Florida Atlantic University Student Government Boca Raton House of Representatives 3

Florida Atlantic University
Student Government
Boca Raton House of Representatives
3rd Legislative Session
26th June, 2009
Call to Order at 3:39PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
*Motion to approve 19th June, 2009 Minutes by Forbes; seconded by Hudson
*Motion to approve 26th June, 2009 Agenda by Owens; seconded by Khonat
Open Forum
-Sherman: Yesterday we had Program Board interviews, but there were a few concerns from a conflict of interest.
-Owens: Any suggestions about modifying the process?
-Sherman: They are in the new statutes.
-Owens: Do you feel the process was legitimate?
-Sherman: Not really, we had to step out of the office.
(End questions)
-Plesa: I am proposing a bill to allow the drivers of Night Owls to work 20 hours a week. The reason is we only have 3 drivers. We have been
running very smoothly and there is no reason to allow….
-Owens: Why do you think allowing extra hours is better than the driver?
-Plesa: The employees look forward to their hours and they have been handling the load very well.
-Owens: Would you be willing to speak in my committee?
-Plesa: Sure thing.
-A. Pollock: On the average night how many calls do you get?
-Plesa: 3-11 calls and I have not received any complaints.
-Pollack: Will Night Owls be running during summer B and fall?
-Presa: I presume we will, I will ask Rivka.
(End questions)
-Washington: Our main objective is currently trying to save you guys some money; Looking into discounts to save you money and still working on
the app for I-phone and Blackberry applications.
-Mena: Good Afternoon. I was going to wait to get into the Advisors Report, but I wish to clarify a message. In the process of interviewing, one of
the candidates had a prior relationship with the governor. To ensure fairness, it was best for the advisor to advise her not to be part of the
decisions. The House is to confirm the appointments.
-Owens: I was told Speaker Pollock was removed from the room and in our statutes it says that he would take the role, why is that?
-Mena: The policies supersede your statutes.
-Pollack: I do agree there is a conflict of interest, but why weren’t the speaker and governor not allowed to question the candidate?
-Mena: The governor and I had a conversation; I did not speak to the speaker about the situation. He has a vote today to say yes or no to the
*Motion to extend question time by 3 minutes by Pollack; seconded by Owens.
-Pollack: This is a Boca Campus, not university wide. Why is it that someone who is university wide is allowed to choose.
-Mena: There is a chain of command and they were next in the chain.
-A. Pollock: What was the conflict of interest with the speaker of the House?
-Mena: If we had a discussion I would have told you that there was no conflict of interest.
-A. Pollock: Our 700 Statutes talk about the appointments and with the precedents, were you aware at the time?
-Mena: I was aware.
*Motion to extend question time by 3 minutes by Forbes; seconded by Khonat.
-Pollock: In the absence of the governor, who precedes the governor?
-Mena: If there is an absence of the governor, the speaker would become governor if he/she was unable to do her duty.
(End questions)
-Guillauma:I come representing BSUMP, to where BSUMP would be two separate entities. We just got our new statutes and were unable to perform.
Seeing we have new statutes, we should be allowed to work under our statutes.
-Jean-Marie: Do you feel BSU should be separate or under MP?
-Guillauma: The reason behind it becoming a program was to outreach.
(End questions)
-Germain: Coming as a member of BSUMP, I am here to voice my opinion against this transaction. I believe that if were given an opportunity to
function as an agency, we would be able to prove as an agency. Also, the means by which the bill is brought up, I feel the members of the E-board
didn’t have enough time.
-Khonat: Why were you not allowed enough time?
-Germain: We were not informed of the recent decision of the agency.
-Khonat: There was no official word of this issue?
-Germain: Yes, it was by word of mouth.
*Motion to extend questioning time by 3minutes by Capata; seconded by Ejene
-A Pollock: You guys are allowed to attend meetings, so you can suggest changes to the 700’s and other legislations.
-Jean-Marie: Can you clarify this issue with the MP needs?
-Germain: BSUMP started off as BSU. It became in 2007 a MP program. If BSU would be separated, BSU would have to start off from scratch.
*Motion to extend time by 3minutes by Jean-Marie; seconded by Capata
*Motion to recognize Washington; seconded by Ejene.
-Washington: Could you explain the Chabot dinner?
-Germain: BSU catered to the event. We also do women’s month and so forth.
(End questions)
-Charles: I have gone to both sides, and both sides aren’t wrong but lack communication. Even if it is large or small, communication is key and that
is where it went wrong. I have come to a consideration and an opinion to let the Student Body understand the issue at hand. I plead that you give
BSUMP another chance with the agency title….
