Guide to Oracle 10g Chapter 2: Creating and Modifying Database Tables Guide to Oracle 10g 1 Database Objects An Oracle database consists of multiple user accounts Each user account owns database objects Tables Views Stored programs Etc. Guide to Oracle 10g 2 Database Queries Query: command to perform operation on database object Create Modify View Delete Structured Query Language (SQL) Standard query language for relational databases Guide to Oracle 10g 3 SQL Command Types Data Definition Language (DDL) Used to create and modify the structure of database objects Data Manipulation Language (DML) Used to insert, update, delete, and view database data Guide to Oracle 10g 4 DDL Commands Used to create and modify the structure of database objects CREATE ALTER DROP DDL commands execute as soon as they are issued, and do not need to be explicitly saved Guide to Oracle 10g 5 DML Commands Used to insert, view, and modify database data INSERT UPDATE DELETE SELECT DML commands need to be explicitly saved or rolled back COMMIT ROLLBACK Guide to Oracle 10g 6 User Accounts Each Oracle database user has a user schema Area in the database where the user’s database objects are stored Identified by a unique username and protected by a password Each user schema is granted specific privileges Guide to Oracle 10g 7 Types of Database Privileges System Privileges Control the operations that the user can perform within the database Connecting to the database (Create Session), creating new tables, shutting down the database, etc. Object Privileges Granted on individual database objects Controls operations that a user can perform on a specific object (insert data, delete data, etc.) When you create an object in your user schema, you can then grant object privileges on that object to other database users Guide to Oracle 10g 8 Break Time: SQL Plus Oracle SQL command line utility for issuing SQL commands Starting SQL Plus LOGON to YOUR Oracle Account Guide to Oracle 10g 9 How to Access Your Oracle Account 1. Click the START button, point to Programs 2. Select Oracle –Oracle10g, then 3. Click Application Development, then 4. Select SQL PLUS User Name: Password: Host string: Guide to Oracle 10g 10 Creating New User Accounts Done by DBA Syntax: CREATE username IDENTIFIED BY password; Guide to Oracle 10g 11 Oracle Naming Standard Oracle database objects must adhere to the Oracle Naming Standard 1 to 30 characters long Must begin with a character Can contain characters, numbers, and the symbols $, _, and # Guide to Oracle 10g 12 Defining Database Tables To create a table, you must specify: Table name Field names Field data types Field sizes Constraints Guide to Oracle 10g 13 Table and Field Names Must follow the Oracle Naming Standard Each table in a user schema must have a unique name within that user schema Each field in a table must have a unique name within that table Guide to Oracle 10g 14 Creating a Table CREATE TABLE tablename (fieldname1 data_type, (fieldname2 data_type, …) Guide to Oracle 10g 15 Oracle Data Types Data type: specifies type of data stored in a field Date, character, number. LONG, RAW, LONG RAW, BLOB Uses Error checking Efficient use of storage space Guide to Oracle 10g 16 Oracle Character Data Types VARCHAR2 columnname VARCHAR2(max_size) Variable-length character strings Max_size can be between 1 and 4,000 characters Must specify the size No trailing blank spaces are added If more than max_size data is inserted, an error occurs. Example declaration: student_name VARCHAR2(30) Guide to Oracle 10g 17 Character Data Types CHAR columnname CHAR(max_size) Fixed-length character data Max_size can be between 1 and 2000 characters Max_size is optional. Default is 1. Adds trailing blank spaces to pad width If more than max_size data is inserted, an error occurs. Example declaration: student_gender CHAR(2) Guide to Oracle 10g 18 Character Subtypes Examples: VARCHAR2(5) ‘Smith’ or ‘Smi’ CHAR(5) ‘Smith’ or ‘Smi Guide to Oracle 10g ’ 19 Question: Which query will possibly generate student information? s_last VARCHAR2(15); s_last CHAR(15); SELECT s_last, s_first, s_address FROM student WHERE s_last = ‘Smith’; SELECT s_last, s_first, s_address FROM student WHERE s_last = ‘Smith’; What data type should be used if there is any chance that all column spaces will NOT be filled? Answer: VARCHAR2 Guide to Oracle 10g 20 Character Data Types 3. NVARCHAR2 and NCHAR Analogous to VARCHAR2 and CHAR but use Unicode rather than ASCII Used to hold character data in languages other than English (Japanese). Guide to Oracle 10g 21 Number Data Type NUMBER stores negative, positive, fixed, and floating point numbers values between 10-130 and 10126 General declaration format: variable_name NUMBER(precision, scale) Guide to Oracle 10g 22 NUMBER Data Types Number type (integer, fixed point, floating point) specified by precision and scale Precision: total number of digits on either side of the decimal point. It does not include the decimal point itself or any commas or any formatting symbols. Scale: number of digits to right of decimal point Guide to Oracle 10g 23 Integer Numbers Whole number with no digits to right of decimal point Precision is maximum width Scale is omitted Sample declaration: s_age NUMBER (2) Guide to Oracle 10g 24 Fixed Point Numbers Contain a specific number of decimal places Precision is maximum width Scale is number of decimal places Sample declaration: item_price NUMBER(5, 2) 259.99 33.89 (decimal point is not included) Guide to Oracle 10g 25 Floating Point Numbers Contain a variable number of decimal places Precision and scale are omitted Sample declaration: s_GPA NUMBER Guide to Oracle 10g 26 Date Data Type DATE Stores dates from 1/1/4712 BC to 12/31/4712 AD Stores both a date and time component Default date format: DD-MON-YY HH:MI:SS AM example: 05-JUN-03 12:00:00 AM Sample declaration: s_dob DATE Guide to Oracle 10g 27 Specifying Date and Time Values If no time value is given when a new date is inserted, default value is 12:00:00 AM If no date value is given when a new time is inserted, default date is first day of current month Guide to Oracle 10g 28 TIMESTAMP Data Type The same as Date DT, but it stores also fractional seconds. Field Timestamp(Fr_Se_Precision) E.g: ship_dt Timestamp(2) Fractional Seconds Precision default value is 6 (If omitted). Guide to Oracle 10g 29 Interval Year to Month Data Type Field Interval Year(Y_Pr) To Month. Y_Pr: Year Precision(Default: 6). E.g: elapsed Interval Year(2) To Month. Possible Values: +02-11 :add 2 years and 11 months to a known date. -11-4:subtract 11 years and 4 months. Guide to Oracle 10g 30 Interval Day to Second Data Type Field Interval Day(D_Pr) To Second(Fr_Se_pr). D_Pr: Day Precision(Default : 2). Fr_Se_Pr: Fractional Seconds Precision (Default : 6). Possible value: -04 03:20:32.00 (Days Hours:Minutes:Seconds.Fractions) Guide to Oracle 10g 31 Large Object (LOB) Data Types Binary Large Object (BLOB) Character Large Object (CLOB) Stores up to 4 GB of character data BFILE Stores up to 4 GB of binary data Stores a reference to a binary file maintained in the operating system NCLOB Character LOB that supports 16-bit character code Guide to Oracle 10g 32 6. Large Object (LOB) Data Types Ex: f_image BLOB; Guide to Oracle 10g 33 Declaring LOB Data Fields Item size is not specified Examples: item_image BLOB item_image BFILE Guide to Oracle 10g 34 Creating a Database Table Syntax: CREATE TABLE table_name ( fieldname1 datatype, fieldname2 datatype, …); Example: CREATE TABLE my_students ( s_id NUMBER(6), s_name VARCHAR2(30), s_dob DATE, s_class CHAR(2)); Guide to Oracle 10g 35 Constraints Rules that restrict the values that can be inserted into a field Types of constraints Integrity: define primary and foreign keys Value: specify values or ranges of values that can be inserted Guide to Oracle 10g 36 Constraint Levels Table constraint Restricts the value of a field with respect to all other table records Example: primary key value must be unique for each record Column constraint Restricts values in a specific column Example: values in an S_GENDER field must be ‘M’ or ‘F’ Guide to Oracle 10g 37 Constraint Names Internal name used by DBMS to identify the constraint Each constraint name in a user schema must be unique If you do not name a constraint, the system will automatically generate an unintuitive name starts with SYS_Cn. n is a numeric value. Guide to Oracle 10g 38 Constraint Names Constraint naming convention: tablename_fieldname_constraintID Constraint ID values: Primary key: pk Foreign key: fk Check condition: cc Not NULL: nn Unique: uk Example constraint name: my_students_s_id_pk Guide to Oracle 10g 39 Constraint Names 10g too Guide to Oracle 10g 40 Primary Key Constraints Table-level Defining a primary key: CONSTRAINT constraint_name PRIMARY KEY Example: s_id NUMBER(6) CONSTRAINT student_s_id_pk PRIMARY KEY Guide to Oracle 10g 41 Primary Key Constraints Can be defined when field is declared Guide to Oracle 10g 42 Primary Key Constraints Can also be defined after all