Jordan University of Science and Technology Faculty of Medicine Department of Pharmacology 1. Name and Academic Rank: Professor Mazen M. Hasan, M. D., Ph.D. 2. Degrees with fields, institution and date: M.B. B.S. degree (1973-1980), Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan (1980). Internship (1980-1981), Ministry of Health Hospitals, Jordan. Ph. D. in Pharmacology (1982-1986), School of Medicine, State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, New York, U.S.A (1986). 3. Years of Service on JUST at Department of Pharmacology in the Faculty of Medicine: 1986-1994 and 1997-2009 Date of Original Appointment: 1986 4. Other related experiences-teaching, industrial, etc: Lecturer: Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan (1981-1982). Teaching Staff (Associate Professor): Amman National University, Jordan (1994-1997). 5. Consulting, patents, etc.: Supervisor on clinical studies dealing with bioavailability/bioequivalence research conducted at JUST. 6. Principal publication of the last three years: Otoom S, Nusier M, Hasan M, Hadidi H, Samawi R, Younes AM, Darweesh M, and Boulatova NR. The association of polycystic ovaries with use of valproate in Jordanian epileptic patients. Clin. Drug Invest. 23 (8): 527-532 (2003). Otoom, S., Hasan, M., and Najib, N. Comparative bioavailability of two cefadroxil products using serum and urine data in healthy human volunteers. Clinical andExperimental Pharmacology and Physiology 31: 433-437 (2004). Hasan, M, Otoom, S., Najib, N., and Sallam, E.-S. A two-way cross-over bioequivalence study comparing two products of diclofenac sodium suppositories in healthy human volunteers. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (2004). 7. Scientific and professional societies: _ A member of Jordan Medical Association (1981-). _ An "Honorary Consultant" for Middle East Medical Index (1989-). _ A reviewer for two journals (Clinical Drug Investigation and The Annals of Pharmacotherapy) published by Harvey Whitney Books Company (1992-). _ A member of New York Academy of Sciences (1994-). _ A member of the National Geographic Society (1996-). _ Listed in Who's Who in the World (14th Edition, 1997). _ Jordanian Board in Basic Medical Sciences (Pharmacology), Jordan Medical Council, Amman-Jordan, November 1997. 8. Honors and awards: 9. Institutional and professional services in the last five years: 10. Professional development activities in the last five years: جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا األردنية كلية الطب قسم علم األدوية .1االسم والرتبة االكاديمية :مازن محمود حسن (أستاذ) .2الدرجات العلمية والتخصصات والجامعات وتواريخها: .3عدد سنوات الخبرة في قسم (علم األدوية) /جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا 23عاما تاريخ التعيين1986 : .4خبرات أخرى ذات عالقة ( تدريسية ,صناعية...,الخ). محاضر متفرغ في كلية الطب /الجامعة األردنية ()1982 – 1981 أستاذ مشارك في كلية الصيدلة /جامعة عمان األهلية ()1997 – 1994 .5استشارات ,براءات اختراعات....,الخ. .6األبحاث المهمة المنشورة خالل الخمس سنوات األخيرة: .7العضوية في هيئات علمية ومهنية : .8الجوائز والمنح: .9الخدمات االكاديمية والمهنية في الخمس سنوات األخيرة : .10نشاطات تطوير المهنة في الخمس سنوات األخيرة: جدول :1-4معلومات عضو هيئة التدريس في قسم علم األدوية الرتبة صنف التعيين (مثبت أو غير مثبت) متفرغ أو غير متفرغ أعلى درجة علمية والتخصص اسممم و بلممد الجامعممة التممي حصمم منهممما علمممى أعلمممى درجمممة علميمممة وسنة الحصول عليها الخبرة في المؤسسات الحكومية والصناعية والتدريب الخبرة في جامعات أخرى الخبرة في هذه الجامعة العضوية في هيئات مهنية هيئات مهنية البحث العلمي مازن محمود حسن أستاذ مثبت متفرغ أستاذ في علم األدوية 3سنوات/ جامعة عمان األهلية سنة في الجامعة األردنية 23عام االستشارات والعم الصيفي في قطاع الصناعة االسم سنوات الخبرة مستوى النشاط (عا ٍل ,متوسط, ضعيف ,بدون) في: عال مالحظات :تعبأ بيانات جميع أعضاء هيئة التدريس في البرنامج ويمكن استعمال صفحات إضافية عند الحاجة ويجب أن تعكس المعلومات الخاصة بمستوىالنشاط إذا كانت مدته ألكثر من عام. 4 جدول : 2-4ملخص العبء التدريسي لعضو هيئة التدريس في قسم علم األدوية -1اذكر الفص والسنة التي تنطبق عليها البيانات. اسم عضو هيئة التدريس مازن محمود حسن 5 متفرغ أو غير متفرغ الشعب التي تم تدريسها (رقم المساق - الساعات المعتمدة -الفص الدراسي والسنة الدراسية) 1 متفرغ ط 251علم األدوية العام العام (الفص األول من ك عام) 3 /ساعات معتمدة ط 322الجهاز العصبي ( 1الفص الثاني من ك عام) /عدد الساعات (مشترك) ط 352الجهاز البولي والتناسلي (الفص األول من ك عام) /عدد الساعات (مشترك) ط 751علم األدوية السريرية والدوائية لطلبة التمريض (الفص األول من ك عام) 3 /ساعات معتمدة ط 752علم األدوية المتقدم (الفص األول من ك عام) 3 /ساعات معتمدة النسبة المئوية لك نشاط 2 التدريس البحث العلمي/ والنشاطات العلمية نشاطات أخرى بما في ذلك إجازات 3 التفرغ العلمي %90 %10 -2يوزع النشاط بالنسبة المئوية بحيث يكون المجموع .%100 -3اذكر اجازات التفرغ العلمي ....الخ تحت عمود النشاطات األخرى. 6 جدول :3-4االجتماعات والمؤتمرات التي شارك بها أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في قسم ..... االسم المؤتمر /االجتماع مكان اإلنعقاد السنة جدول :4-4ورش العم التي أخذها أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في قسم ................ االسم ورشة العم مكان اإلنعقاد السنة جدول :5-4المشاريع المدعومة التي حص عليها أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في قسم ...... عنوان المشروع فريق العم جهة الدعم موازنة المشروع بالدينار األردني ومدة تنفيذه جدول :6-4خدمة المجتمع التي شارك بها أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في قسم ............. اسم المشروع/الخدمة فريق العم الشركة أو الهيئة طبيعة المشروع/الخدمة تاريخ تنفيذ المشروع/الخدمة جدول :7-4ورش العم التي نفذها أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في قسم ................ االسم ورشة العم مكان اإلنعقاد السنة جدول :8-4اإلرشاد االكاديمي في قسم علم األدوية سنة قبول الطلبة األرقام الجامعية للطلبة 2008 40-1 80-41 120-81 160-121 40-1 80-41 120-81 160-121 40-1 80-41 120-81 160-121 40-1 80-41 120-81 160-121 40-1 80-41 120-81 160-121 2007 2006 2005 2004 المرشد االكاديمي √ √ √ √ √ جدول :9-4مشاركة أعضاء هيئة التدريس في قسم علم األدوية في لجان القسم أعضاء هيئة التدريس اللجنة √ الخطة الدراسية/االعتماد √ ترقية أعضاء هيئة التدريس √ البحث العلمي √ الدراسات العليا √ اختيار أعضاء هيئة التدريس √ الكتب المقررة المختبرات والسالمة التدريب العملي تنسيق الرحالت العلمية يوم الخريج تطبيقات الحاسوب واالنترنت النوادي و الجمعيات الطالبية √ جدول :10-4مشاركة أعضاء هيئة التدريس في قسم علم األدوية في لجان كلية الطب أعضاء هيئة التدريس اللجنة االعتماد ترقية أعضاء هيئة التدريس البحث العلمي الدراسات العليا السالمة √ √ √ جدول :11-4مشاركة أعضاء هيئة التدريس في قسم علم األدوية في لجان الجامعة أعضاء هيئة التدريس اللجنة الجودة واالعتماد البحث العلمي الدراسات العليا السالمة √ √ 1 جدول :12-4بيانات الترقية ألعضاء هيئة التدريس