Year Eight FILO MONEY BAGS Ingredients 1 packet of filo pastry 75g polyunsaturated margarine sweet mincemeat Method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Put the oven on to Gas mark 6 or 200C Melt the butter in a saucepan Carefully unroll the filo pastry and lay on the work surface. Cut the pastry into even sized squares. Each parcel will need at least 4 squares. Brush each square with the melted butter and lay at angles on top of each other. Place a spoonful of the mincemeat in the centre and gather up the pastry over the top of the filling to form a parcel shape. Brush with melted butter and place on a baking tray. Bake for about 10 minutes until the pastry is golden and crisp. Variations Use dried figs, apricots, prunes, etc. as an alternative to the mincemeat. Vary the spices you put into the mixture. The Lanfranc School / Food Technology / Recipes 1