Curriculum Vitae Professor Marwan M. Muwalla

Curriculum Vitae
Professor Marwan M. Muwalla
Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Production, Jordan University of Science and Technology,
P.o.Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan, Fax: (962-2) 7095123 Tel: (962-2) 7201000 Ext. 23030
Personal Information
: Marwan M. Muwalla.
Date of Birth
: May 15, 1949
Place of Birth
: Jarash, Jordan
Civilian ship
: Jordanian
Marital Status
: Married, Four Children
Professional profile
Experienced educator with a good record of designing university degree programs, conducting classroom
instruction and providing administrative leadership
Experienced researcher with training and expertise in animal science, small ruminant nutrition and
I have been involved in the academic profession since 1982 and have been involved in teaching and
university committees at various levels, giving me a good background in curricula development.
Involved in a different upper levels of administration at different universities, providing me with a deep
understanding of the problems and challenges facing higher education in Jordan.
Educational Record
Ph. D.
1982 Philosophy in Animal Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA,.
Dissertation" Sources of Variation in Fecal Starch Percentages of Bulls
in Performance Test".
M. Sc.
1979 Animal Science, Texas A& I, University Kingsville, TX. USA,
Thesis" Rate of Passage of Alkali Treated Wheat Straw through the Digestive
Tract of Sheep.
Diploma 1976 Post Graduate Diploma, Animal Health and Production, University of Edinburgh, U.K.
B. Sc.
1973 Animal Production, (BSc) University of Baghdad, Iraq.
Professional Experience
President - University of Petra, Sept. 1st, 2014 until now.
Vice President for Academic Affairs & Dean of Research & Graduate Studies of University of Petra, Sept.
2010 until August 2014.
Vice President, of Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, June 2005 to June 2010.
Member of the Board of the Trustees of Petra University, Amman- Jordan November 2009 to September
Member of the Board of the Trustees of Al-Isra Private University, Amman- Jordan June 2006 to
October 2009.
Professor, Department of Animal Production, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan,
1999 to present.
Dean, Research and Graduate Studies and Dean of Faculty of Science, Philadelphia University, Amman,
Jordan 2000 to 2002.
Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Jordan University of Science & Technology, Irbid Jordan, January 1996 to
September 2000.
Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Pure Science, Jarash University, Jarash, Jordan, 1994-1995.
Chairman, Department of Nutrition and Animal Production. Jordan University of Science & Technology,
September 1995 to Jan. 1996.
Chairman, Department of Nutrition and Animal Production, Jordan University of Science and
Technology, Irbid, Jordan 1990-1994.
Associated Professor, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan 1991-1999.
Assistant Professor, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 1986-1991.
Assistant Professor, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, 1982-1986.
Head of Animal Production Section, the Agricultural Research Station,
Jordan University of Science
and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 1987-1989.
Visiting Scientist, Department of Animal Science, University College, Dublin (UCD), Ireland, March 5 to
April 5 1997, July 28 to August 28, 1996, Jan. 9 to March 8, 1996.
Visiting Scientist, International Sheep and Goat Institute, Utah State University, Login, Utah, summer
1984 and summer 1985.
Visiting Scientist, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark, Summer
Research Associate, Agriculture Section, National Planning Council, Amman, Jordan, 1974 - 1977.
Extension County Agent, Livestock Production, Ministry of Agriculture, Amman, Jordan, 1973 – 1974.
Teaching Experience
Teaching Interests:
Teaching courses related to animal nutrition and production of ruminant animals.
Courses Taught:
Under Graduate:
- Feed and Feeding
Ruminant Nutrition
- Sheep Production
General Nutrition
- Beef Production
Dairy Production
- Introduction to Animal Science
General Biology
Taught Part of Advance Physiology (Physiology of the digestive tract)
Teaching Evaluation:
Quantitative Scores nearly always exceed 80 on a 100-point Scale
Research Interests & Major Grants
To Increase animal utilization of by-products, feed additives and applied animal nutrition and production of small
Selected Major Grants
Principle investigator in a research project granted support of one million EEC units from the EEC entitled:
“The improvement of sheep production in Jordan, with particular reference to increased efficiency of
utilization of indigenous resources”.