في قسم علم األدوية االسم تاريخ التعيين الرتبة عند التعيين الترقية األولى وتاريخها الترقية الثانية وتاريخها مازن محمود حسن 1986 أستاذ مساعد أستاذ مشارك 1991 أستاذ 1999 2 الترقية الثالثة وتاريخها CURRICULUM VITAE PROFESSOR MAZEN M. HASAN Nov. 9, 2009 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO NAME 1 ADDRESS 1 PERSONAL DATA 1 ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS 1 REFERENCES 2 ACADEMIC CAREER AND TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2 MEMBERSHIP OF ACADEMIC COUNCILS 5 MEMBERSHIP OF FACULTY COMMITTEES 5 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 6 SERVICES TO THE COMMUNITY 10 SERVICES TO THE UNIVERSITY AND FACULTY OF MEDICINE 10 MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES 11 ABSTRACTS 11 REPORTS 13 PUBLICATIONS 16 4 CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Mazen M. Hasan, M.D., Ph.D. Address: Department of Pharmacology Faculty of Medicine Jordan University of Science and Technology P.O. Box 3030 Irbid 22110 Jordan Phone no.: 962-2-7201000, Ext. 23866 (Office) & 962-2-7277750 (Home) Fax no.: 962-2-7095010, (Institute) & 962-2-7277750 (Home) E-mail: Telex: 55545 JUST JO Personal Data: Date of birth: July 19, 1954 Place of birth: Jerusalem Nationality: Jordanian Marital Status: Married Children: One daughter; May (May 14, 1991) and three sons; Hamza (Oct. 2, 1992), Ali (Nov. 21, 1995), and Mohammed Noor (Dec. 28, 1999) Academic Qualifications: 1. M.B., B.S. (1973-1980) Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan 2. Internship (1980-1981) Ministry of Health Hospitals, Jordan. 3. Ph.D. (1982-1986) A four-year scholarship from Yarmouk University for Ph.D. studies in pharmacology. Field of Study: Pharmacology and toxicology. Title of Thesis: An Investigation on Metaldehyde Toxicity in Mice. Institution: School of Medicine, State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, New York, U.S.A. Thesis Advisor: Professor Peter K. Gessner 5 REFERENCES: 1. Professor Hakam F. Hadidi Department of Pharmacology University of Science and Technology Irbid 22110, Jordan P. O. Box 3030 2. Professor Peter K. Gessner, Associate Chairman Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics School of Medicine State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo Buffalo, New York 14214, U.S.A. 3. Professor Naji M. Najib Faculty of Pharmacy University of Science and Technology Irbid 22110, Jordan P. O. Box 3030 4. Professor Yousry M. El-Sayed Department of Pharmaceutics College of Pharmacy King Saud University, Riyadh Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia P. O. Box 2457 ACADEMIC CAREER AND TEACHING EXPERIENCE: I. Instructor of pharmacology (1981/1982), Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan. II. Teaching Assistant (1982-1986), State University of New York at Buffalo, U.S.A. III. Assistant Professor of pharmacology (1986-1991), Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology, Irbid-Jordan. IV. Acting Chairman for Department of Pharmacology (1988-1991 and 1999-2001), Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology, Irbid-Jordan. V. Associate Professor of pharmacology (1991-1994), Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology, Irbid-Jordan. VI. Associate Professor of pharmacology and toxicology (1994-1997), Faculty of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, Amman University, Amman-Jordan. VII. Associate Professor of pharmacology (1997-1999), Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology, Irbid-Jordan. VIII. Professor of pharmacology (1999), Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology, Irbid-Jordan. IX. Chairman for Department of Pharmacology (1999-2009), Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology, Irbid-Jordan. 6 X. Teaching the following courses in Faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Nursing, and Allied Medical Sciences: 1. Pharmacology for medical students (Med 355), University of Science and Technology (1986-1994 and 1997-2000). 2. Pharmacology for pharmacy students (Med 450), University of Science and Technology (1987-1994 and 1997-). 3. Pharmacology for pharmacy students (Med 451), University of Science and Technology (1987-1994 and 1997-2000). 4. Pharmacology for dentistry students (Med 351), University of Science and Technology (1986-1994 and 1997-). 5. Pharmacology for nursing students (Med 255), University of Science and Technology (1986-1994 and 1997-). 6. Toxicology for nursing students (Med 256), University of Science and Technology (1988-1994). 7. Clinical pharmacy for pharmacy students (Pharm 441), University of Science and Technology (1986-1990). 8. Clinical pharmacy for pharmacy students (Pharm 442), University of Science and Technology (1986-1990). 9. Dental therapeutics and practice for dentistry students (Dent 321), University of Science and Technology (1988- 1994). 10. Pharmacology for nursing and midwifery students, Nusayba Al-Maziniah College of Nursing and Midwifery, Ministry of Health (1992/1993 and 1998-2001). 11. Pharmacology I for pharmacy students (92331), Amman University (1994-1997). 12. Pharmacology II for pharmacy students (92332), Amman University (1994-1997). 13. Toxicology for pharmacy students (91431), Amman University (1994-1996). 14. Toxicology for pharmacy students (Pharm 544), University of Science and Technology (1994/1995). 15. Pharmacology and toxicology practical for pharmacy students, Amman University (1994-1996). 16. Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics for pharmacy students (91467), Amman University (1995-1997). 17. General pharmacology for medical students (Med 251), University of Science and Technology (2000). 18. Clinical Pharmacology and therapeutics for graduate nursing students (Med 751), University of Science and Technology (2000). 19. Ophthalmic Pharmacology for optometry students (Op 366), University of Science and Technology (2002). 7 20. The pharmacology lectures of the Hematopoietic and Lymphoid System (Med 272), University of Science and Technology (2001). 21. The pharmacology lectures of the Endocrine System (Med 310), University of Science and Technology (2001). 22. The pharmacology lectures of the Genito-urinary System (Med 352), University of Science and Technology (2001). 23. The pharmacology lectures of the CNS I (Med 322), University of Science and Technology (2005). 24. Several advanced courses for the master degree program in pharmacology. X. Participation in professional meetings for education: 1. First National Conference on Medical Education, University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan, 6 November 1986. 