*Motion to extend speakers time by 2 minutes by Jean-Marie; seconded by Owens
-Charles: …Please don’t deny us an opportunity.
-Dr. Williams: I am the advisor of BSUMP. I came to share general information. In 1970, a club was established as BSU. It’s purpose was to foster
a unity of blacks in a positive community. Its membership was open to all members…. (Continues to explain)…
*Motion to extend speakers time by 3 minutes by Jean-Marie; seconded by Khonat.
*Motion to extend speakers time by 3 minutes by Jean-Marie; seconded by Owens.
-Dr. Williams: …I have on my occasions informed our directors and spoken with the E-board and said you cannot function like a club. You have to
be all encompassing to reach out to black students. No students stepped to the plate for Vice-President or President and money from COSO would
have been allowed. The club does not have to start over; it just will be re-activated as a club. The SGA approved university training and the
students are given the opportunity to talk about diversity with inclusion and exclusion. I have provided a list of evaluations done by students…
*Motion to extend speakers time by 3 minutes by Capata; seconded by Khonat.
-Jean-Marie: Are you just saying that the two should be combined rather than degrade to the club?
-Dr. Williams: No, students have been misinformed at what BSU club. There has not been a Black Student Union since 2002, since it has been hired
as an agency. They could not be a program and club…
*Motion to extend time by 3 minutes by Jean-Marie; seconded by Khonat.
-Dr. Williams:… Nothing is being taken away, and they have been misguided and misinformed.
-Pollack: For those who complained about the names, who were the students who complained?
-Dr. Williams: We work with 43 clubs/organizations who have concerns about going to BSUMP and having people to decide…(ALAS for example)…
what they…
*Motion to extend time by 3 minutes by Jean-Marie; seconded by Khonat (objection by Ejene; extend speakers time by 5 minutes, seconded by
-Pollack: I find it hard to imagine that someone would turn and kick them back.
-Khonat: What I am getting is there is a problem with the name and you suggest that it be a club on its own?
-Dr. Williams: That is correct.
*Motion to extend time by 10 minutes by Jean-Marie; seconded by Khonat (objection by Shackelford; reduce time by 5minutes; seconded by
-Germain: Why is it such a deal for BSU to hold meetings?
-Dr Williams: BSUMP has been misrepresenting its status on campus. There is no membership and when you continue to misrepresent your
-Jean-Marie: Are you imposing that BSU revise our statutes so they can’t misrepresent?
-Dr. Williams: There is no BSU. There is a Student Government program that hires people for multi-cultural purposes. Your name will be a broad
name called Multi-cultural Programs.
-A. Pollock: Are we just dropping BSU, and creating a BSU club?
-Dr. Williams: We would drop the BSU part and create the club, if the students create the club.
*Motion to extend speakers time by 5 minutes by Jean-Marie; seconded by Shackelford.
-Move to recognize Charles by Ejene; seconded by Jean-Marie
-Charles: You can’t deny the fact that they worked hard to gain the name and have done the best out of everybody on campus to represent every
multicultural. Why would you deny the title because they didn’t know?
-Dr. Williams: I am not denying anything. When BSUMP was placed as a program in 2002, they were a club that got funding as a program and 5
years later the constitution was re-written, a club cannot function as a program. Everyone here believes that BSU was a club and it is not. These
statues make it similar to a program like Night Owls and have a job description and support staff. It is not a club.
*Motion to admit all members by Scalice; seconded by Ejene.
*Motion to extend speakers time by 2 minutes by Jean-Marie; seconded by Khonat.
*Motion to extend speakers time by 3 minutes by Jean-Mare; seonded by Khonat
*Motion to recess by 5 minutes by Shackelford; seconded by Capata. (5:03PM)
*Returned in session at 5:06PM
*Motion to extend questioning time by 5 minutes by Capata; seconded by Khonat.
(End questions)
-Maher: I am here to represent an un-bias opinion. I am not a part of anything but Night Owls. During my orientation I take students on tours and
they see BSU and ask where the “White Student Union” is and where the “Hispanic Student Union” is. I would like to go to a school that is unsegregated and the name implies that it is not open to many students.
Presidents Report
-Weimar: 3 main points. We have the privilege to speak for you at the Florida Student Association. Bright futures, textbook affordability and other
subjects will be discussed. We have a shuttle system that will be implemented on the Boca Raton campus and a big part of it is marketing. The
shuttle will provide jobs. I will make a presentation to explain the tuition and fees.
