Spring 2006 Midwest Actuarial Forum D&O Liability: Where’s the Market Heading? Elissa M. Sirovatka, FCAS, MAAA, Principal March 17, 2006 © 2005 Towers Perrin The Current Marketplace © 2005 Towers Perrin 1 D&O market softening despite continued increasing claims costs Average premium index decreased for second year Policy limits continued to increase Deductibles/retentions generally flat Coverage still easing Frequency increasing Shareholder claim costs increasing Capacity is leveling off S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 2 Premium Decrease for Second Year © 2005 Towers Perrin 3 Average annual D&O premium index decreased 9% Total Decrease Since Survey Year 2003: 18% Survey Year Index Median Index Average 1998 402 539 1999 356 503 2000 349 560 2001 397 720 2002 496 931 2003 562 1,237 2004 433 1,113 2005 401 1,010 The 2005 median D&O premium index is at the same level as 1998 and 2001. S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 4 Reported change in premium — U.S. Change in Premium by Quarter 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 3rd Qtr 04 4th Qtr 04 Decreased 1st Qtr 05 Same 2nd Qtr 05 3rd Qtr 05 Increased In total 37% of 2005 survey participants reported increases, 37% reported decreases and 26% reported no change in premium from their prior policies S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 5 Repeat participants: Change in average premium from 2004 to 2005 by layer Repeat Group 03-05 04-05 Layer 2004 Average Premium (000s) 2005 Average Premium (000s) % Change from 2004 to 2005 Primary $145,392 $132,850 -9% Excess 521,718 470,939 -10% Total 310,527 284,626 -8% Primary $122,719 $113,640 -7% Excess 549,392 492,911 -10% Total 257,560 237,721 -8% Average premium decreased 8% for both repeat groups, with slightly more decrease in the excess layer S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 6 Repeat participants: Change in average premium from 2004 to 2005 by business class Business Classes with Decreases Business Classes with Increases Banking Education Governmental & Other Nonprofit Durable Goods Merchandising Non-banking Financial Services Nondurable Goods Petroleum, Mining & Agriculture Real Estate & Construction Technology Transportation & Communication Repeat participants in these business classes experience decreases/increases regardless of repeat group S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 7 Repeat participants: Change in premium by asset size from 2004 to 2005 % Change 03-05 Repeats % Change 04-05 Repeats $0 to $10M 10% -7% $10 to $50M -16% -19% $50 to $100M -11% -5% $100 to $400M -8% -11% $400M to $1B -7% -19% $1 to $2B -14% -21% $2 to $5B -9% 2% $5 to $10B -21% -27% Over $10B -24% -18% Asset Size Decrease in average premium is seen across all asset sizes S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 8 Average total premiums for public participants are highest by wide margin Average Total Limits Premium (in 000s) by Asset Size and Ownership Type Asset Size Public Private Nonprofit $0 to $6M $200 $19 $4 $6 to $10M 280 18 7 $10 to $50M 319 36 20 $50 to $100M 433 89 38 $100 to $400M 579 102 131 $400M to $1B 783 121 202 $1 to $2B 1,035 181 263 $2 to $5B 1,699 330 649 $5 to $10B 1,830 438 N/A Over $10B 3,802 1,087 N/A Public premiums are five to ten times private and nonprofit premiums for same size entity, according to our 2005 survey S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 9 Policy Limits © 2005 Towers Perrin 10 Reported change in policy limits — U.S. Change in Policy Limits by Quarter 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 3rd Qtr 04 4th Qtr 04 Decreased 1st Qtr 05 Same 2nd Qtr 05 3rd Qtr 05 Increased The majority of 2005 survey participants reported no change in policy limits. Changes reported were more likely to be increases than decreases. S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 11 Repeat participants: Change in average policy limits from 2004 to 2005 by layer Repeat Group 03-05 04-05 Layer 2004 Average Policy Limit (millions) 2005 Average Policy