table field definitions are completed Guide to Oracle 10g 43 Composite Primary Keys Syntax: CONSTRAINT constraint_name PRIMARY KEY (field1, field2) Must be defined after fields that compose key are defined Guide to Oracle 10g 44 Foreign Key Constraints Table-level Can only be defined after field is defined as a primary key in another table Syntax: CONSTRAINT constraint_name REFERENCES primary_key_table_name (field_name) Guide to Oracle 10g 45 Foreign Key Constraints Can be defined when field is declared NOTE: faculty TABLE MUST EXIST BEFORE my_students. Guide to Oracle 10g 46 Foreign Key Constraints Can also be defined after all table field definitions are completed Guide to Oracle 10g 47 Value Constraints Column-level Restricts data values that can be inserted in a field In general, avoid value constraints because they make the database very inflexible Guide to Oracle 10g 48 Types of Value Constraints Check condition: restricts to specific values Example: s_gender (M or F) CONSTRAINT my_students_s_gender_cc CHECK (s_gender = ‘M’) OR (s_gender = ‘F’) Not NULL: specifies that a field cannot be NULL Example: CONSTRAINT my_students_s_dob_nn NOT NULL Guide to Oracle 10g 49 Types of Value Constraints Default: specifies a default value that is inserted automatically unless the user insert an other value Example: Must be created in the column declaration, NOT a separate command beginning with CONSTRAINT. s_state CHAR(2) DEFAULT ‘WI’ Unique Table constraint Specifies that a non-primary key field must have a unique value CONSTRAINT consultant_c_email_uk UNIQUE (c_email) (Primary key constrain does not allow NULL, but this does) Guide to Oracle 10g 50 SQL*Plus Oracle SQL command line utility for issuing SQL commands Starting SQL*Plus Guide to Oracle 10g 51 Using SQL*Plus All commands must be terminated with a semicolon (;) Use a text editor and copy and paste commands Character data is case sensitive and must be in single quotes ‘M’ ‘Sarah’ Commands are NOT case sensitive. Guide to Oracle 10g 52 Exiting SQL*Plus Type exit at SQL> prompt or Click Close button on SQL*Plus window Guide to Oracle 10g 53 Oracle Help Resources Ora.hlp file Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Guide to Oracle 10g 54 Create a Table Guide to Oracle 10g 55 Using Notepad Useful to use Notepad to edit sql commands Commands can be edited without retyping Commands can be saved Saving multiple sql commands in a file creates a script Guide to Oracle 10g 56 Study … Can you create TABLE student now? Guide to Oracle 10g 57 Table Creation Sequence When creating tables with foreign key references, create referenced tables first Always create tables without foreign keys before those with foreign keys Guide to Oracle 10g 58 Viewing Table Information Viewing a table’s structure DESCRIBE table_name; Guide to Oracle 10g 59 Oracle Data Dictionary Contains tables that describe the database structure Is in the SYSTEM user schema Is automatically updated as users create and modify tables Cannot be updated directly Contains views that allow users to retrieve information about the database structure View: is a db object that the DBMS bases on an actual db table and which enables the DBMS to present the table data in a different format based on user needs. It can serve to hide some table columns in which the user has no interest or doesn’t have privileges to view. Guide to Oracle 10g 60 Data Dictionary Views Views present data in different formats depending on the privileges of the user USER: shows all objects belonging to the current user ALL: shows all objects belonging to the current user, as well as objects current user has privileges to manipulate DBA: allows users with DBA privileges to view objects of all database users Guide to Oracle 10g 61 Querying the Data Dictionary Views Syntax: SELECT view_columnname1, view_columnname2, … FROM prefix_object; Try: DESCRIBE user_tables; to see the details of that table. Guide to Oracle 10g 62 Viewing Information About Tables General command: SELECT view_columnname1, view_columnname2, … FROM prefix_object; view_columnname1, view_columnname2,… are the name of the fields you want to retrieve from the view. prefix: either USER, ALL or DBA. object: the type of the DB object you are examining. See next slide for these objects. Ex: select table_name from user_tables; Table_name is a field name in the table user_tables. User_tables is a table saves the names of all the table you (user) create. Guide to Oracle 10g 63 Database Objects with Data Dictionary View