Name Gender Nationality

Prof. Elham Saleh Jaber Abu Alhaija
Place and Date of birth Irbid, 4/9/1969
Marital status
Three children
Work address
Preventive Dentistry Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Jordan
University of Science and Technology (JUST), P. O. Box 3030, Irbid
22110, Jordan
Home Address
P.O. Box 1893, Irbid-Jordan
1- Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS): 1987-1992
Jordan University of Science and Technology
2- PhD in Orthodontics : 1994 -1997
Queen’s University of Belfast
3- Membership of Orthodontics : 1998
Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh)
1- Arabic (mother language)
2- English (Excellent)
Shoman Award for Arab young researchers-Medical
Sciences 2004
Arab Dental Faculties Association Award in the Field of
Orthodontics 2007
1- Jordanian Dental Association 1992
2- European Orthodontic Society 1994
3- Northern Ireland Orthodontic group 1995
4- Irish Orthodontic Society 1997
5- Friends of Scientific Research Association 2001
6- International Association of Dental Research (IADR) 1997
7- Arab Orthodontic Society (AOS) 2005
8- Francophone Orthodontic Society 2005
9- World Federation of Orthodontics (WFO) 2005
Professor in orthodontics , 2006
Orthodontic Division, School of Dentistry, Jordan University of
science and Technology
1- Clinical Dental Officer,1992-1994, School of dentistry,
Jordan University of Science and Technology
2- Honorary Dental House Officer,1997-1998 (Part-time),
Orthodontic division, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast
3- Full Time Lecturer (1997-1998), Orthodontic Division,
School of Dentistry, Jordan University of science and
4- Assistant professor, 1998-2002, Orthodontic Division,
School of Dentistry, Jordan University of science and
5- Associate professor in orthodontics 2002-2006,
Orthodontic Division, School of Dentistry, Jordan University of
science and Technology
‫األنشطة األكادميية‬
)‫األن‬-1997( ‫ كلية طب األسنان‬/‫ عضو يف جملس قسم الوقاية السنية‬-1
1- Member of preventive dentistry department council (1997-now)
)2006 -2003 ،1998 ) ‫عضو يف جملس كلية طب األسنان‬-2
2- Member of Dental Faculty council (1998, 2003-2006)
) 2005 ، 2002، 1999( ‫عضو يف جلنة البحث العلمي يف القسم‬-3
3- Member of scientific research committee in preventive dentistry
department (1999, 2002, 2005)
) 2006 - 2003( ‫ عضو يف جلنة اخلطة الدراسية لكلية طب األسنان‬-4
4- Member of undergraduate dental study plan committee (20032006)
)‫االن‬-2003 ( ‫ عضو يف جلنة الدراسات العليا يف كلية طب األسنان‬-5
5- Member in the committee of graduate studies (2003-now)
)2000( ‫عضو يف جلنة اعتماد برامج علوم األسنان املساندة يف كاايت اجملتمع‬-6
6- Member of accreditation committee of the Diploma of Allied
dental sciences (Dental Hygienist and Dental Assistant) programs
in Jordan (2000)
)2005-2004( ‫ عضو جلنة اخلطة االسرتاتيجية لكلية طب األسنان‬-7
7- Member of Faculty of Dentistry strategic plan (2004-2005)
)1998( ‫ يف جامعة العلوم و التكنولوجيا األردنية‬FDS ‫ منسق امتحان‬-8
8- Co-ordinator of the FDS examination at Jordan University of
