Faculty Phased Retirement Request Letter Template

Sample Letter:
Faculty Request to enter Phased Retirement
To: Department Chair
Dear Dr. ________________:
I have held a full-time faculty appointment in the Department of ________________________
for _____ years (minimum service years = 15).
I would like to participate in the phased retirement plan offered by Northwestern University
beginning ______________________ (date). I am currently __________ years old and
therefore meet the age requirement (minimum age = 60). I also request that I end phased
retirement and transition to full retirement as of ________________(date).
I understand that if approved, phased retirement will allow me to reduce my normal academic
responsibilities to 50% while I received 60% of my salary. I’ll continue to receive full-time
benefits based on my reduced salary in phased retirement.
Thank you for consideration of my request.
Faculty member