collectors)
Coordinator may support all standardized modulations (MCS) and data rates
Coordinator may be required to support antenna diversity or antenna beam steering
End point must be able to conserve energy
Reliable operation in dramatically changing environments (no control over
environment). This amendment also provides mechanisms that enable
coexistence with other systems in the same band(s) including IEEE 802.11,
802.15, and 802.16 systems
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<Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>
<March 2012>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Purpose of Proposed Standard
The purpose of this amendment is to facilitate point to
multi-thousands of points communications for critical
infrastructure monitoring devices. The amendment
addresses the application’s user needs of minimal network
infrastructure, and enables the collection of scheduled and
event data from a large number of non-mains powered end
points that are widely dispersed, or are in challenging
propagation environments. To facilitate low energy
operation necessary for multi-year battery life, the
amendment minimizes network maintenance traffic and
device wake durations. In addition, the amendment
addresses the changing propagation and interference
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<Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>
<January 2012>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
TG4k Officers
Patrick Kinney
Vice Chair/Secretary: TBD
Technical Editor:
Monique Brown
• DSSS Editor
David Howard
• FSK Editor
Cristina Seibert
• MAC Editor
Ben Rolfe
• Clause 4/Annex P Editor P Kinney (temp)
• Coexistence
Qing Li
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<Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>
<March 2012>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Meeting Goals
 Hear presentations and discuss current draft
 MAC Changes
 General (General Description, Annex)
 Discussion on issues, concerns, and TBDs
 Review and comment on coexistence document
 Discuss path forward
 Hear presentations on participant's proposals to draft
 Discussion and recommendations for changes to draft
 Assignment of effort needed to complete draft
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<Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>
<March 2012>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
TG4k Meetings This Week
(Kohala 1)
(Kohala 1)
(Kohala 1)
(Kohala 1)
Review FSK
Edit FSK text
Review MAC
Edit MAC text
Logistics, Status,
Regulatory review
Review other
MAC text
Review DSSS
Review General
Description, and
Annex sections
Edit DSSS text
Slide 28
Edit FSK text,
discuss path
forward, closing
<Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>
<March 2012>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
TG4k Schedule
• Proposal Effort
Technical Guidance Document
Call for Proposals
Preliminary Proposals
Final Proposals
Adopt Baseline
May 2011
May 2011
July 2011
Sep 2011
Nov 2011
• Drafting
– Preliminary draft
– Final draft (ready for WG Letter Ballot)
May 2012
July 2012
• Balloting
Letter ballot
Recirculation I
Recirculation II
Recirculation III
Sponsor Ballot
Sep 2012
Jan 2013
Mar 2013
May 2013
July 2013
Slide 29
<Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>
<March 2012>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Drafting Guidelines for May 2012
• Technical Editor: Monique Brown
• Contributing Editors:
– MAC/Fragmentation
– Clause 4/Annex P
– Coexistence
David Howard
Cristina Seibert
Ben Rolfe
Pat Kinney
Qing Li
• Goal: prepare a draft (15-12-0089) w/o TBDs
for May session, ready for release to TG4k for
review and comments
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<Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>
<March 2012>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Conference Calls
• General Call – Wednesday 28 March at 6:00
PDT, 9:00 EDT, 15:00 CEST,
21:00 Beijing, 22:00 Tokyo
• Call details are: +1.218.936.4700,
participant access code: 802154
• Intent of the general calls is to monitor
status of drafting and resolve as many
issues as possible
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<Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>
<March 2012>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Sub Group Conference Calls
• FSK– Wednesday 28 March at 6:00 PDT, 9:00 EDT,
15:00 CEST, 21:00 Beijing, 22:00 Tokyo
– Call details: will immediately follow General Call
• DSSS-Tuesday 27 March at 18:00 PDT, 21:00 EDT,
Wed 28 March: 3:00 CEST, 9:00 Beijing,
10:00 Tokyo
– Call details: TBD will be sent out to TG4k reflector
• MAC- Tuesday 27 March at 21:00 PDT, Wednesday
28 March: 0:00 EDT, 6:00 CEST, 12:00 Beijing,
13:00 Tokyo
– Call details: TBD will be sent out to TG4k reflector
Slide 32
<Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks(WPANs)
Submission Title: TG4m 4TV Closing Report for March 2012
Date Submitted: 15 March 2012
Source: Sangsung. Choi(ETRI)
Contact: Sangsung. Choi(ETRI)
+82 42 860 6831, E-Mail: sschoi@etri.re.kr
TG4m Closing Report for March 2012 , Hawaii Meeting
Abstract: Closing Report for TG4m Session in Hawaii
Purpose: TV White Space Amendment to IEEE 802.15.4
Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a
basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or
organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and
content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend
or withdraw material contained herein.
Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the
property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
Sangsung Choi(ETRI)
Slide 33
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Meeting Goal This Week
• Review and discuss Technical Guidance
Document(TGD) and finalize it.
• Hear presentations
• Discuss future efforts and next steps
Sangsung Choi(ETRI)
Slide 34
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Meeting Slots
• Opening
• Hear
• Discuss the TGD
• Finalize the
• Hear
• Discuss Next
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Sangsung Choi(ETRI)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
TG4m Closing Report(1)
• Heard 4 Technical presentations
(1) Link Budget for 802.15.4m, Eldad Zeira (InterDigital) ,15-12- 0112-01004m
(2) Delay Spreads for TG4m Multipath Channel Models, Sangsung
Choi(ETRI) & Soo-Young Chang(CSUS), 15-12-0137-00-004m
(3) Considerations for Position Location in TG4m, Ben Rolfe(Blind Creek
Associates), Cristina Seiber(Silver Spring Networks), George
Flammer(Silver Spring Networks), 15-12-0167-00-004m
(4) Impact of power spectral density limit in TVWS, Shigenobu Sasaki
and Takuya Inoko (Niigata University), 15-12-177-01-004m
Sangsung Choi(ETRI)
Slide 36
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
TG4m Closing Report(2)
• Completed Technical Guidance Document (TGD)
(Document 15-11-0684-12)
- Motion 1: TG4m approval for TGD to help proposers
prepare the proposals.
• Call for Proposals
- Motion 2: empower the TG4m Chair to issue a Call for
Intent and the Call for Proposals
. Preliminary Proposals: May 7, 2012
. Final Proposal: July 9, 2012
. Present all Proposals: July meeting(San Diego)
Sangsung Choi(ETRI)
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doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
• Motion 1: request that the document, 15-110684-12, be approved as the TG4m Technical
Guidance Document by the TG4m group to
help proposers prepare the proposals.
Moved by: Soo-Young Chang
Seconded by: ASTRIN
Yes: 12 No: 0 Abstain: 0
Sangsung Choi(ETRI)
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
• Motion 2: empower the TG4m Chair to issue a
Call for Intent and the Call for Proposals
described in the document, 15-12-0170-01, to
solicit the proposals through WG15 and TG4m
email reflectors.
Moved by: Soo-Young Chang
Seconded by: Jon Adams
Yes: 12 No: 0
Abstain: 0
Sangsung Choi(ETRI)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Future Plan/Timeline(1)
• Form a New Task Group
- Affirm new officers for TG4m
- Prepare TGD
- Completed TGD
September ,2011
November, 2011
March, 2012
• Proposal Effort
- Preliminary Proposals
- Final Proposals
- Proposal Presentations
- Merge Proposal
- Adopt Baseline
May, 7 2012
July 9, 2012
July , 2012
September, 2012
November 2012
Sangsung Choi(ETRI)
Slide 40
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Future Plan/Timeline(2)
• Drafting
- Preliminary draft
- Final draft (ready for WG Letter Ballot)
March 2013
July 2013
• Balloting
- Letter ballot
- Recirculation
- Sponsor ballot
September 2013
November 2013, January, March 2014
May 2014
Sangsung Choi(ETRI)
Slide 41
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
IEEE 802.15 TG6
Body Area Network
Closing Report
26st Meeting as a Task Group 6
Waikoloa, HI
March 15, 2012
Slide 42
Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Since January meeting
• Fixed minor editorial errors
• Published IEEE 802.15.6-2012 on 29 Feb 2012
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Arthur Astrin
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Meeting Accomplishments
 Reviewed and updated the TG6 web page
 Continued working on the 802.15.6 tutorial
 Did we leave anything important out?
 Certificates
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Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
• Thank You !
• Any Questions ?