Principle investigator in another research project granted support of U.S $ 22 thousand from the Agriculture
Development Fund, Ministry of Agriculture, and Jordan. Entitled: "Evaluation of poultry litter as ration
component for feeding sheep".
Participant in research project “Cross breeding of three imported exotic mutton sheep breeds with Awassi
sheep in Jordan” granted U.S $ 88 Thousand, from the Ministry of Agriculture – Czech Republic.
Publications in Peer Reviewed Regional and International Journals
Marwan M. Muwalla.2012. Feed Additives in Farm Animal Nutrition “Book”. This book was prepared
during the two year sabbatical leave at Petra University (2010/2011– 2011/2012). It was submitted to the Deanship of
Research, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan in August 2012.
Abdullah Y.Abdullah, Belal S.Obeidat, Marwan M. Muwalla, Sulaiman K.Matarneh and Majdi A.Abu
Ishamis.2011.Growth Performance, Carcass and Meat Characteristics of Black Goat Kids Fed Sesame Hulls
and Prosopis juliflora Pods. Asian-Aust.J.Anim.Sci.Vol-24 No.9:1217-1226.
B.S Obeidat, M.S. Awawdehb, A.Y.Abdullah, Marwan M. Muwalla, M.A. Abu Ishmais, B.T.Telfah, A.J.
Ayrout, SK. Matarneh, H.S.Subih, T.O.Osaili. 2011. Effects of Feeding broiler litter on Performance of
Awassi lambs fed finishing diets. Animal Feed Science and Technology Journal 165:15-22.
Abdullah Y. Abdullah. ,Marwan M. Muwalla, Haitham O. Maharmeh, Sulaiman K. Matarneh and Majdi
A. Abu Ishmis. December 2010. Effects of strain on Performance, and Age at Slaughter and Duration of
Post-chilling Aging on Meat Quality Traits of Broiler. Asian-Aust. J.Anim.Sci.Vol.23, No.12:1645-1656.
A.Y. Abdulah, , M. M. Muwalla , R. I. Qudsieh and Hussam Teeti, 2010, Effect of bitter vetch (Vicia
ervilia) seeds as a replacement protein source of soybean meal on performance and carcass characteristics
of finishing Awassi lambs, Tropical Animal Health and Production Journal, 42:293-300.
A.Y.Abdulah, M. M. Muwalla and R. I. Qudsieh, 2008, Substituting different level of soyabean by vetch
as source of protein in diets fed to finishing Awassi lambs, EAAP-59th Annual Meeting of the European
Association for Animal Production, Vilnius- Lithuania. (Abstract).
M. M. Muwalla, S. G Hadad and M.A. Hijazeen, 2007, Effect of fibrolytic enzyme in fattening diet on
growth performance of Awassi lamb. Livestock Science Journal 111, 255-258
R.T. Kridli, M. Momany Shaker , A.Y. and M. M. Muwalla, 2007, Sexual behavior of yearling Awassi,
Charollais x Awassi and Romanov x Awassi rams exposed to estrous Awassi ewes, Tropical Animal Health
and Production Journal, 39:229-235.
M. M. Muwalla , S. G Hadad and M.A. Hijazeen, 2006, Effect of fibrolytic enzyme in fattening diet on
growth performance of Awassi lamb, EAAP – 57th Annual Meeting, Antalya. (Abstract).
M. M. Muwalla and Esmail S. 2002, the use of unusual feed in Animal Nutrition. (Book in Arabic).
M. Momani Shaker, A. Y. Abdullah, R. T. Kridli, I. Sada R. Sovjak and M. M. Muwalla. 2002. Effect of
crossing indigenous Awassi sheep breed with mutton and prolific sire breeds on the growth performance of
lambs in subtrobical region. Czech J. Anim. Sci. 47:239-246.
