Dr. Maher Jamal Tadros

Dr. Maher Jamal Tadros
Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture
Jordan University of Science and Technology
PO Box 3030
22110 Irbid-JORDAN
Email: mtadros@just.edu.jo
Fax # + 962-2-720-1078, Work: +962-2-7201000 ext 22266, Home: +962-5-3510911.
Cell: + 962-79-5304936
Date of Birth: February 7th, 1974. SALT - JORDAN.
Social Status: Married.
Ph.D. degree in Forestry and Natural Resources (2003) from Purdue University, West
Lafayette – Indiana, USA.
M.Sc. degree in Plant Production (1997) from University of Jordan, Amman –
B.Sc. degree in Agriculture (1995) from University of Jordan, Amman – JORDAN.
Recent and assigned Position:
- Assistant Professor in the department of Natural Resources and Environment. Jordan
University of Science and Technology. Irbid – JORDAN. 2003 - to present.
- Chairman of Department of Natural Resources and Environment. 2006 –2008.
- Project Coordinator – JUST site in the Water Benchmarks (Formerly Water Harvesting
Project) of CWANA project/ ICARDA - Phase II from October 2010 – present.
- National consultant and a core team member in the Forest Policy project in Jordan.
Support to Forest Policy and Strategy for Forest Sector Development in Jordan.
Sponsored by FAO. 2006-2008.
Professional Experience:
Ph. D Graduate in Forestry and Natural Resources. Department of Forestry and
Natural Resources under the supervision of Professor Andrew Gillespie.
Graduate teaching assistant Purdue University at Lily Library under the supervision
of Professor Katie Clark (Newman). 2001-2003
Research assistant, University of Jordan on cooperative project between ICARDA
and Jordan Arid Zone Productivity Project (JAZPP) - University of Jordan, under the
supervison of Profesor Omar Kafawin, 1997/8 – 1998/8.
Research Assistant, JAZPP, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jordan. 1998/91998/12.
Teaching assistant 1996-1997, University of Jordan, under the supervision of Dr.
Hani Saoub.
Member in the Honor Society of Agriculture, Gamma Sigma Delta – Purdue
University, in recognition of high scholarship and outstanding achievement (2001).
1. Agricultural Engineers Association since 1995 to present.
2. Society of American Foresters since 1999 to present.
3. The American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America
(CSSA), and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) since 2000 to 2009.
4. American Society of Plant Biologists since 2002 to 2006.
5. Honor Society of Agriculture, Gamma Sigma Delta – Purdue University since 2001
to present.
6. The National Arbor Day Foundation since 2001 to 2006.
7. Member in Al-Shajrah Organization since 2010 – to present
Research Scopes:
Natural Vegetation Eco-physiology and management, Forest ecology and management,
Agroforestry – productivity of trees and field Crops, Forest Nurseries, and Drought and
salinity stress (Physiology and Biochemistry).
Academic Activities: Conferences, Committees and Workshops :
A- Committees
1- Member in the seventh scientific day organized by the Faculty of agriculture in
Jordan University of Science and Technology in 2004.
2- Member in the eighth scientific day organized by the Faculty of agriculture in
Jordan University of Science and Technology in 2006.
3- National member in the national committee for the international conference "Food
Security and Climate change in the dry area" organized by ICARDA in Amman
Jordan, 2009.
4- Member in the Al-Shajarah committee from Jordan University of Science and
Technology since 2010.
5- Member in the Graduate students committee in the Department of Natural
Resources and Environment in the years 2003, 2004, 2006,2007, 2008, 2010.
6- Member in the Scientific Research Committee in the Department of Natural
Resources and Environment in the years 2009 and 2010.
7- Member in the Laboratories committee in the Department of Natural Resources
and Environment in the year 2009 and 2010.
8- Member in the Prince Hamzah Nature Reserves committee since establishment
from 2004 till now.
9- Member in the graduate students committee in the Faculty of Agriculture 2007
and 2008.
10- Member in the Social committee in the Faculty of Agriculture in the year 2003.
11- Member in the scientific and cultural committee in the faculty of Agriculture in
the year 2004.
12- A national core team member in the national forest policy project in Jordan in
2006 till 2008 sponsored by FAO.
13- Team member in the Renewable Energy Research Group in JUST since 2009 till
B- Workshops and Community Services:
1. Media conferencing in the national radios broadcasting in Jordan such as
Jordan National Radio, Amman FM, and Watan radio. Including several
topics on Forestry and environment, Nature reserves especially Prince
Hamzah Nature Reserve and National Arbor Day celebrations.
2. Participation in the several workshops within the forest policy project
carried out several places in Jordan including meeting with farmers and
policy makers to discuss the role of forest and problems associated with
forest removal. 2006 to 2008.
3. Participation in a workshop carried out in the Royal Society of
Conservation Nature (RSCN) in the Lunching the Integrate Ecosystem
Management in Wadi Araba in 13-3-2011.
4. Participation in a workshop "National Agricultural Information Systems"
held in Albalqa University – Salt, Jordan in 3-3-2011.
5. Participation in a workshop "Lunching the Nation Report on Nature
Reserves" held in RSCN in 26-11-2007.
Participation in the First forest Policy Forum 2006.
7. Participation in the Second Forest Policy Forum "Lunching the Forest
Policy in Jordan" 2007.
8. Participation in a workshop "Nature Reserves National Strategies" held in
RSCN in collaboration with FAO in 5-2-2008.
9. Participation as a team member in the Agroforesty Farmland in the 7th EU
Framework Program.
10. Participation in a workshop "GIS and remote sensing in natural resources
management and land use" held in JUST. 2-10/2/2005.
11. Participation in a workshop "Introduction to ERDAS Imgaine and its
application sin the natural resources management" held in JUST. 1216/6/2005.
