Florida Atlantic University Student Government Boca Raton House of Representatives 3

Florida Atlantic University
Student Government
Boca Raton House of Representatives
3rd Legislative Session
12th June, 2009
Call to Order at 3:33PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
**Cass has resigned and is no longer a Representative
*Motion to approve 5th June, 2009 Minutes by Ejene; seconded by Patterson
*Motion to insert 2009 after 12th June for Agenda by Forbes; seconded by Owens
*Motion to approve 12th June, 2009 Agenda by Forbes; seconded by Owens
*Motion to amend House or Representatives to “of representatives” by Nicholson; seconded by E. Pollack.
*Make the House aware that the minutes need changed to Mena, Weimar, and A. Pollock by Governor Sherman
Open Forum : N/A
Presidents Report: N/A
Vice-Presidents Report: N/A
Governors Report
-Sherman: I have been conducting interviews and getting settled in. I need some help in the governor’s cabinet in cleaning. I
went through several interviews and found that Marcus Washington is the best for Marketing Director.
Governor’s Appointment
-Marcus Washington: I wanted to do this position because of school spirit and….
*Motion to approve Marcus Washington as Director by Ejene; seconded by Haye.
(14 Y, 0 No Marcus is now the Director)
Chief Justices Report: N/A
*Motion to go back to open forum by Forbes; seconded by E. Pollack
-Dr Brown: Good Afternoon. I just want to share a new policy with you involving a transportation policy. It involves
skateboards, bicycles, rollerblades, etc. If you read through the policy, it explains what items are allowed under covered
areas. The police will be writing tickets and enforcing this new policy.
*Motion to extend speakers time by 5 minutes by Forbes; seconded by Nicholson
-Forbes: Were the little signs ineffective?
-Dr. Brown: Yes, we will be putting larger signs.
-Haye: The limitations, does that include sidewalks?
-Dr. Brown: This policy covers the covered sidewalks. The breezeway is a major one.
-Keintz: Director of Student Union wanting to cover the bill that is currently in this body. The basis of the bill is to streamline
some of the accounting processes in the Student Union. If the student group uses the meeting room and need equipments
there are charges for the units. A lot of times people are short notice on extra equipment and there is additional billing.
Sometimes groups don’t realize about the additional fees. After this happens, we end up with charges and we try to pursue
them but…
*Motion to extend speakers time by 3 minutes by Forbes; seconded by Haye
…there is a lot of money in Student Government to cover it. The bill is stating that on an annual basis that student
government sets aside $20,000 to cover those equipment needs.
-Ejene: For the groups can you bill them first before they get the equipment?
-Keintz: We can try, but there are always those extras and when you put it across the groups they add up.
-Ejene: For the past year did it exceed $20,000?
-Keintz: The bill in total has been $25,000-$30,000.
*Motion to return to Program Reports by Scalice; seconded by Nicholson
Program Reports: N/A
Student Government Advisor’s Report:
-Felsher: I am handing out a required form. What this is, is a consent form that states that you understand your laws and
that this form waives certain rights (FERPA). This form is saying that because you are elected officials and represent a public
body, that you are willing to waive your rights that pertain only to Student Government. It’s mandatory if you want to be in
Student Government. Again this is only for Student Government.
-E. Pollack: Why are we waiving our Education rights?
-Felsher: It is only related to Student Government.
House Forum: N/A
Chair Reports:
Committee on Committee:
-E. Pollack: The committee met today at 3:00PM. All chairs were in attendance and gave their respective reports. The Rules
and Policies and Ways and Means committees discussed BRHR-09-08 in their committees. Both committees thought the
resolution was good, however grammatical adjustments need to be made. I made an announcement regarding reminding
chairs to speak to members after the meeting to let them know committee meetings are mandatory. Meeting adjourned at
Rules and Policies:
-Bastidas: The Rules and Policies Committee met today at 1:00PM. We discussed BRHR-09-08 “Student Safety Comes First”.
The Committee recommends the bill with some minor grammatical and citation changes. The meeting was adjourned at
Ways and Means:
-Owens: The Ways and Means Committee convened today at 2:03PM, June 12 th, 2009. We discussed BRHR-09-08. “Student
Safety Comes First”. Our consensus was that this is a good bill, requiring only minor grammatical corrections and citation
additions, and we recommend to the house that it be passed after we make aforementioned amendments. The meeting
was then adjourned at 2:13PM.
Campus Actions:
-Ejene: No Report
Time Capsule:
-Shackelford: No Report
Vetoed Business: N/A
Tabled Business: N/A
Old Business: BRHR-09-08 “Student Safety Comes First”
*Motion to amend in second Where-As Clause from “sign” to “signs”. In the fourth Where-as clause to change “is” to “are”.
In the sixth and seventh Where-As clause to un-capitalize “Pedestrian”. In the first Therefore Be It Resolved change to 2
yield signs and change to 2 stop signs. In the last Where-As clause “student government supports” to “support” by Bastidas;
seconded by Forbes.
*Motion to remove Sherman as sponsor by Owens; seconded by Nicholson
*Motion to add my name as sponsor by Forbes (more members added to sponsors); seconded by Pollack.
*Motion to approve BRHR-09-08 by Owens; seconded by Haye.
(15 Y, 0 no BRHR-09-08 has passed)
New Business: BRHB-09-10 “Consolidated Equipment Funding”
*Motion to make a friendly amendment by Haye (more members added as to sponsors); seconded by Nicholson.
*Motion to read the bill for the assembly by E. Pollack; seconded by Owens.
*POI by Owens: Do we know how much money is left in the house?
-A Pollack: $30,000
*Motion to amend bill to have and; after every Where-As clause by E. Pollack; seconded by Haye
*POI by Ejene: Do we know that they could recover the debts?
(Directed to Mena): It is all the same pot of money. It is good to teach responsibility but ultimately I think it is something to
look into.
*Motion to add a period instead of a comma in fourth Where-As clause by Massetti; seconded by Nicholson
*Move to approve BRHR-09-10 as amended by E. Pollack; seconded by Bastidas
*Owens POI: It was around for 2 years, why was it brought to us now?
-Dr. Brown: We discussed this and it wasn’t done and I assumed that it has taken place. I noticed that it was not there and
when Dr. King and I were discussing, we noticed that there was money owed.
(15 Y, 0 No, BRHR-09-10 has passed)
Special Order Speeches: N/A
Open Forum: N/A
Legislative Report
-A. Pollock: I have in front of me a sign-up sheet for tabling. I ask that each representative sign up for one date. The tabling
is to allow students to know how to get involved while giving away small items such as highlighters.
-Felsher: This is for orientation for summer right?
-A. Pollock: Yes.
Speaker’s Appointments:
*Motion to appoint Scalice as Parliamentarian by Nicholson; seconded by Haye
*Motion to appoint Shackelford for Secretary by Owens; seconded by Haye
*Motion to appoint Forbes for Rules and Policies by Ejene; seconded by Owens
*Motion to appoint Owens as Ways and means by Owens; seconded by Nicholson
* Campus Action is open for another week since no one applied.
Next Regular House Meeting: 19th June, 2009 – Senate Chambers
Final Roll Call
*Motion to adjourn by Haye; seconded by Estevez
Adjourned at 4:28PM