Kridli R.T., S.G. Hadad and M. M. Muwalla. 2001. Effect of feeding ruminally undegradable protein on
postpartum reproduction of Awassi ewes. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sci. 14 (8):1125-1128.
Hadad S.G. R. E. Nasr, M. M. Muwalla.2001. Optimm crude protein level for finishing Awassi lambs.
Small Ruminant Research Journal 39: 46.
Y. Abdullah, M. Momani Shaker, R. T. Kridli, J. Blaha, M. M. Muwalla, I. Sada and F. Tawfeeq. 2001.
Comparison of two different rations to the traditional feed used in fattening Awassi ram lambs in Jordan,
52nd Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Budapest, Hungary. (Abstract).
Kridli R.T., M. Momani Shaker, A. Y. Abdullah, I. Sada, M. M. Muwalla, F. Voharadsky and S. I. Said.
2000. Artificial insemination results of Awassi ewes bred with fresh semen of ram of exotic breeds
Charollais and Romanov in Jordan. 51st Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal
Production, Hauge, Netherland. (Abstract).
Said S.I M. M. Muwalla, J.P.Hanrahan, and A.Orhan. 2000. Environmental aspect of early growth traits in
Awassi sheep breed. Czech Journal of Animal Science .45:1-5.
Said S.I., R.T. Kridli and M. M. Muwalla. 1999. Estimation of milk yield in suckled Awassi sheep under
traditional feeding condition. J.Appl. Anim.Res.16:163-168.
Abdullah A.Y, M. M. Muwalla, M. Y. Harb. 1999. An Evaluation of Various Protein sources for Growing
and finishing Awassi Lambs. Tr. J. of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 23; 475-482.
M. M. Muwalla, Harb, M.Y., Abdullah Y.A. 1999. Optimum use of straw based diets for suckled Awassi
ewes. Ann. Zotech.. 48:389-395.
Said S.I, M. M. Muwalla and J.P Hanrahan. 1999. Sources of variation and repeatability for litter size,
body weight and matured performance of Awassi ewes. Tr.J. of Veterinary and Animal Science.23:461465.
Shaker R.R, M. M. Muwalla, M.Y. Harb, A.Y. A.Y.Abudallah, j.P Hanarahan and F. Crosby. 1998.
Effect of rumen undegradable protein in the diet of lactating Awassi ewes on milk yield, milk composition
and final ewes and lambs weight, Czech Journal of Animal Science.43:275-279.
M. M. Muwalla, Harb M.Y. and Crosby F. 1998. Effect of lasalocid and Protein level on
the performance of Awassi Lambs. Small Ruminant Research Journal. 28:15- 22.
Aziz D.A., M. M Muwalla and I.M., Tahhat .1995. Influence of some environmental
factors on growth of Awassi sheep. Indian J. of Animal Sci.65:320 -325.
M. M. Muwalla, Abo-Shehada and M.F.Tawfeeq.,N.M. Aburmeileh and R. Hill.1995.Use of dried poultry
litter in the diet of pregnant and lactating Awassi
ewes. Tropical Animal Health and Production
Muwalla, M. M., M.N.Abo-Shehada and F.Tawfeeq. 1994. The effect of monensin on daily gain,
efficiency and natural coccidial infection in Awassi Lambs. Small Ruminant Research Journal, 13:205209.
Muwalla, M. M., and Abo-Shehada,M. 1991. Influence of three planes of nutrition on
natural coccidial infection in Awassi lamb. Indian J. of Animal Sci.61: (6 ): 632.
Muwalla, M. M., and Aburmeileh, N. 1990. Suppression of Avian Hepatic Cholesterogensis by Dietary
Ginseng. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry . Vol. 1:518.
Hunaiti,A.,Muwalla, M. M., Abuirgeie, M., Tawfeeq,F. 1989 . Determination, of Plasma Progesterone in
Awassi ewes using Radio-lmmunoassy. Arab, Gulf. J.Science., Agric.Biol.Sc.B7:37.