12. Participation in a workshop "Climate Change effects in the Agricultural
Sector in Jordan" organized by the National Center for Agricultural
Research and Extension (NCARE). 6-7/10/2010.
13. Participation in a workshop "National Forest Survey" organized by the Alshajarah, RSCN and the department of Forestry (MOA) held in Amman.
C- Conferences:
1- Attending the Climate Change and Food Security international conference in
2009 held in Amman, Jordan.
2- Attending the National Conference for the development of study plans,
Teaching, Learning and Scientific Research held in the Amman 15-17/6/2010.
Organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in
collaboration with the Columbia University – Meddle East Research Center.
3- Attending the 1st regional annual coordination and steering committee
meetings 1-3 December 2010, Amman - Jordan. Community – Based
Optimization of the Management of Scare Water Resources. The Water
Benchmarks of CWANA project – Phase II.
Teaching Several Courses in the Department of Natural Resources and
1- Forest Ecology (NR 425)
2- Forest Development and Improvement (Silviculture) (NR 442)
3- Forestation (NR 344)
4- Forest Nurseries (NR341)
5- Natural Resources and Man (NR200)
6- Wood Science NR 381
7- Ecosystem Management NR 745.
Publications and Presentations:
Tadros, M.J., Samarah N. and Alqudah, A.M. 2011. Effect of different pre-sowing
seed treatments on the germination of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) and
Acacia farnesiana (L.).. Accpeted in the NEW FORESTS, DOI:
10.1007/s11056-011-9260-1. Published ONLINE FIRST MARCH 17th, 2011.
Tadros, M. J. , El-Shatnawi, MK. J, Jaradat, R. M. 2011. Growth, persistence and
quality of Trigonella arabica Del. and Trigonella Caelesyriaca Boiss. grown
in the semi-arid rangeland north of Jordan. Journal of Food, Agriculture and
Environment Vol 9. (1): 389-393.
Tadros, M.J. Alqudah, A.M. and Arabiat, Y.S. 2010. Comparative study between
Cupressus sempervirens and Cupressus arizonica in seed germination and
seedling vigor. Crop Research. Vol. 40, No. 3 (November): 178-184.
Mohawesh, O.E., Al-Absi, K.M. and Tadros, M.J. 2010. Effect of antitranspirant
application on physiological and biochemical parameters of three orange
cultivars grown under progressive water deficit. Adv. Hort. Sci., 24(3): 183194
Alrababah, M.A., Tadros M.J., Samarah, N. and Ghosheh, H. 2009. Allelopathic
effects of Pinus halepensis and Quercus coccifera on the germination of
Mediterranean crop seeds. New Forest 38:261-272.
Al-Mefleh, N.K. and. Tadros, M.J. 2010. Influence of water quantity on the yield,
water use efficiency, and plant water relations of Leucaena leucocephala in
arid and semi arid environment using drip irrigation system. African Journal
of Agricultural Research Vol. 5(15), pp. 1917-1924.
Nasr, R. E, Yousef, M.E, and Tadros, M.J. 2011. Technical Efficiency of Medicinal
and Herbal Plant Farms in Jordan. Accepted in Jordan Journal of Agricultural
Sciences (Will be published September issue of 2011).
Tadros, M.J. 2010. Water Harvesting Project in Jordan University of Science and
Technology Site. A presentation in the 1st regional annual coordination and
steering committee meetings 1-3 December 2010, Amman - Jordan. Community –
Based Optimization of the Management of Scare Water Resources. The Water
Benchmarks of CWANA project – Phase II.
Tadros, M.J. 2007. The Role of Forest Policy Strategy in the Development of
Forestry Education and Research. Presentation in the Second Forest Policy
Forum for Lunching the Forest Policy in Jordan. September 10th, 2007.
Sponsored by FAO and Ministry of Agriculture.
Tadros, M.J. 2007. Forestry Education and Research. Presentation in the First Forest
Policy Forum in Jordan. January 27th of 2007. Sponsored by FAO and
Ministry of Agriculture.
Tadros, M. 2005. Jordan University of Science and Technology Establish Prince
Hamzah Nature Reserve in Kufur Khal - Jerash. Al Reem. Vol 75: 34-35. AlReem is a publication of the Royal Society For Conservation Nature. Amman
– Jordan.
Tadros, M.J and Al-Mefleh NK. 2010. Effect of water availability on forage
production, quality and growth performance of Leucaena leucocephala grown
under field conditions in a Mediterranean climate (Under review in the
Agroforestry Systems).
Tadros, M.J. August 2003. The Physiology and biochemistry of the Multipurpose
Forest Trees Species: Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) De Wit, Prosopis
juliflora (Swartz) DC, Acacia saligna (Labill.), and Eucalyptus citriodora
(Hook f.) as Influenced by Water Stress. Ph.D thesis. Purdue University. West
Lafayette, Indiana, USA.
Tadros, M.J and Gillespie A.R. 2002. Multipurpose Forest Trees: Evaluation of
Productivity under Water stress. Poster presentation in the seventh annual
research symposium. Forestry in the 21st century. Department of forestry and
Natural Resources – Purdue University.
Tadros, M.J. 2000. Forest Tress in Jordan. Multimedia presentation presented to the
Forest Biology Group in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources Purdue University.
Tadros, M.J. and H.M. Saoub .1999. Effect of cutting height and nitrogen
fertilization on the productivity of three varieties of sudangrass. Dirasat,
Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 26, No.3: 354-363.
Tadros, M.J. 1997. Effect of cutting height and Fertilization on the productivity of
three varieties of sudangrass under irrigation in Jordan Valley. M.Sc thesis.
University of Jordan. Amman. Jordan.