The Department of Theatre & Dance Course Logistics Title: Design Studio – Costume Design 1 Meets: T R 2:00 - 3:20 Credits: 02 credits Prerequisites: TPA 2000 and TPA 2200 (pass) Syllabus 08/2009 Course Number: TPA 2040 Classroom: PA 109 Instructor Contact Information Instructor: Tim Dial, Associate Professor Instructor’s E-mail: Instructor’s Office: AL 114, phone 297-2978 Costume shop: AL 105, phone 297-8011 Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 3:30 – 5:00 and by appointment About the Course: Course Catalog Description: Classroom and laboratory study of the principles of modern costume design for the theatre. Course Objective(s)/Student Learning Outcomes: You will be learning a step-by-step process for designing costumes for the theatrical stage. You will be studying drama from the viewpoint of a costume designer, analyzing character and the play-script, conceptualizing a design approach, researching period style, organizing, and rendering costume designs. Required Textbook: The Costume Designer’s Handbook (CDHB) by Ingham & Covey ISBN-10: 0435086073 Required Play script: The Skin of Our Teeth, by Thornton Wilder Required Supplimental Readings: Additional required text and course material is posted online in FAU’s Blackboard. Online research homework is also required; so you will need regular access to a computer, FAU’s Blackboard, and the Internet. FAU’s Blackboard can be found online at If you are not familiar with the Blackboard program, fairly detailed “how to use Blackboard” instructions are posted at this site. The most recently updated syllabus is online in Blackboard. Supplemental material posted online in Blackboard will include materials from: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (DRSB) by Edwards ISBN-10: 0874774195 Costume Design (CD) by Anderson ISBN-10: 0155083791 Page to Stage (PtS) by Ingham ISBN-10: 0435070428 Communication: Blackboard has several options for communication including email, a discussion board, and an announcement feature that allows the instructor to send information to the entire class. Official class communication is through your FAU email address and you’re responsible for checking it for official communications. 1 The Department of Theatre & Dance Syllabus 08/2009 Other Required Material: Gouache paint, at least the primary colors and black and white Watercolor paint brushes Paint palette, clean up materials, etc. Watercolor paper pad or block, 140lb. cold press, no smaller than 12” X 16” Pencils & pencil sharpener A large art gum eraser Sketchpad, at least 11” X 14” Glossy magazines that you can cut up for color swatches Bristol Board 22" × 30" Other minor misc. materials may be desirable—we will discuss these in class Course Calendar/Topical Outline/Due Dates: # 1 DATE August M 24 IN-CLASS GOAL Intro to Course 2 W 26 3 M 31 4 5 6 September W2 M 7 W 9 M 14 In class: drawing DRSB p. 50-51, vase/faces & upside down. drawing your hand In class: drawing self portrait, DRSB p. 89 In class: How to Research 7 W 16 No classes – Labor Day In class: discuss play In class: dino research, assign “Cast List” In class: assign “Self- Project” 8 M 21 In class: Present Self- Project 9 W 23 10 M 28 11 W 30 In class: “More Research” Lecture In class: Present Preliminary Research In class: color palettes exercises 12 October M5 W7 M 12 W 14 13 14 15 In class: Sketching techniques, Show color palette In class: Sketching techniques In class: Sketching techniques In class: Sketching techniques, Act I rough sketches & rough color ASSIGNED READINGS & HOMEWORK Intro, DRSB p. xvii-xxv. Read CD-Anderson p. 46, 80-87. and CDHB p.15 Read The Skin of Our Teeth—Write Play analysis (use CDHB p.15) Read DRSB p. 14-25, Read DRSB p.51-55, Read DRSB p. 93-95 contours Read CDHB p. 49-68 research Costume Plot Due--use CDHB p.30-35 ** Play analysis Due (use CDHB p.15) Read DRSB p.61-65 Dinosaur research Due Read DRSB p.28-43 L/R Brain. Read DRSB p. 44-46 L/R switch. Your Cast List Due Self- Project Due. Read Page to Stage p.139-150 audience Read DRSB p.230-245 Color. Read CDAnderson p. 142-151 color Act I Research Due Read CD-Anderson p.94-106. FYI: Oct.2nd Art Opens in Studio I Read CD-Anderson p. 103-106. Show color palette Due Read DRSB p.68-85 Child Art Read CD-Anderson p.18-32 Act I rough sketches & rough color Due 2 The Department of Theatre & Dance Syllabus 16 M 19 In class: Sketching techniques 17 W 21 18 M 26 19 20 21 W 28 November M2 W4 In class: look at rough sketches & rough color In class: Painting Techniques. Assign “Painting Samples” In class: Painting Techniques