*POP by Capata.
Vice Presidents Report
-O’Reily: We went over the 300’s and finished our feedback on that. The Project Vision Committee is where we discussed our strategic planning and
they were interested in doing one for Student Government. The Marketing Director was hired and was thinking of a committee called S.P.E.C. If you
have any feedback, please let Marcus Washington or myself know.
Vice Presidents Appointment
-Emmanuel: I worked on Program Board before as the Commuter Chair and like O’Reily said I see what it takes to take Programs Board to another
*Motion to admit all members by Shackelford; seconded by Pollock.
*Motion to send appointment to Rules and Policies and Ways and Means by Forbes; seconded by Owens (objected by Ejene; should be approved
(9 Y, 4 N appointment sent to committees)
Governors Report
-Sherman: I had a meeting with Chris Lynch about the move-in day and told him that you would help out by serving drinks and cookies at the
event. I will send out an e-mail and for you to choose to sign up for a time. This is a way for everyone to get involved and that you want to meet
the freshmen. This is on August 20th, 2009.
-Ejene: Besides Emmanuel and Sai Lo, were there any other candidates?
-Sherman: There was, but they decided last minute not to do it.
(End questions)
Governors Appointments
-SAVI Director: Mariana Ortigosa
-Ortigosa: I was the SAVI Director last year. I plan on doing most of the same events as last year. I would like to promote SAVI to more FAU
students. I will do my best if elected.
-Forbes: How active are you on other campuses?
-Ortigosa: As far as SAVI in Jupiter and other campuses, we like to work with local non-profits. This year was a tough transitioning year and I have
gotten to know people and I believe it will be a better year.
(End questions)
-Governor’s Administrative Assistant: Bobby Peterson (Volunteer Position)
-Peterson: Hello. I am going to my second year at FAU. I want to get involved further in SG. I was in the House of Representatives for two
semesters and wish to get the name of Student Government out to the students.
*Motion to approve Ortigosa as SAVI director by Ejene; seconded by Forbes
(Ortigosa is now SAVI Director)
*Motion to approve Peterson as Governor’s Administrative Assistant by Forbes; seconded by Owens.
(Peterson is now Governor’s Administrative Assistant)
Chief Justices Report – N/A
Program Reports – N/A
Student Government Advisors Report
-Mena: I will be taking on some of the roles of the advisor for the month of July. Beginning on Monday I will be spending 2/5 business days helping
SG out. I want to share a thank you from Dr. Brown for providing feedback from the breezeway policy.
-Ejene: Could you give out your e-mail and phone number.
-Mena: TMena@fau.deu, Blackberry number: 561.699.7844. My guideline is that if you need to call me, call me before 9PM unless it is an extreme
-Ejene: Are you opposed to text messages?
-Mena: I love them.
Chair Reports
Committee on Committee
Rules and Policies
*Motion to admit all members by Shackelford; seconded by Capata.
-Forbes: The Rules and Policies Committee convened today in the workroom at 1:36PM and discussed the 700 statutes. Speaker Pollock and
Governor Sherman were guests and Speaker Pollock gave his recommendations for the statutes to be amended and Governor Sherman also gave
her recommendations and clarifications on questions that the committee had. Those recommendations will be reflected by the committee
throughout the approval process of the 700’s. We adjourned at 1:58PM.
Ways and Means
-Owens: The Ways and Means Committee convened today, June 29th, 2009 at 2:03PM. Speaker Pollock and Governor Sherman joined us a s guests
and we discussed briefly BRGB-09-11, the bill regarding the 700 statues. Uniformity of wording centering on the work hours of positions was the
main focus of our discussion. It is the committee’s recommendation that the House make what amendments it can today, and then finalize work on
the 700 statutes through a special meeting next week. We then adjourned at 2:11PM. Furthermore, I have decided to appoint Guilherme Massetti
as vice-chair of the Ways and Means Committee.
Campus Actions
Time Capsule:
-Shackelford: I have spoken with our contractor, Henry Kraft, assigned to the Time Capsule Project and we are on the right track. We discussed
placement of the items and the structure itself. If anyone is interested in helping out the project please contact me at jshacke2@fau.edu. I am still
taking items for the capsule, don’t hesitate to put items in! Just fill out the form in front of the box.
In-House Election
-Barbara Alcena: My major is Political Science. My passion is in politics and I have been trained in the field of public speaking. About a year ago, I
experienced a 3 day stay at Heritage Towers and fell in love with FAU. I am ready for any upcoming challenges.