Slide 45
Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
IEEE P802.15.6™
Draft Standard
for Wireless Body Area
Slide 46
Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Slide 47
Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Purpose of Proposed Standard
(PAR 07-0575)
The purpose of the proposed standard it to provide an
international standard for a short range (ie about human
body range), low power and highly reliable wireless
communication for use in close proximity to, or inside, a
human body. Data rates, typically up to 10Mbps, will be
offered to satisfy an evolutionary set of entertainment and
healthcare services. Current PANs do not meet the medical
(proximity to human tissue) and relevant communication
regulations for some application environments. They also
do not support the combination of reliability (QoS), low
power, data rate and noninterference required to broadly
address the breadth of body area network applications.
Slide 48
Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Possible adds
• Chinese medical bands
• Medical RFID ?
• Support brain nodes
• Compliance with 802 Architecture
• Wake-up radio
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Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
TG9 KMP Closing Report
Waikoloa, HI
March 15, 2012
Slide 50
Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Accomplishments of March Meeting
Respond to 802.1
• Refine KMP transport mechanisms
• Begin KMP technical presentations
– Add ECQV option to HIP-DEX
• Expand on KMP section format
Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Accomplishments of March Meeting
Coordination with other 802.15 work
TG4k on fragmentation support
WNG on secure ID for 802.15.7
Presentation planning
802.15 update for July
802 general update Nov
Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Accomplishments of March Meeting
2012 Sep – Start TG balloting
2013 Jan – Start WG balloting
2013 July – Request RevCom
Sponsor balloting
2013 Nov – Draft to RevCom
Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Goals for March
TG Technical presentations
Real text submissions
Acquire technical editor
802.15 wng presentation
Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area
Networks (WPANs)
Submission Title: SG4n-CMB Closing Report for March 2012
Date Submitted: March 2012
Source: Clint Powell, Powell Wireless Commsulting, LLC
Contact: Clint Powell, Powell Wireless Commsulting, LLC
Voice: +00 480-586-8457, E-Mail: cpowell@ieee.org
SG4n-CMB Closing Report for March 2012 Interim
Abstract: Closing Report for the SG4n-CMB Sessions in Waikoloa, HI
Purpose: Chinese MBAN
Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered
as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing
individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to
change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s)
reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes
the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
Slide 55
Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
•This amendment defines a physical layer for IEEE Std.
802.15.4 utilizing the approved 174-216 MHz, 407-425 MHz
and 608-630 MHz medical bands in China. This amendment
defines modifications to the Medium Access Control (MAC)
layer needed to support this new physical layer.
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Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Interim Chair:
Clint Powell
Interim Vice Chair/Liaison: Liang Li
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Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Meeting Goals
 Develop PAR and 5c
 Timeslots
 Wed. AM1 – Develop Responses to Comments on
PAR and 5c
 Revised PAR and 5c (to be posted)
 PAR doc. # 15-12-0005-06-004n
 5c doc. # 15-12-0007-06-004n
 Wed. PM1 – Presentation on Update of CWPAN
MBAN Activities
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Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
 Prepared response to comments received on PAR
and 5c doc. # 15-12-0166-00-004n
 Minutes (to be posted) doc. # 15-12-0180-00-004n
Slide 59
Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
SG4n-CMB Group Participation
(Jan. & March)
 Avg. # of Individuals Attending sessions: 15
 Avg # of Entities Represented in sessions: 13
Slide 60
Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Study Group Motions
Motion 1:
request that the PAR and Five Criteria contained in documents
15-12-0005-06 and 15-12-0007-06 respectively be approved by
the IEEE 802.15 WG and that the EC be requested to forward
the PAR to NesCom.
Moved by
Pat Kinney
Seconded by: Liang Li
Passed with Unanimous Approval
Slide 61
Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Study Group Motions
Motion 2:
request that the 802.15 WG empowers its WG chair to, at the
Chair’s discretion, amend the proposed scope stated in 15-120005-06 and 15-12-0007-06 with any combination of the
following changes:
1. minor content changes to the PAR and Five Criteria in
response to EC discussion
2. modification of the title to include frequency bands
Moved by
Pat Kinney
Seconded by: Betty Zhao
Passed with Unanimous Approval
Slide 62
Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Motions Made at Mid-Week WG Plenary
Motion 1: request that the PAR and Five Criteria contained in documents 15-120005-06 and 15-12-0007-06 respectively be approved by the IEEE 802.15 WG and
that the EC be requested to forward the PAR to NesCom.