Science and Technology (1998)
‫األنشطة األكادميية‬
)1999( ‫ يف جامعة العلوم و التكنولوجيا األردنية‬IADR ‫ منسق لورشة‬-9
9- Co-ordinator of the IADR workshop at Jordan University of
Science and Technology (1999)
)2001( ‫حماضر يف اليوم العلمي الثاين لكلية طب األسنان‬-10
10- Lecturer in the 2nd Scientific day/Faculty of Dentistry (2001)
)2001( ‫مقرر جلنة املعرض يف اليوم العلمي الثاين لكلية طب األسنان‬-11
11- Head of Exhibition committee/2nd Scientific day/Faculty of
Dentistry (2001)
)‫ األن‬-2000 ( ‫ عضو يف اللجنة العلمية يف مجعية أصدقاء البحث العلمي‬-12
12- Member of Friends of Scientific Research Association (2000now)
،2004 ،2001 ،2000( ‫ عضو يف اللجنة التنفيذية ملركز طب األسنان التعليمي‬-13
)2008-2006 ، 2005
13- Member of the Executive committee of Jordan University of
Science and Technology Dental Teaching Center (2000,2001,
2004, 2005, 2006-2008)
)2002( ‫ مقرر جلنة املعرض يف اليوم العلمي الثالث لكلية طب األسنان‬-14
14- Head of Exhibition committee/3rd sscientific day/Faculty of
Dentistry (2002)
‫ حماضر يف اليوم العلمي الرابع لكلية طب األسنان واليوم العلمي األول للجمعية العاملية‬-15
)2003( )‫ فرع األردن‬/‫ألحباث طب األسنان‬
15- Lecturer in the 4th Scientific day/Faculty of Dentistry and the 1st
Scientific day for the IADR/Jordanian section (2003)
)2003( ‫ مقرر جلنة املعرض يف اليوم العلمي الرابع لكلية طب األسنان‬-16
16- Head of Exhibition committee/4th Scientific day/Faculty of
Dentistry (2004)
)2003( ‫ لنقابة طب األسنان‬19 ‫ حماضر يف املؤمتر ال‬-17
17- Lecturer in the 19th Jordanian Dental Association Conference
)2004( ‫ نقابة أطباء األسنان‬/ ‫ حماضر يف يوم صحة الفم و األسنان يف اربد‬-18
18- Lecturer in the oral health day in Irbid/Jordanian Dental
Association (2004)
‫األنشطة األكادميية‬
)2004( ‫نقابة أطباء األسنان‬/ )‫ املشاركة يف ندوة بعنوان " تقومي األسنان –أرقام و حقائق‬-19
19- Participation in a seminar “Orthodontics in Jordan-numbers and
facts)/Jordanian Dental Association (2005)
)2009 -2004( ‫ اجمللس الطيب األردين‬/ ‫ عضو يف جلنة البورد األردين تقومي األسنان‬-20
20- Member of orthodontic Jordanian board committee/Jordanian
Medial Council (2004-2009)
‫ حمكم يف اجمللة األوروبية لتقومي األسنان‬-21
21- Referee in European Orthodontic Journal
‫ الطبية األمريكية‬Oral Health ‫ حمكم يف جملة‬-22
22- Referee in Oral Health Journal
Angle Orthodontist ‫ حمكم يف جملة‬-23
23- Referee in Angle Orthodontist Journal
Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research ‫ حمكم يف جملة‬-24
24-Referee in Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research Journal
International Journal of Dental Hygiene ‫ حمكم يف جملة‬-25
24-Referee in International Journal of Dental Hygiene journal
Journal of Orthodontics
‫ حمكم يف جملة‬-26
24-Referee in Journal of Orthodontics
)2005( ‫ رئيس اللجنة العلمية يف اليوم العلمي اخلامس لكلية طب األسنان‬-27
27- Head of Scientific committee/5th Scientific day/Faculty of
Dentistry (2005)
‫ حماضر يف اليوم العلمي اخلامس لكلية طب األسنان واليوم العلمي الثاين للجمعية العاملية‬-28
)2005( ‫ فرع األردن‬/ ‫ألحباث طب األسنان‬
