Culminating Performance Task Overview:

Culminating Performance Task
The culminating task for the grade 10 AP course will require students to select a literary work
from a list provided, then complete an independent reading and in-depth analysis of the
language and style of the selected text. Additionally, students will make connections between
the meaning of their text and society of past and present.
All of the texts on this list were selected based on texts that appear on the AP College Board
Exam. Students will therefore benefit from reading texts that reflect the language, style and
themes from a variety authors of varying time periods.
Students will select a book from the list provided well in advance of the culminating
assessment days.
Students are expected to annotate their text as they are reading making notes on key
elements such as literary devices, character, theme, conflict, mood and tone (similar to
the summer reading task charts – use these as a guide)
Students will be provided with 2 days in class to complete the written component and 2
days to complete the presentation. Students must be present on the CPT dates and
must use their time effectively to complete the assigned tasks.
Part A: Written Component – Language, Style and Meaning
Your first task is to select a key passage (section) from your selected text. This should be lengthy
enough to complete a written analysis. (1 – 5 pages) *NOTE: You will need to provide a copy of
this passage and submit with your final product*
Based on this passage you will write a well-organized series of paragraphs (3 – 5 max – including
introduction and conclusion) which analyzes how the author’s use of diction in this passage
contributes to the meaning of the text as a whole. (how the author’s choice of words
establishes the tone and how this contributes to overall theme or meaning of novel).
Your paragraph(s) should include 2-3 quotations from the selected section of the text and
written following proper point-proof-analysis format. You will have one period to plan and one
to write your final product (computer lab).
Dates: Thursday, June 9th, 2016 and Friday, June 10th, 2016.
Part B: Presentation – Making Connections
Next, you will prepare a 5-7 minute multimedia seminar to the class which will educate them on
how the author’s diction is a reflection of the social, historical, cultural, political and/or
geographical setting of the text. You may focus solely on the text but to enhance your analysis
you may complete additional research into the historical and social conditions related to the
You will then make connections between the text and current societal issues and/ or other
texts we have read this semester. The point is to be able to make connections between the
text, yourself, the world around you and other pieces of literature you have experienced.
Your seminar should be focused, informative, creative and engaging.
Dates: Planning – June 13th – 14th 2016; Presentations – June 15th – 16th, 2016
Culminating Performance Task
Written Task Planning Sheet
Task: Write a well-structured analytical paragraph. You must have a clear topic
sentence (thesis), 3 supporting points, direct evidence from the text and an insightful
analysis based on the topic below.
Topic: Choose a key passage from your selected literary work and analyze how the
author’s use of diction contributes to the meaning of the text as a whole.
Topic Sentence: __________________________________________________________
Supporting point #1: ______________________________________________________
Proof: __________________________________________________________________
Analysis: ________________________________________________________________
Supporting point #2: ______________________________________________________
Proof: __________________________________________________________________
Analysis: ________________________________________________________________
Supporting point #3: ______________________________________________________
Proof: __________________________________________________________________
Analysis: ________________________________________________________________
Concluding sentence: _____________________________________________________
Culminating Performance Task
Presentation Planning Sheet
Use the notes you made as you were reading your text on diction, tone, mood and
atmosphere, character, conflict and theme to help you plan and prepare for your
presentation on the assigned dates.
Complete the following handouts to help you plan your presentation. Please note that
this is a guide to help you plan and organize your information, but you may be creative
in the format and execution of your presentation.
1. Selected Multimedia Format (ex. Prezi; Powerpoint; Smart board; video; other?)
2. Context / Audience (ex. book talk; seminar; interview; lecture; program; review)
3. Elements of diction to be examined:
a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________________________
4. Setting(s)
Social / Cultural: ________________________________________________________
Historical: ____________________________________________________________
Political: ______________________________________________________________
Geographical: _________________________________________________________
5. Text to world connections:
Text to text connections:
Culminating Performance Task
a. Introduction to text (brief) and statement of intent (see topic)
b.Diction – Device #1: ____________________________________________________
Setting (social, historical etc.) _____________________________________________
Example (quote) _______________________________________________________
Meaning to text as a whole: ______________________________________________
Text to society or text to text connection: (NOTE: This may be done at the end)
Diction – Device #2: ____________________________________________________
Setting (social, historical etc.) _____________________________________________
Example (quote) _______________________________________________________
Meaning to text as a whole: ______________________________________________
Text to society or text to text connection: (NOTE: This may be done at the end)
Diction – Device #3: ____________________________________________________
Setting (social, historical etc.) _____________________________________________
Example (quote) _______________________________________________________
Meaning to text as a whole: ______________________________________________
Text to society or text to text connection: (NOTE: This may be done at the end)
c. Conclusion (Wrap up, questions, activity): ___________________________________