Moved: Clint Powell
Seconded: Liang Li
Result: Passed (see 802.15 WG mins. for official count)
Motion 2: request that the 802.15 WG empowers its WG chair to, at the Chair’s
discretion, amend the proposed PAR and Five Criteria stated in 15-12-0005-06 and
15-12-0007-06 with any combination of the following changes:
1. minor content changes to the PAR and Five Criteria in response to EC discussion
2. modification of the title to include frequency bands
Moved: Clint Powell
Seconded: Liang Li
Result: Passed (see 802.15 WG mins. for official count)
Slide 63
Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Next Steps
Atlanta (in May)
 1st Session of 802.15 TG4n
Slide 64
Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Submission Title: [SGptc Closing Report for Waikoloa Session]
Date Submitted: [March 15, 2012]
Source: [Jon Adams] Company [Lilee Systems]
Address [2905 Stender Way, Suite 78, Santa Clara CA, 95054 USA]
Voice:[+1.480.628.6686], E-Mail:[jonadams@ieee.org]
Re: [SGptc Closing Report for March 2012 Session.]
Abstract: [Chair Closing Report for the March 2012 Session]
Purpose: [Potential PHY Amendment to IEEE 802.15.4]
Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for
discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this
document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the
right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE
and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
Slide 65
Jon Adams, Lilee Systems
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
• Communications between
– Train and Wayside
– Train and Network Infrastructure
– Wayside and Network Infrastructure
Network Control Center
Slide 66
Jon Adams, Lilee Systems
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Participation from 90+ Individuals from 63 Entities
Sunrise Micro
The Ohio State University
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (Korea)
US DOT Volpe
Safetran (Invensys Rail)
Union Pacific RR
University of British Columbia
LG Electronics
Notor Research
Rail Safety Consulting
Institute for Infocomm Research
National Taiwan University
Analog Devices
National Technical Systems
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Blind Creek
Bombardier Transportation
Rohde and Schwarz
Korea Railroad Research Institute
Lilee Systems
The Boeing Company
Tohoku University REIC (Japan)
Beijing Univ of Posts and Telecommunications
TU Braunschweig
Via Technologies
Astrin Radio
China Academy of Telecomm Research
Gannett Fleming
Semaphore Group
Jon Adams, Lilee Systems
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Meeting Goals
• Addressing PAR and 5C Comments
– Appropriate response to all questions on PAR
and 5C received by 1700 HI time Tuesday
– Submission of those responses by 1700 HI
time Wednesday
– Approval of the documents at the Thursday
evening closing plenary
• Discussion of Technical Guidance
• Future Schedule
Slide 68
Jon Adams, Lilee Systems
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
SGptc Meetings This Week
Next Steps
IEEE 802 Exec.
Committee Mtg
•Review and
approval of
SGptc PAR for
submission to
Summary of
work to date
802.15 Closing
Slide 69
Jon Adams, Lilee Systems
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Questions and Responses
• There was a total of 10 questions or comments on
the draft PAR (Project Authorization Request) 1511-0821-09
• There were no questions or comments on the draft
5C (Five Criteria) 15-11-0876-07
• Responses were given to all questions or
comments and those compiled into 15-12-0163-01
• 15-12-0163-01 and the subsequent changes to the
PAR were unanimously approved at SGptc W AM1
session in time for presentation at mid-week
Slide 70
Jon Adams, Lilee Systems
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Motion 1
• Motion: Request that the PAR and Five
Criteria contained in documents 15-110821-10 and 15-11-0876-07 respectively
be approved by the IEEE 802.15 WG and
that the EC be requested to forward the
PAR to NesCom
• Moved: Jon Adams (Lilee Systems)
• Second: John Notor (Notor Research)
• Y/N/A: 38/0/1
Slide 71
Jon Adams, Lilee Systems
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Motion 2
• Motion: That the 802.15 WG empowers its WG chair to,
at the Chair’s discretion, amend the proposed PAR and
Five Criteria stated in 15-11-0821-10 and 15-11-0876-07
respectively with any combination of the following
– minor content changes to the PAR and Five Criteria in
response to EC discussion
– changes to the range of channel bandwidth limits
– change or eliminate the following clause in the 5.2
scope: “accommodates transmit power levels greater than