28- Lecturer in the 5th Scientific day/Faculty of Dentistry and 2nd
Scientific day / IADR (Jordanian section) (2005)
)2007-2002( ‫جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا األردنية‬/‫ عضو جلنة أتديب الطلبة‬-29
29- Member of Student disciplinary committee/Jordan University of
Science and Technology (2002-2007)
‫األنشطة األكادميية‬
-2008 ، 2006 -2004( ‫ جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا األردنية‬/‫ عضو جلنة املكتبة‬-30
30- Member of Library committee/ Jordan University of Science
and Technology (2004-2006, 2008-2009)
-2006( ‫ جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا األردنية‬/‫ عضو جملس مركز طب األسنان التعليمي‬-31
30- Member of Dental Teaching Council/Jordan University of
Science and Technology (2006-2008)
)2007-2009( ‫ عضو يف اجمللس التأدييب يف اجلامعة‬-32
32- Member in university disciplinary council (2007-2009)
2007 ‫ يف جامعة العلوم و التكنولوجيا األردنية‬MFD ‫ ممتحن يف امتحان ال‬-33
33- MFD examiner at Jordan University of Science and Technology
‫ يف البحر امليت‬2009/4/2-1 ‫ املشاركة يف املؤمتر األردين السادس لتقومي األسنان‬-34
34- Participation in the 6th Jordanian Orthodontic conference 12/4/2009/ Dead sea
2009/10/19-15 ‫ حماضر يف املؤمتر العريب السادس لتقومي األسنان يف تونس‬-35
35- Lecturer in the 6th Arab Orthodontic conference 15-19/10/2009
in Tunisia
2009 ‫ عضو جلنة اعداد معايري ومؤشرات ضمان اجلودة يف مؤسسات التعليم العايل‬-36
36- Member of Quality Assurance Committee in higher education
Institution (2009)
2010-2009 ‫ جامعة الريموك‬/‫ عضو جلنة البحث العلمي‬-37
37- Member of Scientific Research Committee / Yarmouk University
2010-2009 ‫ جامعة العلوم و التكنولوجيا األردنية‬/‫ عضو اجمللس التأدييب االستئنايف‬-38
38- Member of Appealing disciplinary council /Jordan University of
Science and Technology 2009-2010
2011-2010/‫ عضو اجمللس الطيب األردين األعلى‬-39
39- Member of the Higher Jordanian Medical Council 2010-2012
‫‪ -40‬عضو يف اجمللس التأدييب يف اجلامعة (‪)2011‬‬
‫)‪32- Member in university disciplinary council (2011‬‬
‫‪ -41‬عضو يف مجعية كليات طب األسنان العربية (‪ -2010‬األن)‬
‫)‪32- Member in Society of Dental Faculties (2010-now‬‬
‫خدمة اجملتمع‬
‫‪ -1‬املشاركة و األشراف يف يوم صحة الفم و األسنان ‪/‬كلية طب األسنان (‪)1994‬‬
‫يف بلدة األغوار اجلنوبية‪.‬‬
‫‪1- Supervision and participation in oral Health day/Faculty of‬‬
‫)‪Dentistry to South Al-Gour town (1994‬‬
‫‪ -2‬القاء حماضرة تثقيفية ألطباء األسنان يف نقابة طب األسنان‪ /‬عمان (‪.)1999‬‬
‫)‪2- Lecture to the general Dental Audience/ Amman (1999‬‬
‫‪ -3‬املشاركة و األشراف يف يوم صحة الفم و األسنان ‪/‬كلية طب األسنان (‪)2001‬‬
‫يف بلدة دير يوسف‪.‬‬
‫‪3-Supervision and participation in oral Health day/Faculty of‬‬
‫)‪Dentistry to Dair Yusef town (2001‬‬
‫‪ -4‬زايرة بلدة مرو وفحص أسنان الطلبة و توعيتهم من الناحية التقوميية (‪.)2001‬‬
‫‪4- Orthodontic and dental health education and examination for‬‬
‫)‪students of Maro town (2001‬‬
‫‪ -5‬فحص أسنان األطفال يف حضاانت اربد (‪)20001-2000‬‬
‫( أدراي ‪ ،‬طيبة‪ ،‬الدر املنثور‪ ،‬مدارس دار العلوم‪ ،‬مدارس الرازي‪ ،‬مدارس اجليل اجلديد)‬
