(Sample of Camp or Program written Procedures) Please put Name of

Tarleton State University
(Sample of Camp or Program
written Procedures)
Please put Name of
Camp/Event 2015 PROGRAM
Procedures and Guidelines
Program Overview (Revise as needed)
The purpose of the
This information must be completed listing the applicable individuals for these
areas of responsibility.
Program Staff
The following positions will be considered program staff and will adhere to and
abide by the rules, procedures and guidelines as outlined in this manual.
________________________- Serves as the overall director for the program. All
administrative procedures and paperwork in accordance with the Texas A&M
System (TAMUS) will be distributed and collected by the program director in
accordance with the following program protocol.
Designee - _________________________________________________________
Lead Program Coordinator (PC) _______________________________
The lead program coordinator will be employed by
. The (PC)
will be in charge of registration, securing and distributing medications and
securing all confidential information in a designated notebook on site.
Other Program/Camp Employees/Volunteers (See Attached Roster)
Other Program/Camp Employees/Volunteers faculty/staff/volunteers of
that will function as needed for registration, lunch duty,
counselor guides, teachers, communications, schedule coordination and other
miscellaneous duties as assigned. Employee roster (name, employer name,
mentoring location, email address, phone number) shall be provided to Tarleton’s
Department of Risk Management and Compliance 45 days prior to the start date of
the program. Any other volunteers or workers assisting with the program must be
listed with a brief list of responsibilities.
Program Authorization (Revise as needed)
The program will be reviewed by RMC to determine whether all requirements of
Tarleton’s SAP 24.01.06.T0.01 has been met. RMC will notify the Camp Program
Director, Athletic Director, etc. in the event employees or volunteers are deemed
ineligible to work within 48 hours of the program start date.
Program Staff Duties Prior to Program
Any persons wishing to be program staff must complete the following mandatory
assignments and trainings in order to serve as staff at an applicable program or
camp for minors.
 A background check
 Child Protection Training Course
Background Check
As stated by TAMUS, all program staff will be subjected to and must complete an
annual background check. The background check will include criminal
convictions and sexual offenses. Tarleton State University’s Employee Services
will review all background checks and approve/disapprove potential staff through
coordination with
. These records will remain on
file for 2 years.
The following criminal convictions/deferred adjudications automatically
disqualify an individual from being a program staff member:
 Felony or misdemeanor under Texas Penal Code §15.031 Criminal
Solicitation of a Minor
 Title 5, Chapter 22 Assaultive Offenses
 Title 6, Chapter 25 Offenses Against the Family
 Title 7, Chapter 29 Robbery
 Title 8 § 38.17 Failure to stop or Report Aggravated Sexual Assault of a
 Title 9 § 42.072 Stalking
 Chapter 43 Public Indecency
 Felony or misdemeanor under the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter
481 Texas Controlled Substances Act
 Similar offenses under the law of another state or federal law
The following criminal conviction/deferred adjudications may disqualify a person
from being a program staff member:
 Misdemeanor or felony committed within the past ten years under Texas
Penal Code Title 10, § 46.13 Making a Firearm Accessible to a Child
 Chapter 49 Intoxication and Alcoholic Beverages Offenses
 Similar offenses under the law of another state or federal law
If a criminal conviction and/or sex offender background check returns and
offense potentially disqualifying a person from being a program staff member,
Tarleton’s Employee Services representative will refer the matter, along with its
recommendation to the program director for review. A final recommendation will
be submitted to the Office of General Counsel (OGC) for legal review.
OGC shall provide a written legal sufficiency review of the member’s
recommended approval or rejection of the person as a program staff member.
Child Protection Training Course
Any individual designated as program staff will be required to complete a training
course and course examination on sexual abuse and child molestation.
 Online system approved training will be assigned to all program staff and
record of passing score and documentation of taking it will be kept on file
with the program director. The course must be successfully completed
every 2 years with a passing score of 100%.
 Training should be completed at least 5 days prior to program start date.
 A certificate of completion will be kept on file with the program director for
2 years.
 A system approved training may be substituted with a course approved by
the Texas Department of State Health Services.
Program Staff Duties during Program
It is the duty and responsibility of all program staff to uphold the high standards of
the Texas A&M University System and Tarleton State University when interacting
with minors.
The following are responsibilities of all program staff during the program.
Reporting Neglect or Abuse
All individuals having cause to believe that a minor has been physically or
mentally abused by any person shall immediately make a report to local law
enforcement and notify Tarleton’s Risk Management and Compliance Department
(254) 968-9898, as well as the program director,
Abuse can be in the form of any of the following:
 Mental or emotional injury to a child that results in an observable and
material impairment, including causing or permitting the child to be in a
situation in which the child sustains a mental or emotional injury in the
child’s growth, development or psychological functioning.