Abo-Shehada, M., and Muwalla, M. M., 1989. The effect of three planes of nutrition on natural
coccidial infections in Awassi sheep yearling. Veterinary Parasitology Journal. 32:279.
Abo-Shehada, M., Muwalla, M. M. and Tawfeeq. F. 1988. Ovine babesiosis in Jordanian sheep
mistakenly diagnosed as plant poisoning. Preventive Veterinary Medicine Journal. 6:235.
Muwalla, M. M., Foot W.C., Bunch T.D, and Call J.W.1988 .The influence of culture and transport on
pretransfer development and post transfer survival of sheep embryos. Theriogenology Journal, 29:369.
Hunaiti, A. and Muwalla M. M. 1987. Purification and characterization of 5- nucleotides from Awassi
ram seminal plasma, Indian. J. of Anim. Sci.57: 1095.
Muwalla, M. M., and Brown, C.J. 1984. Variation in fecal starch of bulls on performance
test and cows on pasture. Nutrition Reports International Journal, 29:84.
Muwalla, M. M., and Brown, C.J. 1983. The effect of Animal type and feed intake level on fecal starch
losses. Ark. Farm Res. 5:9.
External Examiner In Graduate Committees
M.S. Graduate Committee for Mr. Saleh I. Azzam Thesis Title: “Effect of Protected Methionine
Supplementation on Milk Production and Reproduction in First Calf Heifers” University of Jordan,
Amman- Jordan (March, 2009).
M.S. Graduate Committee for Mr. Ahmad.F.Swaid. Thesis Title: “Effect of Suplemental Protected Fat on
Performance of Shami Goats Fed Total Complete Ration with Different Corn Silage: Chopped Alfalfa Hay
Ratio” University of Jordan, Amman- Jordan (May, 2008).
M.S. Graduate Committee for Mr.Rabie Abdul Hamaid Hafize Irshaid.Thesis Title: “Replacing
Soybean Oil Meal by Sunflower Seed Meal in the Ration of Awassi Ewes and Lambs”
Universit y of Jordan Amman, Jordan (Granted 2000).
M.S. Graduate Committee for Mr. Hussein A.A. Migdady. Thesis Title:“Sheep Production Systems in the
Middle Badia of Jordan” University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan (Granted 1999).
M.S. Graduate Committee for Mr. Fadi .M. Al-Hassanat. Thesis Title:“Assessment of Tannins, Oxalate,
and Some Mineral in Atriplex Halimus and Atriplex Nummularia in the Arid Regions of Jordan ”
University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan (Granted 1999.
M.S. Graduate Committee for Mr. Numan A.M.Al-Rayyan. Thesis Title:“Effect of Nutritional Level on
Onset of Puberty of Awassi Female Lambs in the Jordan Valley” University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
(Granted 1998).
M.S.Graduate Committee for Mr.Waheed S.T.Al-Totanji Thesis Title:“Effect of Feeding Different Levels
of Energy and Protein During the Last Two Months of Gesation on Productive and Reproductive
Performance of Shami Goats in Jordan Valley ” University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan (Granted 1998).
M.S.Graduate Committee for Mr.Ali J.B.Al-Sharafat. Thesis Title: “Sheep Production System in the
Northern Badia of Jordan” University of Jordan Amman, Jordan, (Granted 1996).
M.S.Graduate Committee for Mr.Amjad Darwish. Thesis Title:“Utilization of Dried Banana Leves as a
Roughage Source in Feeding Awassi Sheep” University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan (Granted 1995).
M.S.Graduate Committee for Mr. Yasser Al-Katanani. Thesis Title: “Effect of Progestrone Therapy on
Pregnancy Rate and Concentration of Progesterone in Plasma and Milk of Friesian
Cows” Universit y of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
(Granted 1995).
M.S. Graduate Committee for Mr. Jamel Al-Shakret. Thesis Title: “Effect of Different Feeding Levels of
Concentrate on Productive and Reproductive Performance of Awassi Ewes in Jordan Valley”
University of Jordan Amman, Jordan (Granted 1994).