In class: Painting Techniques 22 M9 In class: Painting Techniques 23 24 W 11 M 16 W 18 No School – Veteran’s Day In class: TBA In class: Swatching M 23 W 25 M 30 In class: Estimates In class: work on sketches In class: Present Final Sketches & Design Defense In class: Present Final Sketches & Design Defense In class: 1:15 - 3:45 PM 25 26 27 28 December W2 Friday Dec 4 In class: Preliminary Sketches 08/2009 Read CD-Anderson p.106-116. Read DRSB p.194-199 light/shadow Read Handout: Color Theory & Practice Read DRSB, p. 162-168, 168-172, 173-191— Human faces—draw a face blank face blank drawing Due “Painting Samples” Due Preliminary Sketches Due FYI: Studio I production Opens Nov. 6th (you must see /write review ) Finalized Research Due Read CD-Anderson p.127-129 movement ** Finalized Color Palette Due Play Review Due: Read CDHB p.130-136 estimates Work on sketches Work on sketches Final Sketches Due Costume Piece List Due Costume Notebook / Portfolio Due (classes end Dec 11) Course Student Evaluation Method(s) Grades, Tests, Etc.: Grades will be tracked through Blackboard so you will be able to see your grades on there. Tests will be “open note” exams. ASSIGNMENT POINTS Costume Plot Play Analysis (characters) Research Cast List Self Project Color Palette Rough Sketches Face Blank Paint Samples Play Review Final Sketches Piece List Portfolio, Class Participation, etc 40 40 40 10 10 10 40 10 40 40 40 40 40 400 points % OF FINAL GRADE 10% 10% 10% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 10% 2.5% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 100% 3 The Department of Theatre & Dance Syllabus 08/2009 Other Policies Policy on Makeup Tests, Late Work, Etc.: Makeup tests will not be given unless you have a valid excused absence. Students will not be penalized for absences due to participation in University-approved activities, but you must provide documentation for the absence to be “excused.” You are responsible for making up missed work as soon as possible. Late papers will lose credit value based on the degree of lateness in conjunction with the quality of the paper. Papers that are more than five days late will not be accepted. “Computer problems” will not be a valid excuse for late work. There may or may not be extra credit projects (TBA). Reasonable accommodation will be made for students participating in a religious observance. Please note that grades of Incomplete (“I”) are reserved for students who are passing a course but have not completed all the required work because of exceptional circumstances, at the instructor’s discretion. These should be arranged with the instructor well before the end of the semester. Students with Disabilities (Suggested statement): In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students who require special accommodation due to a disability to properly execute course work must register with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) -- in Boca Raton, SU 133 (561-297-3880); in Davie, MOD 1 (954-236-1222); in Jupiter, SR 117 (561-799-8585); or at the Treasure Coast, CO 128 (772-873-3305) – and follow all OSD procedures. More information available at Attendance Policy of the Department of Theatre & Dance: Three absences will lower your final grade by one letter. Each subsequent absence will lower your final grade by one letter. Five absences will result in automatic failure. Three tardies equals one absence. If you arrive to class after roll is taken, it is your responsibility to check in at the end of class to make sure your attendance is recorded. See University policies in the FAU Student Handbook at FAU’s Policy on the Use of Electronic Devices (Optional): In order to enhance and maintain a productive atmosphere for education, personal communication devices, such as cellular telephones or any similar device, are to be disabled during class sessions. The FAU Code of Academic Integrity: Students at Florida Atlantic University are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the University mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the University community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information, see the Code of Academic Integrity in the University Regulations at The above document has been edited (added to and rearranged into categories) for use by the Department of Theatre & Dance, 10/19/11, by T. Dial; taken from “Syllabus Guidelines” (approved by University Faculty Senate on January 22, 2010; Item 14 revised 6/28/10, 11/10/10). The FAU “Syllabus Guidelines” document is available at 100 Point Final 4