-A. Pollock: Are you interested in the Pre-Law Society?
-Alcena: Yes
(End Questions)
-Nona Smatrakaleva: This is my third year at FAU and I am a Psychology major. I have a passion for politics and have volunteered during the
Democratic elections. I want to help the students.
-Bastidas: You volunteered or the Democratic party in the 2008 elections?
-Smatrakaleva: No, in 2006.
-Capata: Where are you from?
-Smatrakaleva: Bulgaria.
(End Questions)
-Jared C. Young: I am a senior here and I am a member of a wolf pack… Thought it was necessary for the long meeting. I can make your meetings
more interesting.
-A. Pollock: Any Ideas for campus?
-Young: A book exchange program.
*Motion to admit all members by Capata; seconded by Forbes.
(End Questions)
House Forum
-Bastidas: I wanted to say during open forum I have to say I did share some of the view points of Representative Pollack. It is discouraging to see
what is happening to BSUMP. It seems to me that we were not aware of this change and there is a lot of misinformation on the viewpoint.
Whenever any kind of policy change happens we need to be informed. I realize I may have not done enough to hear opinions. I went to BSU
meetings an asked to be on MP. They never told me what to do and I ask all of you to begin to ask questions and get informed.
-Pollack: I am going to speak on behalf of the Statutes. I feel that it is a slap in the face to take out BSU out of BSUMP. If you get rid of it and turn
BSU into a club, you are putting it down to the same playing field as others that haven’t worked as hard. BSU should remain there and you can
arrange any way you wish.
Vetoed Business – N/A
Tabled Business – N/A
Old Business – We Need Statutes (BRHB-09-11)
(Only accepting amendments and changes)
*Motion to on 702.121a strike “and job description of the appointee” by Forbes; seconded by Capata
*Motion to on 702.121b “be present and” after shall by Forbes; seconded by Jean-Marie
*Motion to on 702.122g strike out “will” and replace with “shall” by Forbes; seconded by Capata
*Motion to on 702.125f take that clause and insert it under Marketing. (702.124g) by Forbes; seconded by Shackelford
*Motion to on 702.21b strike “then” by Forbes; seconded by Owens
*Motion to on 702.212j strike that out and go to 707.212a and insert “parliamentarian and secretary” by Forbes; seconded by Pollack.
*Motion to on 702.212b I strike whole thing by Forbes; seconded by Owens
*Motion to on 702.212i switch “only and vote” by Forbes; seconded by Capata (objection by Pollock; should be further looked into)
(10 Y, 3 N motion passes)
*Bastidas POP
*Motion to on 702.221b “s” off of semesters and take out “then” from the last part by Forbes; seconded by Khonat.
*Motion to on 703.222c underneath wanted to add a second clause “in the event of 2 or less members the election will take place that meeting” by
Forbes; seconded by Jean-Marie
*Motion to on 702.252b IV cross out “after the first four weeks”, capitalize “a” by Forbes; seconded by Khonat.
*Motion to on 702.350 strike out “gallery shall be…” by Forbes; seconded by Capata
*Motion to on 702.520 strike out by Forbes; seconded by Capata
*Motion to on 703.110 cross out 72, insert 48 by Forbes; seconded by Khonat
*Motion to on 703.220 cross out “may” insert “will” by Forbes; seconded by Jean-Marie
*Motion to on 703.230 cross out “floor of the” by Forbes; seconded by Capata
*Motion to on 703.310 change 15 to 30 by Forbes; seconded by Khonat
*Motion to on 703.421 change 15 to 30 by Forbes; seconded by Khonat
*Motion to on 703.423 change 15 to 30 by Forbes; seconded by Khonat
*Motion to on 703.660 cross out “24hrs prior to house meeting” by Forbes; seconded by Khonat
*Motion to on 703.670 cross out whole thing by Forbes; seconded by Capata
*Motion to on 703.823c strike out whole thing by Forbes; seconded by Forbes
*Motion to on 703.842c strike “members” insert “chair” by Forbes; seconded by Khonat
*Motion to on 702.253c change governor to 2/3 president ¾ by Pollack; seconded by Khonat
*Motion to on 703.660 by Pollack seconded by Capata
*Motion to on 703.690 strike out by Pollack; seconded by Forbes
*Motion to on 703.470 change “is” to “are” by Owens; seconded by Shackelford
*Motion to on 702.212i strike completely by Scalice; seconded by Shackelford
New Business – Night Owls Payment Proposal (BRHR-09-12)
*Motion to send bill to Rules and Policies and Ways and Means by Owens; seconded by Forbes
*13 Y, 0 N Alcena becomes a representative
*3 Y, 10 N Holbrooke is not a representative
*0 Y, 13 N Bavec is not a representative
*0 Y, 13 N Casellas is not a representative
*0 Y, 13 N McDonald is not a representative
*0 Y, 13 N Rodriguez is not a representative
*13 Y, 0 N Smatrakaleva becomes a representative
*13 Y, 0 N Young becomes a representative
Oath of Office
Special Order Speeches
-Scalice: For new representatives, we did a Parliamentary Workshop. If you have any questions about Roberts Rules or procedures please feel free
to contact me.