M.S.Graduate Committee for Mr.Mufeed Al-Nimer, Thesis Title: “Effect of Season on Embryo Quality
from Superovulated Dairy Cows”. University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. (Granted 1994).
M.S. Graduate Committee for Mr. Hosam Al-Titi Tette. Thesis Title: “Conrtol of Lambing and Twining
Increase by the Use of Hormones” University of Jordan. Amman, Jordan (Granted 1992).
 M.S. Graduate Committee for M.Salah Nabulsi. Thesis Title: Sorghum Grain As A Subtitute for Barley in
the Ration of Fattening Lambs and Milking Ewes” University of Jordan. Amman, Jordan (Granted 1992).
Member in the graduate Student committees
M.S. Graduate Committee for Bahaa Hayel Gasim Aloqaily. Thesis title:“Effects of Feeding Sesame Hulls
on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Awassi Lambs” Jordan University of Science and
Technology, Irbid, Jordan. (Graduated July, 2009).
M.S. Graduate Committee for Ibrahim Atieh Al Awneh. Thesis title “Effects of Replacing Soybean Meal
with Xylose- Treated Soybeans Meal on Perfprmance of Nursing Awassi Ewes and Fattenning Lambs”
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan. (Graduated December, 2007).
M.S. Graduate Committee for Fatima Al-Lataifeh. Thesis title: “The effect of partial replacement of barley
grains by prosopis juliflora pods on growth performance, nutrirnt intake, digestibility and carcass
characteristics by Awassi lambs fed finishing diet. Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid,
Jordan. (Graduated August, 2006).
M.S Graduate Committee for Hussein Salem Musallam. Thesis title “effect of different levels of energy on
daily gain, feed intake and carcass characteristics of castrated male”. Jordan University of Science and
Technology, Irbid, Jordan (Graduated January, 2005).
M.S Graduate Committee for Heba Oqla. Thesis title: “The effect of dietary fat inclusion on nutrient
intake and reproductive performance in postpartum ewes”. Jordan Universit y of Science
and Technology. Irbid, Jordan (Graduated August , 2003).
M.S Graduate Committee for Rawad Sweedan. Thesis title: “Effect of castration on growth rates and
carcass characteristics on fattening Awassi lambs”. Jordan Universit y of Science and Technology
Irbid, Jordan (Graduated Jul y, 2003).
M.S Graduate Committee for Hazim Younes. Thesis title “The effect of adding fat in fattening rations for
Awassi lambs”. Jordan University of Science and Technology. Irbid, Jordan (Graduated January, 2003).
M.S. Graduate Committee for Faisal Barakah. Thesis title: “performance and carcass characteristics of
Baladi, Shami, breeds and Baladi -Shami crossbred. Jo rdan Universit y of Science and
Technology, Irbid, Jordan. (Graduated January , 2002).
Direct Supervision For Mr. Marwan Abdullah AL – hijazeen – Thesis title “Effect Of fibrolytic Enzyme
Inclusion in Fattening Diet on Growuth Performance Of Awassi Lamb”. Jordan University of Science and
Technology, Irbid, Jordan. Graduated December 2005.
Conferences and Workshops Attended
M.M. Muwalla,
University of Petra Representative in the 2nd Arab-Euro Conference on Higher
Education, Held at Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman-Jordan, 10-12 June 2014.
M.M. Muwalla, University of Petra Representative in the 1st Turkish Arab Congress on Higher
Education “TACHE 14”, The Green Park Hotel, Pendik – Istanbul, 26-28 Apr 2014.
M.M. Muwalla, University of Petra Representative in the Forty-seventh session of the Union of Arab
Universities, Middle East University, 26-27 Mar 2014.
M.M. Muwalla, has chaired a session in the Regional Seminar: "Research in the Arab Countries:
Challenges and Solutions" - Arab Open University, Held at Crown Plaza Dead Sea, 18-19 Mar 2014.
M.M. Muwalla, has successfully completed and attended the Internationalisation Workshop Held by the
Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, UK and Cardiff Metropolitan University, 24-26 Feb 2014.
