Variance and Covariance Due to Inflation David R. Clark Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar – September 2006 Agenda Statement of the Correlation Problem 3 Graphical Description of Inflation Applied to Loss Payout 5 The Mean-Reverting Random Walk Model 10 What Can Be Accomplished with this Model 15 2 Variance and Covariance Due to Inflation The Problem: We wish to estimate the covariance between two or more reserve segments. But… The development triangles themselves do not provide a sufficient basis for reliably estimating this covariance. 26/07/2016 3 Variance and Covariance Due to Inflation A Solution: From first principles, we begin by asking “why do we think that there should be covariance and not simple independence?” One reason for thinking this is that there are external forces, such as inflation, that will affect all of the reserve segments to greater or lesser degrees. 26/07/2016 4 Variance and Covariance Due to Inflation Inflation Variability for Sample Loss Payout 25.0% 200 180 160 140 15.0% 120 100 20.4% 10.0% 80 Inflation Index Percent of Reserve Paid by Year 20.0% 18.4% 15.3% 60 11.5% 5.0% 40 8.6% 6.5% 4.8% 20 3.6% 2.7% 2.0% 0.0% 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 Payment Year 84 96 108 120 26/07/2016 5 Variance and Covariance Due to Inflation Two observations as to how inflation should behave: There is more variability in the inflation index as the time horizon increases. There is an implicit correlation between payments. For example, if the ninth year is higher than average, then the tenth year should also be higher than average. 26/07/2016 6 Variance and Covariance Due to Inflation The actual inflation index could be higher or lower than expected, and each annual payment would move with the corresponding point on the index. Similarly, if there are two payout patterns, then the annual payment for each of the two patterns would move with the corresponding point on the index. 26/07/2016 7 Variance and Covariance Due to Inflation Inflation Variability for Sample of Two Loss Payouts 25.0% 200 180 160 140 15.0% 120 100 23.5% 10.0% 80 Inflation Index Percent of Reserve Paid by Year 20.0% 60 12.8% 10.6% 5.0% 40 8.9% 7.4% 6.1% 5.1% 4.3% 20 3.6% 3.0% 0.0% 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 Payment Year 84 96 108 120 26/07/2016 8 Variance and Covariance Due to Inflation We can start by thinking about this in a simulation context. We generate a set of simulated inflation projections and then adjust the payout patterns by each of those projections. So we must define a model from which to pull our simulated values. 26/07/2016 9 Variance and Covariance Due to Inflation For the inflation model, we will use a mean-reverting random walk. X t 1 Projected Inflation Rate for Time t+1 X t r (1 r ) et 1 Projected Inflation Rate for Time t Long-Run Average Inflation Rate Normal Error Term N 0, Note: Xt will actually be log(1+inflation rate at time t) rather than the inflation rate directly. 26/07/2016 10 Variance and Covariance Due to Inflation The idea of the mean-reverting random walk is that the inflation rate for one year is dependent on the inflation rate in the immediately prior year, but with a tendancy back towards some long-run average rate. This is sometimes illustrated by a drunk whose every step could be in a different direction, but who has at least a vague idea of how to stagger back home. 26/07/2016 11 Variance and Covariance Due to Inflation The mean-reverting random walk model is also known as a first order autoregressive model, or AR(1). More simply, it can be recognized as simple linear regression. All of the parameters, including the standard error, are easily calculated via least squares. X t 1 X t r (1 r ) et 1 26/07/2016 12 Variance and Covariance Due to Inflation For a simulation model, the steps are therefore: Perform linear regression on an historical inflation index to estimate the model parameters. Generate a sequence of normal random variables, one for each year in the payment stream. Plug the random numbers into the regression model to calculate an inflation index. Apply this inflation index to the corresponding future payments. 26/07/2016 13 Variance and Covariance Due to Inflation Even though we have explained this model by talking about simulated values, that type of approximation is not necessary. The variance and covariance terms can be calculated directly; which is given in my call paper. Don‘t simulate if you can calculate. 26/07/2016 14 Variance and Covariance Due to Inflation Given the parameters of the inflation model, and expected payout patterns by LOB, we can: Estimate variability solely due to inflation Mix in other sources of variability Estimate sensitivity of reserves to length of payout Create a correlation matrix for all reserve segments 26/07/2016 15 Thank you very much for your attention. David R. Clark © Copyright 2006 Munich Reinsurance America, Inc. All rights reserved. The material in this presentation is provided for your information only, and is not permitted to be further distributed without the express written permission of Munich Re America. This material is not intended to be legal, underwriting, financial, or any other type of professional advice.