D&O Liability: What’s Happened and What’s Ahead Elissa M. Sirovatka, FCAS, MAAA Principal, Tillinghast business of Towers Perrin CAGNY June 1, 2005 ©Towers Perrin ©Towers Perrin The 2004 Tillinghast D&O Survey ©Towers Perrin 2 Participant Characteristics 2,455 organizations 15% increase in participation from 2003 survey 2,409 U.S. /46 Canadian 1,347 repeat participants Distribution by ownership: Country Public Private Nonprofit U.S. 30% 52% 18% Canada 50% 17% 33% Participation increased significantly from our 2003 survey. ©Towers Perrin 3 The Current Marketplace ©Towers Perrin 4 The Current D&O Marketplace First premium decreases since 1999 Capacity increased from 2003 level Coverage restrictions eased At the same time… Frequency increased Claim severity increased ©Towers Perrin 5 First Premium Decreases Since 1999 ©Towers Perrin 6 D&O Premium Index – U.S. For-Profit Only Average Annual D&O Premium Index Decreased 10% Year Index Median Index Average 1998 402 539 1999 356 503 2000 349 560 2001 397 720 2002 496 931 2003 562 1,237 2004 433 1,113 The median D&O premium index reached the lowest point since our 2001 survey. ©Towers Perrin 7 Reported Change in Premium – U.S. Change in Premium by Quarter – U.S. 61% 60% 54% 50% 50% 50% 35% 40% 28% 30% 36% 27% 19% 20% 50% 15% 14% 1st Qtr 04 2nd Qtr 04 12% 31% 18% 10% 0% 3rd Qtr 03 4th Qtr 03 Increased Decreased 3rd Qtr 04 Same Most participants reported increases, but more are reporting decreases in 2004 ©Towers Perrin 8 Change in Average Total Premium By Ownership 2003 Survey 2004 Survey % Change Public $1,069,438 $893,683 -16% Private 54,306 49,014 -10% Nonprofit 68,121 26,175 -62% Average total premium decreased from our 2003 to 2004 survey regardless of ownership. ©Towers Perrin 9 Change in Primary/Excess Premium for Public Entities 0% -5% -2% 0% -10% Median -13% -15% -20% Average -30% Public -Primary -30% -25% Public - Excess Excess premium for publicly owned entities decreased significantly more than primary premium. ©Towers Perrin 10 -4% -6% Primary Average -45% -50% Private - -35% Median -44% -8% 0% -5% -10% -15% -20% -25% -30% -35% -40% -45% -50% -19% Change in Primary/Excess Premium for Private and Nonprofit Entities Private - Nonprofit Nonprofit Excess -Primary - Excess Primary and excess premium for private and nonprofit entities decreased relatively consistently. ©Towers Perrin 11 Change in Average Total Limits Premium Business Classes with Decreases Business Classes with Increases Biotechnology & pharmaceuticals Banking Education Durable goods Governmental & other nonprofit Health services Merchandising Real estate & construction Nonbanking financial services Nondurable goods Personal & business services Petroleum, mining & agriculture Technology Transportation & communication Utilities ©Towers Perrin 12 Change in Average Total Limits Premium Asset Size Groups with Decreases Asset Size Groups with Increases Up to $10 million $10 million to $50 million Over $10 billion $5 billion to $10 billion Most asset size groups experienced no significant change in total limits premium. ©Towers Perrin 13 Capacity Increased ©Towers Perrin 14 Insurance Carrier Capacity Full Limits Capacity (in millions) — U.S., For-Profit Only 1995 895 1996 1,155 1997 1,350 1998 1,500 1999 1,550 2000 1,575 2001 1,550 2002 1,500 2003 1,350 2004 1,500 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Capacity increased 12%….back to 2002 level. ©Towers Perrin 15 Some of the New Carriers in our 2004 Survey Darwin Endurance Quanta Westchester Specialty Those only providing capacity since 2000 Arch Insurance AWAC Lighthouse Underwriters MaxRe Navigators OneBeacon ©Towers Perrin 16 Policy Limits and Deductibles/Retentions ©Towers Perrin 17 Reported Change in Limits – U.S. Change in Limits by Quarter – U.S. 100% 81% 80% 83% 81% 77% 83% 60% 40% 20% 11%8% 16% 14% 8% 5% 12% 6% 10%8% 0% 3rd Qtr 03 4th Qtr 03 1st Qtr 04 Increased Decreased 2nd Qtr 04 3rd Qtr 04 Same More reported no change in limits in 2004 than 2003. ©Towers Perrin 18 Policy Limits Increased for Most Asset Sizes Average Policy Limits by Asset Size and Survey Year 2003 Survey 2004 Survey Up to $10M $2.4 $2.5 $10M to $50M 5.2 6.4 $50M to $100M 9.2 10.0 $100M to $400M 16.0 16.1 $400M to $1B 26.8 24.7 $1B to $2B 37.7 34.3 $2B to $5B 54.8 55.9 $5B to $10B 75.0 88.4 Over $10B 126.2 158.2 Asset Size ©Towers Perrin 19 Change in Average Total Policy Limits Business Classes with Most Significant Decreases Business Classes with Significant Increases Banking Durable goods Governmental & other nonprofit Petroleum, mining & agriculture Merchandising Transportation & communication ©Towers Perrin 20 Reported Change in Deductibles/Retentions – U.S. Change in Deductibles/Retentions by Quarter – U.S. 100% 80% 62% 60% 40% 31% 20% 69% 61% 33% 25% 69% 25% 6% 6% 6% 8% 3rd Qtr 03 4th Qtr 03 1st Qtr 04 2nd Qtr 04 67% 16% 11% 0% Increased Decreased 3rd Qtr 04 Same A decreasing percentage reporting increases in deductible/retentions in 2004. ©Towers Perrin 21 Coverage Restrictions Eased ©Towers Perrin 22 Changes in