Limit (millions) % Change from 2004 to 2005 Primary $4.99 $5.09 2% Excess 20.60 22.85 11% Total 11.57 12.56 9% Primary $4.36 $4.51 3% Excess 22.17 24.41 10% Total 9.86 10.75 9% Average policy limits increased 9% for both 03-05 and 0405 repeat groups. The majority of the increase is in excess limits. S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 12 Repeat participants: Change in average policy limits from 2004 to 2005 by business class Business Classes with Decreases Non-durable Goods (03-05 Business Classes with Increases All remaining business classes repeats only, -7%) Petroleum, Mining & Agriculture (04-05 repeats only, 10%) In general, all business classes experienced increases in total policy limits, with the exception of non-durable goods and petroleum, mining & agriculture S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 13 Repeat participants: Change in average policy limits by asset size from 2004 to 2005 % Change 03-05 Repeats % Change 04-05 Repeats $0 to $10M 15% 5% $10 to $50M 5% 9% $50 to $100M 16% 19% $100 to $400M 3% 2% $400M to $1B 2% -4% $1 to $2B 10% -4% $2 to $5B 11% 14% $5 to $10B -15% -19% Over $10B -2% 0% Asset Size Increase in average policy limits are seen at smaller asset sizes, while largest asset size groups experienced flat or decreasing policy limits S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 14 Average total policy limits for public participants are highest Average Total Policy Limits (in millions) by Asset Size and Ownership Type Asset Size Public Private Nonprofit $0 to $6M $8.20 $2.30 $4.54 $6 to $10M 13.35 2.45 2.11 $10 to $50M 15.81 3.87 3.89 $50 to $100M 16.49 5.96 5.14 $100 to $400M 19.36 7.76 12.55 $400M to $1B 27.18 12.76 31.57 $1 to $2B 41.00 17.57 28.14 $2 to $5B 73.89 29.09 32.50 $5 to $10B 89.78 27.00 N/A Over $10B 139.47 36.00 N/A Policy limits are highest for public organizations, according to our 2005 survey. But not by as wide a margin as total limits premium S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 15 Deductibles/Retentions S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 16 Reported change in deductibles/retentions — U.S. Change in Deductibles/Retentions by Quarter 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 3rd Qtr 04 4th Qtr 04 1st Qtr 05 Decreased Same 2nd Qtr 05 3rd Qtr 05 Increased The majority of 2005 survey participants reported no change in deductible/retention. Those who did report a change were more likely to report an increase. S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 17 Repeat participants: Change in deductible/ retention from 2004 to 2005 by business class Business Classes with Decreases Business Classes with Increases Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Banking Government & Other Nonprofit Durable Goods Merchandising Education Non-durable Goods Health Services Technology Non-banking Financial Services Real Estate & Construction Utilities Slightly more business classes experienced an increase in deductible/retentions. S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 18 Repeat participants: Change in deductible/ retention by asset size from 2004 to 2005 % Change 03-05 Repeats % Change 04-05 Repeats $0 to $10M 24% -12% $10 to $50M -17% 30% $50 to $100M -24% -18% $100 to $400M -11% -12% $400M to $1B -9% -28% $1 to $2B 4% 5% $2 to $5B -5% 59% $5 to $10B -3% 4% Over $10B -10% -10% Asset Size There is no obvious relationship between change in deductible/retention and asset size for repeat participants S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 19 Average total deductibles/retentions are highest for public participants Average Total Deductibles/Retentions (in 000s) by Asset Size and Ownership Type Asset Size Public Private Nonprofit $0 to $6M $342 $39 $8 $6 to $10M 468 43 9 $10 to $50M 635 52 44 $50 to $100M 494 141 N/A $100 to $400M 621 159 85 $400M to $1B 891 230 315 $1 to $2B 1,405 681 363 $2 to $5B 3,968 536 N/A $5 to $10B 4,963 N/A N/A Over $10B 8,917 3,260 N/A Deductibles/retentions are highest for public organizations, according