CAS Seminar on Ratemaking Introduction to Ratemaking Relativities (INT - 3) March 11, 2004 Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presented by: Francis X. Gribbon, FCAS & Julie A. Jordan, FCAS Introduction to Ratemaking Relativities Why are there rate relativities? Considerations in determining rating distinctions Basic methods and examples Advanced methods Why are there rate relativities? Individual Insureds differ in . . . – Risk Potential – Amount of Insurance Coverage Purchased With Rate Relativities . . . – Each group pays its share of losses – We achieve equity among insureds (“fair discrimination”) – We avoid anti-selection What is Anti-selection? Anti-selection can result when a group can be separated into 2 or more distinct groups, but has not been. Consider a group with average cost of $150 Subgroup A costs $100 Subgroup B costs $200 If a competitor charges $100 to A and $200 to B, you are likely to insure B at $150. You have been selected against! Considerations in setting rating distinctions Operational Social Legal Actuarial Operational Considerations Objective definition - clear who is in group Administrative expense Verifiability Social Considerations Privacy Causality Controllability Affordability Legal Considerations Constitutional Statutory Regulatory Actuarial Considerations Accuracy - the variable should measure cost differences Homogeneity - all members of class should have same expected cost Reliability - should have stable mean value over time Credibility - groups should be large enough to permit measuring costs Basic Methods for Determining Rate Relativities Loss ratio relativity method Produces an indicated change in relativity Pure premium relativity method Produces an indicated relativity The methods produce identical results when identical data and assumptions are used. Data and Data Adjustments Policy Year or Accident Year data Premium Adjustments – Current Rate Level – Premium Trend/Coverage Drift – generally not necessary Loss Adjustments – Loss Development – if different by group (e.g., increased limits) – Loss Trend – if different by group – Deductible Adjustments – Catastrophe Adjustments Loss Ratio Relativity Method Class Premium @CRL 1 $1,168,125 2 Losses Loss Ratio Loss Ratio Relativity Current Relativity New Relativity $759,281 0.65 1.00 1.00 1.00 $2,831,500 $1,472,719 0.52 0.80 2.00 1.60 Pure Premium Relativity Method Class Exposures 1 6,195 2 7,770 Losses Pure Premium Pure Premium Relativity $759,281 $123 1.00 $1,472,719 $190 1.55 Incorporating Credibility Credibility: how much weight do you assign to a given body of data? Credibility is usually designated by Z Credibility weighted Loss Ratio is LR= (Z)LRclass i + (1-Z) LRstate Properties of Credibility 0 – at Z = 1 data is fully credible (given full weight) Z/E>0 – credibility increases as experience increases (Z/E)/ E<0 – percentage change in credibility should decrease as volume of experience increases Methods to Estimate Credibility Judgmental Bayesian – Z = E/(E+K) – E = exposures – K = expected variance within classes / variance between classes Classical / Limited Fluctuation – Z = (n/k).5 – n = observed number of claims – k = full credibility standard Loss Ratio Method, Continued Class Loss Ratio Credibility Credibility Weighted Loss Ratio Loss Ratio Relativity Current Relativity New Relativity 1 0.65 0.50 0.60 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 0.52 0.90 0.52 0.87 2.00 1.74 Total 0.56 Off-Balance Adjustment Class Premium @CRL Current Relativity Premium @ Base Class Rates Proposed Relativity Proposed Premium 1 $1,168,125 1.00 $1,168,125 1.00 $1,168,125 2 $2,831,500 2.00 $1,415,750 1.74 $2,463,405 Total $3,999,625 $3,631,530 Off-balance of 9.2% must be covered in base rates. Expense Flattening Rating factors are applied to a base rate which often contains a provision for fixed expenses – Example: $62 loss cost + $25 VE + $13 FE = $100 Multiplying both means fixed expense no longer “fixed” – Example: (62+25+13) * 1.74 = $174 – Should charge: (62*1.74 + 13)/(1-.25) = $161 “Flattening” relativities accounts for fixed expense – Flattened factor = (1-.25-.13)*1.74 + .13 = 1.61 1 - .25 Deductible Credits Insurance policy pays for losses left to be paid over a fixed deductible Deductible credit is a function of the losses remaining Since expenses of selling policy and non claims expenses remain same, need to consider these expenses which are “fixed” Deductible Credits, Continued Deductibles relativities are based on Loss Elimination Ratios (LER’s) The LER gives the percentage of losses removed by the deductible – Losses lower than deductible – Amount of deductible for losses over deductible LER = (Losses <= D) + (D * # of Claims >D) Total Losses Deductible Credits, Continued F = Fixed expense ratio V = Variable expense ratio L = Expected loss ratio LER = Loss Elimination Ratio Deductible credit = L*(1-LER) + F (1 - V) Example: Loss Elimination Ratio Loss Size # of Claims Total Losses Average Loss Losses Net of Deductible $100 $200 $500 0 to 100 500 30,000 60 0 0 0 101 to 200 350 54,250 155 19,250 0 0 201 to 500 550 182,625 332 127,625 72,625 0 501 + 335 375,125 1120 341,625 308,125 207,625 Total 1,735 642,000 370 488,500 380,750 207,625 153,500 261,250 434,375 0.239 0.407 .677 Loss Eliminated L.E.R. Example: Expenses Total Variable Fixed Commissions 15.5% 15.5% 0.0% Other Acquisition 3.8% 1.9% 1.9% Administrative 5.4% 0.0% 5.4% Unallocated Loss Expenses 6.0% 0.0% 6.0% Taxes, Licenses & Fees 3.4% 3.4% 0.0% Profit & Contingency 4.0% 4.0% 