2. A Workshop on Medical Education, University of Science and Technology, IrbidJordan, 29 August-3 September, 1987. 3. The Regional Conference for Medical Education of Eastern Mediterranean Region, Amman-Jordan, 14-17 February 1988. 4. A Workshop in Instructional Technology and Evaluation, University of Science and Technology, Irbid-Jordan, 31 August-4 September 1991. 5. Sub-regional Workshop on the Introduction of Essential Drugs and Rational Prescribing Concepts into University Curricula, Beirut-Lebanon, 18-20 October 1992. 6. A Workshop on Trans-dermal Drug Delivery, Arab Company for Drug Industries and Medical Appliances (ACDIMA), Amman-Jordan, 6 May 1993. 7. A Computer Course in Disk Operating System (DOS), Windows, and Excel, Amman University, Amman-Jordan (1995). 8. Medical Education in the third Millenium, WHO, Jordan University of Science and Technology, and AMEEMR, Irbid-Jordan, 11-13 June 2000. 9. A Workshop on Approaches to Learning and Teaching in Integrated Curriculum, IrbidJordan, JUST, 28th February and 1st March, 2001. 10. A Workshop on Evidence Based Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid-Jordan,12th April, 2001. 11. Several workshops on Integrated Medical Curriculum conducted by collaboration between Scottish Medical Schools (Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle, and Aberdeen) and Jordan University of Science and Technology, June 2001, UK. 12. A Workshop on Pharmacovigilance, Drug Safety Research Unit, Jordan University of science and Technology, Irbid-Jordan, 27th March, 2002. 8 XI. Medical examinations passed successfully: 1. ECFMG (16 September 1981) 2. VQE (27 October 1983). XII. Academic guidance of medical students (University of Science and Technology) and pharmacy students (Amman University). MEMBERSHIP OF ACADEMIC COUNCILS: 1. The Council of Department of Basic Medical Sciences (1986-1987), Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology. 2. The Council of Department of Physiology and Pharmacology (1987-1988), Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology. 3. The Council of Department of Pharmacology (1988-1994 and 1997-), Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology. 4. The Council of Faculty of Medicine (1986/1987, 1988-1991, 1992/1993, and 1998-), University of Science and Technology. 5. The Council of Department of Pharmacy (1994-1997), Faculty of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, Amman University. 6. The Council of Faculty of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences (1995- 1997), Amman University. MEMBERSHIP OF FACULTY COMMITTEES: 1. Scientific Research Committee (1986/1987), Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology. 2. Curriculum Committee (1989-1991 and 1997-), Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology. 3. Committee of Scientific Conferences and Seminars (1986-1994, 1998/1999, and 1999/2000), Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology. 4. Committee for the Celebration of Medical Student Graduation (1989/1990), Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology. 5. Committee for Medical Education (1990/1991), Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology. 6. Committee for the Academic Guidance of Medical Students (1991/1992, 1999/2000, and 2000/2001), Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology. 7. Chairman of the Scientific Research Committee (1993/1994), Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology. Student Punishment Committee (1995/1996), Faculty of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, Amman University. 8. 9. Clinical Pharmacy Committee (1995/1996), Faculty of Pharmacy, Amman University. 9 10. A proposed "Center for Bioavailability Studies" (1995/1996), Faculty of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, Amman University. 11. Student Affairs Committee of Pharmacy Students (Amman University, 1996/1997) and Medical Students(University of Science and Technology, 2000/2001). 12. The Committee of the Curriculum of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology (2000). SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: I. AREAS OF INTEREST: 1. Clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics. 2. Therapeutic drug monitoring. 3. Comparative bioavailability-bioequivalence studies. 4. Gastrointestinal clearance of drugs by activated charcoal. 5. Antidotal treatment of metaldehyde intoxication. 6. Anesthetic and anticonvulsant effects of propofol. 7. Pharmacokinetic and bioequivalence studies on conventional, sustained-release, and suppository formulations of non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as diclofenac sodium, indomethacin, ibuprofen, mefenamic acid, and piroxicam. 8. Pharmacokinetic and bioequivalence studies on selected penicillins (amoxicillin and clavulanic acid), cephalosporins (cefadroxil, cefaclor, and cefuroxime), macrolides (clarithromycin and azithromycin), and quinolones (ciprofloxacin). 9. Pharmacokinetic and bioequivalence studies on selected H2-receptor blockers (ranitidine and famotidine), proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole and lansoprazole), and selected H1receptor blockers (loratadine and chlorpheniramine maleate). 10. Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic and bioequivalence studies on glibenclamide (glyburide) as an oral hypoglycemic drug. 11. Pharmacokinetic and bioequivalence studies on selected antihypertensive drugs (nifedipine and atenolol). 12. Effects of the extract of certain medicinal plants on the heart in vitro. 13. Pharmacology and toxicology studies on new anticonvulsant drugs. II. CO-INVESTIGATOR IN RESEARCH PROPOSALS: 1. Design and monitoring of drug plasma levels for optimal therapeutic response (42/87). Submitted by Dr. Yousry M. EL-Sayed as a principal investigator. Supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies, Jordan University of Science and Technology (1987). 10 2. Effect of oral activated charcoal on the systemic clearance of drugs administered intravenously in experimental animals (17/89). Submitted by Dr. Mazen M. Hasan as a principal investigator. Supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies, Jordan University of Science and Technology (1989). 3. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of four preparations of diclofenac sodium (10/88). Submitted by Dr. Naji M. Najib as a principal investigator. Supported by Dar Al-Dawa Development and Investment Company, Ltd. (DAD), Na'ur-Jordan (1988). 4. