Democritus Aristotle Plato Archimedes

Which philosopher
anticipated a form of vaguely
evolutionary thinking?
Which two medieval ideas
discouraged evolutionary
Christian theology and spontaneous
 Christian theology and astrology
 Christian theology and the feudal
 Spontaneous generation and the feudal
The term "Lamarckism", derived
from the theory of Jean-Baptiste
Lamarck, is now used to describe
which idea?
 The Ladder of Progress
 Social Darwinism
 The human species alone did not result
from evolutionary processes
 The inheritance of acquired
Whose work inspired both Charles
Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace
to develop the idea of natural
 The British Royal Society
 Carolus Linnaeus
 Thomas Malthus
 Immanuel Kant
What did Mendelian
genetics reveal?
Inheritance of acquired characteristics
 Particulate inheritance
 Linear inheritance
 Blending inheritance
Why is Wallace less frequently
remembered than Charles Darwin in
discussions of evolutionary theory?
Wallace published his book after the The
Origin of Species
 Darwin developed his ideas further, and
Wallace retracted some of his ideas about the
evolution of humans
 Darwin really stole his idea from Wallace, but
no one wants to reveal that fact
 Wallace was a minority and social context of
the time marginalized him
Which two scientists coauthored the theory of
punctuated equilibrium?
Stephen Jay Gould and Richard
 Niles Eldredge and Richard Lewontin
 Niles Eldredge and John Maynard
 Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge