Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks...

<March 2010>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Submission Title: [Tutorial for PSC]
Date Submitted: [Feb. 26, 2011]
Source: [Myung J. Lee, Soo-Young Chang, Peter Murray, Gahng-Seop Ahn, and Woo Yong Lee]
Company [CUNY, CSUS, Consultant]
Address [140th St. & Convent Ave., New York, NY 10031]
Voice:[212-650-7260], FAX: [.],
Re: [.]
Abstract: [This presentation introduces the overview of PSC concept and key technical issues for the PSC
standard and PSC implementation]
Purpose: [This contribution is prepared for the tutorial in Mar. 2011. ]
Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for
discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this
document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right
to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE
and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
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<March 2011>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
Tutorial on
Personal Space Communication
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<March 2011>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
Table of Contents
What is PSC?
PSC applications
PSC features
Need for a new standard
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doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
Personal Space
• The personal space is
defined as a physical and
virtual space which a person
regards as psychologically
the person’s.
Public space
space A
space B
• For this standard, it is
defined as a physical space
where devices are controlled
by or for the person, and
among devices in this space
of an individual.
space C
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doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
Personal Space Communication (1)
• Connectivity between a
person and the devices and
among devices associated
with the person in the
personal space
• Without human intervention
in the personal space
• For the exchange of
information and management
of the environment.
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doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
Personal Space Communication (2)
Public space
After more individuals entered
into this public space
Public space with more than one personal space (In
this figure, three personal spaces)
Public space with one personal space
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PSC Applications (1)
• PSC radio customized for Smart Phone
• Traffic off-loading in hot spots
– Worldwide data traffic explosion
– Shopping mall, stations, café, campus, home, etc
• Location-based services
– Indoor navigation, advertisement push,
– Kiosk, museum art pieces
– Personal asset tracking
• Coverage extension
– Mobile terminal relay
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PSC Applications (2)
• PSC radio interacting with all devices in
personal space
– Voice/Video over PSC
• VoIP, IPTV, Internet radio, Webcam, Smart camera, speaker,
microphone, etc
• Multi-lingual interpretation system, drive-in shop audio
• Wireless tour guide
– Requires group communications and localization of devices
– Museum art pieces (location), explanation of individual’s own language
(group comm)
• Stereo karaoke
– Requires low latency: tight lip synch on TV and speaker
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PSC Applications (3)
• PSC radio interacting with all devices in
personal space
– Interacting with ubiquitous devices (M2M,
sensor/control network)
• Home (home automation), office (personalized smart building),
stations (information push), shopping mall (price check), street
(traffic /air quality monitoring, public safety, navigation)
• Using computer peripherals (printer, external hard drive,
headset, monitor, projector)
• Remote Controller (TV, DVD, CD, ..)
• Group games
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doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
PSC Applications (4)
• PSC radio provides both low and high rate
communications simultaneously.
– Examples
• Personalized temperature sensing & control
while watching personal video.
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Example: coverage extension
Mobile Terminal Relay
• Mobile Terminal Relay has been applied in 3G as:
• Benefits of Mobile Terminal Relay
– The demand is strong when terminal users are dense
– Improving both communication capacity and coverage extension
– No cost for Carriers
*By China Mobile and Vinno Tech.
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July 20102011>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
Terminal Relay Protocol Stack
Control Plane
User Plane
Function of L1/L2 of the Terminal Relay
PCS can supports new telecom services.
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doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
PSC: the common interface to the environment a user
moves into.