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two products contains diclofenac sodium (32/89). Submitted by Dr. Naji M. Najib as a principal investigator. Supported by the Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (APM), Sult-Jordan (1989). 5. A pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic comparison of two products containing glibenclamide (29/88). Submitted by Dr. Naji M. Najib as a principal investigator. Supported by the Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (APM), Sult-Jordan (1988). 6. Effects of propofol on epileptic activity of hippocampal pyramidal neurons in vitro (7/91). Submitted by Dr. Zuheir Hasan as a principal investigator (1991). Supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies, Jordan University of Science and Technology (1991). 7. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two products containing famotidine. Submitted by Dr. Naji M. Najib as the principal investigator. Supported by Dar Al-Dawa Development and Investment Company, Ltd. (DAD), Na'ur-Jordan (1992). 8. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study on indomethacin and ibuprofen. Submitted by Dr. Naji M. Najib as a principal investigator. Supported by Dar Al-Dawa Development and Investment Company, Ltd. (DAD), Na'ur-Jordan (1988) 9. A comparative bioavailability-bioequivalence study on two commercial products containing glibenclamide (glyburide). Submitted by Dr. Naji M. Najib as a principal investigator. Supported by Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Amman-Jordan (1994). 10. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study on two cefadroxil- containing products. Submitted by Dr. Naji M. Najib as the Principal investigator. Supported by the United Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd., Amman-Jordan (1994). 11. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study on two cefaclor- containing products. Submitted by Dr. Naji M. Najib as the principal investigator. Supported by Dar Al-Dawa Development and Investment Company, Ltd. (DAD), Na'ur-Jordan (1994). 12. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study on two omeprazole- containing products. Submitted by Dr. Naji M. Najib as the principal investigator. Supported by the Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (APM), Sult-Jordan (1994). 13. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study on two anti- hypertensive agents (nifedipine and atenolol). Submitted by Dr. Naji M. Najib as a principal investigator. Supported by the Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (APM), Sult-Jordan (1994). 13. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study on two lansoprazole-containing products. Submitted by Dr. Naji M. Najib as a principal investigator. Supported by the Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (APM), Sult-Jordan (1994). 15. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two retard products containing diclofenac sodium under fasting and feeding conditions. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1997. Supported by Tabuk Pharmaceutical Company, Saudi Arabia. 11 16. Effect of anti-epileptic drugs on a novel model of epilepsy. S. Otoom, Kassim Al-Saudi, and Mazen Hasan. Supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research, Jordan University of Science and Technology (1997). 17. Current drug use in Jordan. H. Hadidi, A. Bateiha, M. Hasan, and K. Al-Saudi, 2000. Supported by WHO and Ministry of Health in Jordan (1999). 18. The effect of new antiepileptic drugs on the level of plasma homocysteine. M. Hasan, S. Otoom, H. Hadidi, and K. Al-Saudi. Submitted to the Deanship of Scientific Research at JUST for funding (2002). A. RESEARCH PRESENATION IN INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS: 1. Annual Meeting of American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET), Indianapolis, U.S.A.(1984). Graduate Student Travel Awards from the ASPET Council for the 1984 ASPET Meeting Indianapolis, Indiana. 2. Annual Meeting of American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET), Boston, U.S.A. (1985). 3. Annual Meeting of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), Saint Louis, U.S.A. (1986). 4. Annual Meeting of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), New Orleans, U.S.A. (1989). 5. Annual Meeting of International Congress of Pharmacology, Sydney, Australia (VIIth Meeting, 1987). 6. Annual Meeting of International Congress of Pharmacology, Amsterdam, Holland (XI Meeting, 1990). 7. International Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium, Ankara, Turkey (4th Symposium, 1988). 8. The First Gulf Conference on Intensive Care Medicine, Doha, Qatar (1991). 9. The 5th Interscience World Conference on Inflammation, Antirheumatics, Analgesics, Immunomodulators (5th INWIN), Geneva (Switzerland), Palexpo (April 25-28, 1993). 10. The First International Middle East Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid-Jordan (May 3-5, 1993). 11. The Thirty Third Scientific Week, Halab-Syria (Nov.6-12,1993). 12. APGI 7th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Technology. Budapest (9-11 May,1995). 14. Proceed. Intern. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater., Controlled Release Society, Inc., Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. (July 30-August 2, 1995). 14. The VII World Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CPT 2000), Florence-Italy (15-20 July, 2000). 15. The 3rd Forum of European Neuroscience, Paris-France (13-17 July, 2002). 12 B. RESEARCH PRESENTED IN THE ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC DAY OF FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND FACULTY PHARMACY IN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: I. The First Annual Scientific Day (24/4/1987): A study of metaldehyde toxicity and treatment in mice. M. M. Hasan and P. K. Gessner. II. The Second Annual Scientific Day (12/4/1988): Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms as models for the adsorption of toxicants on activated charcoal. M. M. Hasan and P. K. Gessner. III. The Third Annual Scientific Day (13/5/1989): The effect of oral activated charcoal on the systemic clearance of gentamicin in rabbits with acute renal failure. M. M. Hasan, Y. EL-Sayed, and A. Abdelaziz. IV. The Fourth Annual Scientific Day (5/5/1990): 1) Effect of oral activated charcoal on the pharmacokinetics of quinidine and quinine administered intravenously to rabbits. M. M. Hasan, M. A. Hassan, and N. M. Rawashdeh. 