PowerPoint Presentation Tips What is a PowerPoint Presentation used for?

PowerPoint Presentation Tips
What is a PowerPoint Presentation used for?
Usually used to accompany and enhance an oral presentation
o Please also view the Oral Presentations handout for information on giving the
oral side of the presentation
Used to share information with a (large) group
Should be like an outline of your presentation
 Content and Timing
o Know your topic
o Consider the audience, purpose, and occasion when writing to decide
presentation style/approach
o Information should flow, like in a paper
 Don’t jump from one point to a totally different one.
o Incorporate audio & visual media, such as
 Graphs and/or tables
 Definitions
 Lists
 Essential facts
 Necessary images
o Work on timing; maximum 3 slides per minute.
o Give the audience time if you want them to take notes
 Text
o Reinforces main points and key terms
o Often listed rather than written in full sentences
o Don’t overflow the page with it
 Try to limit yourself to 6 points per slide and 6 words per point. This will
help your audience focus on you.
o Pay attention to font size and do the “floor test.”
 Place the slide printout with text onto the floor; can you read it from a
standing position? If yes, your audience will be able to read it too; if not,
increase the size.
o Use Parallelism in Phrase Structure
 Clarity
 Emphasis
 Equal weight for equal items
 Prominence for entire series
 Fluency/Flow
 Anticipation by readers
 Progress through rhythm
o Assertion-Evidence Structure
 Helps:
 shape an argument-based presentation;
 audience understand the content;
 audience engage with speaker and vice versa
 Often features a sentence-assertion headline supported by visual
o Select colors with care
 Experiment, but only use colors that work well on a screen and can be
o Keep slides unified. Try a master slide for continuity.
o Minimize special effects
 Don’t overdo them or your audience won’t pay attention to you.
o Avoid switching between programs because your audience will have trouble
o Images illustrate/highlight main points
 Be careful using images:
 Select carefully and make sure images are appropriate
 Make sure the image can be seen
General Things to DO:
o Choose a single background for entire presentation
o Use simple, clean fonts
o Use a font size that can be seen from the back of the room
o Write in bulleted format & use consistent phrase structure in lists
o Provide essential Information only. Use key words to guide the reader/listener
through the presentation
o Use direct, concise language. Keep text to a minimum
o Provide definitions when necessary
o Use white space to set off text and/or visual components
o Make sure each slide logically leads to the next
o Use a heading for each slide
General Things NOT to Do:
o Clutter the slide with graphics
o Use complicated fonts
o Add superfluous information
o Put down every word you are going to say
o Use images if they will distract
o Use hard to read color combinations, like black on blue. Try to use high contrast
o FOCUS on main points you want to make.
o PLAN layout of presentation. Does everything fit together?
o PRACTICE the entire presentation before you present. If possible, use a screen
or projector and have someone watch and review.
 Microsoft Tips
o Grab the viewer’s attention
 Use space effectively
 Theme, visual, audio, graphics, and animations can enhance if not
o Clearly communicate information
 Outline your presentation
 Use masters and layouts to save time and look better
 Consider differences between on-screen and print-outs
 Use note pages and handouts.
o Stay in control:
 Keep file size manageable
 Use the tools to get it right the first time
 Turn off or manage AutoCorrect options
 Know exactly what viewers will see
o http://www.microsoft.com/atwork/skills/presentations.aspx
 About.com Desktop Publishing Tips
o Match Design to Purpose (entertain, inform, persuade, sell, etc; light-hearted or
o Keep it simple and cut the clutter
o Be consistent; use templates to help this happen
o http://desktoppub.about.com/od/microsoft/bb/powerpointrules.htm
 The Writing Center at George Mason University
o Visuals
 Images MUST be relevant & enhance the presentation
 Tables, charts, graphs should be easy to read and understand
o Text
 Keep to a minimum
 Use “white space” to set off blocks of text
 Use bullet points as default format