the 1 watt typical of US FCC Part 15 devices”
– include the definition of positive train control into section 8.1
• Moved: Jon Adams (Lilee Systems)
• Second: Steve Jillings (Semtech)
• Y/N/A: 43/0/0
Slide 72
Jon Adams, Lilee Systems
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
PTC Schedule
Interest Group
Aug 2011
Oct 2011
Nov 2011
Study Group
Establish group, discuss process
Establish regular meeting schedule
Request promotion to Study Group
Call for Contributions
Draft Project Authorization Request and 5C
Request PAR/5C approval
Request promotion to Task Group
Nov 2011
Nov 2011
Jan 2012
Jan 2012
Task Group
Proposal Effort
Preliminary draft
Final draft (ready for WG Letter Ballot)
May 2013
July 2013
May 2012
May 2012
July 2012
Sep 2012
Nov 2012
Technical Guidance Document
Call for Proposals
Preliminary Proposals
Final Proposals
Adopt Baseline
Letter ballot
Recirculation I
Recirculation II
Recirculation III
Sponsor Ballot
Sep 2013
Jan 2014
Mar 2014
May 2014
July 2014
Slide 73
Jon Adams, Lilee Systems
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Logistics from Waikoloa to Atlanta
• Conference Calls
– Weekly calls
• Wednesday at 0800 Pacific/1100 Eastern and UK 1500 / CET 1600
March 21
• Wednesday at 0800 Pacific/1100 Eastern and UK 1600 / CET 1700
March 28; April 4, 11, 18, 25; May 2, 9
• Call details are: +1.530.881.1000, participant access code:
• Continuing Work
– Rapidly address any comments as they come in from NesCom up
until their meeting on 28 March
– Responses to revised Call for Applications
– Prepare Technical Guidance Document
– Informational presentations during the upcoming telecons before
• Continue to increase industry participation
– Present paper at Joint Rail Conference 2012 (ASME, IEEE, ASCE)
17-19 April
Slide 74
Jon Adams, Lilee Systems
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Closing Plenary Meeting report for IG THz Group (1/3)
• Meeting was called to order at 1.30pm on March 13and finished at March
15 on 3:30pm.
• Number of meetings: 3
• Total number of attendees 20
• 7 contributions have been made
• 2 documents have been revised.
• Contributions on Tuesday PM1
Contribution #1 : Thomas Kürner, “Scenarios for the Application of THz
Communications”; (Document 15-12-0103-00-0thz)
Contribution #2: Sebastian Priebe, “Will THz Communication Interfere with
Passive Remote Sensing?”; (Document 15-12-0101-00-0thz)
Contribution #3: Akifumi Kasamatsu, “Preliminary Proposal of Usage model
for THz communication in WLAN”; (Document 15-12-0133-00-0thz)
Slide 75
Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Closing Plenary Meeting report for IG THz Group (2/3)
Contributions on Tuesday PM1
Contribution #4: Ho-Jin Song, “Some consideration on KIOSK downloading
model of THz communications”; (Document 15-12-0135-00-0thz)
Contribution #5: Sebastian Priebe, “Performance of Antennas in THz Indoor
Communication Channels”; (Document 15-12-0102-00-0thz)
Contributions on Thursday PM1
Contribution #6: Sebastian Priebe, “Literature on THz channel modeling
activities”; (Document 15-12-0146-01-0thz)
Contribution #7: Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig (Germany), “On the
future of the IG THz”; (Document 15-12-0145-01-0thz)
Slide 76
Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Closing Plenary Meeting report for IG THz Group (3/3)
Work on the „Technical Expectation Document (TED)“ (Editor Rick Roberts)
• The structure and content of the TED has been discussed and updated.
(Document 15-11-0745-05-0thz)
Discussion on future of IG THz
• Starting a Study Group on specific application, e. g. Kiosk Downloading,
in 2012 may be feasible
• The role IG THz as a discussion forum for other applications (where other
SGs can spin-off at a later stage) was discussed.
• Two major measures to increase participation in work THz comunications
• Tutorial at the San Diego Plenary
• Extension of the Call for Applications for presentations at the July
Plenary (Document 15-11-0745-05-0thz) and spreading it inside and
outside IEEE 802
Slide 77
Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
IEEE 802.15 IG SRU
5th Meeting Closing report
Waikoloa, HI
15 March, 2012
Slide 78
Shoichi Kitazawa, ATR
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Draft plan of IG SRU schedule
• Goal: To summarize informative ideas to
judge to establish SG.
• Meeting Schedule: Every plenary meeting or
required based upon contributions.
• IG output: Technical documents of Better Use
of Spectrum Resources in WPANs.
Slide 79
Shoichi Kitazawa, ATR
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Agenda Items for the Week
• Approve meeting minutes.