2) Inheritance of sulfate depletion susceptibility in mice. M. M. Hasan and P. K. Gessner. V. The Fifth Annual Scientific Day (30/4/1991): A comparison of the anticonvulsant effects of propofol and thiopentone against pentylenetetrazol-induced convulsions in the rat. Zuheir Hasan, Mazen Hasan, AbdelFattah AL-Hader, and Mohammad Takrouri. VI. The Sixth Annual Scientific Day (21/4/1992): Effect of propofol on chemically-induced convulsion. Zuheir Hasan, Mazen Hasan, and AbdelFattah Al-Hader. VII. The 14 Annual Scientific Day and the Second Jordanian-Iraqi Congress (10-12 April 2000): Current drug use situation in Jordan. Hakam Hadidi, Anwar Bateiha, Mazen Hasan, and Kassim Al-Saudi. SERVICES TO THE COMMUNITY: I. Presentation of papers and talks in scientific conferences and meetings: 1. The Fourth Jordanian Pharmaceutical Conference, Amman, 6-8 April, 1988. "Freundlich and Langmuir Isotherms as Models for the Adsorption of Toxicants on Activated Charcoal" Mazen M. Hasan and Peter K. Gessner. 2. A conference on the pathophysiology and drug therapy of bronchial asthma. Supported by Jordan Pharmaceutical Association in collaboration with Sandoz Company Irbid, 19 October, 1987 "Drug Therapy in Asthma" Mazen M. Hasan. 3. A scientific day on antibiotics directed by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Jordan University of Science and Technology, in collaboration with Jordan Pharmaceutical Association, Irbid, 4 Dec., 1987 "Adverse Effects of Antibiotics" Mazen M. Hasan. 13 4. The Third Scientific Day of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Jordan, 6 May, 1991 "Effect of Enteric Film Coating on the Bioavailability of Diclofenac Sodium Tablets" M. Shubair, E. Sallam, N. Najib and M. Hasan. 5. Invited Speaker on "Psychopharmacology". Presented to psychiatry residents, Fuheis Mental Hospital, Fuheis, 1988. 6. Invited speaker on "Drug Therapy of Convulsive Disorders". Presented for residents and medical students, Princes Basma Hospital, Irbid, 1988. 7. Seminar presentation "Therapeutic Implications of the Pharmacokinetics and Dosage Forms of Diclofenac". Presented to the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, Amman University, 1997. I. Participation in studies dealing with bioequivalence studies on pharmaceutical products manufactured in Jordan. II. Conducting research and publishing papers aiming to improve the pharmaceutical industry in Jordan. III. Teaching pharmacology courses to nursing and midwifery students of Nusayba AlMaziniah College of Nursing and Midwifery in Irbid, Ministry of Health, Jordan. IV. External Examiner for two master thesis in analytical toxicology held in Faculty of Medicine at University of Jordan. SERVICES TO THE UNIVERSITY AND FACULTY OF MEDICINE: I. Participation in professional committees as a member: 1. Organizing Committee of the Scientific Day of the Faculties of Medicine and of Pharmacy (1986-1994). 2. Animal House Organizing Committee (1986-1992). 3. Curriculum Committee of Jordan Universities for Basic Medical Sciences (1988/1989). 4. Organizing Committee for Medical Student Graduation (1990/1991). 5. A "Liaison Officer" between Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry (1988-1991). 6. A proposed "National Toxicology Center" (1989/1990). 7. A workshop on the expansion and improvement of scientific research and graduate studies (1992). II. Taking part to establish the pharmacology and toxicology curricula for different disciplines. III. Taking part in designing and equipping the laboratories for teaching and research in the Department of Pharmacology. IV. Academic guidance of medical and pharmacy students and participation in professional meetings for education. 14 V. Director of the "Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Drug and Toxin Information Unit" at Princes Basma Hospital. VI. A member of the Curriculum Committee in the Medical School MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: 1. A member of Jordan Medical Association (1981-). 2. A "Honorary Consultant" for Middle East Medical Index (1989-). 3. A reviewer for two journals (Clinical Drug Investigation and The Annals of Pharmacotherapy) published by Harvey Whitney Books Company (1992-). 4. A member of New York Academy of Sciences (1994-). 5. A member of the National Geographic Society (1996-). 6. Listed in Who's Who in the World (14th Edition, 1997). 7. Jordanian Board in Basic Medical Sciences (Pharmacology), Jordan Medical Council, Amman-Jordan, November 1997. ABSTRACTS: 1. Mazen M. Hasan and Peter K. Gessner. D-penicillamine and activated charcoal as antidotes of metaldehyde toxicity in mice. The Pharmacologist 26: 195 (1984). 2. Mazen M. Hasan and Peter K. Gessner. Investigation of the role of acetaldehyde in metaldehyde toxicity in mice. The Pharmacologist 27: 2 (1985). 3. Peter K. Gessner and Mazen M. Hasan. A study of the adsorption characteristics of activated charcoals using metaldehyde. The Pharmacologist 27: 273 (1985). 4. J. Springate, M. Hasan, B. Rennick and M. Acara. Differential inhibition of organic cations by the renal tubule of the chicken: relationship to Tm. Faseb J. (1985). 5. Peter K. Gessner and Mazen M. Hasan. Metaldehyde administration leads to sulfate depletion in the mouse. VIIth International Congress of Pharmacology 0179 (1987). 6. Mazen M. Hasan and Peter K. Gessner. Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms as models for the adsorption of toxicants on activated charcoal. Fourth Jord. Pharm. Conf. (1988). 7. M. E. Abdel-Hamid, M. S. Suleiman, Y. M. El-Sayed, N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan. A rapid HPLC assay of glibenclamide in serum. Fourth International Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium (1988). 8. Peter K. Gessner and Mazen M. Hasan. Strain and xenobiotic specific sulfate depletion phenomena in mice. Faseb J. 3: A 735 (1988). 9. Peter K. Gessner and Mazen M. Hasan. Inheritance of sulfate depletion susceptibility in mice. XIth International Congress of Pharmacology (1990). 15 10. Zuheir Hasan, Mazen Hasan, AbdelFattah Al-Hader and Mohammad Takrouri. Anticonvulsant effects of propofol. The First Conference on Intensive Care Medicine (1991). 11. M. Hasan, N. Najib, E. Sallam, M. Shubair and S. Deleq. A pharmacokinetic study on slow-release formulations of diclofenac sodium. The 5th Interscience World Conference on Inflammation, Antirheumatics, Analgesics, Immunomodulators (5th INWIN 1993). 12. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan. Preparation of sustained-release formulations of diclofenac sodium. The Thirty Third Scientific Week in Syria (1993). 