‫حيث مت فحص األطفال سن (‪ )5-3‬سنوات لتسوس األسنان واإلطباق و قد مت إعطاء‬
‫حماضرات تثقيفية للمعلمات‪.‬‬
‫‪5- Dental examination of children in nurseries located in Irbid and‬‬
‫)‪oral health educations for their teachers (2000-2001‬‬
‫‪ -6‬زايرة عدد من مدراس اربد (‪)2001‬‬
‫خدمة اجملتمع‬
‫ املدرسة‬،‫ النهضة األهلية‬،‫ املثىن ابن احلارثة النموذجية‬،‫(مدرسة الرازي الوطنية‬
.‫يرموك) حيث مت فحص فم و أسنان الطلبة يف هذه املدارس‬/‫النموذجية‬
6- Orthodontic and dental health education and examination for
students in Irbid city (2001)
‫) حيث مت فحص فم و أسنان الطلبة توعيتهم من‬2001( ‫ زايرة عدد من مدارس عجلون‬-7
.‫الناحية التقوميية‬
7- Orthodontic and dental health education and examination for
students of Maro town (2001)
‫) يف‬2004( ‫كلية طب األسنان‬/ ‫ املشاركة و األشراف يف يوم صحة الفم و األسنان‬-8
.‫بلدة املخيبة‬
8-Supervision and participation in oral Health day/Faculty of
Dentistry to Al-Mukhaibeh town (2004)
‫) من خالل اعطاء حماضرة تثقيفية‬2004( ‫ املشاركة يف يوم صحة الفم واألسنان‬-9
.‫ملشريف الصحةاملدرسية‬
9- Participation of oral health day through a lecture to the school
oral health educators about the importance of orthodontic treatment
‫ اعطاء ورشة تعليمية بعنوان "صناعة األجهزة التقوميية املتحركة و الثابتة" وملدة اسبوع‬-10
.)2003( ‫يف حرم جامعة العلوم و التكنولوجيا األردنية‬
10- Organization of one-week-workshop entitled “Fabrication of
removable and fixed orthodontic appliances” at Jordan University of
Science and Technology (2003)
‫ اعطاء ورشة تعليمية بعنوان " التشخيص التقوميي لألسنان و خطط العالج" وملدة يوم‬-11
.)2004( ‫واحد يف حرم جامعة العلوم و التكنولوجيا األردنية‬
11- Organization of one-day-workshop entitled “Orthodontic
diagnosis and treatment planning” at Jordan University of Science
and Technology (2004)
2005‫ التنسيق و األشراف يف اليوم الطيب اجملاين الذي يف بلدة دوقرا يف‬-12
‫خدمة اجملتمع‬
.‫ضمن احتفاالت اجلامعة بعيد ميالد جاللة امللك عبدهللا الثاين بن احلسني‬
12- Participation in the voluntary medical day to Dogara town
‫كلية طب األسنانفي‬/ ‫ املشاركة و األشراف يف يوم صحة الفم و األسنان‬-13
)2012( ‫ حوارة‬،‫ الصريح‬،‫الرمثا‬
13- Supervision and participation in oral Health day/Faculty of
Dentistry to Al-Ramtha, Al-Sareeh, Hoarah towns (2012)
1- Assistant of the Director for Clinical Affairs/Jordan
University of Science & Technology Dental Teaching
Center, (2000-2002)
2- Chairman of the preventive dentistry department,
School of Dentistry, Jordan University of Science &
Technology, (2003)
3- Vice- Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, School of
Dentistry, Jordan University of Science & Technology,
4- Director of the Dental Teaching Center / Jordan University
of Science and Technology (2006- 2008)
5- Vice- Dean of Scientific Research, Jordan University of
Science & Technology (2008-2009)
6- Acting Dean of Scientific Research, Jordan University of
Science & Technology (Sept-November 2009)
6- Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, Jordan University of Science &
Technology (2010-2012)
Courses and
1- The 10th Jordanian Dental congress, Amman, 1992.