Open Forum
-Dr. Williams: I want to clear it in the House. I have here a copy of the statues of BSU and as they stand as a result of the 2007 constitutional
convention. In here it is clear that they serve as the umbrella organization for all black oriented and multicultural groups for etc. They have served
in this role from 2002-2007. The reason that the meetings were initiated to take off BSU off of BSUMP is because if you look at statutes, COSO was
revised and under COSO there is a multicultural umbrella to serve all clubs. That is why when the new constitution is written on pg. 17, it has the
COSO multicultural statutes there…
*Motion to extend speakers time by 2 minutes by Shackelford; seconded by Massetti
-Dr. Williams:…It has been said that BSU is an agency and only 1 of 3. I called the National Black Student Organization and he has no knowledge of
that whatsoever. I did not write the statutes, the only thing I did was meet with the governor and I have worked with three members of the House
who have written and agreed that COSO is the umbrella organization.
-Ejene: Suppose BSUMP was entirely dissolved, do you think it would be fair for the entire body to have it under COSO
-Dr. William: I think you should decide that and I should follow my role as assuring an administrative oversight…
*Motion to extend speakers time by 2 minutes by Jean-Marie; seconded by Owens.
…I feel the statutes right now serve the best for the group.
-Motion to recognize by Jean-Marie; seconded by Capata
-Roberts: If there was a petition, would it allow the name to stay?
Mena: The president could take an action to bring it to the Student Body.
-Ejene: Are you satisfied with how BSUMP is running?
*Motion to extend time by 2 minutes by Jean-Marie; seconded by Hyppolite.
-Dr. Williams: They were not turning in items on time and we help facilitate this process. We hired someone to do that and we got complaints from
the offices about BSUMP regarding contracts. It wasn’t me imposing rules; I just took the complaints and brought it up to them.
*Motion to extend questioning time by 2 minutes by Ejene; seconded by Khonat.
-A. Pollock: Do you agree personally with the split of BSU an MP.
-Dr. Williams: Yes, I do.
*Motion to admit all members by Scalice; seconded by Capata.
-Mena: Let me clarify a few things. We have a Hillel center on FAU that is an outside organization that rents space. We also have Christian based
groups that rent space here and provide a level of opportunity for engagement. They are not affiliated with the university and they only rent space.
BSUMP is the only group of its kind who has representation of BSU. We are at this stage because your statutes are going to be decided. The last
point I want to make is if you allow one group, are you going to make programs with the other 200 clubs.
-Ejene: Do you know why the Speaker of the House was excluded for the programs board?
-Mena: There was no intent to exclude him. The group today made a good decision to have committees review over the appointment.
Legislative Report
-A. Pollock: I would like to thank and congratulate you on sitting through a 3 ½ hour meeting and good job. I have been asked to talk about
positions for House officers. On the first of July she cannot enter any additional back pay. I would like to congratulate all the new members and you
will receive your committee assignments via e-mail. If you are not familiar with Roberts Rules, we will get you a book and help you out. As you may
know, the 700’s are going to take us a long time. Each line in all 32 pages has to be read in front of the House so all members may understand the
*Motion to admit all members by Capata; seconded by Khonat
*Motion for an informal discussion to determine a time and date for a special session of the week of June 29th by Shackelford; seconded by Forbes.
*Motion to have the special session on July 2nd at 2:00PM in the Senate Chambers by Forbes; seconded by Khonat.
(15 Y, 0 N session has passed)
*POI by Capata: Will this count as an absence?
-A. Pollock: Yes, it will count as points.
*Amend the agenda to reflect the next house meeting by A. Pollock
Next Regular House meeting: July 2, 2009 at 2:00PM – Senate Chambers.
Next Committee Meetings: July 10th, 2009 at designated times.
Final Roll Call
*Motion to adjourn by Capata; by Shackelford
*Adjourned at 7:22PM.