Presidential Task Force on Relational Violence Meeting Minutes Date: 3.22.16 Time: 9 a.m. Location: THR Community Room Caris Thetford, SAVP Meeting Participants Susan Barkley, Title IX Stephanie Robertson, Counseling Nathan Ellison, SAVP, student Abby Hawkins, SAVP, student Cindy McCarthy, THR / SANE Bobby Waddell, TSU, Housing Topic SANE Update Sexual Assault Diagnostic Inventory (SADI) Tarleton Rule 08.01 Syllabi Statements Laurie Gillespie, DA’s office Discussion Cindy McCarthy provided a brief update on the SANE program: 2 system SANE nurses have been hired to help provide coverage in Erath County. There are 6 SANE nurses, total, anywhere from in-training to fully-trained. THR has a goal of having 8 SANE certified nurses for Erath County. Caris provided background on completion of the SADI & the way the results are organized. The Task Force reviewed the results, broken into three components: Programming, Critical Processes, and Institutionalization. Discussion included: Programming: Some surprise about the emphasis from the results on peer education, as we don’t currently have a PE model. Discussed possibly infusing more training into TTM / RL education Questions about what is meant by “deliver sexual assault programs more frequently,” because too-frequent delivery can be as problematic as infrequent delivery. Critical Processes The group briefly discussed different approaches to tracking data as well as program assessments Institutionalization Discussion / concern about recommendation to change divisional mission / vision statements, which are intended to be brief and broad, esp when there is mention of health / wellness in the university SP and a specific wellness SP for campus. The Task Force agreed to use the SADI as a framework for developing our Strategic Plan. The SADI will not, however, be used exclusively – data & insights will be drawn from other sources and considerations outside of the SADI feedback will be included. Caris will develop the first draft of the SP. Susan Barkley explained to the group that the Tarleton Rule 08.01 has been submitted to system general counsel for review. The rule uses language that is consistent across all TAMU campuses at the direction of system counsel and follows ATIXA guidelines. The final version as approved by system counsel will be released to the campus soon. Draft syllabus statements were provided to the group for review and possible inclusion in SP and / or recommendations at conclusion of the TF. Communications Closing Considerations / Follow-Up There were no volunteers for the “communication” sub-committee. Caris suggested including the communication ideas into the SP and / or recommendations the TF will provide at its conclusion. No objections were raised. SADI results will be emailed to the Task Force Caris will connect with EverFi to answer questions that arose during discussion. Caris will begin a strategic plan draft. Sub-committee reviewing the student code of conduct needs to meet and be prepared to update the Task Force soon.