2- Research Methods, Belfast, 1995.
3- Royal London Straight-wire course, London, 1996.
4- Excellence in Orthodontics , London, 1997.
5- KSI Dental Implant System , Jordan University of
Science & Technology,1997.
6- Contemporary Orthodontic Appliance Design and
Treatment Techniques, Amman, 1998.
7- The MBT Versatile and appliance System, Amman,
8- Roth Philosophy of Orthodontics, Amman, 1999.
9- The IADR research workshop, Jordan University of
Science &Technology, 2000.
10-The ITI Dental Implant System ,Jordan University of
Science & Technology, 2000
11- The 2nd Scientific day for the faculty of dentistry, Jordan
University of Science & Technology, 2001.
12- Management of Meetings and Conferences, Jordan
University of Science & Technology, 2001.
13- Cleft lip and Palate Workshop (Gunvor Semb and
Professor Bill Shaw), Syria, March 2002
14- The 78th EOS Pre-Congress Course - Advancements in
Lingual techniques - Sorrento, 4 June 2002
15- The 78th Congress of the European Orthodontic Society
Sorrento, Italy, 4-10 June, 2002.
16- The 19th Jordanian Dental congress 2003.
17- Orthognathic surgery &distraction osteogenesis
workshop I. Peter Ward-Booth, Amman 5-6 December
Courses and
18- ICDL course at Yarmouk University (100 hours).
12/5/2004 – 21/7/2004
19- Vertical Dimension:Therapeutic concepts and clinical
implications. Prof. Josef Bou Serhal, Amman 8th July
20- Principles of bio-progressive philosophy. Dr. Samar
Bou Sarhal, Amman 26th November 2004
21- Axis of Scientific Research workshop /Al-Hashemia
University 2005
22- 9th Lebanese orthodontic congress, Beirut, February
23- 7th Arab & 4th Jordanian Orthodontic Congress, Amman,
23-25 November, 2005
24- Pre-congress course, Excellence in Orthodontics,
Amman, 21-22 November, 2005
25- Post-congress course, Straight wire low friction,
Amman, 25th November, 2005
26- The 5th Jordanian Orthodontic Congress, Amman, 2223 November, 2006
27- The 6th Jordanian Orthodontic Congress, Dead Sea, 2-3
April, 2009
28- Pre-congress course, Missing lateral incisors, Zachrisson,
Dead Sea, 1st April, 2009.
29- Post-congress course, Hands on Mini-screws, Amman, 4th
April, 2009.
30- The 6th Arab Orthodontic Conference, Hammamat, Tunisia,
31- Damon System. By Dr. Arrigo Peri, 15/1/2010, Amman.
32- The 88th Congress of the European Orthodontic Society
Santiago Decompestela, spain, 18-23 June, 2012.
Computer skills
1- ICDL (Certified) - (IT, Windows, Word, Excel, Access,
Power point, Internet)
Supervised Master
1- Siwak as an oral hygiene aid in patients with fixed
orthodontic appliances.
2- Periodontal health status in patients with different
vertical skeletal pattern.
3- An in-Vitro investigation into the fracture resistance of
single implant all-ceramic abutment restorations.
4- Acceptability of different orthodontic appliances and
attitudes of Jordanian students toward orthodontic
5- Shear bond strength of metal and ceramic brackets
bonded to ceramic surface
6- Effectiveness of lower lingual arch as a space holding
device- a 6-months-follow up study.
7- Lower third molar space in different antero-posterior and
vertical skeletal pattern
8- Morphometric correlations between lower facial profile,
anterior bony outlines of upper and lower jaws, and interSupervised Master
incisal angle using Fourier Shape Analysis
9- Maximum occlusal bite force changes up to six months
during orthodontic treatment with fixed appliance – A
prospective longitudinal study
10- Perceptions of Jordanian dental professionals and
laypersons to altered smile esthetics
11- Shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets bonded to
primary teeth with different etching time
12- Relationship between personality traits and perception
of orthodontic treatment need.
13- Effect of premolar extraction on upper airway dimension in
patients with bimaxillary proclination.
14- Symmetry of dentoalveolar parameters in subject with
unilateral maxillary canine displacement.
15- Dental age assessment in subjects with maxillary
Canine Displacement.
16- Skeletal and Dentoalveolar Parameters in Subjects with
Maxillary Canine Displacement
17- Skeletal and Dentoalveolar components of Class III
18- The relationship between head posture and
anteroposterior skeletal jaw relationships in different age
19- Primary Maxillary and Mandibular Dental Arch Forms in
Jordanian Children with Normal Occlusion
20- Comparison of personality traits, pain perception and
attitude toward orthodontic treatment before and after the
start of orthodontic treatment
21- Determination of the dental age in Jordanian patients with
third molar agenesis, using Demirjian method.
22- The effect of placement of Stainless Steel Crown on bite
force of primary dentition in children.
1- A Review of Dental Amalgam and substitutes
Ahed Alwahadni, Elham S.J. Abu Alhaija, Adel Alwahadneh
Journal of the Irish Dental Association 1997; 43:188-125.
2- Radiographic evaluation of mandibular third molar eruption
Faiez Hattab, Elham S. J. Abu Alhaija
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology,
Endodontics 1999; 88: 285-291.
3- Long term effect of the chin cap on hard and soft tissues.
Elham S. J Abu Alhaija and Andrew Richardson
European Journal of Orthodontics 1999; 21: 291-298.
4- Occlusion in deciduous dentition of 2.5-5.5 year-old Jordanian
Elham S.J. Abu Alhaija, Aref Al-Momani, Othman Yassin
Dental news 1999; 4: 15-17.
5- A cephalometric study of the effect of extraction of lower first
permanent molars.
Elham S.J. Abu Alhaija, Patrick McSherry, Andrew Richardson
The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2000; 24:195-198.
6- Cephalometric measurements and facial deformities in
subjects with ß-thalassaemia major.
Elham S. J. Abu Alhaija, Faiez Hattab, M.O. Al-Omari
European Journal of Orthodontics 2002;24: 9-19.
7- Tooth crown size of the permanent dentition in subjects with
thalassaemia major.
Faiez Hattab, Elham S.J. Abu Alhaija, O. M. Yassin
Dental Anthropology 2001; 14: 7-12.
8- Self-assessed bleeding as an indicator of gingival health among
12-14-year-old children.
D. Quteish Taani and Elham S. J. Abu Alhaija
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2002; 30:78-81.
9- Uvulo-glossopharyngeal dimensions in subjects with ßthalassaemia major.
Elham S.J. Abu Alhaija, Ahed M. S. Al-Wahadi, Mohammad
European Journal of Orthodontics 2002; 24: 699 -703.
10- Growth prediction in Class III patients using cluster and
discriminant function analysis.
Elham S.J. Abu Alhaija and Andrew Richardson
European Journal of Orthodontics 2002; 25: 599-608.
11- Occlusion and tooth/arch dimensions in the primary dentition
of preschool Jordanian children
Elham S.J. Abu Alhaija and Muawia A. Qudeimat
International Journal Paediatric Dentistry 2003; 13 : 230-239.
12- Relationship between static and dynamic occlusion in 14-17
year-old school children.