13. Mazen M. Hasan and Naji M. Najib. A pharmacokinetic study on slow-release formulations of diclofenac sodium in Jordan. The First International Middle East Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (1993). 14. E. Sallam, M. Shubair, N. Najib and M. Hasan. A critical view on commercially available diclofenac sodium 50 mg tablets in Jordan. The First International Middle East Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (1993). 15. E. Sallam, S. Deleq, M. Shubair, N. Najib, M. Hasan, T. Arafat and S. Zemeili. Design of diclofenac sodium sustained release tablets: in vitro and in vivo studies. The First International Middle East Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (1993). 16. Y. Tahboub, M. Hasan and N. Najib. Reversed phase liquid chromatographic method for the determination of famotidine in serum and its use in pharmacokinetics. The First International Middle East Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (1993). 17. H. Y. Muti, M. M. Hasan and N. M. Najib. A pharmacokinetic study on two sustainedrelease formulations of indomethacin in normal subjects following a single dose administration. The Seventh Jord. Pharm. Conf. (1994). 18. N. M. Najib, M. M. Hasan and I. M. Jalal. Bioavailability of amoxicillin from capsules and tablets. Submitted to American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (1994). 19. N. M. Najib, G. K. Pillai, M. Sheikh Salem, M. M. Hasan, F. Ghanem, E. Sallam, M. S. Shubair, and S. Al-Deleq. Bio-equivalence study of two capsule formulations of omeprazole. Proc. 1st. World Meeting APGI/APV, Budapest, 9/11 May (1995). 20. E. Sallam, S. Al-Deleq, M. Shubair, S. Zemeili, M. Hasan, N. Najib, and T. Arafat. Design of diclofenac sodium 100 mg sustained release tablets, in vitro and in vivo studies. Proc. 1st Word Meeting APGI/APV, Budapest, 9/11 May (1995). 21. E. Sallam, S. Al-Deleq, M. Shubair, S. Zemeili, M. Hasan and N. Najib. Dose strength bioavailability relationship of enteric coated SR diclofenac sodium tablets. Intern. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater., 22 (1995). 22. S. Otoom, M. Hasan, K. Al-Saudi, and H. Hadidi. The VII World Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CPT), Florence-Italy 15-20 July, 2000. Published in: British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (707: 181, 2000). 23. S. Otoom, M. Nusier, M. Hasan, H. Hadidi, R. Samawi, A. Younes, M. Darweesh, and N. Boulatova. The association of polycystic ovaries with the use of valproate in epilepsy. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2001. Submitted to the Umea Summer International Conference of Adverse Drug Reactions, Umea 13-15 June, 2001, Sweden. 16 24. S. Otoom, M. Hasan, and M. Najib. Pharmacokinetics of glyburide under feeding and fasting conditions. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 2001. Submitted to the International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicology, Washington, 1-5 September, USA. 25. S. Otoom, H. Hadidi, and M. Hasan. Propofol Exhibits antiepileptic activity in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Submitted to the 3rd Forum of European Neuroscience, July 13-17, 2002, Paris-France. REPORTS: 1. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two conventional products of diclofenac sodium. N. M. Najib, M. S. Suleiman, Y. M. El-Sayed, M. Hasan, and M. Abdel-Hamid, 1988. A report submitted to Dar Al-Dawa Development and Investment Co. Ltd. (DAD), Jordan. 2. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two formulations containing glibenclamide. N. M. Najib, M. S. Suleiman, Y. El-Sayed, M. Abdel-Hamid, and M. Hasan, 1989. A report submitted to the Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company Ltd. (APM), Jordan. 3. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two conventional products of diclofenac sodium. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1990. A report submitted to The Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company Ltd. (APM), Jordan. 4. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two sustained- release formulations of diclofenac sodium. N. M. Najib and M.M. Hasan, 1992. A report submitted to Dar AlDawa Investment and Development Co., Ltd. (DAD), Jordan. 5. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two sustained- release formulations of diclofenac sodium. N. M. Najib and M.M. Hasan, 1992. A report submitted to Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Jordan. 6. A two-way crossover bioequivalence study comparing single dose of Hikma 1000 mg amoxicillin tablets (Penamox, lot # 0058) to Beecham Laboratories 2 X 500 mg Amoxil capsules (lot # 37219A). N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1993. A report submitted to Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Jordan. 7. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two conventional products containing ibuprofen. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan,1993. A report submitted to Dar Al-Dawa Development and Investment Company, Ltd. (DAD) in Jordan. 8. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two sustained- release formulations of indomethacin. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1993. A report submitted to Dar Al-Dawa Investment and Development Co., Ltd. (DAD). 9. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two products containing cefadroxil. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1994. A report submitted to The United Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd., Jordan. 10. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two products containing cefaclor. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1994. A report submitted to Dar Al-Dawa Development and Investment Company, Ltd. (DAD), Jordan. 17 11. A two-way crossover bioequivalence study comparing single dose of Hikma 5 mg glibenclamide (glyburide) tablets (Glibil, batch # 4686) to Hoechst 5 mg tablets (Daonil, batch # 1240). N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1994. A report submitted to Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Jordan. 12. A two-way crossover bioequivalence study comparing single dose of Hikma 5 mg glyburide (glibenclamide) tablets (Glibil, batch # 4686) to Hoechst 5 mg tablets (Daonil, batch # 1240) carried out postprandially. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1994. A report submitted to Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Jordan. 13. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two sustained- release formulations of diclofenac sodium. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1994. A report submitted to The United Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd., Jordan. 14. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two conventional formulations of piroxicam. N. M. Najib, M. M. Hasan, and M. S. Salem, 1994. A report submitted to The United Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd., Jordan. 15. Bioavailability-bioequivalence studies of several sustained-release formulations of diclofenac sodium under fasting and feeding conditions. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1994. A report submitted to The Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company., Ltd. (APM), Jordan. 16. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two suppository products of diclofenac sodium. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1994. A report submitted to The Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company., Ltd. (APM), Jordan. 17. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two suppository products of diclofenac sodium. Najib and M. M. Hasan,1994. A report submitted to Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Jordan. 18. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two capsule products of omeprazole under fasting and feeding conditions. N. M. Najib, M. S. Salem, M. M. Hasan, and G. K. Pillai 1994. A report submitted to The Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (APM), Jordan. 19. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two conventional formulations of ranitidine. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan,1994. A report submitted to The United Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd., Jordan. 20. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two conventional formulations of famotidine. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1994. A report submitted to Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Jordan. 21. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two conventional formulations of famotidine. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan,1994. A report submitted to Dar Al-Dawa Development and Investment Company, Ltd. (DAD), Jordan. 22. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two conventional products of nifedipine. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1995. A report submitted to The Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company Ltd. (APM), Jordan. 23. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two conventional products of atenolol. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1995. A report submitted to The Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (APM), Jordan. 18 24. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two conventional tablets of ciprofloxacin. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1995. A report submitted to Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Jordan. 25. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two conventional tablets of loratadine. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1995. A report submitted to Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Jordan. 26. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two capsule products containing a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1995. A report submitted to Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Jordan. 27. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two suspension products containing a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1995. A report submitted to Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Jordan. 28. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two products containing cefadroxil. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1996. A report submitted to Tabuk Pharmaceutical Company, Saudi Arabia. 29. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two products containing a combination of phenylpropanolamine HCl and chlorpheniramine maleate. N. M. Najib, M. S. Salem, and M.M. Hasan, 1996. A report submitted to The Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (APM), Jordan. 30. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two capsule products of lansoprazole under fasting and feeding conditions. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1996. A report submitted to The Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (APM), Jordan. 31. A bioavailability-bioequivalence study of two retard products containing diclofenac sodium under fasting and feeding conditions. N. M. Najib and M. M. Hasan, 1997. A report submitted to Tabuk Pharmaceutical Company, Saudi Arabia. 32. Current drug use in Jordan. H. Hadidi, A. Bateiha, M. Hasan, and K. Al-Saudi, 2000. A study submitted to the Ministry of Health in Jordan. PUBLICATIONS: 1. Peter K. Gessner and Mazen M. Hasan. Potentiation of acute toxicity of 2-Sec-butylphenyl N-methylcarbamate by fenthione in mice. Fund. Appl. Toxicol. 6: 381-383 (1986). 2. Peter K. Gessner and Mazen M. Hasan. The Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms as models for the adsorption of toxicants on activated charcoal. J. Pharm. Sci. 67: 319-327 (1987). 3. Peter K. Gessner and Mazen M. Hasan. Toxicant adsorption on activated charcoal: Is the fraction adsorbed a unique function of the charcoal: adsorbate ratio. J. Pharm. Sci. 76: 707-710 (1987). 4. J. Springate, M. Hasan, B. Rennick, R. Fildes, L. Feld and M. Acara. Relation between transport maxima and inhibition of organic cation excretion in the chicken kidney. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap. 240(2): 400-403 (1987). 5. Yousry El-Sayed, Mohammad S. Suleiman, Mazen M. Hasan, Naji Najib, Hassan Muti and Mohammad Abdel-Hamid. Comparative bioavailability and in vitro characterization of two brands of diclofenac sodium enteric-coated tablets. Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Therap. Toxicol. 26: 487-491 (1988). 19 6. Yousry M. El-Sayed, Mohammad S. Suleiman, Mazen M. Hasan, Mohammad E. Abdel-Hamid, Naji Najib, El-Sayed E. Sallam and Mohammed S. Shubair. Comparison of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of two commercial products containing glibenclamide. Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Therap. Toxicol. 27: 551-557 (1989). 7. Hani D. Tabba, Mohammed E. Abdel-Hamid, Mohammad S. Suleiman, Mohammad M. Al-Arab, Mazen M. Hasan, Saleh Abu-Lafi and Naji M. Najib. Synthesis, identification and preliminary evaluation of esters and amide derivatives of diflunisal. Int. J. pharm.54: 57-63 (1989). 