Application for Fiscal Year 2017 Funding
A. Overview
Provide a brief description that will allow the reviewer to grasp the core’s general purpose. This section
should be no longer than one page, and should include:
A brief history of the core including year created,
A broad statement of the needs addressed by the core (mission statement),
A list of 3-5 specific goals for FY17, with at least one each designed to improve the facility’s
organization, marketing, and finances. Each goal should be 1-2 sentences.
B. Administrative structure
Describe how the core is organized administratively. Specifically address the following:
Who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the core?
In which Department or Center is the core’s recharge account located?
Does the core receive any administrative support from the host department or center; e.g. for
billing, payroll, ordering, other activities?
Describe any change in the administrative structure in the past year.
C. Academic Governance
Describe how the core is organized academically. Specifically address the following:
Is there a faculty advisor? If so, name this person and note the percent salary support (if any)
they receive from the core,
Name the chair and all members of the scientific advisory committee; include department
affiliations and e-mail addresses for each member. Please note that the core director/manager
is considered an ex officio members of the advisory committee,
List the dates of all scientific advisory committee meetings during the past year and append
summary notes to this document; for FSM-supported cores the advisory committee is expected
to meet at least twice per year,
Describe any change in governance in the past year.
D. Personnel
List each person that works in the core. Include:
Name, highest earned degree, other certifications,
University job title and/or faculty rank,
Specific responsibilities (be brief),
Percent effort in the core. For part-time employees, note where the employee applies their
non-core effort if it is within the University. Provide percentages only; do not list actual salaries,
Professional development activities, including attendance at training courses or regional and
national meetings, abstracts/publications, and grants (submitted or awarded),
Describe any change in personnel in the past year.
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E. Facilities and Location
List all University-controlled space occupied by the core in the table below. “Assignee” is the
administrative unit (e.g. department or center) to which the space is currently assigned.
Room #
Sq. Ft.
Space Assignee
If the core uses space, facilities or instruments that are located outside of the University, please describe
these briefly.
F. Equipment
List ONLY:
any piece of equipment owned by the core that cost more than $50,000 when new,
instrumentation that cost less than $50,000 but which is unique or critical to providing the
core’s services.
G. Services
This is a critical part of the budget request. You are asking the Feinberg School to subsidize the cost of
providing your services. A clear and accurate list of the services you provide is essential to evaluating
your request.
List all activities for which the core bills its users. This list should include services provided,
access to shared instrumentation, reagents sold, consulting, etc.,
List your rates, either with each service or in a summary table,
List all services provided without charge. These may include services provided as a courtesy (e.g.
advice or software access) or time & resources spent in anticipation of revenue-generating
activity (initial consultations, pilot experiments). If services are provided free of charge as a part
of the core’s mission (i.e. the service is fully subsidized), please describe this arrangement,
Note any new services that have been added since the last budget request,
Note any services that have been discontinued since the last budget request.
Since the last budget request, have commercial alternatives to any core services become available, or
have existing alternatives become more cost-effective or more available? The core is REQUIRED to make
this assessment yearly.
H. Utilization
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This is a critical part of the budget request. You are asking the Feinberg School to subsidize the cost of
providing your services. If an award is made, the amount will directly reflect the breadth and quantity of
services provided.
Using the list of services from the previous section, complete either the NUcore or the Manual Entry
version of the Services Provided workbook. Please note that the workbook has three sections; the first
section contains detailed usage data and the second & third sections are summaries by user and by
department. All three sections must be completed.
I. Budget
Complete the workbook entitled “FY17_Core_Budget_Template.” Guidance for completing the budget
spreadsheet is provided in the document entitled “FY17_Core_Budget_Guide.”
You must also provide a narrative description of the budget. Although financial detail should be reserved
for the spreadsheet, several specific points should be addressed in this section.
Do you expect to meet your FY2016 projections for recharge revenue? If not, please explain the
circumstances that led to this shortfall.
Have you added or lost any sources of funding in your FY2017 budget when compared to your
FY2016 budget?
Has your support from NU organizations other than FSM (e.g. NU Office for Research, Lurie
Cancer Center) increased or decreased in your FY2017 request when compared to the FY2016
How much are you requesting from FSM for FY2017? Please explain how you arrived at this
J. Educational Activities
Since education is one of the primary missions of an academic institution, please describe any
educational activities you have sponsored or participated in during the last year. Examples include but
are not limited to graduate or medical courses, K-12 enrichment activities, or pilot testing of equipment
or services in your facility (at no cost).
K. Communication and Outreach Activities
To maximize the utilization of each core, it is important that the research community is aware of the
core and its available services. To this end, core directors are encouraged to participate in outreach
events and to have a strong web presence. Please describe all outreach activities since the last budget
request. Examples include but are not limited to research fairs, seminars, workshops, open houses and
L. Publications and Grants
List 3-5 publications that highlight the work produced in the core. Describe the core’s contribution.
To the extent possible, list all grant applications or awards to which any of your core services
contributed. If the core has submitted grants of its own, please list these grants as professional
development in section D (above).
M. Challenges/Self-Assessment
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Please provide a brief SWOT analysis of your facility (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats),
taking into account any issues raised in the annual user survey. If you have encountered any specific
issues that you think FSM may be able to help with, especially if you think other cores may encounter
the same issues, please describe them here. The entire analysis should be two to four paragraphs.
N. Advisory Committee Approval
As chair of the advisory committee, I certify that the committee has reviewed and approved this report.
Chair Signature