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doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
Frequency and duration of Applications
Freq. (Duration)
Freq. (Duration)
Configure indoor equipment
3/1hr (3sec)
PC security for departing
1/3hrs (2sec)
Configure vehicle equipment
1/24hrs (3sec)
Customer management
1/12hrs (5sec)
Configure road equipment
1/12hrs (2sec)
Customized marketing
1/12hrs (5sec)
Electric frame data Tx
3*1MB/day (33sec)
Menu guidance
1/2days (3sec)
Location finding in
1/4hrs (2sec)
Pedestrian check
1/2hrs (2sec)
Elevator floor selection
1/6hrs (2sec)
TV, audio play
1/2days (1hr)
Travel information
1/12hrs (5sec)
TV game play
1/2days (30mins)
Public transportation getting
on/off notification
1/day (2sec)
1/3hrs (2sec)
Facility guidance
1/6hrs (3sec)
Business card exchanging
1/2days (2sec)
Data retrieving
1*1MB/6hrs (11sec)
Paging CUG/friends
1/12hrs (2sec)
Traffic information gathering
1/hr (2sec)
Caring child/pet
1/day (2sec)
Toll collection
1/2days (3sec)
Gateway service
2*2/day (20mins)
Electric payment
1/8hrs (3sec)
Equipment manage
1*10/week (10sec)
Entrance control
1/3hrs (2sec)
Health care
1/2hrs (3sec)
Ref: 15-10-0169-01
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<March 2011>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
Major Features to support PSC applications
• Clean slate single standard solution
– Not combo-chip solution
• Dynamic scaling of a wide range of link rates
– Low rate sensory data to high rate video (100kbps-50Mbps)
• A wide range of QoS requirements
– Real-time streaming video, periodic sensor data, reliable data, etc
• High precision ranging
• Fast association and synchronization
• Multiple modes of communications
– 1-1, 1-n, group communications
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<March 2011>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
PHY Features
• Dynamic scalable link rates
Wide range of link rates: 100 kbps to 50 Mbps
Wide range of energy constraint
Coverage of 30 meters
Link latency less than 20 ms
Use of unlicensed bands
including 2.4 GHz and 60 GHz
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<March 2011>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
MAC Features (1)
• Dynamic multi-rate access
– Various link rate, various duty cycle with single bit-rate
– 100kbps to 50Mbps
• Asymmetry
– All link rates: PSC on mobile phone
– High rate: IPTV set-top box
– Low rates: Ubiquitous device
• Quality of Service Guarantee
Periodic sensor reading & control
Real-time streaming of voice/video
Asynchronous asset tracking / information push
Latency-critical and reliable broadcasting
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<March 2011>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
MAC Features (2)
• Fast Association and Synchronization
– Seamless mobility
– Fast neighbor discovery, connection & tear down without human
– Reduced message exchange
– Enhanced energy saving for time division based compared to CSMA
– Maintaining reasonable security and privacy protection
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<March 2011>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
MAC Features (3)
• Localization
– High precision ranging
indoor localization,
location-based services,
wireless tour guide,
Information push,
Upper left?
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Upper right?
<March 2011>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
MAC Features (4)
• Co-existence & Co-operation with other PSC networks
• Dynamic group communication
– Fast joining / leaving
– Fast synchronization
Painting 1
Painting 2
English (Group 1, CH1)
Spanish (Group2, CH2)
Korean (Group3, CH3)
English (Group 4, CH4)
Spanish (Group 5, CH5)
Korean (Group 6, CH6)
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MAC Features (5)
• Coverage extension
– Mobile Terminal Relay
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doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
Existing 802 standards
• IEEE 802.11, 802.16, 802.22, 3G/4G
– High power
• IEEE 802.15.1
– Medium rate
• IEEE 802.15.3
– MAC and High rate only
• IEEE 802.15.4
– Low rate only
• IEEE 802.15.5
– Separation of Low and High rate.
• IEEE 802.15.6
– Short range (5 meters).
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doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
Need for a new Standard
• Many devices in a personal space not interoperable.
• Desirable to have a new solution with one
technology not by combining multiple technologies
into a combo chip.
• Existing standards can serve parts of the PSC, but
no single standard optimized for all features for
• Therefore, there is a need for a new standard to
serve the PSC applications.
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<March 2011>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
Study Group PSC
• Established January 2010
– Chair, Peter Murray
• PAR & 5C approved by WG 15, January 2011
• Contributors: ETRI, Samsung, Huawei, China Mobile,
Vinno, CUNY, CSUS.
• References:
– 15-11-0164: Overview of PSC
– 15-10-0349: Personal Broadcasting for Personal Space
– 15-10-0295: Telecom and Personal Space Communications
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<March 2011>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0158-01-0psc
Thank you !
Any Questions?
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