Object Name Object Type OBJECTS All database objects TABLES Database tables INDEXES Table indexes created to improve query performance VIEWS Database views SEQUENCES Sequences created to automatically generate surrogate key values USERS Database users CONSTRAINTS Table constraints CONS_COLUMNS Table columns that have constraints IND_COLUMNS Indexed columns TAB_COLUMNS All table Guide tocolumns Oracle 10g 64 Viewing Constraints on One Table Try: DESCRIBE user_constraints; to see the details of that table. Guide to Oracle 10g 65 Modifying Tables Unrestricted actions: some specifications can always be modified. Renaming tables Adding new columns Increasing column sizes Dropping columns Dropping constraints Guide to Oracle 10g 66 Modifying Tables Restricted actions:specifications modified only in certain situations Dropping tables Only allowed if table does not contain any fields that are referenced as foreign keys, or if foreign key constraints are dropped Changing a column’s data specification Only allowed if existing data is compatible with new data specification Decreasing column sizes Only allowed if column does not contain any data Adding constraints Only allowed if existing data meets requirements of new Guide to Oracle 10g constraint 67 Deleting and Renaming Tables To delete: DROP TABLE [tablename] Use with caution. It is a restricted actions, can not be dropped if it contains a foreign key. Delete the constraint and then drop the table or use cascade. To delete foreign key constraints, add “CASCADE CONSTRAINTS” To rename: RENAME old_tablename TO new_tablename DBMS automatically transfers to the new table integrity constraints, indexes, and privileges that referenced the old table. Views and stored program units that reference the old table name become Invalid. Guide to Oracle 10g 68 Altering Tables Adding a new field: ALTER TABLE tablename ADD (fieldname field_specification); Guide to Oracle 10g 69 Altering Tables Modifying an existing field: ALTER TABLE tablename MODIFY (fieldname new_field_specification); Can only change data type to compatible data type (i.e. varchar2 to char) Guide to Oracle 10g 70 Altering Tables Deleting an existing field: ALTER TABLE tablename DROP COLUMN fieldname; ALTER TABLE faculty ADD (faculty_rank VARCHAR2(4)); Guide to Oracle 10g 71 Renaming a Column To rename a field ALTER TABLE tablename RENAME COLUMN old_fieldname TO new_fieldname; Ex: ALTER TABLE faculty RENAME COLUMN faculty_rank to f_rank; Guide to Oracle 10g 72 Adding and Deleting Constraints Add a constraint: ALTER TABLE tablename ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name constraint_definition; Remove a constraint: ALTER TABLE tablename DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name; Examples: ALTER TABLE faculty ADD CONSTRAINT faculty_f_pin_uk UNIQUE (f_pin); ALTER TABLE faculty DROP CONSTRAINT faculty_f_pin_uk; Guide to Oracle 10g 73 Enabling and Disabling Constraints When modifying a database it can be useful to disable constraints Constraints are enabled by default To disable a constraint: ALTER TABLE tablename DISABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name; To enable a constraint: ALTER TABLE tablename ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name; 1. ALTER TABLE faculty DISABLE CONSTRAINT faculty_loc_id_fk; 2. ALTER TABLE faculty ENABLE CONSTRAINT faculty_loc_id_fk; 3. DROP TABLE faculty CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; 4. Guide to Oracle 10g EXIT; 74 Deleting Tables Syntax to delete table if no table fields are referenced as foreign keys: DROP TABLE tablename; Syntax to delete table and constraints if table contains fields that are referenced as foreign keys: DROP TABLE tablename CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; Guide to Oracle 10g 75 Summary SQL commands include: To create a table: Data description language (DDL) commands: create, modify, Deleted database objects Data manipulation language (DML) commands: insert, update, delete, view database data specify the table name, the name of each data field, and the data type and size of each data field Data types ensure correct data values Constraints restrict values of database fields SQL*Plus commands are not case sensitive Guide to Oracle 10g 76 Summary (cont.) Errors include line number, position, error code Use DESCRIBE command to display a table’s fieldnames and data types Tables can be modified or deleted but some changes are restricted Guide to Oracle 10g 77 End Of Chapter 2 Guide to Oracle 10g 78