to our 2005 survey S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 20 Coverage Restrictions Continue to Ease © 2005 Towers Perrin 21 Changes in enhancements by survey year 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Survey Year Same Decrease Increase Market continues to soften on enhancements S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 22 Changes in exclusions by survey year 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Survey Year Same Decrease Increase Market continues to be soft on exclusions S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 23 Frequency and Claim Severity © 2005 Towers Perrin 24 2005 survey claim incidence by asset size, for profits only Participant Size Susceptibility Frequency Up to $100M 13% .21 $100 to $400M 40% .70 $400 to $1B 32% .64 $1 to $2B 34% .88 $2 to $5B 40% .82 $5B to $10B 45% .83 Over $1B 40% .76 All Asset Sizes 19% .34 Susceptibility — percent of participants with one or more claims. Frequency — average number of claims per participant. S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 25 2005 survey claim incidence by asset size, nonprofits only Participant Size Susceptibility Frequency Up to $100M 3% .04 $100 to $1B 26% 3.11 Over $1B 48% 34.48 All Asset Sizes 6% 1.56 For nonprofits, susceptibility and frequency increase with participant’s asset size S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 26 03-05 repeat participants claim incidence by asset size, for profits only 2004 2005 Participant Size Susceptibility Susceptibility 2004 Frequency 2005 Frequency Up to $100M 14% 19% .22 .30 $100 to $400M 39% 51% .69 .95 $400 to $1B 27% 38% .69 .87 $1 to $2B 48% 50% 1.22 1.57 $2 to $5B 50% 54% 1.39 1.35 $5B to $10B 36% 42% 1.07 .75 Over $10B 54% 35% 1.85 1.00 All Asset Sizes 20% 26% .38 .49 Susceptibility increased for 03-05 repeats for all asset sizes, except over $10B. Frequency increased for asset sizes less than $2B and decreased for larger entities S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 27 04-05 repeat participants claim incidence by asset size, for profits only Participant Size 2004 2005 Susceptibility Susceptibility 2004 Frequency 2005 Frequency Up to $100M 10% 16% .16 .25 $100 to $400M 30% 47% .51 .84 $400 to $1B 24% 40% .55 .75 $1 to $2B 35% 45% .90 1.29 $2 to $5B 43% 45% 1.23 1.09 $5B to $10B 33% 47% .89 .93 Over $10B 58% 42% 1.63 .96 All Asset Sizes 15% 22% .28 .40 Similar results to 03-05 repeat participants S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 28 03-05 repeat participants average payments to claimants by type of claimant Claimant Class 2004 Survey 2005 Survey $134,555 $80,775 Competitors/Suppliers/ Contractors N/A N/A Customers/Clients/Students N/A N/A Governmental/Other N/A 5,352,449 Shareholders/Investors 5,333,667 5,264,167 All Claimants $1,083,157 $1,063,394 Employees/Unions/ Physicians S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 29 04-05 repeat participants average payments to claimants by type of claimant Claimant Class 2004 Survey 2005 Survey Employees/Unions/Physicians $142,152 $92,352 Competitors/Suppliers/ Contractors 1,232,000 610,000 Customers/Clients/Students 8,551,807 3,961,649 N/A 4,589,063 Shareholders/Investors 5,333,667 11,245,870 All Claimants $1,091,614 $1,951,893 Governmental/Other S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 30 03-05 repeat participants average defense costs per claim by type of claimant Claimant Class 2004 Survey 2005 Survey Employees/Unions/ Physicians $105,977 $50,985 Competitors/Suppliers/ Contractors 276,526 234,804 Customers/Clients/Students 965,087 1,477,595 Governmental/Other 5,558,903 2,954,526 Shareholders/Investors 1,725,893 1,187,261 All Claimants $487,037 $469,013 S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 31 04-05 repeat participants average defense costs per claim by type of claimant Claimant Class 2004 Survey 2005 Survey Employees/Unions/ Physicians $105,637 $51,570 Competitors/Suppliers/ Contractors 276,526 211,704 Customers/Clients/ Students 878,897 1,429,836 Governmental/Other 