8. Mohammed E. Abdel-Hamid, Mohammad S. Suleiman, Yousry M. El-Sayed, Naji M. Najib and Mazen M. Hasan. A rapid high performance liquid chromatography assay of glibenclamide in Serum. J. Clin. Pharm. Therap. 14: 181-188 (1989). 9. Mohammad Suleiman, Yousry El-Sayed, Naji Najib, Mazen Hasan and Mohammed Abdel-Hamid. A Study on the relative bioavailability of a sustained release formulation of diclofenac sodium. Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Therap. Toxicol. 27: 276-279 (1989). 10. M. M. Hasan, Y. M. El-Sayed and A. A. Abdelaziz. The effect of oral activated charcoal on the systemic clearance of gentamicin in rabbits with acute renal failure. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 42: 85-88 (1990). 11. Y. M. El-Sayed and M. M. Hasan. Enhancement of morphine clearance following intravenous administration by oral activated charcoal in rabbits. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 42: 538-541 (1990). 12. M. M. Hasan, M. A. Hassan and N. M. Rawashdeh. Effect of oral activated charcoal on the pharmacokinetics of quinidine and quinine administered intravenously to rabbits. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 67: 73-76 (1990). 13. M. M. Hasan, N. M. Najib, N. M. Rawashdeh, E. N. Sallam, M. S. Shubair and Y. Alawneh. Comparative bioavailability of two tablet formulations of diclofenac sodium in normal subjects. Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Therap. Toxicol. 29: 178-183 (1991). 14. Zuheir Hasan, Mazen Hasan, AbdelFattah Al-Hader and Mohammad Takrouri. A comparison of the anticonvulsant effects of propofol and thiopentone against pentylenetetrazol-induced convulsions in the rat. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. 18: 691-695 (1991). 15. M. Hasan, N. Najib, M. Suleiman, Y. El-Sayed and M. Abdel-Hamid. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of sustained release and enteric-coated microcapsules of diclofenac sodium. Drug Develop. Indust. Pharm. 18: 1981-1988 (1992). 16. Zuheir A. Hasan, Mazen M. Hasan, AbdelFattah A. Al-Hader and Mohammad S. Takrouri. The effect of propofol and thiopentone on pentylenetetrazol seizure threshold in the rat. Middle East J. Anesthesiology 11: 359-367 (1992). 17. AbdelFattah Al-Hader, Mazen Hasan and Zuheir Hasan. The comparative effects of propofol, thiopentone and diazepam, administered intravenously, on pentylenetetrazol seizure threshold in the rabbit. Life Sci. 51: 779-786 (1992). 18. Mazen Hasan, Zuheir Hasan and AbdelFattah Al-Hader. The anticonvulsant effects of propofol, diazepam, and thiopental, against picrotoxin-induced seizure in the rat. Middle East J. Anesthesiology 12: 113-121 (1993). 19. Mazen M. Hasan, Naji M. Najib and Hasan Muti. A comparative bioavailability study on two sustained-release formulations of diclofenac sodium following a single dose administration. Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Therap. Toxicol. 31: 387-391 (1993). 20 20. M. M. Hasan, N. M. Najib and H. Y. Muti. A pharmacokinetic study on two sustainedrelease formulations of indomethacin in normal subjects following a single dose administration. J. Clin. Pharm. Therap. 19: 295-299 (1994). 21. S. Zemeili, M. Hasan, N. Najib, E. Sallam, S. Deleq and M. Shubair. Bioavailability and pharmacokinetic properties of 2 sustained-release formulations of enteric diclofenac sodium, Voltaren vs Inflaban: effect of food on Inflaban bio- availability. Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Therap. 34: 564-570 1996). 22. G. K. Pillai, M. Sheikh Salem, N. M. Najib, J. Jilani, M. M. Hasan, E. Ghanem, E. Sallam, M. S. Shubair, and S. Al- Deleq. Bioequivalence study of two capsule formulations of omeprazole. Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica 66: 231-235 (1996). 23. M. M. Hasan, J. A. Jilani, M. S. Salem, N. M. Najib, G. K. Pillai, E. Ganem. Bioequivalence of two capsule formulations of piroxicam. Acta Pharmaceutica Turcica XXXIX (3): 93-97 (1997). 24. Nasir M. Idkaidek, Gordon L. Amidon, David E. Smith, N. M Najib, and M. M. Hasan. Determination of the population pharmacokinetic parameters of sustained release and enteric coated oral formulations, and the suppository formulation of diclofenac sodium by simultaneous data fitting NONMEM. Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition 19: 169-174 (1998). 25. J. A. Jilani, N. M. Najib, M. S. Salem, G. K. Pillai M. M. Hasan, F. M. Zghol, and E. Ghanem. and I. Jalal. High performance liquid chromatography determination of loratadine in human plasma using fluorescence detection. Acta Pharmaceutica Turcica XXXX (3): 99-102 (1998). 26. S. Khatib, A. Alkofahi, M. Hasan and N. Najib. The cardiovascular effects of Rosmarinus officinalis extract on the isolated intact rabbit heart. Fitoterapia LXIX No 6: 502-506 (1998). 27. S. Khatib, A. Alkofahi, M. Hasan, N. Najib, and A. El-oqlah. The Effect of Corchorus olitorius seed extract on left ventricular pressure, coronary flow and heart rate of the isolated intact rabbit heart. Biomedical Letters 57: 147-152 (1998). 28. G. K. Pillai, M. M. Hasan, M. Sheikh Salem, and N. M. Najib. Effect of food on the bioavailability of omeprazole. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine 12: 199-202 (1999). 29. Zuheir A. Hasan, Mazen M. Hasan, Kassim Karim, and D. E. Wooley. Effect of propofol and thiopentone on pilocarpine-induced limbic seizures in the rat. Biomedical Letters 60: 55-63 (1999). 30. S. Otoom, M. Hasan, and N. Najib. The bioavailability of glyburide (glibenclamide) under fasting and feeding conditions: a comparative study. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine 15: 117-120 (2001). 31. S. Otoom, A. Batieha, H. Hadidi, M. Hasan, and K. Al-Saudi. Evaluation of drug use in Jordan using WHO prescribing indicators. IEMHJ 8 (4/5): 537-543 (2002). 32. S. Otoom, A. Batieha, H. Hadidi, M. Hasan, and K. Al-Saudi. Evaluation of drug use in Jordan using WHO patient care and health facility indicators. IEMHJ 8 (4/5): 544-549 (2002). 21 33. Otoom S, Nusier M, Hasan M, Hadidi H, Samawi R, Younes AM, Darweesh M, and Boulatova NR. The association of polycystic ovaries with use of valproate in Jordanian epileptic patients. Clin. Drug Invest. 23 (8): 527-532 (2003). 34. Otoom, S., Hasan, M., and Najib, N. Comparative bioavailability of two cefadroxil products using serum and urine data in healthy human volunteers. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 31: 433-437 (2004). 35. Hasan, M, Otoom, S., Najib, N., and Sallam, E.-S. A two-way cross-over bioequivalence study comparing two products of diclofenac sodium suppositories in healthy human volunteers. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (2004). 22