1 INDUCTION AND MENTORING GUIDE I. Recruiting New Faculty A. Web Site Information. Place information on COE Web site that showcases current publications, presentations, and grant awards of COE faculty to be reviewed by potential faculty members (and others). B. Refer Potential Faculty. Encourage potential faculty members to access university, college and departmental tenure and promotion guidelines via the Internet to review prior to on-campus interviews. C. Interviewing Potential Faculty 1. Share the process (and forms) for the annual planning and evaluation process for faculty during the interview process. 2. Provide details on tenure and promotion process for specific departments including expectations for teaching, research and service. 3. Communicate details on the induction and mentoring plan in place for new faculty in the College of Education including how mentors or assigned or selected. 4. Consider having candidates complete the following activities as part of the interview process to assist in determining the proper fit for both the candidate and the department: written statement describing her/his program of research syllabus for a course they would most likely teach if appointed teach a class or make a presentation to the faculty statement of pedagogical philosophy describing their preferred teaching styles and methods, supported by their rationale for their preferences statement of technology needs for teaching and/or research II. Induction Program August A. Initial Meeting for Mentors and Protégés’. Breakfast or lunch for protégées to meet mentors. Present plan for mentoring. B. New Faculty Orientation. Focus on developing syllabi, teaching resources/support available, and developing skills in using Smart classrooms. C. Effort Certification Form and Curriculum Vita. New faculty complete Effort Certification Form and upload curriculum vita. 2 III. Mentoring Program. September Professional Development for Mentors. Training session for mentors Stages of Concern of new faculty and desired components of effective mentoring programs for new college faculty. Focus on Teaching “SETE” instrument, categories, interpretation October Informal meeting between mentors and mentees November Mentors help new teachers develop portfolio. What third year should look like Session held for both mentors and protégées’ on developing portfolios. Have good examples available Begin to develop research agenda. December Open for informal meeting between mentors and mentees. January Meeting with mentors to assess progress of mentees and additional resources/support needed Begin developing dossier re: university format February Informal meeting between mentors and mentees Begin developing year-end planning an evaluation plan, re: university required format. March – May Evaluate year’s activities Develop plans for next academic year Build research agenda May – August Use summer to maximize scholarly productivity IV. Suggested Professional Development Activities for 2015-16 Academic Year V. Mentor Checklist VI. Appendices 3 Appendix A Quick List of Important Web Sites 1. Employee benefits: http://bf.memphis.edu/hr/benefits 2. Beyond the Classroom:What you need to know about Student Services: http://memphis.edu/studentaffairs/ 3. City of Memphis: http://www.memphistn.gov/ 4. Memphis Travel Guide and Attractions: http://www.memphistravel.com 5. Newspaper: http://www.commercialappeal.com 6. Get Down Memphis: http://downtownmemphis.com 7. Choose 901-“Now is the time. Memphis is the place”: http://choose901.com/ 8. I Love Memphis blog: http://www.ilovememphisblog.com/