4,684,702 2,851,269 Shareholders/Investors 1,763,792 1,278,537 All Claimants $516,344 $500,470 S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 32 Claimant distribution by ownership 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Public Private Shareholders Employees Nonprofit All Other Shareholder claims are the most frequent for publicly owned entities while nonprofit entities’ claims almost always come from employees S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 33 Board Member Inquiries S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 34 Board member inquiries about D&O coverage — by ownership Percent of Participants Reporting D&O Inquiries Nonprofit Private 2% 29% 5% 52% 19% Public 50% % of participants reporting D&O Inquiries % reporting coverage changes Public and private entity board members more likely to inquire about D&O coverage. Inquiries from public entity board members are most likely to result in coverage changes. S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 35 Board member inquiries about D&O coverage — by asset size Percent of Participants Reporting D&O Inquiries 30% Over $10B 64% 13% $5 to $10B 67% 30% $2 to $5B 53% 26% $1 to $2B 58% 30% $400M to $1B 65% 24% $100 to $400M 59% 9% $50 to $100M 51% 9% $10 to $50M %6 to $10M $0 to $6M 56% 2% 20% 2% 54% % of participants reporting D&O Inquiries % reporting coverage changes Largest entities are more likely to respond to inquiries from board members with changes to coverage S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 36 Average number of board members by asset size Asset Size Average Number of Board Members Over $10B 11.9 $5 to $10B 10.9 $2 to 5B 10.5 $1 to $2B 9.9 9.2 $400M to $1B $100 to $400M 8 $50 to $100M 8.2 $10 to $50M 7.1 $6 to $10M $0 to $6M 7 5.9 The average number of board members reported by 2005 survey participants is significantly correlated with entity size S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 37 Average number of board members by ownership Ownership Type Average Number of Board Members Public Private 8 6 Nonprofit 11 The average number of board members reported by 2005 survey participants is highest for nonprofit entities S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 38 Insurance Carriers © 2005 Towers Perrin 39 Historical insurer carrier capacity Survey Year 1995 1996 895 1,155 1,350 1997 1998 1,500 1999 1,550 2000 1,575 2001 1,550 2002 1,500 2003 1,350 2004 1,500 2005 1,500 Full Limits Capacity (in millions) – U.S. For-Profit Only Capacity leveled off in 2005 at $1.5B S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 40 Top primary market carriers — U.S. % of 2005 Survey Policy Count Insurer % of 2005 Survey Premium Volume Rank Rank Chubb Ins. Group 21.2% 1 AIG 36.3% 1 AIG 14.8% 2 Chubb Ins. Group 16.3% 2 Admiral 10.0% 3 XL Ins. Co. 7.2% 3 ACE 10.0% 4 Aegis 7.0% 4 Illinois Union/E-Risk 7.0% 5 Admiral 6.1% 5 Insurer AIG and Chubb continue to dominate the primary market, according to our 2005 survey. AIG leading in premium volume and Chubb in policy count S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 41 Top excess market carriers — U.S. % of 2005 Survey Policy Count Insurer % of 2005 Survey Premium Volume Rank Rank Chubb Ins. Group 11.1% 1 XL Ins. Co. 11.4% 1 XL Ins. Co. 11.0% 2 Chubb Ins. Group 10.7% 2 Old Republic 8.6% 3 AIG 8.4% 3 Hartford 7.1% 4 Hartford 7.3% 4 AIG 7.0% 5 Old Republic 6.9% 5 Insurer Chubb and XL lead the excess market, although the excess market is much less concentrated S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 42 What’s Ahead for the D&O Marketplace? © 2005 Towers Perrin 43 Where is the marketplace headed? Continued upward pressure on loss frequency and severity Reserve strengthening still a factor on prior years Continued rate decreases, but smaller magnitude Pockets of rate increases Declining capacity Improving coverage terms S:\77523\05EGS\corp\004\liability market.ppt © 2005 Towers Perrin Proprietary and Confidential Not for use or disclosure outside Towers Perrin and its clients 44