Ahmad Hiyasat and Elham S. J. Abu Alhaija
Journal of oral Rehabilitation 2004; 31: 628-633
13- Evaluation of shear bond strength with different enamel
Elham S.J. Abu Alhaija and Ahed M. S. Al-Wahadni
European Journal of Orthodontics 2004; 26: 179-184.
14- Orthodontic treatment need and demand in 12-14-year-old
north Jordanian school children
Elham S. J. Abu Alhaija, Kazem S. Al-Nimri and Susan N. AlKhateeb
European Journal of Orthodontics 2004; 26: 261-263.
15- Prevalence of malocclusion in 13-15 -year-old North
Jordanian schoolchildren
Elham S.J. Abu Alhaija, Susan N. Al-Khateeb & Kazem S. AlNimri
Community Dental Health 2005;22:266-271
16- Self-perception of malocclusion among north Jordanian
Elham S. J. Abu Alhaija, Kazem S. Al-Nimri and Susan N. AlKhateeb
European Journal of Orthodontics 2005; 27: 292-295
17- Panoramic radiographs: determination of mandibular
Elham S. J. Abu Alhaija
The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2004; 29: 165-166
18- Attractiveness ratings of anterior openbites and reverse
overjets using the aesthetic component of the Index of
Orthodontic Treatment Need
Elham S. J. Abu Alhaija and Susan N. Al-Khateeb
European Journal of Orthodontics 2005; 27: 134-139
19- Factors affecting coronal fracture of anterior teeth in North
Jordanian children
Susan Al-Khateeb, Kazem Al-Nimri, Elham Abu Alhaija
Dental Traumatology 2005; 21: 26-28
20- Dental anxiety in children and its relationship to Dental
Caries and Gingival condition.
D. Quteish Taani, Saleh El-Qaderi, Elham S.J. Abu Alhaija
International Journal of Dental Hygiene 2005; 3: 83-87
21- Uvulo-glosso-pharyngeal dimensions in different antero-
posterior skeletal patterns
Elham S. J. Abu Alhaija and Susan N. al-Khateeb
Angle Orthodontist 2005, 76: 1012-1018.
22- Oral disease Status of a sample of Jordanian people ages 10
to 28 with Cleft Lip and Palate.
Ahed Al-Wahadni, Elham Abu Alhaija and Mohammed Amin
Cleft palate-Craniofacial Journal 2005, 42: 304-308
23- Relationship between tooth irregularity and periodontal
disease in children with frequent dental visits
Elham S. J. Abu Alhaija and Ahed M. S. Al-Wahadni
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 2006, 4: 296-298
24- Factors affecting patient satisfaction after orthodontic
Mahmood K. Al-Omiri, Elham S. J. Abu Alhaija
Angle Orthodontist 2006, 76: 422-431
25- Tooth size discrepancies and arch parameters among
different malocclusions in a Jordanian sample
Susan N. al-Khateeb, Elham S. J. Abu Alhaija
Angle Orthodontist 2006, 76: 459-465
26- Mixed dentition space analysis in a Jordanian population
comparison of two methods
Elham S. J. Abu Alhaija and Muawia A. Qudeimat
International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2006, 16: 104-110
27- Siwak as an oral hygiene aid in patients with fixed
orthodontic appliances
Rae'd Abu Al-Teen, Khaled Sae’d, Elham S. J. Abu Alhaija
International Journal of Dental Hygiene, 2006, 4: 189-197
28- Skeletal, dental and soft tissue changes in postural Class
III malocclusion treated by upper removable appliance
Elham S.J. Abu Alhaija
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 2006,31(2): 149-152
29- Shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets bonded to
different ceramic surfaces
Elham S.J. Abu Alhaija and Ahed M. S. Al-Wahadni
European Journal of Orthodontics, 2007, 29 (4): 386-389
30- Periodontal Parameters in Individuals with Different
Dentofacial Vertical Patterns
Ibraheem A. Al-Zo’ubi, Mohammad M. Hammad, Elham
S. J. Abu Alhaija
Angle Orthod. 2008 Nov;78(6):1006-1014.