 Physical injury that results in substantial harm to a minor or a genuine threat
of substantial harm from physical injury to a child, including failure to make
a reasonable effort to prevent an action by another person that results in
physical injury or harm to a minor.
 Sexual conduct harmful to a child’s mental, emotional, or physical wellbeing, including conduct that constitutes the offense of continuous sexual
abuse of a young child, including indecency with a child, sexual assault, or
aggravated sexual assault. This also includes failure to make a reasonable
effort to prevent sexual conduct.
 Compelling or encouraging a child to engage in sexual conduct including
trafficking, prostitution or compelling prostitution.
 Causing, permitting, encouraging, engaging in or allowing the
photographing, filming, or depicting of the child if the person knew or
should have known that the resulting photograph, film, or depiction of the
child is obscene or pornographic.
 Using, causing, expressly permitting, or encouraging a controlled substance
that may result in physical, mental, or emotional injury to a minor.
Neglect can be in the form of any of the following:
 The leaving of a child in a situation where the child would be exposed to a
substantial risk of physical or mental harm, without arranging for necessary
care for the child and the demonstration of an intent not to return
 The following acts or omissions by a person:
o Placing a child in or failing to remove a child from a situation that a
reasonable person would realize requires judgment or actions beyond
the child’s level of maturity, physical condition or mental abilities and
that result in bodily injury or a substantial risk of immediate harm to
the child.
o Failing to seek, obtain or follow through with medical care for a child,
with the failure resulting in or presenting a substantial risk of death,
disfigurement or bodily injury or with the failure resulting in an
observable and material impairment to the growth, development or
functioning of the child.
o The failure to provide a child with food, clothing or shelter necessary
to sustain the life or health of the child, excluding failure caused
primarily by financial inability unless relief services have been
offered and refused.
o Placing a child in or failing to remove the child from a situation in
which the child would be exposed to substantial risk of sexual conduct
harmful to the child.
o Placing a child in or failing to remove the child from a situation in
which the child would be exposed to acts or omissions that constitute
abuse under “abuse” definitions committed against another child.
 The failure by the person responsible for a child's care, custody or welfare to
permit the child to return to the child’s home without arranging for the
necessary care for the child after the child has been absent from the home for
any reason, including having been in residential placement or having run
Maintaining Minor to Staff Ratio
All program staff will work to ensure that the program staff to minor ratio is
obtained at all times. The ages of children range from 4-17 years of age. The
following ratio will be used in determining how many program counselors, liaisons
or session leaders will be present during any given session or designated activity at
the program.
One staff member per 15 campers aged 4-17
Minors and program staff will not communicate outside of the program. Official
program communications (program time changes, reminders for supplies, etc.) will
be permitted via e-mail or phone.
Retention and Information Security
All of this health information will be kept in a separate secure binder to keep
minor’s health information private. The program director and PC will be the only
individuals permitted to access this information.
Record Retention
The Program Director shall maintain a copy of the participant roster and
employee/volunteer roster for two years following program completion.
Special Needs
Minors attending the program with special needs will be accommodated to a
reasonable extent. Some of the program activities require hands on demonstrations
and depending on the special need; the activity may not be suitable for a particular
individual. It is up to the discretion of the session leader and/or program director
to determine whether or not the activity may require strenuous effort from the
student beyond reasonable participation.
Accidental Injury
If a minor is accidentally injured while at the program, first aid precautions will be
taken to ensure the safety of the minor. Basic first aid will be provided by
appropriate program staff. If the injury is beyond the scope of practice of the staff
on site, emergency medical personnel will be notified immediately. In an
emergency call 911. The Program Director shall complete and accident report and
submit the information to RMC. If a parent or guardian contacts a program
employee regarding an injury and accident/medical coverage, the program director
or designee shall provide the applicable claim form.
Completion of a Waiver, Indemnification and Medical Release Form for each
program participant and signed by the parent or legal guardian.
Medications and Allergies
Minors and parents/legal guardians will provide a list of any and all allergies,
special needs or medications prior to attendance of the program. This information
will be kept on file in a binder for reference during the program should any event
arise in which this information is needed. The program director or PC will have
this information readily available.
The PC will be the official designee to secure and distribute medications for
minors. All medications will be kept secured in a locked box or refrigerator on
site. All minors with medications needed to be taken during program hours will
provide official documentation and dosage listing to the program director prior to
program. On the first day of the program, the parents/legal guardians will provide
needed medications to the program director or PC. The program director will
compile a list of medication needs to give to the PC for distribution during the
Any other questions or concerns not addressed in the manual can be directed to the
program director, who will consult with Tarleton’s Risk Management and
Compliance department.