M.M. Muwalla, A. Y. Abdulla and B. S. Obeidat, Growth Performance of Black Goat Kids fed Prosopis
Juliflora Pods, presented in the conference: Adapting Animal Production to Changes for a Growing Human
Population, Held at The University of Lleida, Spain May 2010.
The Fourth Conference on Scientific Research in Jordan, Held by Jordanian Society for the Scientific
Research JSSR, Amman- Jordan, November 2009.
M.M. Muwalla, A. Y. Abdulla and H. O. Malahmeh, Effect of Strain and age on Performance of broilers,
Agriculture Congress 2009, Held in Selangor- Malaysia, October 2009.
Association of Arab Universities Conference, Held in University of Kuwait, Kuwait, March 2009.
A.Y.Abdulah, M. M. Muwalla and R. I. Qudsieh, Substituting different level of soyabean by vetch as
source of protein in diets fed to finishing Awassi lambs, EAAP-59th Annual Meeting of the European
Association for Animal Production, 24 August 2008 Vilnius- Lithuania.
Association of Arab Universities Conference, Held in Naif Arab University for Security Sciences, RiyadhSaudi Arabia, April 2008.
Developing and implementing quality assurance workshop, Held by the British Council, Amman- Jordan,
January 2008.
Strategic Planning workshop for Higher Education Institutions, Held by Ministry of Higher Education,
December 2007.
Association of Arab Universities Conference, Held in University of Science and Technology, Sana'aYemen, April 2007.
Higher Education Development Forum workshop, King Hussein Bin Talal Convent ion
Centre, Dead Sea, February 2007.
M. M. Muwalla , S. G Hadad and M.A. Hijazeen Effect of fibrolytic enzyme in fattening diet on growth
performance of Awassi lamb, EAAP – 57th Annual Meeting, Antalya, 17-20 September, 2006
Association of Arab Universities Conference, Held in Algeria University- Algeria, April 2006.
British Society of Animal Science, annual meeting (BSAS), held in the United Kingdom -K March-1997.
Workshop on Recording and Selection in Fat-Tail Breeds of Sheep organized by FAO and ICARDA, held
in Amman, Jordan, April-1994.
Fourth Sympossium on Animal, Poultry & Fish Nutrition, Held at Cairo University at El Fayoum- Egypt,
Workshop to improve the use of straw and other fibrous crop residues for feeding small and large
ruminants held in Zaragoza, Spain, August-1992.
The Animal Sciences departments in the Arab Universities Conference held at United Arab Emirates
University at Al-Ain, March-1990.
Workshop on programming of Agricultural Research, held in Amman Jordan, Oct -1988.
The Third Arab Veterinarians Scientific conference, Amman, Jordan, Nov- 1987.
Using Nuclear Techniques Aimed at improving Meat, milk and Wool production from
ruminant animals conference held in Ankara, Turkey, Jun -1985.
Workshop sponsored by the Near East foundation on the by-product feeding to ruminant animal held in
Cyprus, Feb-1984.
Seventh Section of Indian Science Congress Held at Tirupati, India, Jan- 1983.
University Service
Dean Council, Member, Petra University sept.2010, until now.
University Appointment and Promotion Committee, Member, Petra University
Sept.2010, until now.
University Council, Member, Petra University, sept.2010, until now.
Chairman of Research Council, Petra University, sept.2010 until now.
Chairman of Graduate studies Council, Petra University, sept.2010 until now.
Dean Council, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology, June 2005 to June 2010.
Universit y Appointment and Promotion Committee, Member, Jordan Universit y of Science
and Technology, June2005 - June 2010.
University Council, Member, Jordan Universit y of Science and Technology , June2005 to June
The Appellant Disciplinary Board for Faculty Staff, Chairman, Jordan Universit y of Science and
Technology June 2005 to June 2010.
Rehabilitation of Princess Basma Center, Chairman, Jordan Universit y of Science and
Technology December, 2007 to September 2009 .
