Presidential Task Force on Relational Violence Meeting Minutes

Presidential Task Force on Relational Violence
Meeting Minutes
Date: 2.2.16
Time: 9 a.m.
Location: TSU, Math 125
Caris Thetford, SAVP
Meeting Participants
Darren Keith, Title IX
Stephanie Robertson, Counseling
Matt Welch, Tarleton PD
Kathy Haynes, SISD
Cindy McCarthy, THR / SANE
Mike Haynes, TSU IR
Jodee Lucero, Cross Timbers FS
David Weissenburger, TSU COS
Marty Deckard, Military Sc.
Samantha Pehl, TSU & THR
Recap and Minutes
Caris briefly recapped the past two meetings
No concerns presented with minutes
Darren provided Title IX office updates:
 Susan Barkley is now serving as assistant Title IX coordinator.
 Susan, Ben Kunze, and Darren Keith attended advanced ATIIXA Title IX
training in Orlando, FL last week and now have the most training in their
respective Title IX roles in the TAMU system.
 There have been 6 Title IX cases so far this calendar year. 5 of those were
regarding assaults that occurred prior to the students coming to Tarleton. In
those cases, the Title IX office makes the students aware of and encourages
them to access resources.
Daphne Hunt in Web Services is willing to build a new prevention site. Caris will
submit priorities this week; send any thoughts on those priorities asap.
Dr. Michael Kimmel is visiting campus April 6; TF members are encouraged to
attend at least one of the two sessions (4pm Q&A – RSVP to Caris by end of
February; 7:30 presentation open to all)
Green Dot
Stephanie Robertson provided a brief background on Green Dot:
recommended by Angie Brown. The research was promising, so SR and
Leigh Baker (Counseling Center) pursued GD certification. Caris was trained
when she came on board in her current role.
Caris reviewed the training opportunities available through TAMU and asked
that the group let her know if they wish to attend the training for students
or the Institute at TAMU so she can coordinate.
There are also some people on campus who may attend the national Green
Dot Institute, which is a possibility for TF members as well.
The group discussed the possibility of pursuing a grant in support of Green
Dr. Pehl worked with THR, Tarleton, and Cross Timbers to submit a DOJ
grant request which would be used, in part, to fund GD training.
Dr. Pehl expressed a desire for the group to have a wishlist in place so when
a grant becomes available, action can be taken quickly.
The current grant asks for funding to train 50 people; Dr. Robertson and
Caris explained to the group that it’s ideal to pursue training through the
TAMU Institute as well as bringing GD to campus for training if we have
Sexual Assault Diagnostic
Inventory (SADI)
Policy Review
funds to do so, as GD training will be an ongoing process. TAMU brings GD
to their campus every two years to conduct training, and we may pursue a
similar model.
Caris asked if there were members willing to form a sub-committee to
consider grant opportunities. Dr. Robertson, Jodee Lucero, and Darren Keith
Caris provided background on the SADI:
We have a membership to the EverFi Coalition, which provides research,
resources, and other support to campuses in the areas of alcohol and sexual
assault prevention.
The SADI is a tool the coalition offers to evaluate violence-prevention
programming. Data is gathered, submitted to EverFi, and their research team
reviews it and prepares a report that tells us what we are doing well and what we
can improve.
EverFi will coordinate a conference call to review results with us.
The Counseling Center uses the alcohol-version of this tool through EverFi, and the
report has been instrumental in guiding outreach efforts.
There is no commitment to use the SADI exclusively, but it’s a tool that has already
been paid for and is available for use.
The committee agreed to use the SADI to review our programming efforts and
inform our strategic plan.
Caris and Darren agreed to work on gathering information for the SADI.
Discussed some background on reviewing the Student Code of Conduct and
Tarleton Policy
The current SCC is based on ATIXA best-practice, which recently withstood scrutiny
in federal court.
It is easier to amend the SCC than university policy because it doesn’t have to go
through the extensive review of university policy.
Tarleton’s policy regarding sexual misconduct (08.01) is currently under revision
and not ready for review for the TF, but will be forwarded to the group for input
Caris will seek volunteers to review the SCC as a sub-committee.
During intake of Title IX complaints Darren has begun asking complainants what
outcome they would prefer if the accused is found responsible. He carefully
explains that a variety of considerations can influence disciplinary action if the
accused is found responsible, but that it’s important to understand the
complainant’s wishes and take them into consideration when possible.
Inclusion of restorative justice in cases where the accused is found responsible was
Darren discussed this possibility with ATIXA attorneys at a training last week, and
they saw no concern with the university facilitating communication, as long as we
take care to protect the complainant.
Some of the suggestions from the discussion included:
 The communication would be written (from the complainant) and
delivered to the Title IX office, which would maintain possession of the
communication. The responsible student could only access the letter at the
Title IX office.
 Place a timeframe on how long the university is able to (attempt to)
facilitate communication. Might be 2-years (standard statute of limitations
in civil litigation) or for the duration that one or both are students.
 It’s important to be clear with the complainant that the responsible
student cannot be forced to read the communication.
Syllabi Statements
Closing Considerations
Needs to be written into SCC / policy
Consider including as part of a sanction for responsible students that, if a
letter is written, the responsible party must meet with the Title IX office
(but cannot be forced to read the letter)
 U of Amherst may have a restorative justice component to their process
that we could review.
Caris and Darren agreed to draft a sample letter and policy for the TF to consider.
Caris explained that she was asked by several faculty to provide a syllabus
statement last fall, and would like the TF to review and consider if TSU should have
an “official” version that can be promoted to faculty. Caris will forward or bring to
the next meeting.
The group briefly discussed moving forward with tentative plans to communicate
more publicly with our campus and community at large.
This stems from discussion in the last meeting about shifting our community
culture and educating our community about relational violence / sexual assault.
The group discussed trying to share information where the community goes for
news – sources like Erath County Breaking News, The Flash, etc.
The group also discussed using an emotional (versus fact and stat-laden)
communication to reach the target audience.
Caris suggested forming a committee to draft sample submissions to these forms,
as well as to consider other ways we might connect with the community; will ask
for volunteers through email.
Darren suggested the TF might occasionally publish some basic statistics and
information for our campus community as well.
Caris will submit a report to Dr. Dottavio within the next couple of weeks regarding
Task Force actions and plans.
Caris will update the group about sub-committee options by email and ask for
additional volunteers.