Enhancements by Survey Year Increase 37% 1999 0% 62% Decrease 22% 2000 Same 78% 18% 2001 70% 8% 2002 17% 76% 5% 2003 12% 85% 2004 2% 13% 85% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Market softening on enhancements after trend of reductions. ©Towers Perrin 23 Changes in Exclusions by Survey Year Increase 1% 1999 14% Decrease 85% Same 1% 2000 92% 1% 2001 96% 21% 2002 3% 76% 17% 2003 2% 81% 4% 2004 10% 86% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Market softening on exclusions after trend of increases. ©Towers Perrin 24 Frequency and Claim Severity Increased ©Towers Perrin 25 Repeat Participants New section to survey 1,347 participants – “Repeat Participants” Caution against comparing claim statistics between surveys due to change in participants Repeat participant group increases credibility of comparisons between surveys Characteristics of repeat participants similar to 2004 total participants, but Larger Greater concentration on public/private ©Towers Perrin 26 Repeat Participants: Claim Frequency and Susceptibility Claim frequency and susceptibility over 10 year period Susceptibility Frequency 2003 Survey 2004 Survey % Change 18% 19% +6% .70 .78 +11% Both susceptibility and frequency increasing for repeat participants. ©Towers Perrin 27 Frequency/Susceptibility by Business Class Most Significant Increases in Susceptibility Most Significant Increases in Frequency Banking Banking Education Biotechnology & pharmaceuticals Real estate & construction Technology Transportation & communication Nonbanking financial services Real estate & construction Technology Banking and real estate & construction are the only business classes on this list and on the average premium increase list. ©Towers Perrin 28 Claimant Distribution by Ownership 100 90 Nonprofit 80 Private Public 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 pe t om C C us t om E er s /C m pl oy lie n ito rs ts s ee t er nm en G ov 3r d er O th S ha r eh o P ld e rs ar ty 0 Majority of nonprofit claims are from employees. Majority of for profit claims are from shareholders. ©Towers Perrin 29 Repeat Participants: Average Closed Claim Payment — Indemnity Only Payments to Claimants by Type of Claimant (excluding closed no pay) 2003 Survey 2004 Survey % Change Employees/Unions/ Physicians $220,491 $525,117 +138% Competitors/Suppliers/ Contractors 1,154,000 1,440,000 +25% 771,702 N/A N/A Governmental/Other 12,877,500 6,503,333 -49% Shareholder/Investors 10,668,600 11,936,944 +12% Claimant Class Customers/Clients/Students Increases in 4 out of 5 claimant classes. ©Towers Perrin 30 Repeat Participants: Average Closed Claim Payment — Defense Cost Only Payments to Claimants by Type of Claimant (excluding closed no pay) 2003 Survey 2004 Survey % Change Employees/Unions/ Physicians $129,814 $106,565 -18% Competitors/Suppliers/ Contractors 214,333 225,723 +5% Customers/Clients/Students 445,354 1,377,538 +209% Governmental/Other 1,306,220 2,375,774 +82% Shareholder/Investors 1,732,708 1,727,366 0% Claimant Class Increases in 3 out of 5 claimant classes. ©Towers Perrin 31 Percentage of Open Claims Claim Disposition by Survey Year Still Open Awaiting Trial Tried but Being Appealed 2003 Survey 2004 Survey % Change 36% 54% 18pts 1% 2% 1pt Percentage of claims open increased from 37% to 56% an increase of almost 20 percentage points. ©Towers Perrin 32 Where is the D&O Marketplace Headed? ©Towers Perrin 33 Where Is the D&O Marketplace Headed? Continued upward pressure on frequency and severity of loss Potential for reserve strengthening on prior years Continued rate decreases, but of a smaller magnitude Continued pockets of rate increases Leveling capacity Improving coverage terms ©Towers Perrin 34 Continued Upward Pressure on Frequency and Severity of Loss Especially on publicly traded institutions Public attitudes towards corporate governance haven’t changed. Headlines continue Merck Choicepoint GlaxoSmithKline Marsh ©Towers Perrin 35 Potential for Reserve Strengthening on Prior Years Increase in percentage of open claims Still a number of potential mega claims to be settled Tyco Global Crossing Greatest potential for strengthening may be in the reinsurance community ©Towers Perrin 36 Continued Rate Decreases …..but of a smaller magnitude Low single digits Private and nonprofits Most likely in excess layers for public traded companies ©Towers Perrin 37 Continued Pockets of Rate Increases For some business classes Particularly business classes with increasing frequency Banking Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals Nonbanking financial services Real estate and construction Technology Some saw increases in 2004….could be safe in 2005 ©Towers Perrin 38 Leveling Capacity No flood of new players as in prior years Reinsurers may be cutting back capacity to insurers ©Towers Perrin 39 Improving Coverage Terms Way for insurers to compete Expect Flat or slightly increasing limits Flat retentions/deductibles More increases in enhancements More reductions in exclusions ©Towers Perrin 40 Questions? ©Towers Perrin 41