Building and Facilities Committee, Chairman, Jordan Universit y of Science and Technology May,
2008 to June 2010.
University Graduation Year Book Committee, Chairman, Jordan Universit y of Science and
Technology September, 2006 to June 2010.
Graduation Committee, Chairman, Jordan Universit y of Science and Technolog y September,
2006 to June 2010.
Car Parking Committee, Chairman, Jordan Universit y of Science and Technolog y January, 2007 to
September, 2009.
Reviewing and Amending University Regulations, Chairman, Jordan Universit y of Science and
Technology December, 2007 to January, 2009.
Reconstruction and Design of University website Committee, Chairman, Jordan Universit y of
Science and Technolog y February, 2007 to September, 2008.
Development of Campus life and Environment Committee, Chairman,
Jordan Universit y of Science
and Technolog y December, 2005 to March, 2007.
Department Research Committee, Chairman, Jordan University of science and Technology, 2004-2005.
Faculty Research, Committee Member, Jordan University of science and Technology, 2004 - 2005.
Department Appointment Committee, Chairman, Jordan University of science and Technology, 2003-2004.
Department Research Committee, Chairman, Jordan University of Science and Technology, 2002-2003.
University Quality Assurance Committee, Member, Philadelphia University, Amman Jordan, 2001-2002
Universit y Curriculum Committee, Member, Philadelphia Universi t y, 2000-2002.
University Research Council, Chairman, Philadelphia University Amman Jordan, 2000-2002.
University Appointment and Promotion Committee, Member, Philadelphia University Amman Jordan,
Deans Council, Member, Philadelphia University Amman Jordan, 2000-2002.
University Graduate Committee, Member, Jordan University of science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan,
University Library Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 19972000.
Deans Council, Member Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 1996-2000
University Curriculum Committee, Member Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan,
Faculty Council, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 1995-1996.
University Biotechnology Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid,
Jordan, 1993-1994.
University Research Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan
University Library Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 19931994.
Faculty Student Advisory Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid,
Jordan, 1993-1994.
Faculty Curriculum Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan,
Department Promotion, Scholarship Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology,
Irbid, Jordan 1992-1993.
Faculty Appointment and Scholarship Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology,
Faculty Seminars Committee, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan 1992-1993.
University Library Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan 19921993.
Veterinary Faculty Council, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 19921993.
Department Appointment and Scholarship Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and
Technology, Irbid, Jordan 1990-1991.
Department Library Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan,
Faculty Research Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 19901991.
Faculty Library and Supplies Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid,
Jordan, 1990-1991
Faculty Appointment and Scholarship Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology,
Irbid, Jordan 1990-1991.
Faculty Seminar Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 19901991.
Agricultural Research Station Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid,
Jordan 1988-1989.
Department. Curriculum Committee, Member, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan,
Faculty Council, Member, Jordan, University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 1988-1989.
University Committee, Member, to review and improve the academic promotion regulation at Jordan
University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan 1988-1989.
National and International Committees
Participating in the World Bank Technical and Appraisal Mission, workgroups for Higher Education
Reform for the Knowledge Economy Project HERfKE, concerning Governance and Finance sectors in
Higher Education, leading to the final project document presented to the World Bank, 2007-2009.
Member in the Research Council of the Integrated Livestock Program at the National Center for
Agricultural Research and Technology Transfer (Ncrtt) Ministry of Agriculture, 1996-2003.
Member of Board of Director for the Environmental Sciences and Technology center,
Jordan Universit y of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 1988 to 2000.
Member of the Steering Committee of Jordan Badia Research Program, Higher Council for Science and
Technology, Amman, Jordan 1996 - 2000.
Member of Board of Directors for Jordan Livestock Development Company, Ltd/at Sabha, Jordan, 1985
Establishment of National Center for Common Shared Diseases between
Animal and Human Committee, Member, Ministry of Agriculture, Amman, Jordan, 1987 to 1988
Agricultural Research Policy and Priority Committee, Member, (Ministry of Agriculture) Amman, Jordan,