31- Maximam occlusal bite forces in individuals with different
dentofacial vertical skeletal pattern- a Jordanian sample
Elham S. J. Abu Alhaija, Ibraheem A. Al-Zo’ubi,
Mohammad AlRosan , Mohammad M. Hammad
European Journal of Orthodontics. 2010, 32(1):71-77
32- Acceptability and attractiveness of Intra- and Extra-oral
orthodontic appliances
Elham Abu Alhaija, Mahmoud Karajeh
International Journal of Orthodontics, 2012
33- The Relationship between Personality Traits, Pain Perception
and Attitude toward Orthodontic Treatment
Abu Alhaija ES, Aldaikki A, Al-Omairi MK, Al-Khateeb SN.
Angle Orthodontist 2010 Nov; 80(6):1141-1149.
34- Factors affecting the shear bond strength of metal and ceramic
brackets bonded to different ceramic surfaces
Elham S.J. Abu Alhaija, Issam A. Abu AlReesh, Ahed
M.S. AlWahadni
European Journal of Orthodontics, 2010: 32(3):274-280
35- Lower third molar space in different antero-posterior skeletal
Abu Alhaija ES, AlBhairan HM, AlKhateeb SN.
Eur J Orthod. 2011 Oct;33(5):570-6. Epub 2010 Dec 27.
36- Effectiveness of a lower lingual arch as a space holding device
Owais AI, Rousan ME, Badran SA, Abu Alhaija ES.
Eur J Orthod. 2011 Feb;33(1):37-42. Epub 2010 Jul 25.
37- Perceptions of Jordanian laypersons and dental professionals
to altered smile esthetics
Abu Alhaija ES, Al-Shamsi NO, Al-Khateeb S.
Eur J Orthod. 2011 Aug;33(4):450-6. Epub 2010 Nov 1.
38- Skeletal, dental and soft tissue changes in Class III subjects
treated by fixed appliance with lower premolar extraction
Abu Alhaija ES, Al-Khateeb SN.
Aust Orthod J. 2011 May;27(1):40-5.
39- Implant abutment types: literature review I
Nsarin Sadaqah, Ahed AlWahadni, Elham Abu Alhaija
Accepted. The Journal of Implant & Advanced Clinical Dentistry,
December 2009
40- Implant abutment types: literature review II
Nsarin Sadaqah, Ahed AlWahadni, Elham Abu Alhaija
Accepted, The Journal of Implant & Advanced Clinical Dentistry,
December 2009
41- Dental age assessment in patients with maxillary canine
Naser DH, Abu Alhaija ES, Al-Khateeb SN.
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2011 Dec;140(6):848-55.
42- Maximum occusal bite force for children in different dentition
Owais AI, Shaweesh M, Abu Alhaija ES.
Eur J Orthod. 2012 Apr 19.
43- First molar extraction effects on upper airway dimension in
bimaxillary proclination patients
Al Maaitah E, El Said N, Abu Alhaija ES.
Angle Orthod. 2012 Feb 27.
44- Shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets bonded to
deciduous teeth with different etching times.
E.S.J. Abu Alhaija, S. M. Irshaid, A.M.S. AlWahadni
European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry vol. 13/3-2012
45- Dental arch parameters of the displacement and
nondisplacement sides in subjects with unilateral palatal canine
Susan Al-Khateeb; Elham S. Abu Alhaija; Ashwaq Rwaite; Bader
Alddin Burqan
Angle Orthodontist 2012
Occlusal Bite Force Changes during Orthodontic Treatment with
Fixed Appliance – A Prospective Longitudinal Study
Sawsan Al-Omari, Elham abu Alhaija
Accepted, Australian Orthodontic Journal, August, 2012