0.0% Other Costs 0.5% 0.5% 0.0% 38.6% 25.3% 13.3% Total Use same expense allocation as overall indications. Example: Deductible Credit Deductible Calculation Factor $100 (.614)*(1-.239) + .133 (1-.253) 0.804 $200 (.614)*(1-.407) + .133 (1-.253) 0.665 $500 (.614)*(1-.677) + .133 (1-.253) 0.444 Advanced Techniques Multivariate techniques – Bailey’s Minimum Bias – Generalized Linear Models Curve fitting Why Use Multivariate Techniques? Many rating variables are correlated Different variables, when viewed one at a time, may be “double counting” the same underlying effect Using a multivariate approach removes potential double-counting and can account for interaction effects A Simple Example Exposures Pure Premium Car Size Car Size Age Group Large Medium Small Large Medium Small 1 100 1200 500 100 310 840 2 300 500 400 470 1460 2530 One-Way Relativities Class Exposures Pure Premium Relativity Large car 400 380 1.00 Medium car 1700 650 1.70 Small car 900 1590 4.20 Age Group 1 1800 450 1.00 Age Group 2 1200 1570 3.50 Multi-way vs. One-way Multi-Way Relativities One-way Relativities Car Size Car Size Age Group Large Medium Small Large Medium Small 1 1.00 3.10 8.40 1.00 1.70 4.20 2 4.70 14.60 25.30 3.50 6.00 14.60 When to use Multivariate? Can use Multivariate techniques for entire rating plan, or for particular variables that are correlated or have interaction effects Example of correlation – Value of car and Model Year Examples of interaction effects – Driving record and Age – Type of construction and Fire protection Bailey’s Minimum Bias To get toward multivariate but still have simple method to calculate premiums Can have credibility issues with many cells Can use either Loss Ratio or Pure Premium methods Can assume multiplicative and/or additive relationships of rating variables and dependent variable Bailey’s Example Start with initial guess at factors for one variable Class Pure Premium Relativity Age group 1 $450 1.00 Age group 2 $1570 3.50 Bailey’s Example: Step 1A What would the premiums be, assuming base rate = $100 and this rating plan? Exposures Theoretical Premium Car Size Car Size Age Group Large Medium Small Large Medium Small 1 100 1200 500 10000 120000 50000 2 300 500 400 105000 175000 140000 Bailey’s Example: Step 1B What should the factors for car size be, given the rating factors for age group? Car size Theoretical Premium Theoretical Loss Ratio Loss Ratio Relativity Large 115000 1.30 1.00 Medium 295000 3.70 2.80 Small 190000 7.50 5.70 Bailey’s Example: Step 2A What would the premiums be, assuming base rate = $100 and this rating plan? Exposures Theoretical Premium Car Size Car Size Age Group Large Medium Small Large Medium Small 1 100 1200 500 10000 336000 285000 2 300 500 400 30000 140000 228000 Bailey’s Example: Step 2B What should the factors for age group be, given the rating factors for car size? Age group Theoretical Premium Theoretical Loss Ratio Loss Ratio Relativity Age group 1 631000 1.30 1.00 Age group 2 398000 4.70 3.70 Bailey’s Example: Steps 3-6 What if we continued iterating this way? Class Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Large Car 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Medium Car 2.80 2.80 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90 Small Car 5.70 5.70 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 Age Group 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Age Group 2 3.50 3.70 3.70 3.60 3.60 3.60 Italic factors = newly calculated; continue until factors stop changing Bailey’s Example: Results Multi-Way Relativities Bailey Relativities Car Size Car Size Age Group Large Medium Small Large Medium Small 1 1.00 3.10 8.40 1.00 2.90 5.80 2 4.70 14.60 25.30 3.60 10.40 20.10 Bailey’s Minimum Bias Bailey Relativities get much closer to multiway relativities than univariate approach Premium calculation by multiplying factors vs. table lookup for multi-way This example assumed two multiplicative factors, but approach can be modified for more variables and/or additive rating plans Generalized Linear Models Generalized Linear Models (GLM) is a generalized framework for fitting multivariate linear models Bailey’s method is a specific case of GLM Factors can be estimated with SAS or other statistical software packages Curve Fitting Can calculate certain type of relativities using smooth curves Fit exposure data to a curve Determine a functional relationship of loss data and exposure data Taking derivative of this function and relating the value at any given point to a base point produces relativity Curve Fitting HO Policy Size Relativities Assume the distribution of exposures by amount of insurance is log normal Assume the cumulative loss distribution has a functional relationship to the cumulative exposure distribution Curve Fitting Let r = amount of insurance f (r) is density of exposures at r = exposures at r / total exposures g (r) is density of losses at r = losses at r / total losses F(A) and G (A) are the cumulative functions of f and g Curve Fitting F (A) and G (A) are cumulative functions of f and g G (A) = H[ F (A)] Then dG (A)/dF (A) = g(a)/f(a) = (losses at A / total losses) (exposures at A / total exposures) = pure premium at A/ total pure premium Suggested Readings ASB Standard of Practice No. 9 ASB Standard of Practice No. 12 Foundations of Casualty Actuarial Science, Chapters 2 and 5 Insurance Rates with Minimum Bias, Bailey (1963) Something Old, Something New in Classification Ratemaking with a Novel Use of GLMs for Credit Insurance, Holler, Sommer, and Trahair (1999)