• Presentations
– Cooperative Channel Segmentation for interference
mitigation in the 2.4GHz ISM Band (15-12-0183)
– Overview of IG SRU Activities (15-12-0121)
• Other business items
– Review of IG SRU technical document (15-12-0184)
– Schedule
• Report on progress to WG
Slide 80
Shoichi Kitazawa, ATR
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Accomplishment for the meeting
• IG SRU 5th meeting was called to order 15 March 2011 at
13:40 and finished at 15:00.
– 4 Attendee
– Approve meeting agenda (15-12-0107r1)
– Approve meeting minutes (15-12-0106r0).
• 2 Technical Presentations.
– Cooperative Channel Segmentation for interference mitigation in the
2.4GHz ISM Band (15-12-0183)
– Overview of IG SRU Activities (15-12-0121)
• Review of Technical Document
– IG SRU technical document (15-12-0184)
• Others
– Next meeting will held plenary meeting at July 2012.
Slide 81
Shoichi Kitazawa, ATR
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Plan for July Meeting
• Hearing presentation.
• Editing Technical document.
Slide 82
Shoichi Kitazawa, ATR
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area
Networks (WPANs)
Submission Title: WNG Closing Report for March 2012
Date Submitted: 14 Mar 2012
Source: Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting LLC
Contact: Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting LLC
Voice: +1 847 960-3715, E-Mail: pat.kinney@ieee.org
WNG Closing Report for Mar 2012 Session
Abstract: WNG Closing Report for Waikoloa
Purpose: Information to 802.15 WG
Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered
as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing
individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to
change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s)
reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes
the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting
Slide 83
Pat Kinney, Kinney
Consulting LLC
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
SC WNG Presentations
The WNG meeting included four presentations:
1. Ultra low power (ULP) technologies that can be applied
to wireless sensor networks (WSN)
2. Presentation/discussion exploring joint work between
802.21 and 802.15
3. Enhancement of IEEE 802.15.7 Specification for LBS
(location-based service) Applications
4. Overview and Applications of LED-ID System and
Visible RFID System
March 2012
Slide 84
Pat Kinney, Kinney
Consulting LLC
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Towards Next Gen ULP Technologies (15-120139-02)
Presented by by S Emami (Samsung)
Significant interest was evidenced by the large number of people queued
for questions and comments. Many comments expressed the belief that it
would be appropriate for a study group to investigate the numerous
aspects of this concept.
A straw poll of those who would support the formation of a study group
including those interested in participating in a study group resulted in a
response of 34 approve and one against.
Shahriar Emami volunteered to chair this study group should it be formed.
March 2012
Slide 85
Pat Kinney, Kinney
Consulting LLC
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
802.21d Group Management Framework (2112-0028-03)
Presented by Yoshihiro Ohba and Toru Kambayashi
(Toshiba), Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M), Stephen
Chasko and Ruben Salazar (Landis+Gyr), Subir Das
Presenter’s conclusion was that input and active
participation from 802.15 members was encouraged
March 2012
Slide 86
Pat Kinney, Kinney
Consulting LLC
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Enhancement of IEEE 802.15.7 Specification for
LBS Applications (15-12-0164-00),
Overview and Applications of LED-ID System and
Visible RFID System (15-12-0165-00)
by Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
Straw poll conducted to show the amount of support in
forming an interest group with the mission of
investigating as to how this effort would coordinate
with 802.15.7 resulted with 5 willing to participate.
Yeong Min Jang volunteered to chair this interest
March 2012
Slide 87
March 2012
doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0195-00
Upcoming Sessions
• May 13-18, 2012, Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA, 802
Wireless Interim Session
• July 15-20, 2012, Grand Hyatt Manchester, San Diego, CA, USA,
802 Plenary Session.
• September 16-21, 2012, Hyatt Grand Champion, Palm Springs, CA,
USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session
• November 11-16, 2012, Grand Hyatt San Antonio, San Antonio, TX,
USA, 802 Plenary Session.
• January 13-18, 2013, Hyatt Regency Vancouver, BC, CA, 802
Wireless Interim Session*
• March 17-21, 2013, Caribe Royale, Orlando, FL, USA, 802 Plenary
• May 12-17, 2013, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, HI, USA, 802
Wireless Interim Session*
• July 14-19, 2013, Geneva, CHE, 802 Plenary Session.
Slide 88
Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance